MTL - The Ring That Defies The Heavens-Chapter 320 Made a fortune

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The Blue Dragon Crest is a very good set of leather armor. A large number of agility bonuses and suit attributes make this equipment a great output set for thieves or assassins!

"Suzaku is cloth armor and Qinglong is leather armor. Will the next White Tiger and Xuanwu be the mail armor and the plate armor?" The Seven Stars warrior speculated.

"I think it is very possible!" Jiang Fei nodded. From the current appearance, it seems that this secret place exists for these sets of drawings. If this is the case, then they have really made a fortune this time. It's up!

"What's the use of blind guessing? Let's continue!" Feng Yu Qianxia said with a small mouth.

Because the previous set of Suzaku is obviously an output set, it is useless for her treatment. If the two sets of equipment drawings in the back are plate armor and chain armor, then she can only mix experience in this mystery. It's up!

"Okay!" Jiang Fei nodded, and walked towards the mob on the left!

Because there is no difference in the composition of these mobs, Jiang Fei easily killed the hundred elite mobs!

"Gad! Gad!"

The bone fragments were recombined again, and the bone incarnation of the final incarnation was not unexpected by Jiang Fei and others. It was the white tiger!

Similarly, a monster that was four or five meters tall stood in front of Jiang Fei and others. The claws and sword teeth of the white-bone giant tiger were flashing with an astonishing cold light, and at first glance, it was not easy to mess with!

Bone Sha-White Tiger!

Level: 43

Health: 500,000

Attack: 11000

Skills: Slam, Bite, Tiger Howl, Rage, King of Beasts!

Assault: White Tiger will randomly attack a non-current target, causing a lot of damage to it. If there are other enemies within ten meters around the assaulted target, White Tiger will continue to assault, and the damage caused will increase by 30%!

Bite: Immediately cause a lot of damage to the current target, and tear the wound to cause bleeding!

Tiger Xiao: Increase the attack power of White Tiger by 20% and reduce the attack speed of surrounding enemies by 20%!

Rage: Whenever someone besides White Tiger dies, the White Tiger enters a violent state, and its attack power and attack speed increase by 100% for 10 seconds!

King of the Beasts: White Tiger summons a lot of young beast brothers to help him fight!

Note: The death of the younger brother summoned by the white tiger will also trigger the rage effect!

"These seem to be better than one!" Jiang Fei, who looked at the attributes secretly whispered in his heart, and these skills are just pits. For the other people who come over and destroy ten times, they may not understand the characteristics of the skills, next time Hit another strike!

"How to fight this?" Mo Xiaoyu asked.

"Bella, resist this! Then the others dispersed their positions, and they kept a distance of more than ten meters between them. I will pull them out when the younger brother comes out. Everyone just cares, the younger brother doesn't kill!" Jiang Fei knows the skills Therefore, we have formulated a highly targeted combat plan to reduce the threat to a minimum. Basically, the function of the skill detection of the mysterious ring can make Jiang Fei destroy countless times when they open up wasteland!

"Okay!" Isabella nodded and walked in front of her!

Black Fireball!





Isabella fired a dark fireball on the white tiger's head to activate it, and at the same time caused a igniting effect. Although Isabella also did not have the hatred skill, this little girl was hurt badly. Others want to do everything with Isa The hatred snatched by Bella is simply impossible!


An activated roar, and then rushed towards Isabella! Just halfway through, I was hit by Isabella's second black fireball on my face!

Demon Flame Appendage!

Seeing that it was approaching, Isabella summoned the magic flame, and then stood up, fighting in one place!


His attack on Isabella was also almost offset by almost half, but Isabella's health was much higher than that of Jiang Fei! And Jiang Fei ’s 50% hard injury avoidance is not 50% reduction every time. His actual reduction effect is less than 40%, and the remaining 20% ​​is Block, dodge, this kind of chance reduction is very unstable!

But Isabella is different. She only has a few evasion attributes, but the dragon attribute defense is too harsh. Both physical defense and magic are very high, so the damage is very stable. I do n’t want Jiang Fei to do that. , HP is the same as roller coaster!

"President, Sister Bella is more resistant than you. Why didn't you let her come to be a confidant before?" Now the team is overwhelmingly strong, so Fengyu Qianxia looks very proud!

"Hurry up, don't talk nonsense ..." Jiang Fei's face was black and ignored. He couldn't say that he had let Isabella hide behind to become a mage in order to take care of his face. As a result, Isabella was seriously suppressed Play it!

Because this is basically a stump, as long as the player understands the skills, when standing, ensure that the distance between the two players is more than ten meters and will not be hit by chain, then there will be no danger, so the output is still quite without effort!

The distance of ten meters in the long-range card is relatively easy, and the melee is more troublesome, so Jiang Fei had to output behind the Seven Star Fighting, after all, his length was more than 10 meters. Tank of Isabella!

Only in this way, Jiang Fei had nowhere to go. In the end, he simply found a place where no one was waiting to recruit his younger brother. His attack was not high. There was no need to fight for the position with Qixing. As soon as the chain slams, and the Seven Star Warrior is given to the second, it is worth the loss!


When the health was hit to 80%, the Tiger Howling skill was activated, and the attack power increased by one quarter. At the same time, the player's attack speed was reduced a lot. The most affected one was summoning the magic flame to start a melee attack. Isabella!

Because the attack speed was reduced, the output speed of the team suddenly dropped, and the attack was increased by 20% ~ ~, which made Fengyu Qianxia also feel a little pressure!


When the white tiger's health is hit to 50%, open a big call to call the younger brother!

"Alas ..."


The hoarseness of various wolves, tigers, and leopards came and went. In a blink of an eye, I did not know where to rush out a large group of skeleton beasts. These beasts are not even elite, but the number is hundreds or thousands!

As soon as these mobs appeared, they immediately gained hatred, because Fengyu Qianxia was adding blood to Isabella, so hundreds of mobs immediately targeted her!

"I wipe!" Jiang Fei was startled. Although they were all ordinary blame, Feng Yu Qian Xia didn't have any life-saving means except to add blood. So many mobs surrounded him, it was absolutely dead!


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