MTL - The Ring That Defies The Heavens-Chapter 322 Faction battlefield

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In order to get the plate armor drawings, Jiang Fei is flexing his muscles. For this set of plate armor drawings, he can be said to be struggling. After all, players are only over 30 levels. It is impossible for anyone to make plate armor drawings, so this This mystery trip was definitely an unexpected surprise for Jiang Fei!

"Although the witty tomato is relatively unscrupulous, it is indeed good!" Of course, Jiang Fei can't forget the news dealer of the witty tomato when he can reach this secret place.

Looking at Mo Xiaoyu, their legal system is almost restored, Jiang Fei led the team around the edge of the hall and turned to the back!

Because the original five mobs squares were green, red, white, and black, and a larger square in the middle, Jiang Fei wanted to play the black square that represented basalt to bypass the yellow square in the middle!

"Clear the mobs first!" Jiang Fei didn't know the characteristics before Xuanwu didn't come out, so he could only clarify the mobs first!

"Ding!" Long Fei Jiutian Army "killed the leader of the Light camp under the leadership of" Billy Boy ", won the battlefield victory, obtained guild experience 2000 points, and all members of" Long Fei Jiutian Army "received 200 honors on the battlefield! Dark Camp Reputation +300! Light Camp Reputation -200! "

"Ding! Because the" Dragon Flying Nine Heavens Army "won the first camp war and gained an additional 20,000 guild experience! All players participating in the war received an additional 500 battlefield honors!"

Jiang Fei was on their way, and suddenly the system announcement sounded!

"I wipe, what's going on?" Jiang Fei asked on the guild channel.

"Oh! Some of us had a sudden change of heart in the light camp, aren't you president of the dark camp, so I plan to take them to the battlefield today, to make the camp dark, so as to avoid the unification of the camp when the guild wars later Accidental injury or blood inconvenience! "Billy explained.

"Is the battlefield good?" Jiang Fei asked curiously.

"Oh, now the Grand Guild is busy doing teleportation missions. There are scattered players in the battlefield. They can't even fight with the garrison. We are basically abused now!" Billy said easily.

"Okay, you shout in the guild. If you like pvp, you should bring them with you, anyway, brushing honor equipment is not slower than playing a copy!" Jiang Fei nodded.

At this time, the players did not fully adapt to the new expansion film, and they put their energies on the copy and the field as before, and few guilds paid attention to the camp battlefield.

Although the battlefield of the camp has been open for several days, only casual players who love pvp do missions inside, or find the player pk of the hostile camp. Due to the lack of unified command, even the frontline commander of the hostile camp did not kill , Not to mention the end of the opponent's Lao Wo to achieve the ultimate victory in the battlefield!

So when Billy Boy, the professional pvp leader, took the dragon-flying nine-day player to enter the battlefield, they ran into the battlefield of the camp. It can be said that they were completely tortured, and those casual players who killed the bright camp could not find North. !!

Players who do missions on the battlefield and kill rival players will receive a small amount of experience and some battlefield honors. These battlefield honors can be used to purchase battlefield equipment. Although these battlefield equipment are only open to high quality, they are also common players. pretty good!

And there is another advantage in the battlefield, that is, after the hang up, only the honor and military rank will be dropped, and the equipment and level will not be dropped, but if the honor and military rank are dropped, the honor equipment bought before may not be worn!

Although the battlefield has many benefits, after the new version, the three guilds conspired to pit the sky, so all the guilds of Dawn City were attracted to the teleportation mission. Now one of the three guilds is included in the sky. Now, the remaining two belong to Jiang Fei.

However, other guilds continue to perform teleportation missions according to inertia, so no one cares about the battlefield. Only Billy can't sit still. After the original expansion, he planned to take people to the battlefield, but unfortunately At that time, the three major guilds wanted to look down on the sky, and he was delayed. Although he changed the gate court, his interests could not be changed. So whenever he got a chance, he brought people into the battlefield, and by the way, those who chose the bright camp in the guild Players brush back!

"Which camp do you guys choose?" Billy has already explained, and Jiang Fei remembered the stubble, so he turned to ask the other members of the team.

"Of course I followed Fei Ge away!" Zhao Feng said first, and he chose the dark camp after his 30th level.

"I choose neutral!"

"me too!"

"Well! I'm neutral too!"


As a result, in addition to Zhao Feng, Qixing Trench, Mo Xiaoyu, and Fengyu Qianxia all chose the neutral camp! The neutral camp cannot receive the high-level missions started by the light and dark sides, but it will not break with one side. Both sides can take advantage of it, but it is definitely not as good as specializing on one side!

"Just feel free, don't choose the bright camp!" Jiang Fei nodded, anyway, he didn't consider changing camps!

After the other players chose the faction, they all started with friendliness. Because of the relationship between the demons, he has a respectable reputation directly in the dark faction, while the bright faction is full of hatred. If he wants to brush back, there is no half a year Don't even think about it!

"It doesn't matter what battlefield is, let's go on. If you want to fight the battlefield, you have to go back and talk!" Feng Yu Qianxia said.

"Well! Then I'm on!" Jiang Fei nodded. Although the main tank has now become Isabella, he still has to gather the mobs!

Jiang Fei gathered the mobs together. Isabella and Mo Xiaoyu were bombed by the crowd. Soon, all the mobs were killed. Then the bones scattered on the ground shook again, and they were combined into one when time was not long. A monster with a turtle head and snake head! Of course, this monster is also made of bones, without any flesh!

Bone Sha-Xuan Wu (Undead, strengthen the leader)

Level: 43

Health: 800,000

Attack: 4300

Skills: Tortoise Shell, Defense Enhancement, Spin Blast ~ ~ Turtle shell crushed and devoured!

Turtle armor: Xuanwu retracts all the limbs and head into the tortoise shell, and enters the invincible state for a short time. After the invincibility is released, Xuanwu restores 5% of his health and the attack power is permanently reduced by 10%!

Defense Enhancement: Xuanwu greatly enhances his physical and magic defense for 30 seconds!

Spin impact: After starting tortoise shell or tortoise shell crushing, if basalt is attacked, he will immediately rotate his body to eject and collide freely among players. Each collision will cause a thousand points of damage and hit the target. The effect lasts 15 second!

Tortoise shell crushing: Xuanwu suddenly retracted the limbs and head into the tortoise shell, and the heavy tortoise shell hit the ground, causing 5000 points of damage to all players around!

Devour: Xuanwu randomly devours a non-current target, making the target unable to move or cast, and inflicting 1000 damage to it every second for 5 seconds! If Xuan Wu kills the devoured target, he will immediately recover 50% of his health!


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