MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 29] Niang is coming, **** slag

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The Tianlingen girl walked over to the other side.

Ganoderma lucides her: "What are you doing?"

Tianlingen girl said: "Go and find that guy!"

The wall of Ganoderma lucidum, which was condensed by the earth spirits, was quickly smashed by the madmen. At this time, if the Tianlingen girl left, she couldn’t really support herself: " beat him? Just go?"

Tianlingen girl said: "Of course I can't beat it, but I have Ray Lingdan, can scare him!"

When Lei Lingdan was still in the next session, Wanxiang Zong came to the pavilion and lost ten of them. He lost ten, but when Lingzhi didn't need Lei Lingdan, one did not even get it. I didn't expect the second guard to connect with this. Also gave the Tianlingen girl.

She is really a baby apprentice!

Ganoderma lucidum screamed: "Then you give me a Learing Dan! I can't hold it!"

This time, the Tianlingen girl is not embarrassed. The wise man always knows what his goal is. It may be important to win the Ganoderma lucidum, but it is more important to save the strength of Ganoderma lucidum and deal with these mad monks and the dark guys.

After giving Lingzhi a Lei Lingdan, the Tianlingen girl went in the direction of chasing the soul card.

Lei Lingdan is also graded, and the top grade of Leiling Dan Wanjin is hard to find. The Wanxiang Zong will certainly not have such high quality for the Millennium, but even if it is a lower product, Leling, it also contains a very rich Thunder. Power.

It’s rare that the stingy is so generous, and Ganoderma lucidum really doesn’t want to consume Lehring Dan in such a place.

But there is no way, she does not move a bit of spiritual power, her Dan Tian is exhausted and is about to crack.

A glance at the wall collapsed, Ganoderma lucidum threw out the Lerindan in his hand, and a huge Thunder force blew the ground into a 10-meter deep pit, and the thirteen-time monks fell into the pit.

The soul-hunting card did not fly far, and the Tianlingen girl quickly caught up.

But the other party seems to expect that she will catch up and prepare for it early. He is dressed in silver clothes, his hair is white, his face is awkward, his hands are not like human hands, his fingertips are thick, nails. Long and curved, he was holding a Vientiane disciple in front of him.

This disciple was the one who was injured and was dying in the distance.

The white-haired man said: "Don't come over, otherwise I will kill him!"

The Tianlingen girl couldn’t see his cultivation, but she was sure to be far above her. The Tianlingen girl quietly clenched her hands in Lei Lingdan and said quietly: "You are afraid not to go outside to inquire. Do you not know what is the relationship between our millennial and the Vientiane? A Vientiane disciple died in the hands of your demon. I am too happy to have it. If you have the ability, you will kill him!"

The white-haired man said coldly: "When are you afraid?"

Tianlingen girl did not change color and said: "You come! I am waiting! You killed him, I immediately killed you, and it was a revenge for him. I also got a good reputation in addition to the demon guard. Don't you?"

The white-haired man disdains: "With a small building-based monk, can you kill me?"

The Tianlingen girl shook the porcelain bottle in her hand: "If you add ten Lei Lingdan?"

The power of ten Thunderings is no less than a Thunder!

The white-haired man’s eyes immediately passed a trace of panic.

The Tianlingen girl unplugged the cork and threw the medicinal herbs in the bottle toward the white-haired man. "Take the move!"

The white-haired man ran away!

A blink of an eye, running without a trace.

Those medicinal herbs fell on the ground, and there was no drum in them.

Tianlingen girl smiled and said: "Idiot!"

Of course, she didn’t have so many Lelings. She only gave two to Ganoderma lucidum. The one in her hand was used to save lives. This guy caught a Vientiane disciple as a human shield and could not kill him. She was in vain for a Lei Lingdan.

She was only scaring him, trying to scare him to throw people away and then shot him, I know that he could not afford to be so scared, and actually escaped.

The Tianlingen girl picked up the medicinal herbs that healed the wound and put them back into the bottle.

"More... thank you," said the disciple of Vientiane.

The Tianlingen girl gave him a white look, and he was too lazy to care for him. He took two steps and thought of something. He threw him a medicine to treat the injury: "The guy is still not dead, and will come back later. You'd better get hurt, don't drag us!"

"...Yes!" The disciples of the Vientiane sect smashed the medicinal herbs.

Here, after the Tianlingen girl scared away the white-haired man, the monks in the 10-meter deep pit were also straightforward to kill, one by one fainted.

Ganoderma lucidum lingered on the side, panting with a big mouth.

"Oh." Tianlingen girl looked at her, "Don't die?"

Ganoderma lucides her: "You are dead!"

The Tianlingen girl took her shoes and licked her feet: "What are you doing without death? You don't have to choose a device first? Go pick it!"

Ganoderma lucidum did not breathe in the air: "Can't let me catch my breath? The person who dared to die is almost not killed, isn't it?"

Tianlingen girl said: "You don't go, I went."

"Who said that I am not going?" Ganoderma lucidum took a deep breath, slowed down, and there was a hint of spiritual power in the body. She jumped down.

The Tianlingen girl also followed and jumped.

Ganoderma lucidum blackened his face: "Don't you say I pick it first?"

Tianlingen girl's eyebrows pick: "You pick, I look."

These instruments are naturally graded. If you are a master of the Yuan Ying, you can see it at a glance, but they have little knowledge of the little rookie. Where do you know which implement is the best?

Ganoderma lucidum pick and choose.

Tianlingen girl urged: "Hey, you hurry, I didn't kill the demon, he will come back!"

Ganoderma knows that she is not alarmist, and now she does not dare to delay and pick up a pagoda and a sword: "I want these two."

"Do you still want two?" asked the Tianlingen girl.

Ganoderma lucidum asked: "What happened to the two? Was it not half of one person at the beginning?"

Tianlingen girl said: "One person is half, it means that the range you choose is half. You really take two kinds of implements. You can't get out of bounds. If you want to go out, the enchantment will randomly leave you with the same implement. You can think about it, is it to hand over the decision to the enchantment, or to yourself?"

Ganoderma lucidum said: "How do you know everything?"

The Tianlingen girl looked at her incredulously: "I haven't read the rules on the scorpion?"

Ganoderma is too embarrassed to admit that he does not have much literacy.

Ganoderma lucidum finally chose the pagoda.

The Tianlingen girl took out a curved bow in a magical Qiankun bag. Then she looked up and looked up. "Hey, who, they are dizzy, you also come down and pick a method." Let's go."

"Who are you talking to?" Lingzhi looked at her wonderingly.

The Tianlingen girl said: "A disciple of the Vientiane, he was saved by the demon, and I saved him again."

Ganoderma lucidum refers to a young man who has long been unconscious in the corner of the deep pit: "The disciple of Vientiane... isn't it here?"

The face of the Tianlingen girl has changed!

Ganoderma lucidum also suddenly thought of something, the twilight trembled: "Wei Wei!"

Her voice fell, and it was convenient to have a slap in the face of a woman who laughed: "Ah hahahaha... hahahahaha..."

The laughter, sharp and sharp, mad and flirtatious, with endless sarcasm and ridicule, people's hair is erected one by one!

Ganoderma lucidum rushed up, but when she flew back to the ground, the sky fell a silvery net.

The big net contains the power of the Thunder. When Ganoderma lucidum hits it, it is hit by lightning, and half of the body is numb!

Ganoderma lucidum fell!

Tianlingen girl's hands are printed, attacking the big net, but the big net seems to be "a loophole", but even a tiny drop of water can't fly!

This is not the worst. The worst thing is that the monks who fainted at the bottom of the pit woke up again, and they went into a state of irrationality one by one, and they attacked the Ganoderma lucidum and the Tianlingen girl.

This big pit is also the size of a small yard, throwing a Thundering Dan, can blow them together.

What should I do if I don’t throw Leiling?

They can't beat so many monks!

"Will the younger brother give you the dagger?" asked the Tianlingen girl.

"What do you want to do?" Ganoderma looked at her with vigilance.

The Tianlingen girl said: "Isn't that dagger not even a golden bell?"

Ganoderma lucidum eyebrows: "You want to kill them? Are you crazy? They are just being controlled!"

The Tianlingen girl said faintly: "I thought, but can you go?"

Ganoderma lucidum certainly can't go, don't say that the rules of Dabie can't hurt his life, that is, without this rule, she will never give a wedding dress to others - the demon person wants to provoke the struggle between the martial art, she put They killed, not the plan of the demon!

The Tianlingen girl looked at the more and more spiritual monks and pinched her fists: "I block them, you use your dagger, try the net."

Ganoderma lucidum nodded, pulled out the dagger at the waist, and swept the body, stabbing the net towards the top.

I don’t know what to do with the big net, but it contains a lot of Lei Lingli. The ordinary implement will temporarily lose its effectiveness when it encounters Lei Lingli. Although this dagger has been very powerful, the heart of Lingzhi can’t be bottomless. .

Ganoderma lucidum is ready to hit the lightning again. If you know it, the big net is broken!

The Tianlingen girl flew a monk while secretly biting her teeth. Yu Jie gave the girl a baby, and it was so powerful!

After the big net was punctured, the two men urged the spirit and flew up to the ground.

Ganoderma lucidum looked at Qiao Weiwei for the first time. As a result, she saw a silvery woman figure, and she slammed it on the treetops.

Ganoderma lucidum was shocked: "Not good, she wants to catch my sister! Your Ray Lingdan? Quickly blow her!"

A glimpse of the Tianlingen girl: "Have your sister come?"

Ganoderma Road: "Do not talk nonsense! Rayling Dan?"

Tianlingen girl really didn't want to waste Lei Lingdan here, but if she didn't do it, Lingzhi had to turn her face with her. Now, she and Ganoderma lucidum are a grasshopper on the rope, and no one can do without it.

She gritted her teeth and made the last Ray Lingdan.

A silver-white woman's lips, swallowing Lei Lingdan into the belly, she swallowed without hesitation, enjoying the blink of an eye.

The two of them were stunned, and Lei Lingdan was not something that anyone could change. It was the sacred person who turned the gods, and did not dare to swallow it blindly. What is this sacred woman? !

Can not allow two people to think more, the woman has already gone to sleep, Qiao Weiwei explored the claws.

Ganoderma lucidum clenches the dagger and flies!

The woman opened an enchantment.

The dagger of Ganoderma lucidum broke through the enchantment.

The woman glimpsed, and her eyes fell on the dagger of Ganoderma lucidum: "Dragon scale? No wonder."

Ganoderma lucidum couldn't understand what she was talking about and chopped down her arms!

The woman easily buckled the Ganoderma lucidum's wrist, and the beautiful face of the sorrowful face appeared a fascinating smile: "Little girl, want to attack me, and then practice for a thousand and eight hundred years."

Thousands, thousands of eight hundred years... this woman...

Ganoderma lucidum stunned.

Not waiting for her to return to God, the woman's delicate body shocked, a white fox tail shot toward Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum was shot.

The woman smiled and smiled and hid the sleeping Qiao Weiwei into her arms. Then she was swept away and disappeared into the boundless night.

On the opposite side of the hill, a young man wearing a cloak and a young monk with a red-hot hair stood behind a big tree and looked at the direction of the woman's departure.

The young monk said: "Why are the masters, why do the foxes catch the child?"

The man smiled a little: "You haven't seen it yet? She is the real baby dragon."

The young monk was shocked at once: "Isn't the pool wind... is it a kid?"

The man was careless: "The pool wind, the pool wind, he will not give me a sigh of relief when he has a little bit of real ability!"

The young monks apparently had a good relationship with Chi Feng. They argued for the pool wind: "On that day, the masters of the Qianzong sect entered the Pluto Mountain, and the pool was outnumbered."

Men don't want to continue this topic.

The young monk said again: "The young master, since she is the baby dragon, do we want to take her back?"

The man said: "Why do you want to take it back?"

The young monk said: "Is the Lord not always looking for her?"

The man said: "This young master is looking for her, in order to destroy her. Now there is a fox demon to do this, and this young master will not take this leisure."


Moonlight is long.

The woman took Qiao Weiwei back to her own cave.

The cave is very large, and the hole is made with the spirit of the fox demon.

The softest place in the cave, there is a group of small silver foxes waiting to be fed.

The little silver fox felt the movement at the door and screamed.

The woman gently stroked her little cub: "Hey, don't call, know that you are hungry, eat the dragon meat today."

The little silver foxes opened up some ingenuity. They probably understood that the woman brought back a good thing, looking at Qiao Weiwei one by one, showing the look of hunger and greed.

The woman put Qiao Weiwei on the stone bed. In order to prevent Qiao Weiwei from awakening, she also took a smothering method. She actually had a lot of things. When Qiao Weiwei fell asleep, unless she wanted to urinate, she would not wake up.

The woman leaned over and sucked on the meat of Qiao Weiwei. It was a little dragon, but she smelled it, and her saliva flowed down.

Xiaolong is a big complement, and after eating its inner Dan, she can fly into a fox fairy.

The woman is complacent, but she has not been so obsessed with it. She can hide in the eyes of the League League for so many years. It is impossible to have a hard heart.

She will accidentally take a little bit of the demon leaked back, smiled and looked at the little **** the stone bed, Nei Dan must be dug, or it will not work.

The woman reached out and pointed five fingers, and the sharp nails came out.

She was about to start, but the sky was ringing with a thunderous anger - "Bold and enchanting! Still not handing over my millennial disciple?!"

It is Xu Zongzhu!

After Qiao Weiwei was taken away by the enchantress, the Ganoderma lucidum had no need for it, and immediately broke the beads and returned to the half-moon altar to inform the millennial elders.

Xu Zongzhu and others immediately took the beads and came over.

Together with him, there was Qiu Yishan of the Vientiane and more than a dozen monks in the martial art.

Xu Zongzhuo took the mouse and did not dare to zoom in and out, but scattered the pressure of half a fairy.

The woman was cold and cold: "Who am I? A half-success that has just broken through, and dare to be in front of the demon!"

The woman's hands opened an enchantment and covered the entire top of the mountain.

The pressure of Xu Zongzhu was bounced back by enchantment.

Qiu Yishan also rushed out of the pressure of half a sen, but was also blocked by the enchantment.

The woman said arrogantly: "When the demon robbed, you still don't know where it is, and quickly leave the acquaintance, the demon is in a good mood tonight, don't want to care about you!"

Lei Zun’s look is dignified: “She is also a half-sex, but she has experienced more than one robbery than you, two robbers and half cents, you are not her opponent.”

Some people will not be able to fly once, and will try again for the second time. The second thunder will be much stronger than the first one. Very few people can get through it, especially the demon and the demon. The first thunder is enough. For their lives, the second time is simply delusional, and this fox demon can survive two robberies, its strength is no less than a true immortal.

Xu Zongzhu’s fist squeaked: “You put the child, what conditions do you want, everything is fine!”

"Child?" The woman first glimpsed, then she understood what she was, and smiled forward and backwards. This stupid human being did not see that this was a dragon?

The woman is too lazy to talk nonsense with them. She ate the dragon inside the dragon and can fly tonight. If the group of monks does not leave, just wait for her thunder to die!

The woman no longer cares about those outside.

Xu Zongzhu violently attacked the enchantment of the fox demon, and the monks also made all efforts, but no matter how hard they tried, the enchantment of the fox demon was unbreakable.

"You are too tender with this demon!" The woman picked her eyebrows and began to enjoy her little prey.

Her nails were gently stroked, and the bag of Qiao Weiwei's waist was cut. The bag of Qiankun fell to the ground, and the portrait inside rolled out.

The woman's eyelids were not lifted, and the curtain of Qiao Weiwei was opened, and the small belly that was rolling was slowly dug down.

Just as she dug Qiao Weiwei Neidan, the woman who did not notice the painting, like dust and sand, floated on the rice paper from a grain of grain. These weak dust particles were scattered from the rock. Fly out.

Outside the cave, there was a wind that was devastating.

The dark clouds gathered from all sides and covered the entire mountain top.

The moonlight originally projected on the ground disappeared, and the whole cave was in a darkness.

The woman’s heart was slightly shocked, and her fingertips moved, and she caught a fire, but the fire had not burned yet, and the bang was extinguished!

The woman changed out to take out a few night pearls, but the beads also blasted!

The woman’s heart jumped up.

On the other side of the cave, the little fox screamed uncomfortably.

The woman glazed out of the cave: "Who? I dare to make it on my site-"

The word "second" was not finished, and her throat was stunned.

I saw that the monks above the top of the mountain did not know when they were gone. Instead, they were replaced by a black dragon.

The magic dragon was so incredible that it occupied almost the entire sky, and its body was squatting, as if it were vast, not enough to stretch its body.

It didn't even bother to open its eyes, but it was so good that the powerful Longwei also made the whole earth shake.

The beasts in the mountains are all horrified.

The birds were scared to flap their wings, but they just slammed, and the whole bird was petrified!

The layer of fox demon is proud of the enchantment, like the ice in the early spring, in front of the fox devil eyes melted.

The woman is so scared that she is so stunned that she can’t recognize the identity of the other party. The original rumor is true, and the demon is truly present!

She has a soft knee and knees on the ground and showed the original shape: "Welcome and welcome the demon statue! I don't know the devil's drive, there is a long way to go, the demon has been practicing for thousands of years, the road is not easy, there are not thoughtful places, please also Respecting the mercy, the demon has a new dragon, and will be dedicated to the devil -"

The dragon slowly opened a slit, only gently glanced at her, she was pierced by the dragon's gaze!

What's wrong? Why is the devil killing her?

The woman was surprised, but even more surprised that she did not die immediately, but still had a sigh of relief.

This tone made her watch the dragon's claws open her body and took out her inner Dan.

At this moment, she understood everything.

The dragon in the cave is a dragon!

It is the child of the devil!

Mozun remembers to hate the attention of Xiaolong Nei Dan, to treat him with his body, the dragon will take her Neidan to feed the dragon!

"Hey, garbage, is it for the daughter of Laozi?"

Waste, garbage?

She is a two-and-a-half-year-old Nedan, which is called... garbage? !

The fox demon really has a sigh of relief, but she was mad at the dragon.

------Off topic ------

Today is fatter~

Is it fat and fat, and early?