MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 150 Aunt and game

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In the professional studio of the game madness evaluation, the controversy continues. From the gameplay, "play recipes" can give up to 3 points, which is still the visual points given to the perfect real-time CG. If you are creative, you can show the cooking process so perfectly in the form of data. It is quite interesting, you can give 9 points.

But can this game be sold?

There is no conflict in the story, and the average game player will not be interested at all, except those who want to learn to cook. But if you want these people to know that there is such a game, how much promotion is needed? After all, it is an unprecedented thing.

The number of users built by the house mad network can reduce the cost of advertising by more than half, but how many of these users will buy this game because they are interested in cooking? You don't have to think about it, there are very few, only new users.

This undoubtedly requires a huge promotion fee. Can it be recovered at that time? The best game sales of the brothel are only over 100,000. Even if the promotion success is estimated, it will not exceed this number. After deducting the game developer's share, the house mad network is basically a loss. It can be said that if you want to sign this game, you need to take a very dangerous risk.

However, there are also a group of people who agree that they think the game is very creative and supports somatosensory operation. It is the best learning software for housewives and general chefs. This game can be said to open up a brand new category of games, even if you take risks, you can support it.

There are so many cooking classes in the community, and there are a lot of potential customers. "Playing Recipes" is a game that costs dozens of dollars. It is a cooking learning material. Full-time housewives can not only learn the staple food practices, but also some snacks and snacks, from materials to practices.

And it can be actually operated to watch the color changes of the ingredients during cooking and cooking. Can those cooking teaching videos be done? Not only can you get tips during the production process, but also expert reviews after cooking, this is not a valuable experience for teaching videos.

More than the cooking teaching video content is not expensive, why can't you grasp the hearts of the housewives?

The two sides have a single word, who can not convince anyone, but also let Gao Shu is a headache.

No wonder Zhou Yu did not take this game out. It is estimated that he also thinks this game is tricky. But then again, what do you think is tricky to develop? Oh, yes, Zhou Wei said that "playing recipes" was developed because Zhou Yu wanted to learn cooking.

It’s a god-like reason.

Gao Shu, who really can't do anything, can only hand over the decision to sign "Recipes" to the superior.

The higher level considers more. The representative of the leader of the prison is Zhou Yu, who is a big-level figure in the development of the third-line animation game. The two animated films "Fruit Pirates" and "Dragon Treasures" have already taken him to the position of the first person in animated films, and even enough to go abroad to confront other anime powers.

So big, don't hurry to hold your thighs?

Well, let me laugh, the house madness is not a large portal that just holds the thigh. However, in the face of a leading figure in the industry, it is certainly beneficial to make more contributions. Besides, this game is really good, but its audience is not in the house madness, put it in other fields, maybe it can really make a new world.

Finally, the superior board, not only signed "play recipes", but also to find copywriting and advertising with the highest specifications. Break past conventions, look for any audience that can be cut in, and get ready to do big things.

So, when the housewives prepared meals in the evening and sat in front of the TV to prepare to watch various soap operas, they saw such an advertisement.

The beautiful newlywed wife smiled and sent her husband to work, but she frowned on the stove because she would not cook. If you want to catch the man's heart, you will grab his stomach, but the kitchen will be messed up, and he will be blackened by the smoke.

At this time, a game appeared and changed the situation. The newlywed wife is cooking while holding the handle, and the ingredients in the computer screen are like real. Seventy-seven main dishes, thirty-six kinds of snacks, a game can learn, save money and save time and fuel.

I am going to go, what the hell?

Playing games to learn how to cook? Some curious housewives started searching for it, and it turned out to be a new type of game that the game website just launched. There are a variety of introductory videos on it, all of which teach you how to cook, and each dish has a complete video.

It can be tried many times without fear of wasting ingredients, not spending money on expensive ingredients, and there is no trouble with soot. This is a very attractive factor for housewives. However, is it really effective? After all, it is a game. Can you truly reflect the cooking process? If you can't, then what you didn't learn is the wrong way. When you use it on the real stove, it will still fail.

In response to this question, the house mad network even sponsored a TV program to let a relatively well-known cooking program actually operate the game on the program, while also using the same materials to produce dishes on the spot, the results are basically the same. .

Not to mention the audience in front of the TV, even the show host was very curious about the game. Experts also said that the content of "Playing Recipes" is scientific and rigorous, and it is basically true. It is a very good cooking learning aid.

The overwhelming game ads, the target audience is actually a housewife, the news of the ACG circle suddenly disappeared.

You are going to go against the sky? Actually sell the game to the aunt! ? How many children are being licked by their mother when playing games? How many game consoles have been hidden by my mother? Now you are mad at home and want to take the big aunt and sell them to the game! ?

Many people think that the house is crazy, but they also have to admire the courage of the house madness, and they like it.

So, "Playing recipes" is on fire.

No one knows if it can be sold, because this game is currently only accepted for reservations and has not yet been officially sold. But the enthusiasm is real, and one stalk is born, and it is a joy to be played by countless paragraphs. The war between the game and the mother finally started the first shot.

The madness of the user is arrogant, because playing the game for so many years, it is really the first time to see such a game. Shouldn't cooking to New Oriental? Is this going to be a signboard? The fans who visited the avenues of the brothel were even more dumbfounded. How could they not think of the game after the silence of the road?

My way, you can't sell it so cute! (To be continued.)