MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 303 Unreal card

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Looking back at the anime of "Game King" in the past, I have been thinking about how good it would be if it was true. I didn't expect to have such an opportunity after growing up. I really want to thank this. The eye of the 2nd dimension completes the childhood dream.

In order to chase the childhood dream, Zhou Yu invested 12 points to start building electronic component plantations.

Electronic component plantations first need electrician cabins, but the recruited electricians do not directly plant electronic components, but need to integrate with the upgraded farmhouse of the farmer's cabin to become an electronic farmhouse before electronic conversion of agricultural products can be carried out. .

Agricultural products or agricultural products do not turn plants into machinery. If that is the case, it will be too sci-fi, and small farms will not let people in. Fortunately, after upgrading to an electronic farmhouse, some 'weeds' will be attached to the side of various agricultural products, and these strange weeds are the real electronic components after harvesting.

That is to say, the upgraded electronic farmhouse only added the output value of the small farm and did not transform the harvest. However, when Zhou Yuxing rushed to upgrade the farmhouses of the small farms, he found that ordinary farmers were working in the garden normally, while those electronic peasants wearing helmets were not willing to go out to work, but instead called in the house. Go to sleep.

Lying in the trough, strike on the first day?

The electrician fox explained: "Electronic peasants will only go out to work in thunderstorms, and wait a while to enter the summer. At that time, it is the planting period of electronic components. If you want electronic peasants to come out on weekdays, you must let Artificial mines are built over the farm."

Rely, it is light! The electric fox said that the natural is a 2nd-dimensional thunder, and the 3rd-dimensional artificial thunder is even if it is, it is too funny to get into the farm. In the case of 2nd dimension, the simplest one should be the talents with the ability of 'Raytheon' or the weather treasures like 'Thundercloud'. These two kinds of Luhua City are not currently available, so they can only wait for the arrival of thunderstorms.

It’s really uncomfortable to have a hard time getting hooked up and dragging on for three or four months. Fortunately, the electrician fox has proposed a temporary solution: "I see that there are some angry mines in the three-dimensional humans here. If you can collect enough quantities, you can generate enough energy."

Anger mines, in general, will appear randomly on the map after thunderstorms, but in the city of Luhua, because of the explosion of the 2 dimensional concentration, some human beings who are here for a long time are angry or angry, they will produce angry thunder. mine.

Other emotions will also produce corresponding minerals. Recently, the miners in Luhua City do not collect normal minerals. The rare ore is collected first. So in the amusement park, it is everywhere that the miners are squatting on the human body to collect ore.

Angry mines, there are naturally some.

Under the big joy, Zhou Yu found all the angry mines. In fact, they were some ordinary stones with a little yellow color. According to the instructions of the electrician fox, a piece of farmland was enclosed and made into a minefield.

When the minefield was made, the ‘lazy’ e-farmers finally came out and began to dance around the yellow ore, and ‘呜啦啦啦啦啦’ looked very happy.

In the eyes of the 2nd dimension, with the progress of the witch dance, the angry mine began to release the contained energy, and the electric wall formed a current wall, which made the minefield different. Fortunately, it is only a 2 dimensional scenery, or else not only those spring vegetables will die, but even people will not walk in casually.

The current is generated, and the seeds of the electronic components are all sprinkled and planted.

All the angry mines in stock, only completed the transformation of a farmland, and after using it once, all the energy of the ore was exhausted and turned into a real useless ordinary stone. This level of consumption is exaggerated. It seems that in addition to the annual thunderstorm season, it is a very difficult time to acquire electronic components.

The next day, the seeds sprouted, revealing their true colors, and it turned out to be many strange mushrooms. There are vegetables on it, but there are mushrooms underneath. The little man jumps on it and there is a strange forest.

There are many types of mushrooms, from ovals to slender ones, and the colors are varied. I took a head overnight and then opened the umbrella cover in a day or two. The growth rate was amazing. However, in terms of the characteristics of mushrooms, it seems to be normal.

These things must not be eaten. After all, they are born out of mines. Who knows if it will cause harm to the human body. Besides, no one will go to eat electronic components, it is really too long, although these mushrooms look really delicious. Look at your mouth, but you can wait until the fall to plant something to eat. Don't just move around.

Building an electrical factory, these mature mushrooms became parts.

Take a look at what the current electrical factory can make is the Unreal Card. However, before making these cards, you must first create a card game before you can start making cards.

Card games are actually in the third-level game of inventory, just take out one, and Zhou Yu chose "Water Margin". This game is a nostalgic game, recalling the enthusiasm of collecting the little raccoon water card before, so I did such a game. The playability is not very high, the focus is still nostalgia, so they have not come out to sell money.

Now, let's make some commemorative things to see how it works.

The first set of 108 Water Margin Unreal cards began to be manufactured.

In addition to the electronic components, the electrical factory needs some wood and metal elements as raw materials, and after all the required materials are put together, it is working. After about 10 minutes, the first card was spit out from a place like a small cash machine.

Wisdom is used by Wu.

The card is only about one centimeter thick, and the aspect ratio is similar to that of the game king. However, the material is not the same, the Unreal card is very metallic, and the weight is higher than the paper card.

The pattern on the back is the same, using the 'Luhua' logo, which is produced by Luhua Village. The upper part of the front is a portrait of Chi Duo Xing Wu, and the lower part is a functional introduction. Because "Water Margin" is a game of collecting cards, so if you want to play against a card, you can't do it. It's just a watch.

In the lower part of the front, there is also a two-dimensional code pattern, which seems to be used to scan the code. Zhou Yu does not use the mobile phone, and can only wait for someone to try it out. In addition to the QR code, there is something like a sensor that slides with your finger and the shocking scene appears.

A virtual three-dimensional portrait of the same height as Xiaomu Pear appeared, accompanied by a burst of laughter: "Come and come, Liangshan is good wine, waiting for the guests."

Lying in the trough, I have not used the 2D eye just now. Is there this technology in reality? Hushan Xiaonong said that he thanked Shuyou for crying fish and dataman's reward.

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