MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-v3 Chapter 237 release

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The current 9527 is no longer a complete asteroid.

It is disintegrating now, pieces of rocks of different sizes are leaving his body, and several cracks run through the entire planet, allowing the light of the projectiles behind him to shine through.

The centrifugal force of its own rotation makes these cracks more and more enlarged. In a blink of an eye, the asteroid has become fatter and looks bigger than before.

But this kind of fat is just puffiness. Although the rotation speed of the asteroid is not fast and the centrifugal force is pitifully small, most of the energy of the electromagnetic shell is inside it, turning into heat energy that expands outwards and does work, pushing the crack to accelerate expand.

Soon, the entire asteroid became a group of fragmented meteorites, the largest of which was no larger than a house. Although they are still gathered on the original route, as time goes by, they will soon disperse Come.

These meteorites are still too close to the blue star. The distance of more than one million kilometers is only a short moment in the universe.

Not to mention that they are still flying towards the blue moon system formed by the blue star and the moon, even if they stop completely, they will be attracted by the gravity of the blue star and fly towards the blue star.

There is no need to calculate this time, Yang Qing knows that these meteorites must have flown towards the blue star more and landed on the moon, very few of them landed on the moon. This time, he inadvertently changed the fate of the moon as a shield .

In fact, these meteorites will never have a chance to fall to the ground again, because their speed is slower and smaller, and they can be burned up at an altitude of several thousand meters. Apart from the meteor shower there, there is no other influence.

Of course, it is impossible to be completely unaffected. Satellites operating in outer space are vulnerable to their impact threats. However, these meteorites are split from an asteroid after all. Even if they split, their orbits are still roughly fixed. Well, satellites and other aircraft on the orbital path can be avoided by directly changing their orbits. Although this will affect Wei Xingde's lifespan, it is better than being crashed.

Every year, there are quite a few satellites that are destroyed by meteorites or cosmic junk.

Seeing this scene, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly weakened. The barrage that was desperately attacking Honghuang Technology disappeared immediately. On the other hand, people who wanted to join Honghuang Technology and go to the moon became more and more. more and more.

Although the United States has no history, unless the history of the Indians is added, the worship of technology has been integrated into the bones of the Americans.

In the last century, due to institutional reasons, the former Soviet Russia snatched the glory of launching a satellite for the first time, entering space with a man for the first time, and so on.

But then he caught up and went straight to six consecutive manned moon landings, true or false.

Since then, the United States has caught up and surpassed his old opponent, and with the Star Wars plan, let the old opponent go straight into extinction.

Not only working hard in reality, but also in the movie industry, science fiction movies such as Star Wars series, Star Trek, Terminator, Avatar, etc., also show the American people's fantasy about the future.

Private aerospace companies are also the largest in the United States. The famous SpaceX company has successfully won most of the world's commercial satellite launches.

Rich people are even more keen to board spaceships and travel in the universe. Even if the price of a travel ticket is as high as millions of dollars, some people will spend a lot of money just for this trip of more than ten hours.

Now that there is finally a permanent base left on the moon, these people have begun to ask whether they can travel to the moon again.

Although this base was built by Hua people, it is a bit embarrassing, but these are not problems. In the final analysis, the world is still ruled by Mi Yuan. As long as they spend money, they are confident that no one can resist Mi Yuan's temptation.

In fact, as they expected, Yang Qing doesn't really care about money. He hopes that more and more people will cast their eyes on the universe and stars. Therefore, even if the distance of space travel is far away, the price will increase significantly after a long time. down.

He is preparing to build more spaceships on the moon, and the temporary plan is to have one ship fly to the blue star every week.

Because of the nuclear fusion engine, it is not a one-time journey like the base, and there are too many things to carry, so the passenger capacity of a spaceship has also increased significantly, at least a thousand people can be carried.

After a flight test of the repulsive engine, with sufficient energy, the travel time between Blue Star and the Moon Palace was also shortened from the initial ten hours to about six hours.

Not only is the time shortened, but the central control computer onboard the spacecraft has also been further upgraded, so that during the flight, under a standard gravity that is strictly limited by the gravity in the cabin, there will be basically no sudden changes in gravity.

Therefore, even critically ill patients can take this spaceship without any difficulty.

Of course, this spaceship only exists on the design drawings of the computer, and it will not work until the various smelting factories are completed and put into operation, and the core components are refined.

By this time, the live broadcast was over, and at the moment when the camera in the live broadcast room shifted, sharp-eyed people could see that a long cylindrical thing like a cigar appeared beside the meteorite group.

It maintained the same speed as the meteorite group, and was constantly observing, as if it wanted to find something from inside.

But at this time, the live broadcast signal was completely interrupted, and Honghuang Technology's contact information and specific negotiation needs appeared on the screen.

"What's that? An alien spaceship?"

"It should be the spaceship of Honghuang Technology, right? They can arrange the shooting in advance, and naturally there are spaceships parked nearby."

"It should be, but what is he doing?"

"Perhaps it is to detect the material in the middle of the meteorite?"

The barrage changed quickly but it had nothing to do with Yang Qing and the others.

Just as Xiao Ai had just finished this live broadcast, the U.S. Department of Defense and the Five Star Building issued a joint statement again.

"The United States has always been committed to the development of science and technology. For this reason, it is specially prepared to hold the first flight ceremony of the anti-gravity aircraft independently developed by the United States on October 3. Please look forward to it."

It was also published on the Internet. This press conference is not as stingy as Yang Qing's. Memorized questions are allowed, and the barrage function is also turned on.

"My country of rice is mighty."

"Excuse me, can our anti-gravity aircraft fly into space?"

A reporter just happened to mention this issue.

"Our aircraft is based on the design of magnetic field anti-gravity. It uses a nuclear reactor to supply power, and uses the superconducting anti-magnetic field function to make the aircraft offset the mass. Because the influence of the earth's magnetic field is very large, it can be determined that our aircraft can carry out Flight between the earth and the moon."