MTL - The Return of Cambrian Period-Chapter 276 New world

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After discussions, the three decided to return to Xining and pass the current situation to Congzhen and other people, before making the next step.

Due to the long distance, Cong Xia needs to constantly recharge Cheng Tianbi to maintain the elemental form of flight. However, Zhuang Yao and Cong Xia have not been able to sit comfortably on the birds.

Cong Zhenzhong has been using instruments to detect the movement of Saitama. It has long been known that they are moving to Xining, so they sent birds to respond in advance, and the three returned to Xining before sunset.

As soon as Cong Zhenzhong saw them, he asked a series of questions without panting. Zhuang Yao said, "It's a long story, first bring the protective box and put the jade in it."

After putting the jade in the protective box, Cong Xia breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that the big stone that had been pressed on her heart these days has finally moved away.

Zhuang Yudao: "What happened in the restricted area?"

Cong Xia glanced at him, obviously not wanting to speak in front of him.

Zhuang Yu looked at him with a chest on his chest, ironically: "I read most of Zhuang Yao's memories and participated in Mr. Sun's memory interpretation work. I know more than 95% of what you know, and I know what you do n’t. Does it make sense for you to hide from me? "

Cong Xia said politely, "I don't trust you."

"I don't need your trust either, but at least until we resolve our common crisis, I won't treat you like that."

Cong Zhenzhong rubbed his eyebrows tiredly, "Xiao Xia, Zhuang Yu's research on Saitama is the deepest in the entire Academy of Sciences, because he first discovered the Cambrian energy. What happened to you in these two days? There are not so many scruples right now. I have a hunch that we don't have much time. "

Cong Xia nodded reluctantly, repeating what happened in the restricted area.

The more the people listened, the more solemn their faces.

Cong Zhenzhong said: "Give me the Hanyu you wrote down, and I will translate it for you."

Zhuang Yao said: "No need, I have already translated on the road."

Cong Zhenzhong said: "What is written on it?"

"Very obscure, probably only Cong Xia can understand."

Cong Xiadao: "I am also very difficult to understand. I will study it well in the next few days."

Zhuang Yudao: "Then what is to be done next is very clear. It is impossible for us to kill all natural forces. It is neither possible nor impossible. I will notify Beijing and call them to Qinghai again."

Tang Yanqiu Shen said: "Although Zhang Tianshi gave us two choices, we actually only have one."

Sitting in the wall with a dull face, Cheng Tianbi didn't say a word, he didn't smile at all. When his expression was so serious, he had a spirit of killing, which was daunting. He didn't want to accept the plan that required Cong Xia to bear all the risks and consequences, but he couldn't stop it. Tang Yanqiu is right. They seem to have two choices. In fact, they have no choice. Natural force evolution does not have the dedication of self-sacrifice. Even if he does, others do n’t.

Cong Zhenzhong looked at Cong Xia, her eyes were complicated, and she stopped talking.

Cong Xia pretended to say easily: "It's really unpredictable. They are coming to Qinghai again, haha."

Cong Zhenzhong secretly gritted his teeth. "Xiao Xia, in the past few days, you have concentrated on studying that document. When you are sure ... you are sure, we are taking the next step."

Cong Xia patted Cong Zhen's shoulder. "Second uncle, rest assured, I believe that the colored stone can save us all."

Zhuang Yu said blankly: "It's better to do this, otherwise, if you fail, we will be the enemy of all natural forces."

Cheng Tianbi looked at him coldly, "One day I will send you to the west first."

Zhuang Yu sneered: "It doesn't matter if I die, just follow me."

Cong Zhenzhong said in a deep voice: "Enough, what's the use of dismantling each other at this time. Tianbi, you go to eat first, Zhuang Yao, you help Cong Xia understand the documents."

"I know."

After the short meeting, everyone went busy. Cong Xia knew that within three days, he would see ten natural force evolution people gather in Qinghai again, but this time there is no war. Some may be better than war. More difficult crisis to resolve. He didn't dare to imagine how all natural forces evolved after they knew many secrets they had concealed for so long.

When eating at night, Cong Xia didn't have much appetite, swallowed a few mouthfuls, and turned to Zhuang Yao, "Zhuang Yao, if we can seal the jade successfully, have you ever thought about what Mu Fei will be like? They don't care At all times, it is much more than human beings. "

"Yes, on individuals, Devil's Pine is indeed many times more dangerous than humans, but in terms of populations, the entire population of pine trees poses less threat to the biosphere than humans. As for whether the Cambrian consciousness is based on populations or individuals, It remains to be verified, but one thing is certain, if Devil's Pine has taken root somewhere for decades or hundreds of years, the influence it produces will definitely be enough for the Cambrian consciousness to destroy it. "

"Then how can we help them?"

Zhuang Yao shook his head, "How can we help it, we can't even save ourselves. Sealing jade can stop it from growing crazy, nothing more, we are the same. Seal jade is just to delay the evolution of mutants, and It ca n’t be stopped completely. You have n’t forgotten that everything we do is just delaying time. If we are lucky to be able to delay it for 50 years, our group of people will be almost dead. Cambrian consciousness, saitama is still saitama, how they will toss after hundreds or thousands of years, it has nothing to do with us. "

Cong Xia frowned deeply. "But Mu Fei's life span is more than a hundred years."

Zhuang Yao said: "That's right, so they won't end their lives, they can only die from over-evolution, but you don't have to worry too much. The South China Sea crisis is over. There is no threat from the king squid. If you seal Saitama, they will definitely die. It ’s much later than us. The only thing they need to do now is to constantly weaken their own strength, continuously reduce the evaluation value of them by the Cambrian consciousness, and get the same result as us-how long it can be delayed. . "

"Weaken your strength? Do you mean ..."

"Yes, they can't take root in one place for too long. They must constantly cut off the root system, reduce their energy, and try not to attract the attention of the Cambrian consciousness, so that both the population and the individual should be safe."

Cong Xia sighed, "I see. After this trip, I will talk to them seriously." After that, he grinned, "I have to apologize to them."

Zhuang Yao rolled his eyes. "If they succeed, they should thank you."

Cong Xiadan said: "As long as you succeed, you can do anything."

Cheng Tianbi dropped his chopsticks and left without a word.

"Tianbi, are you full?" Cong Xia turned his head and looked at Cheng Tianbi's back. Seeing that Cheng Tianbi didn't return, he froze.

Deng Xiao took Cheng Tianbi's **** and stuffed it in his mouth. "What's wrong with Cheng today, just eat so much."

Liu Fengyu said, "Let's make it awkward." After he said a smile, he looked at Cong Xia.

Cong Xia was a little embarrassed and had to put down the chopsticks and catch up.

Cheng Tianbi walked very fast. When Cong Xia caught up, he had already returned to the room. Cong Xia went into the room with his feet. "Tian Bi, why do you eat so much? You flew so long today, starved? . "

Cheng Tianbi sat in a chair and looked at Cong Xia silently, his deep eyes seemed brighter in the dim light.

Cong Xia sat next to him and said softly, "Tianbi, I know what you think in your heart, and you know what I want to say, so don't say it, I won't say it anymore, I just promise you that I will success."

Cheng Tianbi shook his head. "What you ca n’t be sure of, what guarantee do you have? I don't want you to guarantee this."

"what is that?"

Cheng Tianbi touched his face and stared deeply into his eyes, "I want you to promise that if you are not sure of success, you will give up your life first. Big deal, we will not seal Saitama and can live for a few years For a few years, I forbid you to kill anyone. "

Cong Xia solemnly said, "I promise."

Cheng Tianbi took him into his arms, and Shen said, "Cong Xia, our new life is about to begin, remember what you said, and also remember what I said. go home with me."

Cong Xia's eyes were slightly hot, and he hugged Cheng Tianbi hard. "Sure, sure."

For the next two days, Cong Xia had been hiding in the room to study the Han Dynasty document. When the content above was understood by him more and more, his doubts and anxieties grew deeper. In the end, he even He didn't dare tell Cheng Tianbi what he learned, so he could only discuss it secretly with Zhuang Yao.

On the third day, a helicopter flew from Beijing, filled with natural forces to evolve people, and came to Qinghai again.

Maybe it was what they needed to know. Tang Tingzhi had told them in advance in Beijing that when they walked off the plane, their faces were gloomy, and they were fighting like they were when they went to the South China Sea. Unreasonable people connected the atmosphere in front of them. I dare not pant.

Everyone rushed into the meeting room, and Zhou Fenglan was the first to explode. "My mother always thought that as long as he killed the squid monster and put all the jade together, he would be able to live a comfortable life in the future. As a result, we are still plugging our eyes. Children, I already knew this. Why did I beat and kill? Why? "

If Zhou Fenglan was so presumptuous in the usual way, it would have attracted ridicule and sarcasm, but at this time the meeting room was silent, because he spoke a lot of people's voices.

In addition to the informed Cheng Tianbi and Shen Changze, other natural forces evolved with a belly of fire. The Academy of Sciences chose to hide the facts from them and let them risk their lives to collect saitama, but did not even tell them the truth. For people, not only deceit, but also fooling, no one can accept this matter frankly, even if it has always been the most sensible and prudent Li Daoxuan, at this time looking at Cong Zhen's eyes is full of indifference and anger.

Cong Zhenzhong had already expected such a scene, he said in a deep voice: "I know what you think, I am the leader of the Academy of Sciences. It is my decision and order to choose to hide this matter, and I bear all the consequences."

Chu Xingzhou said coldly, "You bear the consequences, how do you bear the consequences?"

Wu You also snorted, "I am neither your running dog nor your thug. We were born to death on the battlefield. Do we even have the right to know the truth? Just because you think we will give up if we know the truth?"

Cong Zhenzhong whispered: "I don't think you will all give up, but a negative attitude will be contagious. As long as one person doesn't want to cooperate anymore, all our efforts may fail, and I also worry that someone will leak the news and let more people Know. I think about it a lot, but I understand that no matter what the reason, I choose to conceal it from deceiving you, and I can leave it to you after the matter is over. "

The author has something to say: Good night everyone ~ = 3 =

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