MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-Chapter 6 The first income

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Xu Dazhuang is a single-family in the village. She is sick early and has a sister, but she also married in her teens. He also planted the field, but unfortunately it was not a piece of material. It took a long time to plant the crops in the field. Sister can't always supplement him, but in desperation, he entered the mountain and started hunting. This fight is more than ten years.

At first, you can only hunt some hare pheasants, and gradually learn to pull the bow, you can hunt the weasels and scorpions, wolves and foxes are also hunted, after all, the more fierce beast, the higher the selling price. The year before, he met a tiger that had just dying. The tiger was naturally dead, and he couldn’t do anything about it.

He thought that Qiao Wei had the same situation he had encountered, but when he followed Qiao Wei and Luo Auntie to the mountain and saw the body of a strong tiger, the whole person collapsed.

"This... this... is this really killing you?" Xu Dazhuang was stunned.

Qiao Wei smiled and said, "After fear" said: "I don't even kill it. It was hurt. I was dying. I went to the tree and my neck was so up. I gave it anxiously. One knife, it is like this."

Luo Auntie may not imagine the picture. Xu Dazhuang is an Orion. I understand that under such circumstances, it is indeed unfavorable to the tiger. This is what he is, and he should also be slaughtered. But he is a hunter, he knows **** the tiger. Xiao Qiao is a woman who is a woman, and how can he be cut back so badly? Just cut a little bit, and the little one is dead.

Qiao Wei saw him staring at the wound on the neck of the tiger and understood that he was suspicious. This knife is indeed too sloppy, not to mention the weak woman, it is the man, and rarely can do this. But she can't tell Xu Dazhuang that she is not the original owner, but Dr. Qiao, who moves the knife every day in the 21st century.

"I was terrified, really... I have the determination to die." Qiao Wei’s voice took a tremolo, bowed his head, and slender fingers licked his clothes. The afterglow of the setting sun slanted through, and on the thin figure of Qiao Wei, her neck was slightly exposed, white and weak, as if she had to break it.

If such a girl is not lucky, she will be buried in the womb.

Xu Dazhuang shook his head and felt that his suspicions were too much. He said to Qiao Wei: "Don't go to the mountains again."

Saying the same words as Luo Auntie is also a good thing.

Qiao Wei nodded gently: "Know, big brother."

Big brother? Xu Dazhuang stunned again. The younger children in the village called him so much, but he heard it from Xiao Qiao’s mouth, or the first time. Xiao Qiao seems to be...not the same as before, but weak, but not annoying.

Xu Dazhuang examined the tiger carefully: "It is better than my last time."

"How big can you sell that big brother?"

Xu Dazhuang thought for a moment: "It's hard to say, you have to see what the buyer is asking for. But in winter, there are fewer prey, it should be higher than usual. You are an adult tiger, and the tiger skin is quite good. I try to give you Sell ​​this price."

He is better than the second gesture.

Qiao Wei blinked: "Two hundred and two?"

Xu Dazhuang’s expression of “wat-are-yo said 啥咧”.

Qiao Wei’s heart pounds: “Two thousand two?”

Is the tiger so valuable? God, she made it!

"Twenty two."

A pot of cold water poured down!

Qiao Wei's little face is dark: "Big brother, how is it twenty-two? This is a real tiger! How many treasures do you know on the tiger?" Tiger kidney can cure phlegm, tiger gallbladder can cure epilepsy Tiger tendons can cure rheumatism, tiger eyes can shock eyesight, tiger cream cures hemorrhoids, tiger whip can aphrodisiac, tiger meat and skin can cure malaria, and tiger cream, tiger bones, tiger teeth, no one is not medicine.

Xu Dazhuang smiled and said: "I certainly know, so I can say that I can help you sell twenty-two. I used to sell the tiger before."

Qiao Wei listened to one hundred and twenty, and felt very little. However, after learning about the local price with Luo Auntie, she found that one or two silvers of this dynasty were equivalent to six hundred in modern times, and twenty-two was twenty thousand. two. In modern times, a tiger can sell 300,000 yuan, but the modern tiger is less, the tiger hunting is going to jail; the ancient tigers, how many hunting, how much hunting, can not be the same.

Thinking about it, Qiao Wei thinks that twenty-two is actually not too small.

She smiled a little: "Big brother, twenty-two will be twenty-two, if you sell more, it will be yours."

Free selling and paid selling, the results are definitely different. She is not greedy, she wants to do long-term business with Xu Dazhuang in the future, let Xu Dazhuang taste the sweetness first.

Xu Dazhuang is pleased to be down. Before leaving, Xu Dazhuang glanced at the hall and shook his hand: "If you want to sell that thing, I can sell it at a high price."


Qiao Wei looked at the direction of Xu Dazhuang, actually it was the **** little white ball! How did it come? Still standing between the two children, stinking and showing off his little chest muscles and biceps.

The children are fascinated by it, and Joe Wang Shu is applauding.

It was even more sultry, and turned gracefully to show off its **** and charming tail.

Qiao Wei’s face is green: “How much, take it and sell it!”

When Xiao Bai Tuanzi heard that he was going to be sold, the little paws thumped and threw himself into Qiao Shu Shu Li.

Qiao Wangshu holds the little things in his arms and feels that his heart is going to be gone. His face is licking on its soft mane, soft and soft: "Mother, it is so cute, can I raise?" it?"

Qiao Wei heard the sound of her teething...


Xu Dazhuang is the only hunter of the "four seas and eight wilderness". The efficiency of the work is broken. The next day, he went to the town and sold it to the town. When it was dark, he excitedly entered the yard of Qiao Wei: "Little Joe! You Come out and see!"

Qiao Wei is making dinner. The rabbit at noon is only half stewed. Half of the rabbits are ready to be grilled. When I got a fire in the yard, I saw Xu Dazhuang coming. I got up and said hello: "Great brother."

Xu Dazhuang pulled out a bag of money from his arms: "You count, a total of thirty-two!"

"So much?" Qiao Wei rounded her eyes and took the money bag. She didn't actually count the ancient silver, but Xu Dazhuang wouldn't lie to her. She pretended to pull it a few times and handed the money bag over." Big Brother, I am not saying that only twenty-two? The rest of you take it."

Xu Dazhuang scratched his head and smiled: "I have already taken it." He said, and took out a money bag. "I met a noble person and gave me thirty-two. I took five or two. The rest of you left it." ""

Qiao Wei said: "How is this done? Say I am only twenty-two, you can sell thirty-five is your skill, change me, not necessarily." This is the truth, she is a woman to sell Tiger, just waiting to be fooled.

Xu Dazhuang refused to accept his life and death. He also earned less than five or two a month. However, he was a gangster who couldn’t be too greedy. He must be kind.

Qiao Wei saw that his attitude was firm and he did not harden any more. As a thank-you, Xu Dazhuang had a dinner.

Who expected this dinner, but gave something to eat.

------Off topic ------

[Qiao Mei, earning a million overnight, how do you feel? 】

Qiao Wei: Awesome 哒o(v)o~

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