MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 73] White Lotus exposure

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"She is not a maid."

Meditation came in with a bowl of steaming noodles.

Selangy looked at him with amazement, to be exact, looking at the noodles in his bowl.

They are all in the valley, and the main courtyard will naturally not have a cook. This bowl of noodles is -

Serenyi’s incredible gaze fell back to the face of the meditation.

The meditation looks calmly to the side of Qiao Weiwei, placing the noodles on the table.

Qiao Weiwei hurriedly put the last piece of grapefruit meat into his mouth, grabbed the chopsticks, and rolled up a large mushroom surface. It is worth mentioning that the mushroom was picked from the cliff, and in addition to the Shenkun’s Qiankun bag. Mushrooms, as well as dried scorpion meat, rabbit meat, pheasant meat... all are small dragons love to eat, everything.

Xuelanyi had already seen the high-spirited Shenjun adults cooking a bowl of noodles. It was enough to be surprised, but when she saw that the other person had taken a piece of meat from the Qiankun bag and handed it to Qiao Weiwei, she was shocked. Not on.

Yunfu Shenjun, who is tall on the top, how can he touch this kind of thing, this kind of thing!

Selangor is poor!

Qiao Weiwei had eaten, and soon ignored Xuelanyi.

Selangor was not used to the fireworks of the world. This kind of chopped green onion, sesame oil, sesame seeds, mushroom, and meaty taste in the mouth of Qiao Weiwei made her feel uncomfortable.

It is not known whether the taste makes her uncomfortable, or whether Shen Jun is cooking for Qiao Weiwei.

"I am..." She pressed her discomfort and opened her mouth gently.

The meditation said: "I just said that I am serious, don't go to my heart."

There was a sweet smile on the face of Selangy: "How come?"

After a meditation, I looked at Qiao Weiwei, and Qiao Weiwei ate a lot of food. She didn’t go to this place. The meditation said: "She blocked me for an arrow. The injury has not recovered yet. I took her to the realm of the gods. She was healed, and I had to send her back in good condition, so she probably couldn’t stay in the Snow Mountain Palace."

I don't know that the sentence touched Selangi, and there was no trace of snow on the face of Selangor. Selangi smiled softly: "When I solved the aunt's business, I took her back to the Snow Mountain Shrine, I I must find a way to cure her injury!"

The face was grateful and nodded.

"I will go see it first." Xue Lanyi left with a smile.

Qiao Weiwei’s noodles met at the end, and she didn’t even let the soup go.

"Is it full?" asked the meditation.

Qiao Weiwei touched her stomach: "Generally speaking."

The meditation smiled lightly, called Zhu Yi into the room, and removed the things on the table. Then he and Qiao Weiwei talked about the genius: "...I know you don't want to go, but you don't need to be angry with her. ”

Qiao Weiwei whispered: "But I don't want to be her maid."

The meditation said: "Then don't do it."

Qiao Weiwei grabbed the table: "I am not happy that she asked me this way."

Mind nodded: "Well, standing in your perspective, she did not ask right."

Qiao Weiwei looked at him: "You have something in your words."

I don't know why, when I heard such a small adult from her mouth, I saw with my old father that my little niece finally grew up, and I was a little surprised.

The meditation pinched her pink face: "You still know something in the words, you have been a thousand ancestors, you have also done a small scorpion of Ganoderma lucidum."

When Qiao Weiwei didn't move, he asked him to pinch: "I like to make a small scorpion of Ganoderma lucidum."

The meditation puts down his hand and smiles. He said: "You don't like to make a small scorpion of Ganoderma lucidum. You know that you are not her cockroach. In the heart of Ganoderma lucidum, you are her sister. This will never change. ”

Qiao Weiwei nodded like garlic: "Well, I like Ganoderma lucidum, and Ganoderma lucidum likes me."

"You don't like Selangor?" asked the meditation.

"Why should I like her?" Qiao Weiwei asked.

Meditation said: "You can not like her, but don't misunderstand her. She only promises that you are really kind, she doesn't know your identity, and I don't see your identity. You are an ordinary mortal. In the Protoss, even the people of the sea and the realm of Zhuyi are not worthy of the door to the Shrine of the Snow Mountain. A mortal can do her position as a maid, even if it is a life of several generations. It is."

Qiao Weiwei said with a smile, "I will thank her again!"

The meditation was teased by her fierce and fierce look. She raised her hand and bounced her head: "You don't have to thank her, I will thank you for it."

"She thanked me for your help, and you thanked her for her..." Qiao Weiwei's small head turned and turned, "I will not thank you for her!"

After meditation, I couldn’t help but laugh: "You are not her, why should you thank her for her?"

"Yeah." Qiao Weiwei nodded solemnly. "But I still don't want you to thank her. I didn't want her anything, right?"

The meditation smiled politely: "Well, I don't thank her."

Qiao Weiwei took Zhu Yi back to the house to wash it, and washed it on the soft bed.

After a meditation, I went to the house of Yunxiaoruo. If Yunxiao was already asleep, when he passed by Qiaoweiwei’s door, Qiao Weiwei rolled up the quilt and rolled on the bed.

He walked in and said: "How can I still not sleep?"

"I can't sleep." Qiao Weiwei took care of herself and said in a serious way, "I was scared."

Mindfulness can not help but say: "Okay, Selangor can not scare you."

Qiao Weiwei has a small mouth.

She has been raising her for so long, what she thinks, and the gods are clear.

The meditation took her out of the quilt wrapped in the cocoon, let her lie flat, and covered her with a quilt: "I am practicing at the door."

Qiao Weiwei said: "Then don't close the door."

"Yeah." The meditation gave her a good horn, and the shackles extinguished the lights, and went down to the night wind, and sat down on the floor.

He opened the invisible enchantment and blocked the cold wind that poured into the house.

The moonlight shines on his handsome figure, venting the silver of the place.

Qiao Weiwei looked at his wide and strong back and closed his eyes with peace of mind.

In the opposite side of the house, Selangi quietly stood behind the Xuan window, through the mottled tree shadow, and instantly looked at the meditation of sitting at the door of Qiao Weiwei.

She couldn't even look at her eyes.

Looking at his handsome face, his tall figure, thinking back to his fragrance and manly atmosphere, Xue Lanyi’s heart suddenly appeared like a kitten’s claws, scratching her, scratching and wishing Fell into his arms.

Why is it not at her door?

Why do you watch the night for other women?

Why are other women... so close to him...

Suddenly there was something blasting in Shirley’s mind, and he snorted in his head and quickly fell into a blank.

"Saints, saints, saints!"

When Shelanyi was awakened by the voice of the woman, she found herself standing at the door of her own room.

The woman spread her arms and stopped her: "The saint, you wake up!"

Selangor’s consciousness came back, and the forehead blew out the sweat of the beans.

The woman reminded: "The saint should go back to the house to rest."

Selangor looked at the meditation under the porch and slammed into the house.

Everyone went in, and there was a sigh of sorrow: "I have waited for 20,000 years..."


On the early morning of the next day, everyone started. Qiao Weiwei was struggling with the ribbon in the room and the top. She had already broken three of them, and I couldn’t tie it.

Yunxiao Ruoxin reluctantly came over: "I came to apologize to you, Xue sister taught me, saying that yesterday is something I am wrong, I should not be angry with you, I take back what I said yesterday, Stay here, stay for a long time, I will entertain you."

Qiao Weiwei buried his head and tied the ribbon.

Yun Ruo Ruo: "It's stupid!"

"Let me do it."

Accompanied by a gentle and extremely loud voice, Selangyi's filigree jade hand came over and gently picked up the ribbon of Qiao Weiwei, and made a beautiful knot in the clouds.

The meditation sat outside for a night. In the early morning, Qiao Weiwei woke up and went back to the room to wash it. When she came to the air, she saw Xuelanyi and Yunxiao together in the room of Qiao Weiwei.

Perhaps he was worried about what he misunderstood. Xue Lanyi explained softly: "I brought a sigh to Wei Weidao."

Say, Xue Lanyi looked at Yunxiaoru. "And your big brother? How did you talk to your older brother yesterday?"

If Yunxiao spit out his tongue, he whispered to the meditation: "Big brother, I am sorry."

Meditation does not care about my sister. He didn't take it seriously last night, but if his temper can take the initiative to bow his head and admit his mistake, it really surprised him.

He looked at Selangy: "Thank you for your guidance."

Shirley smiled: "If I am very sensible, I went to see her yesterday, but I didn't say anything, she realized it."

If Yunxiao is not aware of it, who does not love being praised? If you want to raise your eyebrows: "Yes, I am very sensible!"

The meditation hooked the corners of the lips.

Selangor paused and said: "There is one more thing, I forgot to tell you, I hope you don't blame me for making a claim."

"What?" asked the meditation.

Xuelanyi looked at the door and nodded to the female ambassador. The female ambassador brought in a group of people.

Originally, this seaman was the highest in the sea, and it was a top-level **** repair. Last night, after being spotted by Xuelanyi, Zhuyi immediately broke through to the true state of God, and the rest were still top grades or Chinese products. However, one night of hard work, now standing in front of the meditation, all are true masters of the real world.

Needless to say, it can be guessed, all are the merits of Selangor.

And this, even today's Shenjun adults can not do it.

It can be seen that the power of Selangor is so strong.

Selangor seems to have drawn out the idea of ​​meditation, softly comforting: "You have only one soul in your body, and it is still less than half of the previous years. When you recover, these little things are all easy for you."

I have done the king flower, and when I have to understand the language, the highest realm of women is nothing more than this.

There was a grateful look on the face of the meditation: "You have helped me so much, I don't know how to appreciate you."

Selangy looked at him with a smile, softly said: "I don't want your gratitude."

The meditation asked: "What do you want?"

Not waiting for Selangy to open -

"Small repair." Qiao Weiwei can't wear leather boots.

Desperate to drop Selangi, walked over, sat on the bed, took Qiao Weiwei's leg and put it on his lap, and went to take off her leather boots.

Selangor is right: "Are you all stupid? How do you wait for the girl?"

The woman did not see Zhu Yi, and quickly came in and came in: "I am coming, God."

The voice did not fall, and the meditation was worn out by Qiao Weiwei.

The action is as familiar as it has been done countless times.

The woman’s hand froze.

The woman looked back at the face of Xue Lanyi.

Xue Lanyi’s face couldn’t be the same, and the smile was more gentle and quiet: “We are going to save the aunt today. I thought about it last night.”

"What countermeasures?" The attention of the meditation was attracted by Selangi.

Xue Lanyi raised his hand. In the room, the magical illusion of a small town demon tower suspended in the air: "The town demon tower is guarded by the **** of the North Sea. You are still carrying the crime of stealing the king of the king. I mean, It is best to do it in secret. I am looking for an excuse to lead the North Sea God. You and your men go to the east side of the town demon tower. The defense there is the weakest. You quietly sneak in and bring the aunt out.

Auntie has the brand of the town demon tower. After the tower is out, the gods must be alert. You let your men stop them, and I try to drag the North Sea gods to prevent you from personally catching you. You take the aunt to the shrine, I will let you meet you. ”

Meditation and sinking: "You said the east side door is the door that connects the sky."

Xuelanyi said: "Yes, that's there. I know that Scorpio is not good, because it is not good to go, so no one is guarding. You have left the Protoss for 20,000 years. You don't know if the town demon tower now has How many guards do you think. Why do you think that Beihai Shenjun will hold your brother? Just to one day you can cast your own net, and other doors can't get through, only this road is left."

If there is some thoughts on the meditation: "The ancient sacred beasts are held under the celestial scorpion. In order to suppress this water beast, the top of the scorpio has also been applied. No one can take the repairs to cross the scorpio."

Xuelanyi smiled and said: "I have a phoenix. We don't need to repair it to fly through the sky, and as far as I know, the water beast has fallen asleep. As long as we don't bother it, it won't take us. ""

This method is somewhat risky. After all, an ancient **** beast is as powerful as the North Sea god, but only this road will not be a surprise.

After some trade-offs, the meditation decided to take the sky.

Xuelanyi said intimately: "The North Sea gods and gods are vast. I left the shrine yesterday. He sent people to follow me. The group of people looked for me overnight. This Zhuangzi was afraid that it would soon be hidden. I will bring people and Wei Wei back to God first-"

The word of the palace was not finished, and there was a loud rumbling in the sky. Some people were attacking the enchantment!

Selangor's face Vivi changed: "No, they chased it!"

A woman made her look in a panic: "The saint, the news of the shrine, the man of the North Sea gods went to the shrine to search for people! Say... said the saints harbored Yunfu Shenjun!"

As a result, Yunxiao Ruo and Qiao Weiwei can't go to the shrine.

"I will lead them, you go to heaven first."

Xuelanyi left the ancient Jinfeng to the meditation group, and flew out of it, suspended high in the air, and the powerful pressure pressed against the surrounding gods: "Who is so bold, dare to swear The site of the Virgin?"

"The saint, I am waiting for the command of the North Sea God, to come to search for Protoss criminals."

"This saint has no criminals here!"

"There is no, search for a search will know."

"Search the site of the Virgin, how many heads do you have?!"

Selangor and the gods have handed over.

This group of gods is not the opponent of Selangi, and Selangi has subdued everyone in three or two.

But it’s not just this group of people who came to chase after the meditation. When the ancient Jinfeng took a group of people to fly to the sacred sect, he encountered another wave of defensiveness in the middle of the road. The repair of this wave of Guardian was obviously more in that group. Above.

On the front of the bar, it is easy to expose the clouds, and the body shape has turned and flew down from the phoenix.

Some gods found the figure of meditation: "It is the Yunfu god! Quick chase!"

The gods chased the past in the direction of the disappearance of the meditation.

Xue Lanyi naturally knows that the meditation is to lead the second wave of the gods. She is not stupid outside the celestial beings. Since the meditation has appeared, the North Sea gods will definitely catch him personally. He will not be able to take off for a while. The North Sea God Jun also can't return to the town demon tower for a while, she is worse than taking the opportunity to rescue the aunt!

Until now, Xue Lanyi was really thinking about the meditation, and she had no distractions in her heart.

What she didn’t even expect was that when the ancient Jinfeng flew halfway to the group, the water suddenly burst into the water column!

The sea sky suddenly changed: "The water beast woke up!"

Selangor is stunned...

This is a ancient water beast that even the gods can not kill, can only seal it in the Scorpio, she is still not an opponent of it, not to mention its rule, such as the law of today, suppressing the mana of all of them, unarmed How to fight against it?

Selangor urged: "Jinfeng! Fly again!"

The colorful Jinfeng speeded up and rushed forward toward the front!

A huge tail came out from the scorpio and slammed into the belly of the colorful golden phoenix.

The colorful golden phoenix mourned, and the whole body leaned down. Everyone was smashed out. In the light stone fire, Haikongzi grabbed the toe of the colorful golden phoenix. Hu Sihai grabbed his pants, and the strong man grabbed Hu. The pants of the four seas... one grabs one and hangs a long strip.

If Zhu Yi and Yun Yun rolled to the other side, Zhu Yi grabbed the wings of the colorful golden phoenix in one hand and grasped the collar of Yun Ruruo in one hand.

Qiao Weiwei's situation is no better than anyone. After all, she is a dragon, the heaviest one. She was almost the first to be taken out. Shelan Yifei flew forward and buckled her wrist. !

Under the body of Qiao Weiwei, the tail of the water beast rolled out a huge whirlpool.

"Oh, I am, fast, want, support, no, live, come - I want to let go -" Hu Sihai mourned, he was a thin man, carrying dozens of dozens of men, bones should be broken? !

Bamboo Yi Dawei: "Song you a smash! Falling and dying!"

When I fell, I died... Xuelanyi’s heart seemed to be shocked by something, and she looked at Qiao Weiwei who could have been buried in the belly at any time.

The meditation gave her a picture of wearing shoes, meditation for her vigil, and a smile that teased her picture, like a knife, poking the heart of Selangor!

Selangor pulled over Qiao Weiwei's hand and let her grab her sleeve. Then she tore her sleeves.

Qiao Weiwei fixedly looked at Xue Lanyi, holding a pair of Xuelanyi's sleeves and falling straight into the whirlpool.