MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 72] Wei Wei VS Saints

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The meditation put down the peeled grapefruit and slowly looked at the other side. When the familiar figure appeared in front of him, his dawn slammed slightly.

Selangi unveiled the veil, revealing a face that fell into the country, and the whole room seemed to be lit up by her desolation.

Her scorpion has the color of ice crystals, crystal clear, and can be like a star.

The meditation station got up and looked at her for a moment.

She stopped in front of him and looked softly into his deep eyes. The jade hand lifted lightly, and the fingertip touched his face with a hint of care, as if she was afraid of breaking it, and her voice was not easy to detect. Trembling: "You are back."

Meditation stared at her: "I am back."

In the general scorpion of Selangor ice crystals, a thin layer of water vapor is quickly smashed: "Where did you go?"

The meditation looks calmly: "I am out of the realm."

Xue Lanyi please sigh: "No wonder."

Selangi squeezed the wrist of the meditation, and a cool breath was introduced into his body. The breath went back and forth in his veins, and his pale face had a little rosy.

The meditation nodded: "Thank you."

Xuelanyi asked: "Your **** is still incomplete. It is better to be repaired than before. Before you heal your god, you must not consume too much of the power of the gods."

"I know." said the meditation.

Selangi pulled back his hand and turned to give him a cup of tea. Twilight saw the grapefruit peeled off half of the table and smiled unexpectedly. "How often do you like this?"

Meditating and laughing without speaking.

Selangor sat down and handed the tea to the hands of the meditation.

Meditating on the overheated cup, sat down opposite her.

Selangi quietly glanced at the empty stool next to her, hung down and squinted, and the corner of her lips bent slightly, looking at the meditation: "You don't ask me how I am doing?"

Meditation took a sip of tea: "How are you doing?"

Selangor whispered: "I did a saint."

I didn’t know what was thought of, the look of the meditation was over, and she said to her: “Congratulations, the childhood wishes are fulfilled.”

Selangor stopped talking and looked a little behind in the look: "You know my wish is not this."

The meditation did not pick her up, just quietly drinking tea, the room was quiet, and the atmosphere was awkward.

"How is Auntie?" Or the meditation broke this sly silence. "I heard that he was locked in the lock demon tower. He is not a demon. How can he be locked into that place?"

Selangor sighed: "He is not a demon, but he has been drained by the power of the gods. He has not been able to maintain the human form very well. He was taken into the demon tower as a demon. It was a step later and I only found it. If I had to go to the aunt and wait for me to settle down, the aunt has been taken away by the North Sea god."

"Beihai Shenjun." The big palm of the meditation was tightly squeezed into a fist. This is the first time since the coming of the gods to hear the name from the mouth of others, but unlike the **** seal, the name is too familiar.

Selangor said: "In the past few years, I have been trying to save the aunt, but after the town demon tower was taken over by Beihai Shenjun, no one was allowed to approach."

The meditation said: "It's hard for you."

Xue Lanyi smiled slightly: "Which still need to say this between us? I only hate that I could not keep Yunfu at the beginning. I have been looking for you for so long and have not found your whereabouts. I should have guessed that you are not in the Protoss... If I can realize this early, I can open the channel in time and go to the next session to find you."

The meditation said: "You have done a good job, if not you, if you are already dead."

Shirley shook his head: "When it comes to me, it took me 20,000 years to find a chance to reshape the real body, and I still have only one child."

The meditation thought of a cute and cute look, and smiled heartily: "There is nothing wrong with the child."

Selangy looked at him tenderly: "You have changed."

"Is it?" The meditation gently took a sip of tea.

Selangor is holding a sly smile, sweet smile, unlike the high-rise, not eating the fireworks of the shrine, the goddess of the goddess, like a young girl who opened the sinus: "Yeah, you didn't like children in the past, even if you are with the aunt, you too Feeling trouble, like now, you know that you are ready to eat, but I want to remind you that if you don't like to eat sour, don't strip this for you next time."

When she said this, she looked at the meditation without hesitation, and the scorpion sparkled like two sly stars.

The meditation did not look at her, still drinking tea.

Selangy explored the lush jade hand and gently held his hand: "I will help you save the aunt."

She said seriously.

"Yeah." The meditation did not say anything to refuse, but did not continue this topic. He took out the left hand held by Selangor without a trace, picked up the teapot, and filled himself with half of the tea. "Two hundred years ago, when you reinvented the real body, you used the blood of the demon, you know where she is now?"

"That woman is a demon lord?" Xue Lanyi was surprised, she was about to say something, and the door was slammed and fluttered!

Selangor’s eyebrows are stunned, and there is an enchantment outside the door. Who can penetrate her enchantment and reach the door of this house?

After the dawn of the meditation, he stood up and walked quickly to the door. He opened the remaining half of the door, but the front door was empty and there was no figure.

In the courtyard, Zhu Yila’s hand was hidden under a thousand-year-old phoenix tree. Bamboo Yibi said with a snoring gesture. “What are you doing? You don’t want to die? Do you know who is inside? You Just go to the door?"

"Birdman?" Qiao Weiwei asked.

Zhu Yi: "..."

Zhu Yi blocked the throat in one breath, and couldn’t go up and down, half a sigh, and finally finally slowed down. For Qiao Weiwei, he said: "Let's talk like this again, let people know, you will be killed, God Jun I can't protect you."

Qiao Weiwei said: "I can't fight, I am a dragon."

"You are a dragon, I am still a phoenix!" Zhu Yi gave her a look, but she did not believe her words, only when she was a child's heart gibberish, "Moreover, the dragon can also kill, you think there is no god." The dragon that was executed? Thousands of years ago, a dragon was not inferior to the saint at the banquet, and was immediately sent off to the gods, and the gods were destroyed!"

Said, Zhu Yi snorted. "You are not a dragon. What do I say to you? In short, she is a person you can't afford to sin. If you don't believe in her, don't disrespect her."

Qiao Weiwei said: "My sister-in-law and my teacher are very powerful. My teacher said that there are no people I can't afford to sin under the sun."

Bamboo laughed happily: "A silly girl, you are a great girl and a teacher, can you have a strong snow mountain shrine? It is God's respect, and you have to give the snow mountain shrine some face, the holy woman is the snow mountain shrine The master, you offended her, just offended the entire Snow Mountain Shrine, you will die very badly."

Qiao Weiwei did not speak.

Zhu Yi thought she was scared by her own words. She was busy and comforted her. "You don't have to worry too much. The saint is very good. She won't care about you. Today, there is no outsider to know. I just said that. In order to remind you that you will not be disrespectful to the saints in the future, otherwise, without waiting for the Snow Mountain Palace to clean you up, her followers will kill you."

"Are you also her follower?" Qiao Weiwei asked.

"I..." Bamboo Yi touched the scar and smoothed the new cheek, and coughed it. "It wasn't."

But now the saint has cured her face and she has improved her cultivation. She suddenly understands why so many people believe in the saint. The saint is the most kind, powerful and most admirable of the Protoss. woman.


When the meditation found the partial hospital, Zhu Yi had already left. Qiao Weiwei sat alone under the sycamore tree, arms around his knees, and his chin resting on his wrist, shaped like a child abandoned.

Suddenly, some of the hearts of the meditation were not tasteful. It was supposed to be enjoyed by the millennium, but for him, drifting to a completely strange place, leaving the Ganoderma lucidum, and leaving the relatives who had finally recognized each other.

Just two months ago, she was still a small bean diced holding a bottle of milk.

Meditation pressed the thoughts, stepped forward, bent down slightly, and reached out to Qiao Weiwei.

Qiao Weiwei did not move.

Slightly sighed and stared at her: "Is it angry?"

Qiao Weiwei turned her face to the other side.

Looking at her back of the head, Ning Jun couldn’t help but say: "The doors are all smashed, haven't they gone out yet?"

Qiao Weiwei does not sigh.

Meditation said again: "I will not close the door in the future."

Qiao Weiwei still does not say anything.

The meditation explored the hand and stroked her hair: "What are you thinking?"

Qiao Weiwei finally spoke up: "Ganoderma lucidum, 爹爹, Shi Bo."

The heart of the meditation has passed a trace of sorrow. A person does only frantically miss his loved ones when he is fragile.

Qiao Weiwei is not a big lady who is pampered. She went to the millennium with Ganoderma lucidum in the village, and entered the Millennium. It was just a small smack, but she never felt wronged.

On the first night of coming to the villa, she made her wrong.

The heart of the meditation hurts and hurts. He touches her hair: "What did Zhu Yi say to you?"

Qiao Weiwei said with a small mouth: "That the bird...the woman is so powerful, let me not offend her."

Meditation said: "Zhu Yi is for you. She is the saint of the Snow Mountain Palace. She knows where your mother is, and can help me save my brother. We will be with her for a long time, you can't be guilty. She can make life easier."

Qiao Weiwei turned his head and the watery scorpion looked at him for a moment: "Would I offend?"

The meditation gently lifted the hair of her horns behind her ear and sighed gently: "It is offensive to offend."

Qiao Weiwei: "Oh."

The meditation patted her little shoulder: "Go back to the house."

Qiao Weiwei whispered: "The legs are numb."

Meditating one hand around her back, one hand bypassed her back knee and took her back to the house.


However, after the door was smashed, the meditation immediately went out to find people. Xuelanyi did not idle, and turned to the house of Yunxiaoru.

When Selangor pacified the emotional clouds, when he returned to the meditation, he did not see the meditation. He only saw a girl dressed in white tassels and looks like fourteen.

The dress of the girl is somewhat vulgar, but the exquisite appearance and the temperament of the girl are like the elves coming from the fog in the forest. They smile and laugh, and the aura that can't be said is compelling.

The girl sat on the stool and ate a small mouthful of citron meat. The grapefruit meat here was sweet and sour, and it was delicious than the millennium.

Qiao Weiwei was very serious and didn't find anyone coming in.

Shirley's gaze fell on the grapefruit meat that had been killed by Qiao Weiwei for a long time, as if I understood something.

Her fingers tightened and a gentle smile appeared on her face: "Is it Vivi? I am Selangor."

Qiao Weiwei raised her head and licked a grapefruit meat on her lips. She rolled a piece of tongue and licked the grapefruit meat.

The half of the remaining piece of grapefruit meat on her hand was handed over to Selangor: "Do you want to eat too?"

Xue Lanyi smiled and shook her head and walked a few steps toward her: "I have been in the valley for many years and I have not eaten."

"Oh." Qiao Weiwei stuffed the half of the grapefruit into his mouth.

Xuelanyi took out a brown pill: "I heard about you and the gods. You help the gods to have merits. I will thank you for your good health. This is the solid yuan of the snow mountain god, and you can warm your yuan. God."

Qiao Weiwei dismissed: "I don't like to take medicine."

Selangor smiled softly: "I can also directly transfer the spirit of the gods to you."

Qiao Weiwei shook his head: "Small repairs will give me, I don't want you."

"Small repair?" Xue Lanyi stunned. For a time, she didn't respond. Who was this minor repair? After a while, she realized that she was referring to the god. "Do you usually call him like this?"

"Yeah." Qiao Weiwei nodded.

Xue Lanyi took a deep breath and calmed down the emotions. The smile can be told: "He has not recovered himself. He can't consume too much power of the gods. I am pure Yin, my **** power is more suitable for women. You can warm your god."

Qiao Weiwei thought about it and shook his head decisively!

Selangi was refused one after another, but instead of showing a half-point of fire, he asked more tenderly: "What do you want? You have helped so many gods, can't you let it be paid in vain? Or... these things are all you have I can't see it? It doesn't matter. I can give you better. It's better. You come to the Snow Mountain Shrine. I will let you enter the temple. You can stay in the Protoss from time to time. When you grow up, I will For you to set a suitable affair, of course, if you want to stay in the shrine, I will make an exception to promote you as my personal maid."