MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 251 Spectacular dowry

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A stupid kid, inexplicably calling himself a father-in-law, probably thinks that he has taken a fancy to one of his two daughters, Xiaomu Pear or a small firefly. Just, your kid counts as a wool, and just want to abduct my daughter?

It is for this reason that Zhou Yu does not feel that there is a need for guilt in the coma of two hundred and five. If you are arrogant in the inner city, you can’t be thrown into jail.


The kid who was thrown into the potion treatment, with the ban on the thief king, wants to be arrogant. When he was awake, he was immediately taken to the front of Zhou Yu by the guarded bird. Anyway, you still have to ask first, what is the purpose of this guy to come to Luhua City.

Unexpectedly, the mouth of the boy under the eaves is still so hard: "Why, does Luhua City treat the guests like this?"

I am arrogant in the inner city, the purpose is unknown, but also the wicked first complained? I have to admire this guy's thinking circuit, it is simply ridiculous: "Kids, have always used to be arrogant, my family is just a bit like a similar preference, not as good as the two of you?"

The thief king also likes to touch other people's forbidden places. Because he has been guarding Zhou Yu, he has given this kid a chance to touch the inner city. If he is to guard the inner city, I believe that the thief has already been taken. However, the thief king is also very good at one thing, that is, forced confession. Violence is not advocated, but it is not difficult for the thief king to use a unique mind reading of 2 dimensions.

The thief king listened to Zhou Yu’s instructions and raised his hand to take out a ** Dan. After eating it, he would enter the ** state and ask what line. The boy who is a little bit is finally scared. He smiled and said: "Don't stop, there is something to say, there is something to say, although this thing does not hurt, but the next day, it will be spit for several days, it is uncomfortable."

Looks very familiar, it is estimated that there is no less doing things, and then being hanged. In the world of 2 dimensions, the dragon and the tiger are hidden. It is impossible to find an ordinary sweeping old man who is a hidden master. It is necessary to go around in the morning and evening.

"Since you know that you are afraid, then you can make your own words clearly. Who are you, what is the purpose of coming to Luhua City? Dare to have a half-lie, I will send you to prison for labor reform!"

The cold voice of the thief king indicates that this is not a joke. It has been touched by people who have just built a city. It is a loud slap in the face of such a secret probe. He has stepped up training for the Flying Birds, but it still takes a little while. A truly qualified bird knight needs at least a year or two to cultivate, so you can't blame him.

**The boy is finally honestly this time. He said the truth: "My name is Yi Wei. I watched the trailer of "The Magical Maze of Xiaomu Pear" in the 2nd dimension. When the daughter fell in love at first sight, wasn’t it to come to my wife with a bride price?”

Lying in the trough, such a confident teenager is really rare. Asked if the thief king is really true, because he can see if the other person is lying or hiding something, Zhou Yu does not have this ability.

"The Lord, he is telling the truth, the things brought in have been checked, and no abnormalities have been found."

Zhou Yu took over the parcel that the thief Wang handed, which was the dowry that the niece said in his mouth. As a result, he was scared.

The design of the idol school can open an idol school; the design map of the Zhongnanhai bodyguard training institution can train senior black bodyguards; the invitation of fashion designers can be recruited by a fashion designer, but the quality is not certain.

These three things are enough to make Zhou Yu’s mouth water flow down three thousand feet. Where is the local tyrant of Nima, these things can be exchanged for a huge amount of money in any 2nd dimension city. If you get a starlight auction, it is estimated that a small rich can be born directly.

In addition, there are some strange props in the package. Zhou Yu did not dare to continue to look down, because he was worried that if he saw a few more eyes, he might even agree to Yi Yi, whether he was a little wooden pear or small. Firefly. It is the most desirable thing for Zhou Yu at present. With them, the city of Luhua is completely independent, and no longer has to work hard to find someone to cooperate.

There are also fashion designers, which are urgently needed now. I can imagine how much Zhou Yu wants.

It’s hard to stop the inner greed. Zhou Yuhui returned to God for a long time and said: “Sorry, although your dowry is very tempting, my daughter is not selling it. No matter how many dowry, I won't agree, oh, I haven't got any trouble yet, and quickly take your things and leave Luhua City!"

Zhou Yu feels that he is really a good person. In fact, it is okay to directly deduct things and then throw Yi Yi into prison. There is enough reason to do this in the inner city alone, and it does not violate the code. If you don't see that this boy is really not malicious, there should be more bones in the backyard.

Juveniles are really stupid, and the truth of the guilty of sinfulness is not understood?

Hearing Zhou Yu’s firm rejection, Yi’s performance was very animated, which was the kind of surprise that was instantly petrified and then shattered by the thunder.

I heard that my wife is expensive now, so Yi Yi ran out to fight hard early, and it took a lot of hard work to get rid of these homes. I was quite confident at first. I didn't expect to go to the door for the first time, so I was easily rejected.

It is sad.

The heartbreaking teenager turned back one step at a time, but even the sweetheart did not see one side, so he left the city of Luhua. Of course, Zhou Yu is also very dissatisfied with those ‘recruitment’, hoping to exchange it with the method of exchange of money or treasures, even if it is the same.

It is a pity that Yi Xin’s blind eyes determined that these are the capital of his wife and he is not willing to exchange. Before leaving, he yelled that he didn't give up, and he will come back later.

Helpless Zhou Yu had to let the thieves king give him some advice, it is best to put these treasures in the Star Bank, so as not to commit another crime and then meet the black heart of the city, directly take these good things away.

It’s not that Zhou Yuhui will hand over his daughter to him, but maybe one day he will be willing to sell these good things for sale? It is always good to make personal feelings first.

"Who is this kid? How can I get so many good things?"

Every time I think of those good things, Zhou Yu will be embarrassed, and I will ask the thief king.

"The treasure hunter, only the adventurer who completed the lv9 adventure trial can transfer jobs, master many professional treasure knowledge, can carry out the 'lost land' adventure. You can find more treasures in the lost place, so There are some good things that are normal."

The thief king is relatively indifferent. When he is used to the treasure, he does not put the property of Yi Yi in his eyes.

Zhou Yu snorted, and this is a thing of the past.

But suddenly remembered, this Yi Yi seems to even like which daughter did not say, rushed and took risks.

Still two hundred and five.