MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 360 Tourist's wish

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After watching the report of the anchor, the audience could not help but stunned. It is true that the Emperor looks like a very good man. It is best to be a friend because you can play with you. However, there is a clear lack of conscious self-consciousness, and the emotional intelligence is low and horrible. Even if it is aimed at the Emperor's money, it will not move the heart of this dead house.

Zhou Yu also watched the live broadcast, listening to other people's evaluation of himself is not moving, because they are right, at least until now, no girl can let themselves out of the amusement park. If there is really love, the sisters should be invited, and they should be eager to agree. In other words, if there is a girl who can make her heart move to go out of the amusement park, it is probably that person.

Will there be? Wait and see.

Anyway, Zhou Yu does not feel that he needs a girlfriend to marry a wife. There is a 2 dimensional existence, there are their own children here, there are so many friends, no matter whether it is spiritual life or material life.

Take care of him so much, let's do the task first.

The three-dimensional mission received today was unexpected. It was actually a request from a young male tourist.

This tourist is a frequent visitor to the amusement park, perhaps because of the number of visits, but also the same changes as the villagers of Luhua Village. Not only was the birth of a 2 yuan resident, but also a bead bracelet sent by a girlfriend of a mother-in-law, turned into a beautiful nun sitting on the chanting.

It seems that the feelings are quite deep, otherwise it will not inject feelings and personification.

Just talking to a stranger makes Zhou Yu feel embarrassed. In particular, this old man obviously has emotional problems. If the task is really ‘help confession’ or ‘doing the red line with the old man,’ how does the single dog feel at home?

What's more, discussing a relationship with a stranger, this is a great need for conversation skills. First of all, you have to get the absolute trust of the other party, and then cleverly lead to the problem. In such a short period of time, even if there is ag dialogue assistance, it is very difficult to do it.

I can't think of how to get along. I can only follow this tourist all the way to find the right time to intervene. However, it is very strange that this young man has always been a person wandering around, holding a camera and taking pictures constantly, and there are no signs of his girlfriend. Looking at the status of the beads, there seems to be no trace of damage. The Buddha's mother is also solemn and solemn, and there is nothing wrong with it.

This little brother, what is the sigh?

Zhou Yu, who was puzzled, couldn’t help but think of Lou Xiaobao. He studied Buddhism and might understand the little brother’s Zen machine. Of course, it’s just a boring association that is revealed by the nun. I’m going to find Xiaobao with this question. It’s estimated that I will be hit by a stick and delay his practice.

All the way to the end, I saw that this little brother is obviously inconsistent with the look of other tourists. Everyone else is full of smiles, and he is very disarray.

Just as Zhou Yu was determined to speak up, another person came over and said seriously: "Auntie called and said that the result of the garden came out, and at most only half a year left."

Lying in the trough, is this what the girlfriend wants to ascend to heaven? It is no wonder that the nun exudes a burst of Buddha light. At first it was thought that the man’s feelings were too deep, and the Buddha’s mother’s mana was so high that it turned out to be Nie.

Upon hearing this result, the man immediately burst into tears, and Zhou Yu was even more embarrassed. He did not dare to speak at this time, so he turned his back to a sitting chair next to him and overheard the next plot. Because he found that even if there is no dialogue, the task seems to have received the hand to complete the wish for the infatuated man.

What is your wish? The medical skills in the 2nd dimension do not work for the 3rd dimension. Even if you find the black doctor, you can't save your girlfriend. It’s even more nonsense to get back to life, even if you don’t dare to use it, look for slices.

Zhou Yuzheng was thinking about it, but he heard the man choked: "The garden garden likes the little Taoyuan amusement park. Now she can't come here to play, I will take it all and bring it back to the garden."

It's no wonder that the little brother took a picture or a variety of sadness, obviously it has already thought of this result. Another man sighed: "Have you done it? The garden you want to see most is you, as long as you can accompany her for the rest of the day."

Speaking of this, the infatuated man shook his head and said: "The garden garden usually likes the Zen Villa in the villa area. It always says that I want to go in and have a look. Unfortunately, there is no way to enter it. Now the park is even walking. No, it is even more impossible to see it with your own eyes."

At this point, I finally understood the wish of an infatuated man, that is, let his girlfriend see the Zen Villa.

This requirement is actually not difficult. Zhou Yu thought about it and turned and left.

After a while, the infatuated man was still at the door of the villa area, and he hoped to go in and take more photos of the Zen Villa. Although the garden has not seen the real thing, it is a comfort to take more photos.

At this moment, a broadcast voice suddenly sounded in the amusement park: "Congratulations to Mr. Wang Haiyang, you have become a lucky tourist today, get the qualification to enter the villa area, and receive the mystery award. Please bring your ID card to the gate guard booth in the villa area. Registration is valid only for the day."

The radio sounded repeatedly for several times, making the infatuated man happy, because he is Wang Haiyang.

In the office, Zhou Wei looked at Zhou Yu strangely, because the idea of ​​this 'lucky tourist today' was what he thought of, and the name of the surname made this sea ocean the first lucky one. Every day, I will pick up a random lucky tourist on time and give away a little gift or something.

Just, who is this Wang Haiyang? Why should I take care of him like this? What fisherman is doing is really getting more and more difficult to understand.

It’s not difficult to know the name, let the bird rider know about the Buddha’s mother. And as a result, he can enter the villa area and shoot the Zen Villa for his girlfriend. In addition, Zhou Yu also intends to give him a little something, after all, is the iron powder of the amusement park, now it is more to go to another world, always have to send it off.

The infatuated man quickly registered, and then quickly ran to the Zen Villa and took pictures. Lou Xiaobao has been notified, so it has not been blocked.

After a while, Zhou Yu personally brought a gift to the infatuated man who was preparing to go home, and whispered when he submitted it: "Thank you for your support of the amusement park, please tell the garden, the Zen Villa will pray for her. ""

After that, he turned and left, as if he had not said anything, he usually patted the shoulders of an infatuated man and turned away.

How does Zhou Yu know the garden?

Infatuated with a slap in the face, opened the gift box and looked at it, and suddenly burst into tears. It turned out to be a miniature model of a Zen Villa. With the craftsmanship of the Emperor, it is natural and vivid. Every detail strives for perfection. Even the most famous phoenix tree garden is perfectly reproduced.

With it, the garden can be seen as a fun. (To be continued...) r