MTL - The Ring That Defies The Heavens-Chapter 314 BOSS's Papa Skill

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Bone Demon Warlord (Undead, Elite Elite)

Level: 40

Health: 35000

Attack: 4500

Skills: Cleave and Smash.

Jiang Fei glanced at the big skull of the new combination. Although the volume has become larger than before, just an elite elite is not a problem for Jiang Fei at all!

After three, five, and two eliminated the bone demon battle, this time the bone sticks scattered on the ground did not resurrect again.

The team continued to move forward. The strength of the mobs at the entrance to the mystery was not large. They were all in groups of four, but they were more troublesome to kill. These mobs would reorganize once they died, but this also has a benefit, that is, Jiang Fei Their experience gains even higher!

You must know that this is a forty-level secret. Even Jiang Fei takes the full experience, and everyone else enjoys the extra level bonus, so the rich experience value makes everyone happy.

"This mystery looks simpler than expected!" The Seven Star Wars murmured as he moaned.

"Be careful, although it is only a hero book with a five-player difficulty, but it is forty, after all, the overall difficulty should not be weaker than the" Bottom of the Blood Pool "of the hero difficulty!" Jiang Fei said.

A few people went all the way, and soon came to the end of this corridor!

"Oh, the janitor is the Bone Demon Warlord. I don't know what these guys will become after death?" Zhao Feng laughed.

At this moment, Jiang Fei and others are in front of a group of four demon battles will guard the end of the channel! If you want to pass through the corridor, you must kill the four guards!

"Qian Xia plus good blood, I'm on!" Jiang Fei greeted him for a treatment, and then rushed to the monster!

Quickly quenched!





Jiang Fei's rapid quenching skills are very good because they are linked to health. And this freezing air also freezes all four gatekeepers!

Flame Shock!

Isabella's attack followed, inflicting four high crit damage of nearly 15,000!

Followed by Mo Xiaoyu's attack also arrived, although not as harsh as Isabella, but also caused nearly 8,000 points of damage!

Anyway, Jiang Fei had a fast-paced battle, and Mo Xiaoyu simply opened up the superpower casting state on the new equipment for a long time. Although the magic cost was very amazing, double damage also caused his output to skyrocket, and he surpassed the high output of the seven-star trench Occupation, ranked second only to Isabella, ranked second!

Although the blood of this elite elite is as high as 35,000, after a round of blows by Isabella, Mo Xiaoyu and Jiang Fei, these mobs were bleeding at the time, following Isabella a darkness Dragon Breath completely put these mobs down!

"Bull!" Zhao Feng picked a big finger aside, neither he nor Qixing was fighting in group skills, so at this time you can only look at the fun!

However, they see the excitement is just like this for a while, because Zhao Feng's crow mouth will soon take effect!

"Gara ... Gara ..."

The bones and sticks scattered on the ground trembled again, and then quickly gathered together, and soon a new monster appeared in front of Jiang Fei's eyes!

Bone Structure (Undead, Pseudo-Head)

Level: 41

Health: 80,000

Attack: 5000

Skills: Bloodthirsty Brawl, Rage, Bone Bones!

Bloodthirsty Brawl: Instantly deal a lot of damage to the target while healing yourself!

Berserk: 100% increase in attack power! Lasts five seconds!

Bone Blast: When the bone structure dies, he refuses to die, and then performs a state of charge for two seconds. After the charge is over, the white pants structure bursts, causing an upper limit of his own health to the enemy within 20 meters. Damage, this damage will be shared equally by everyone in the explosion range!

"Nima! What a pit!" After looking at this small attribute, Jiang Fei couldn't help but have an urge to scold his mother!

Nothing else, this self-explosive skill is the most daddy. Jiang Fei This is the skill introduction that can be seen because of the mysterious ring. If I change to another team and I do n’t know the truth, I will face this for the first time. Blame must suffer!

The difficulty of killing is not to mention, even if killed, the corpse explodes, and the total damage of 80,000 people will be divided into five people. The cloth armor will definitely be killed, and the leather armor will be enough to see, all are dead. Follow this time. Funeral, no one has to die in death!

"Come on! I pull, you output, stand a long distance away! Fear you will retreat to the remote when you are about to die!" Jiang Fei ordered.

"Okay!" The remaining four nodded one after another because Jiang Fei brought them with them. Seven Star Fighting Falcons and others thought that Jiang Fei had information on the secret place, so they were not surprised by the ability of Jiang Fei's unidentified prophet. .

After instructing everyone to pay attention, Jiang Fei stepped forward to pick up the monster!

As usual, the rapid quenching starts, but the monster's rank reaches a pseudo-collar, has a small identity, and does not eat most of the control skills, so the freezing effect of rapid quenching is immune!

"Bella, you and Xiaoyu, take your time!" This little has 80,000 hit points, and it is not a round of skills that can be dropped in seconds, so Jiang Fei must pay attention to hatred control, or else Isabella, seconds Can't Mo Xiaoyu!

After the battle started, everything went smoothly. After all, it was just a small one. Although the attack power is relatively high, even after the rage is turned on, the attack can soar to 10,000!

However, Jiang Fei ’s physical reduction is very high, so the bone-bone structure can only hurt him at most six or seven thousand. If Jiang Fei singled out the secret, this is indeed a threat, but this time Jiang Fei came in a team. With Fengyu Qianxia, ​​such a milky treatment, so don't worry at all!

Soon, 80,000 lives were hit with less than 5,000 left!

"Trenches, you stop and retreat immediately!" Jiang Fei said to the Seven-Star Trenches standing next to him.

"Okay!" Qi Xing Tsao nodded ~ ~ immediately stopped the attack, and then ran to a remote place thirty meters away.

The Seven Star Fighting Falcon had just gone for less than three seconds, and the health here was completely emptied!

"Kakaka ..."

The bone structure that was forced to retain a little bit of health began to charge! But in two seconds, Jiang Fei couldn't run twenty meters!


Jiang Fei intercepted the Seven Star Trenches running halfway, and Jiang Fei appeared next to the Seven Star Trenches the next moment.

"Huh?" Qi Xing trembled, wondering what happened!

"Run!" Jiang Fei pulled a seven-star trench and continued to run away!

(Update 1/5, ask for monthly ticket ...)


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