MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 149 Playing recipes

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Small boss fishing - white busy, is already a relatively famous ridicule between the employees in the amusement park, which means that you are sloppy on this day. No one can wonder why the little boss likes to fish for a while every day, but no one has ever seen him catch a fish. This perseverance has already made countless people anxious, and wants to sneak into the water to hang fish on his hook.

Jiang Taigong fishing is a straight hook, how can you still catch a standard hook? However, no matter how bad people spit, the little boss continues this fruitless behavior day in and day out.

Zhou Wei also couldn't figure it out. After asking several times, he didn't get an answer. He slowly got used to it.

When I came to the river, the first thing I saw was a beautiful fish that was not like words, and then Zhou Yu, who was very focused. With such a serious fishing, the results have been zero gains in the past year, and it is also an unprecedented achievement.

The strange bait is probably the culprit of zero harvest, and I don’t know where Zhou Yu bought the bait. Zhou Hao occasionally accompanied the fish for a while. After using this bait, a fish did not catch it. God knows why Zhou Yu has identified this bait, and others will advise not to give up.

"If you haven't finished fishing, talk to you about something."

Zhou Wei sat on the small stool next to him and looked at the bait that was already left, showing his disgusted eyes. Or this broken bait, that is, a whole throwing down, no fish will go to eat, or even scared away, simply catching fish artifacts.

Zhou Yu is quite enjoyable. The 2nd-dimensional fish is stupid and different. The different types of places are different. Even if the same place has different seasons, there are strange fish that will be caught. It is very interesting. Some time ago, I even fished in the wave pool of the listening hall. As a result, I actually caught the fish. It was amazing.

Looking at the work that has been done today, I have received a shot and listened to Zhou Wei. Generally speaking, if you are not a big event, you will not find it. After all, the operation of this piece has been handed over to him.

“It’s about the City of Magic, this project is almost finished, and the program team wants to come in early and get familiar with the venue for the next shoot.”

It turned out to be this thing, and I almost forgot it. The City of Magic is a magical theme of rides, costing more than 10 million, although it is nothing compared to a large amusement park where the investment is over 10 billion, but with two hot animations, it has Very high popularity, many people are looking forward to the opening of the City of Magic. This time, cooperation with the program group is considered as a warm-up before the opening, and once again promoted.

Zhou Wei pays great attention to this matter, but Zhou Yu is very troublesome, because the arrival of the program group is bound to subject his actions to various restrictions.

"Let's go, let them in. But let's say it, unless I get my consent, I won't accept any interviews."

Explain in advance, when you look at the face, don't say anything big. Zhou Wei also knows Zhou Yu’s temperament. It has already been a thousand miles for the program group, but it’s hard to say how much the other party can listen to.

"And, what is your game called "Playing Recipes"? Tongfulou is like a makeover, each one will have dozens of dishes, just like a star restaurant."

Zhou Yuhui will play games. This is something that everyone in Luhua Village knows, because his first pot of gold is earned by the game. On the same day, I also took a group of little devils to sweep the supermarket. The supermarket owner is Zhou Wei, and the natural impression is very profound.

Just a game, it is a bit interesting to let a bunch of canteen chefs go all out.

Zhou Wei is not the boss of the supermarket. He has a certain understanding of animation games. However, he can't understand the game of Zhou Yu. Because it is not like a game at all, it is more like a chef's practice textbook.

I have never heard that the game can be used as a textbook, but this "playing recipes" has done it, and the practical effect is also very obvious. The chefs of Tongfulou like this game very much, until all the dishes are learned. Still looking forward to having more games like this. However, no matter how they inquired, they could not find a game called "Playing Recipe".

Zhou Yu is also very surprised. It is just a game made to practice cooking. It seems to be in a strange direction.

"Ah, this is an exercise software that I developed to learn how to cook. Li Fatzi said they wanted it and gave it to them."

Zhou Yiyi just wants to put his mind into the river to calm down, you are sick, to develop a game in order to learn to cook? Then also give this game to people? Do you want to develop games without money, or do you have money to be able to do whatever you want?

As long as there is more than one thing, it is not cherished. Zhou Yu is like this. In the eyes of others, it is hard to develop a game. It is only a day of waiting for him. Naturally, it is not worth cherishing. There are too many similar things, only a small part of it to make some money, the other is basically a game dominated by Zhou Yu.

There are even some games that are good for watching other people's games, and then copying the content and creative production, you can't take it out at all, just refreshing yourself.

Zhou Wei did not continue to speak, but quickly stood up and walked toward Tongfulou, but now only the chefs of Tongfulou have played, the game has not leaked, and the loss can be recovered.

Gao Shu of the house mad network has not got the new work of the priest of the brothel for a long time. No way, people's animated films are harvesting ‘human heads’ in major theaters, and naturally they can't see the benefits of the game. A zombie game "Alive" is only a one or two million net income, it seems that even a fraction of it is not.

However, today, he received a call from Zhou Hao, the general manager of Xiaotaoyuan Amusement Park, saying that Zhou Yu had actually made a game for his team to learn to cook, but he never intended to publish it.

Hey, an old blood almost spit out.

Rich and willful!

Gao Shu’s first reaction was similar to Zhou Wei’s. He didn’t understand what Zhou Yu’s mind was thinking. One or two million is not money? As for a coin on the street, it’s bothering to pick up?

"Zhou brother, this treasure of your home is really a treasure, I can't control it. I have to stare at you a lot. If there is any game coming out, I will tell you the first time, I am not very grateful!"

Gao Shu has no choice but to raise a white flag for Zhou Yu’s freak and then choose to start from the people around him. As for this game, let's try it first, but I can't go anywhere to see the consistent level of the building.

However, everyone did not think that it was such a weird game! (To be continued.)