MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 102 Human flesh

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When the vegetables in the Zhouyu small farm gradually matured, other employees occasionally ate the dishes that the small boss had personally planted, and unexpectedly caused a good reputation. Afterwards, every time there was a small boss's dish in the canteen, the enthusiasm of the employees to eat was particularly high, and the looting was fierce.

The boss planted vegetables for the employees to eat, which originally had a special meaning in it, plus it was really delicious, so the hot is normal. This dish, collectively referred to as the 'Boss dish' among employees, is much more popular than Lee Fat.

Li Fatzi is also wondering, to say that the dishes are good, who would dare to say the dishes of Hu Sanye? The same is also natural pesticide-free planting, what is the difference? Is it a small boss who made a new breed?

no one knows.

There are no projects open in the current amusement park, except for some old people who will play chess here, basically no one. Some strange reporters who want to come in for interviews are either stopped outside or they can only interview Zhou Wei. As for Zhou Yu himself, they can't see it.

No way, who made the "Fruit Pirates" not show the first fire, the popularity of the trailer and the screenings made this animated film reprinted by the major media, and even has been labeled as the 'domestic first animated film'. For a time, all kinds of arguments are endless. The main discussion is the mysterious members of Beidou Studio. Where are they from?

The three people who have already been publicized, the two little girls who make the trailer have no background, but they are only college students, they are not official members, and there is not much information to dig. The director of the live-action shooting Zhou Yu is very interesting. There is a carpenter work called art. It is violent. If you shoot a movie, you must at least destroy a few full fleets. The people who play the ship love and hate.

In addition to the three, in a long list of staff, actually could not find a familiar name. From dubbing to production, it is clear that each one is a top talent, but it seems that no one has ever heard of it. If not every name is a Chinese name, doubt if it is a foreign team.

Originally thought that after the release of the issue, Beidou Studio will naturally appear in front of everyone, but when the conference was held, the two Penguin and Zhaidian companies issued a statement that Beidou Studio does not intend to disclose its identity, so it will not participate. Promotion.

When this statement came out, it suddenly became awkward.

Recently, do ACG circles like to play with Tibetan cats? The head of the comic book, the leader of the game, and the leader of the brothel, are famous for being good at stealth. No one knows who the body is. Nowadays, there is finally a talented team to complement the animation field. I didn't expect to be a bunch of six baby.

It is a bit of a ruinous formation. If it is a line of the long line, it will be perfect.

Seeking the truth has always been a matter of enthusiasm for netizens, but the investigation of the two leaders has failed. This time, the investigation of the Beidou, it is necessary to make a beautiful turnaround.

As a result, the people who went to Luhua Village unexpectedly increased. Among them, Zhou Yu’s carpenter’s life is very admired. Some are simply trying to visit the “Fruit Pirates” shooting site, while others are pseudo-visitors who are almost as thoughtful as reporters.

Tourists are a good thing, and rural tourism projects should start. The so-called country tour is actually a variety of dishes to see flowers fishing and hug small animals, may be a fresh experience for people who live in the city for a long time, but for the rural people is just everyday.

The shooting base has also been restored. After all, there are not many people in the water, but the small boss Zhou Yu does not know which one is wrong. He is unwilling to stop the wave pool, so if he is transformed into a photography base, he will attract some tourists. It can also be used to compensate for the loss of the vacant pool.

There are a lot of ways to play, but tickets are required for entering the market, although it is not expensive. In addition to the huge floating naval base, there are many medieval ships, and the aircraft carrier of the mighty hegemony has also been moved to the wave pool, which is more ornamental.

If you feel that the photo is not enough, you can rent some boat models to play. However, one thing, these boat models are all not for sale, because it is too wasteful to spend the money on the ship model. I really want to make money or do animation movies.

That is to say, the genuine manual ship model that has been passed to the outside is only the repair products that have been re-assembled from the ruins. It is no wonder that the price of these restorations will rise wildly, mainly because of the extremely rare number of Zhou Yu’s hand-made works on the market.

I want to see the model of the ship, I want to see the "Fruit Pirate" shooting base are satisfied, and enjoy a garden in the amusement park, the trip of Luhua Village is a gain. And the last thing that wants to spy on ‘confidence’ is nothing but disappointment.

As long as he enters the park, Zhou Yu is not difficult to find, but it is difficult to get close. It’s not this person’s shelf. He’s also greeted him in general, but when he talks about “fruit pirates,” he immediately shuts his mouth. If he doesn't know how to continue and digs down, he will immediately get up and run away. God knows how a otaku can run so fast, no one can catch up with it anyway.

After a few days, nothing was gained. In the end, I could only shake my head and give up the human flesh.

This kind of thing, human flesh, depends on the legs, but also on high technology. In the case of Zhou Yu’s ignorance, his computer has actually been targeted by hackers. In fact, there is nothing valuable, except for some small movies that are not willing to be seen, even if they are blacked out. However, if the works produced by animation bases and game companies are exposed, there will be some trouble.

However, the wonderful thing is that Zhou Yu’s broken computer without any professional protection has not been attacked. The reason is that it is a figure that Zhou Yu and all the villagers of Xiaoluhua Village did not expect, hidden in the darkness and silently guarding Zhou Yu’s computer.

At present, this person does not want to play, so I will talk about it later.

Both the errands and the high-tech are defeated, and the human flesh will not go on. After looking for the two failures of the Taoist leader, the task of revealing Beidou was also devastated by Waterloo. It has to be sighed by the circle of the ACG. The three mysteries seem to be waiting for the latecomers to solve the mystery.

However, the errands still get some interesting things. For example, Zhou Yu is not only a technical house that will be a carpenter, but also a magical animal trainer.

In a strange little training ground, they saw a little bit and the black jazz was training the next generation of beasts, and then naturally it was shocked by a sequel.

Who has seen the chicken running the obstacle course? And the pigeons that fly the fire circle? If you don't know, you think you are going to the animal circus to watch the performance.

Even the circus, should there be whip and biscuits for training animals? This week, the fishing is good, and when the animals are training, the mouth is moving, but these little guys are obedient to the command and listen to the command.

Really, it’s amazing.