MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 299 Fallen broker

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Jing Ning’s ‘Tragedy’ also wrote the ending of “The Magical Heart”. Although the protagonist in the book succeeded in breaking away from the chaotic spiritual world, it was not a happy ending after returning to reality, but a cruel reality. Although he woke up, the woman he loved was still sleeping forever. .

This kind of ending, the mapping is probably the relationship between Jingning and Xiaoliu, at least not until now on a channel. If there is a sequel, it is probably the dream of the protagonist to enter the heroine. The two together will run out together, then d.

However, from the current situation, Jingning is destined to be a tragedy.

At this point, the story "Fantasy" is completed. From the point of view of the text, I still like it very much, that is, I don’t know what it will be after the game is made. "Unintentional Girl" has seen at least live performances, probably imagine how the game will be, but "Fantasy" is only a text from the beginning, not very imaginative.

After the fox game company upgraded its name, it has not produced a new type of game, which makes Zhou Yu depressed. I have been looking forward to seeing how the game will be different after the upgrade. I didn’t expect to have two stories, but I still can’t match the talents of the game.

At present, you can enter the six-pointed star plate, only Lou Xiaobao and the embroidered workman, a talent in the department, and an intensive artist. At least one more is needed. The most ideal one should be rpg talent. This configuration should be the most suitable for "Unintentional Girl".

Of course, if there are more talents to join, it is better.

I can only wait slowly.

Just as Zhou Yu hopes to continue to cultivate his flash gold, I hope that when more love seedlings emerge, a sudden gain, but I ran to the door.

That is when the "Blood Moon Fog" is strongly registered in the theater, when it comes to various incomes. At the same time, the 2nd dimension is also released simultaneously. Although it can only be reflected in a small range of theaters because of the pressure, the income in the 2nd dimension is actually very limited.

However, this film did not cause much repercussions, and it was a movie that went online at a loss, but it still received reports of many newspapers in the second dimension. The most important reason is the departure of Beidou and the final curtain call of Xia Wei, which caused great discussion in the 2nd dimension.

Is the extreme opposition between the fallen and the starlight the right choice, or the deliberate creation of the division?

There are supporters, opponents, and all kinds of arguments. And everyone is watching, the Beidou company entering the Luhua City, what will eventually become.

However, at this moment of the limelight, suddenly jumped out of a strange company, strong standing team Luhua City, claiming to follow the pace of Beidou, join the Luhua City. The most weird thing is that this company is not a member of the Star Alliance, but a fallen tribe.

Zhou Yu is now starting to look at the 2nd dollar newspaper, although the original newspaper is too small for him, and the ligatures are not clear. However, it is a common practice to eat breakfast every day in the crisp reading of Xiaomu Pear.

For Zhou Yu, the above message is more interesting than the three-dimensional newspaper. When I saw the heavy news of this fallen daily newspaper, Zhou Yu couldn’t help but open his mouth and couldn’t believe it. Is there a madness in my body? The tiger's body was shocked immediately and the younger brother was countless?

"Xia Wei, this guy named Shang Yue is old-fashioned with you?"

Zhou Yu also thought that Xia Wei secretly made a brokerage company in the fallen city. After all, his idea was that the stars would fall and coexist, and he might dare to carry people who contacted the fallen tribe. If this is the case, then the city of Luhua City will be truly star-studded, and with the wandering idols, the foundation of the chaotic forces will be formed.

However, it is a pity that Zhou Yu’s guess was wrong. Xia Wei shook his head and said with doubt: “No, I don’t dare to have anything to do with the fallen tribe before I know you. If not, the people above don’t. I will sit back and watch the Beidou re-grow. But the name Shangyue, I am quite familiar, you let me think about it."

Xia Wei looked down for a moment, finally recalled and said: "Think of it! The famous Heifengzhai brokerage company! The spoiler of the fallen tribe, one of the top ten degraded youths, even in the fallen city, is notorious character."

Lying in the trough, so fierce? Then you can't just let him in. The brokerage company of the Fallen City has been taught before, what is the role of the elite in the fallen city, is it necessary to turn the Luhua Village upside down?

"The thief king, the order is going on, if the black wind village brokerage company sent people, no see!"

Zhou Yugang ordered it and was immediately stopped by Xia Wei: "Wait for the old week, I think it might be good to see it. Although the black wind village is notorious, it has never been heard that it has made its fallen idols What is special, although the style of acting is overbearing, it is actually the same kind of person as us."

what? Is there a heterogeneity like Xia Wei in the fallen city?

"Speaking of this Shangyue, it is also a legend of the fallen city. Even there are many reports on him in the Star City. You listen to me."

Some people talked about ancient times, the interest of children and children immediately came up, and they all came up and listened to Uncle Xia’s talk about the past.

Shang Yue, a fallen broker, inherited the Heifengzhai brokerage company from his father. The teenager became famous, bringing a company that was originally only mixed on the edge, and brought him into the heart of the fallen city. The fame of the Black Wind Village is that it has been destroyed once, but it has revived successfully revenge.

When the black wind village leaps and bounds, I don’t know where it got rid of the Shenhua Pavilion, the largest brokerage company in the fallen city, and was ordered by the Excalibur. At that time, the Shenjian Pavilion was probably the same as the most powerful period of Beidou, and the power of the fallen city was about 50%. The black wind village is even more beautiful, probably only with the most powerful period after Xia Yu mastered Beidou.

The heavy card pressure is small, and the bones are broken.

The legend of Shangyue began after the black wind village was suppressed and only a light pole commander was left. After the big change, Shangyue, like a change of personality, changed the style of the previous arrogant and overbearing, and escaped from the scribbled roots of Shenjiange.

Doing the best but not completely annihilating the Black Wind Village, the slashing of the Shenjian Pavilion, coupled with the knives of other brokerage companies in the Ming Dynasty, eventually led to the collapse of the Excalibur Empire. The vitality of the Black Wind Village is simply a level that is not dead.

After listening to Xia Wei’s story, Zhou Yu became curious about Shang Yue. Just because his brokerage company doesn't do this, it can be regarded as a like-minded partner and can see. Hushan Xiaonong said that he liked to thank the book friends for their bitter smiles and drunkenness. I am a guilty singer and I am a singer of the group of friends, 121661658. However, I don’t talk often and can be used as a simple animation game exchange group.