MTL - The Ring That Defies The Heavens-Chapter 321 It's finally my turn!

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Thunder Shock!

After seeing the crisis of Fengyu Qianxia, ​​Jiang Fei didn't dare to be indifferent. He immediately jumped and blocked in front of her, and then he didn't dare to use rapid quenching. Otherwise, these ordinary mobs would have to be punished. Second! Then it must be violent! So he just hit the damage with Thunder Shock, but the skills with high hatred pulled the mobs on himself!

"Qia Xia, you flew away! More than ten meters away from me!" Because I do n’t know when the next slam will be launched, Jiang Fei grabbed the mobs and quickly let Feng Yu Qian Xia keep a distance from himself!

Although there are a lot of these mobs, cloth armour can definitely be spiked, but Jiang Fei is not broken at all, and can only cause a little compulsory damage. Although there are hundreds of mobs fighting Jiang Fei in the group, Feng Yu Qianxia only needs to give Jiang Fly on an instant slow return skill, Jiang Fei's health can be maintained!

"Don't let me fight! Speed!" Although Jiang Fei didn't actively attack these mobs after pulling the hatred, the equipment on his body had an eye for an eye effect!

At present, Jiang Fei's health is close to 40,000, and the effect of an eye for an eye is also close to 500. That is to say, every time these mobs attack Jiang Fei, they will receive nearly 500 counter-injuries. You must know that these mobs can Not the elites, they do n’t have much blood. Over time, even if Jiang Fei ca n’t shoot, these mobs will have to be killed!

"Okay!" Mo Xiaoyu, who received the prompt from Jiang Fei, immediately turned on the super-power cast. Although the cost of magic consumption is not high, the output can be doubled!

"Go to death!" The Seven Star Terror yelled and launched his own big move. I saw that his maximum health was suddenly reduced by half, and his total health was not as much as that of the mage, and this effect of lowering the upper limit made him heal. Can't add blood to you!

A starlight fell from the sky, covering the Seven Star Fighting Falcon. Obviously, it was the blessing effect of this skill!

A skill can be sacrificed at the cost of 50% of its maximum health, and its increase can be imagined! Suddenly the attack power of the Seven Star Trenches has doubled, and the critical strike chance has been increased by 50%. At the same time, his attack has a blood-sucking effect!

Not only the blood volume of the two fists flew down, but the blood volume of the Seven Star Wars also made people look shocked! Because the kid's attack itself was at the cost of consuming his own life, and now that his upper limit of life has been reduced by half, the amount of blood is amazing.

"Good guy! This kid's professional characteristics are even more desperate than that of the demon warrior!" Jiang Fei was also stunned at this time, after all, the Seven Star Fighting Falcon had not been soared before!

Although the samurai warrior is also a blood loss, but they are remote, you also come in this melee, that is really terrible! However, as a hidden profession, the effect of the Seven Star Fighting Falcon is much stronger than that of the demon warrior. In addition, his output is a sacred attack and the defense is ignored. Therefore, the damage has soared and almost equaled Isabella!

Although the health value is as high as 500,000, when he summons the younger brother, he has 50% of his health. Although there are a lot of 250,000 health points, in the Jiang Fei team, Isabella and the Seven Stars are now fighting. These two guys all injured more than ten thousand seconds. Although Mo Xiaoyu was almost injured, he also injured nearly ten thousand seconds. Under the outbreak of these three people, he was killed on the spot without even ten seconds to pass!

"The trenches are cruel enough. Why didn't I see you open?" Jiang Fei asked curiously after a quick quenching and cleaning up the surrounding mobs.

"Oh, this cools down for three hours, and I'm too brittle after I open it. How can I use it when I'm not killing ..." Qi Xing Zhan laughed.

"That's it!" Jiang Fei nodded, and the seven-star battle tactics said that the attack bonus and the blood-sucking bonus would not be inferior to the actual effect of his demons, but he was a double-strength attack and defense. He It ’s because of self-harm. After all, hiding race is harder to obtain than hiding occupation. If there is no advantage, then it ’s illogical.

In any case, the Seven Star Fighting Falcon is also quite powerful. It can be called a stunt that can complete the counterattack of blood!

After killing Bai Hu, as Jiang Fei expected at the same time, he got the third suit drawing!

Plans: The White Tiger!

Use: Lets you learn to make a suit-White Tiger's Mule!

Requirements: Level 4 Blacksmith!

"Oh, finally it's my turn!" Jiang Fei couldn't help laughing after getting this drawing. After boiled two drawings, he finally encountered a forged design. For his master craftsman, the blacksmith level has It is completely meaningless, as long as it is forged or jewellery drawings, he can learn all the time, but the higher the level, the lower the success rate!

"Ding! You've learned to make a suit-White Tiger's Puppet!"

After Jiang Fei got the drawings, he immediately learned!

White Tiger Crest (Leather Armor Set 7/7, Excellent Quality)

Physical Defense +1475

Set Magic Defense +659

Set Dexterity: +75

Set strength: +255

Set Constitution: +55

Critical Damage: + 50%

Random Enchanting * 7

Required Level: 40

Set Effect (3/7): Increase your attack speed by 10%!

Set Effect (5/7): After you hit the same target three times in a row, your fourth attack is bound to be a critical strike!

Set Effect (7/7): Summon a white tiger soul attachment, increase your attack speed by 30%, increase your maximum health by 6000 points, and the effect lasts 30 seconds! Cool down time is four hours!

"Fei brother!" After watching Jiang Fei learned the drawings, Qixing Zhan stared at Jiang Fei with his eyes straight, and everyone else looked envious!

The same is the drawing ~ ~ but the two previous ones have to be produced by ordinary life players, relying on their low success rate and the best rate, so maybe one day you will be lucky to get a good set of excellent Level Set! But Jiang Fei is not the same. This Dawn City recognized the strongest forging division is a well-known master of masterpieces. The seven star warrior set of masterpieces is just a matter of holding hands!

"Oh, rest assured, you are indispensable! Maybe there is a surprise!" Jiang Fei smiled slightly, and for him, the best means more than just a grade! As long as more practice is done, then Jiang Fei's sophisticated suit is not a problem. Even if the epic white tiger is created, it is more likely than ordinary people to produce superb products. If the character breaks out, let him catch five beams of light. , Then it is not impossible to make a set of legendary white tigers!

"Oh, Xuanwu! See what surprises you can give me!" Jiang Fei is not the same as Qi Xing Trench. Although Qi Xing Trench is a warrior player, but because he is not a defensive system, he cannot wear a board even at forty level. A, but Jiang Fei does not have this restriction in this life occupation, so his goal is to draw the plate armor set of basalt!


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