MTL - The Ring That Defies The Heavens-Chapter 315 5 colors legion!

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Just after Jiang Fei and Qixing Trenches ran out of the twenty-meter range, they broke apart, the green glimmer flashed, and then the bones splashed. If two people run a little slower, they will definitely be blown up, otherwise they will not die It must be half disabled!

"This weird is really abnormal!" Zhao Feng muttered with a pout.

"There seems to be something!" Feng Yuqian's eyes were sharp, and she suddenly noticed a flash of light on a piece of wreck!

"It's also small, it will definitely drop things!" Jiang Fei walked to the glowing wreck with a smile, then picked up the body.

"Oh!" A flash of blue light, Jiang Fei added a piece of excellent quality equipment!

Although Jiang Fei's lucky value is very high, he always gets rewards from the top layer of the drop list, but this small and best drop is excellent quality equipment. His lucky value is even higher than this limit!

Wristband for Assassination (Leather Armor, Good Quality)

Physical Defense +50

Magic Defense +50

Dexterity: +20

Strength: +20

Equip: Increase assassination skill's damage by 20%!

Required Level: 40

Need Profession: Assassin

"Yo! Actually, I have a limited career!" Jiang Fei took a moment to pick up his equipment.

"Well, when the expansion was updated, there was an interpretation on the official website. In addition to the more defensive plate armor, other equipment also appeared professional orientation. These equipment will greatly improve a certain department or The power of a certain skill, but there are also restrictions on occupation and even race! "Feng Yu Qian Xia explained.

"That's it!" Jiang Fei nodded. He ran away blindly with Han Tianyu these days. He had never seen the official website.

"Okay, let me put this piece of equipment first, and I will throw it back to the guild warehouse!" Because there was no assassin occupation in the team, Jiang Fei first received the equipment in his backpack.

The team moved on, crossed the end of the passage, and entered a very spacious hall!

"Here are terracotta warriors?" The Seven Stars warped in doubt.

"Maybe!" Jiang Fei nodded. At this moment, there were countless skeleton soldiers in front of them. These soldiers stood neatly in the hall. Each square array had hundreds of skeleton soldiers, as if waiting for review. Like the army!

"How to fight?" Zhao Feng asked. Although these skeletons are ordinary elites, hundreds of elites from Nima rushed together and they were still dead!

At this time, Jiang Fei's mobs in front of them showed five squares. The square in front of them was a square, and a large flag was hung in the array. The flag was scarlet!

The square on the left is also carrying a big flag, and the white flag is automatic without wind! The square on the right is a green banner, and the square farthest from Jiang Fei is holding a black banner!

In the middle of these four squares is a larger square, and the number of skeleton soldiers is the sum of the four surrounding squares! There is a big flag in the middle of this battle. The yellow flag is gilded with gold rims and red flying flames. In the middle is a white moonlight, embroidered with a big "forbidden" word!

"You drive me a defensive formation and let's kill them!" Jiang Fei looked at the intensiveness of these mobs, and it is almost impossible to kill them alone! Every time you have to pull at least one square array to kill!

"Okay!" Zhao Feng nodded, switching the formation to Yun Zhen!

Cloud array: gas shield!

Air Shield: Reduces the damage you take by 50 points, and the minimum damage you take after reduction is no less than 1 point!

After Zhao Feng upgraded to level 30, his skills have been strengthened. The air shield that originally reduced the damage by 10 points has been strengthened to reduce the damage by 50 points. Although this fixed amount of damage reduction effect is facing up to several times when confronting, Thousands can hardly see the effect, but when facing mobs in groups, this skill can definitely help the tank to share a lot of pressure!

"I'm ready to start a monster, Bella, it's time to look at your new skills!" Jiang Fei turned back and smiled at Isabella, then rushed towards the square of monsters closest to her.

"Kaka Kaka ..."

As Jiang Fei approached, the skeleton soldier, who had been motionless, was activated in the sound of rubbing bones!

"Come here!" After activating the mobs, Jiang Fei did not move on, but started to adjust his position while waiting in place!

"Well! Let's go!" Jiang Fei laughed and spewed an ice-blue frost, freezing all the mobs that rushed to the front, so that the mobs' momentum was reduced. The time has also caught up, and the entire mob group has become more dense and compact, which is more conducive to being attacked by the mage's group law!

Rain of flames!

Isabella's chanting speed is very fast. Although she can't use dragon magic in human form, after a few short syllables, her spell has been completed!

"Boom boom boom boom ..."

Although it is called the Rain of Flames, they are all head-sized fire meteors. These fire meteors cover an area far beyond the scope of the flame impact. All the mobs are included!

Thunder Shock!

Jiang Fei's hatred skills of a group pulled the mobs' hatred down to his own body, so that the mobs would not run away and affect the mage's killing!

Unlike the flame shock, the flame rain is not a one-time burst of damage, but a wave of damage. A total of eight seconds can cause a total of 20,000 damage!

Of course, this also requires that the enemy is always in the range of the flame rain, but because the coverage area is relatively large, it is more effective when the mobs or group battle pk are smaller than the flame impact with a smaller range!

Isabella's Rain of Flames is not over, Mo Xiaoyu's swarm has arrived, and his profession is Flame Mage, so his skills are all fire magic, but even if the super-casting state is turned on, his damage will also follow Isabella is incomparable, but the damage of each mob's eight thousand is also very amazing compared to the group method of other mage players!

Two mage monsters, this mob kills nature quickly, teammates such as the Seven Star Fighting Falcon just kill a few mobs running out of magic range, and the battle is over!

"Gara ... Gara ..."

"Come again ..." Jiang Fei and others have become accustomed to the resurrection of the mobs!

"Please be careful ~ ~ This may be fierce this time!" Jiang Fei reminded loudly that what they encountered just now was a group of four mobs, even if the combination is just four in one, now This is a super combination of Lily One!

The integration of white bones is very fast. In a blink of an eye, a six-meter-high white bone monster has been assembled. After the integration, these skeleton soldiers completely gave up the human appearance and appeared directly in the form of a beast!

This monster has a chicken's head, a swallow's chin, a snake's neck, a fish's tail, and an eagle's paw. Behind it is a pair of huge bone wings. Because there is no meat on the body, it is completely composed of bones, so it looks horrible. !!


The beast's sharp claws scratched across the ground, making a sour noise, at the same time the hard ground was cut open a large opening, this new combination seems to be showing off their force to Jiang Fei!

(Update 2/5 ... ask for tickets ...)


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