MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-Chapter 26 Earn

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The group of people chased them up and surrounded the carriage. The carriage was not so eye-catching from the outside, so they did not put the people inside the car in their eyes. The head of the knife yelled: "Inside The people listened, and handed over the stinky girls! Otherwise, don't blame your grandfather!"

The driver was angry: "Why? How do you talk to my son? Give my grandfather a grandfather! I see you are impatient!"

When the driver saw it, it was the accent of the capital. The people in the town were still somewhat taboo to the Jingcheng people, but they did not include this situation. As the first member of Zhu Dajin's men, he was stabbed by a little girl, and spread out, can laugh at the big teeth of the brothers!

Today, he has to find the scene anyway, who can dare to bless the woman, who is going to go with their brethren!

Knife Man’s eyes are as red as the blood on his shoulders: “Grandpa finally asked you again, do you still pay?”

When things went here, Qiao Wei couldn't wait any longer. The intention of her jumping into the carriage was to hope to escape from the place by horse-drawn carriage. It was never intended to drag the other party down.

She was covered and hit the curtain, and she was going out. The man beside him suddenly spoke up: "I have the ability to take it myself."

When the knife man heard this, he knew that the other person was provocative, the pain of the wound, and his anger was ignited to the apex. He actually pulled out the dagger and rushed toward the carriage.

When the brethren saw him attacking and attacking, they also flocked to them, screaming, screaming, and screaming of pedestrians. The whole street was instantly in chaos.

However, what everyone did not expect was that they had not had time to get into the carriage, and they were shaken by a strange force. A black figure, like a virtual shadow, would be more than a dozen at an incredible speed. The man fell to the ground and could not climb again.

Qiao Wei blocked the man behind him, grabbed a stool, and was ready to fight stubbornly against the enemy. He suddenly heard a large scream. She was busy making a hand and opened the curtain. The group of "hunting" her men has all been lying on the ground.

Who, who did this? Is your skill too good?

Qiao Wei looked at the teenager who beat them down. The boy turned around and revealed the clear face. Qiao Wei is a shrink: "Thirteen?"

If that person is seventeen, then the man in the carriage -

Qiao Wei jerked his head!

No wonder she felt familiar and couldn't recognize it. When he saw him last time, he was driving a ox cart and dressed like a village husband. This time, he was replaced with a low-key and luxurious silk shirt. The only thing that hasn't changed. The thing is that he is still wearing a fight.

At first glance, he knew that he could not be a real mountain village husband, so now that he saw him like this, he didn’t feel surprised. What really surprised Qiao Wei was that he met him again and he was still himself. When you are very embarrassed.

Qiao Wei was a little embarrassed, scratching the small earlobe and said softly: "Thank you for the son, and helped me once again."

The man did not speak.

Qiao Wei said again: "I know that the son is not trying to help me to clean them up. The son is just dissatisfied with their disrespect. But no matter what, I have benefited, or I would like to thank the son."

After all, I owe it.

The man’s slight decapitation is a rare response.

Qiao Wei jumped out of the carriage, and the people around him slid back and stepped back, as if Qiao Wei was a poisonous snake and beast. I don’t blame them for being so scared. It’s just a scene that has just happened. They lived in the town until now. I haven't seen any child who can stumble over a dozen big men in one stroke.

This girl is clearly a group with the child, not a master.

"Seventeen." Qiao Wei smiled and said hello.

Seventeen saw Qiao Wei, a slight glimpse, unexpectedly did not expect to meet her here.

Qiao Wei smiled and walked to the knife and the man, crouching down and sneer and said: "Don't dare to find my nephew?"

"You..." The knife man hurts his teeth. "Don't be too proud, wait for Dajinge to come out and see how he cleans you up!"

"Oh, you so many people can't win..." Qiao Wei looked at the seventeen eyes at a distance, whispered: "My younger brother, do you think Zhu Dajin won?"

The knife man thinks of the 17th hand and shudders: "He is your younger brother?"

This woman is obviously a village woman, how could there be such a powerful younger brother?

Qiao Wei knows that he does not believe, he said: "Of course he is not my brother, but I have a lot of friendship with his master, so you understand?"


Qiao Wei did not change the color: "Well, people in the carriage, or do you think I have to go to this carriage? If it is a stranger's car, I dare to go up? People have also driven me down. ?"

The knife man thinks, it seems to be such a rational, looking at Qiao Wei's eyes can not help but give birth to a hint of jealousy, the boy is so powerful, his master, presumably also come.

However, they are not vegetarian.

He whispered: "What about that? Do you know who is behind Dajinge? The big man in the capital, said to scare you!"

Qiao Wei didn't look at the eyelids: "Then you know who is sitting in the carriage? I can tell you, but I can scare you! All the world has heard his prestige, and the emperor is jealous of him." I don’t dare to call the name. I said, you should understand?"

Even the emperor is jealous of the three-pointer, is it... is that the most young and promising grandmother in the world?

The knife man showed a terrible horror.

Qiao Wei knows that Knife Man has used his incomparable (stupid) hard (stupid) IQ brain to make up a suitable character to sit in, and smiles, and his eyebrows pick: "Guess who is it? Dare dare Call me?"

The knife man thought for a moment: "No, how can an adult sit in such a shabby carriage?"

Qiao Weili said: "Nature does not want people to recognize their identity."

Knife Man looks to the seventeen: "What is his name?"

Qiao Wei said truthfully: "Seventeen."

There are seven masters under the master of meditation. One of them is called XVII. It is rumored that at the age of seventeen, he defeated the dynasty. When he was 11 years old, he sneaked into the enemy camp and rescued the nine princesses. The black bell village of the cancer, and then with the meditation of the adults left the capital, a year without news.

Could it be this boy, really seventeen?

The knives and foxes are suspicious: "The adult has been missing for a year. How did you climb up with the adults?"

Missing? This is a good compilation!

Qiao Wei remembered the hermit who always bought prey in her cage. This material is good! The mysterious martyr said: "The grown-up is not missing, it is a seclusion in the mountains. The woods where the adults live happen to be on my hill. Every day, I go to the mountains to hunt. Adults often buy prey from my hands. I know each other. But this, you better not go out and say that adults don’t want people to know his whereabouts this year."

The knife man heard this, but he did not dare to believe it: "You can rest assured that I will not reveal the whereabouts of the adults, that is, I will not say it to Dajinge. The adults are there..."

Qiao Wei is cold and indifferent: "The adults are very angry."

The knife is flustered: "Let the girl ask for sorrow for the little ones, girl! Live Bodhisattva! Please!"

Qiao Wei reached out.

Knife swearing: "What?"

Qiao Wei said: "Silver! No silver, how can I let the adults get mad? I have to eat and treat the adults well, and when the adults are full, I can plead for you!"

The knife man quickly rushed out of the money, and let other people pay the money, one is not left.

Qiao Wei looked at the silver of the white flower, and the saliva almost flowed out. Just fleeing, she lost nearly one or two silver things, but from these people, there are thirty-two!

Earn... turned over!

------Off topic ------

Haha, Qiaomei, do you spend your time on repairing your brother? Does Xiong know?

The last chapter is yesterday, this chapter is today’s

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