MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 361 food street

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Zhou Yu thinks that he is not a good person. In his cognition, good people are taking the initiative to do good things, and they are things that happen in front of them, and they will lend a helping hand. Just like fulfilling a tourist's wish, one is the task, and the other is what happens in front of you.

However, the identity is placed there, and some things will be exaggerated. A little thing, I almost forgot about it. In the past two days, Zhou Yu has been wandering in the amusement park and wants to find more tourists, because the reward for doing this task seems to be better than the village task.

When the model of the Zen Mountain Villa was given to the infatuated man, the Buddha light on the Buddha Pearl was even more blazing, and it was a flash of dog eyes. This is why Zhou Yu quickly left, and no one wants to stare at a dazzling light. Don't let go, isn't it a stimulus?

However, after the Buddha's eye-catching ability of the Buddha's eyes was over, the beads that had been hung on her neck slowly rose into the air. Finally, one of the beads fell and flew directly into Zhou Yu's hands. The lower left corner of the glasses shows the soul seed from the reward host of the Buddha.

Although I don't know what the soul seed means, as long as it is a seed, it must be a good thing. This common sense is still there.

Zhou Yu is very satisfied with this award, so he has no impression of the infatuated man. After all, it is two clear. However, because of a thank-you for a loved one, the amusement park has once again fallen into a wave of public opinion. Although it is a good thing, it is also a headache.

In this thank-you post, the girl named Garden Park appeared. She was surprised to see the Zen Mountain model, and her pale face showed a rare smile.

Below the picture, it is the description of the magical encounter of the infatuated man on that day. The prize was won for no reason, and then the most wanted model of the Zen Mountain Villa was given. There was also a soft whisper from Zhou Yu, letting him understand that he was deliberately helping him, although he did not know where Zhou Yu knew his girlfriend and himself.

A big bowl of soul chicken soup, Zhou Wei naturally drank unceremoniously with a smile.

It is no wonder that Yuchai will insist on giving the boy a grand prize. He thought it was a buzzing moment. I didn’t expect to have such a story behind it. Originally, the amusement park has already separated from the word 'village'. It mainly takes the 2nd Yuan route. The main target is children and young people. The warmth of the story is as natural as possible.

It’s hard to get rid of the nature of the merchant’s nature. It’s natural to work hard, and the amusement park should be covered with a human coat. It’s a pity that Zhou Yu is suffering. The usual tourists don’t have any special attention to Zhou Yu. Walking in an amusement park is like relaxing at home.

However, after this incident was reported by the amnesty, Zhou Yu was cast a mysterious color, like the strange old man who was chiseling the chimney of Christmas. Yes, it’s Santa Claus. Everyone is staring at the pocket behind him, hoping to get a warm gift.

As soon as I walked outside, there will always be fans of fans who come to ask for a photo, directly refuse and singularly embarrassed, can only barely take two shots, and then flee. In the past, I was able to catch a fish quietly. At most, the tourists used to take a good background because of the artistic conception here. However, there are people who now hold the fishing rod and wear them together.

Hello, do you come to the amusement park to catch a fish?

Helpless Zhou Yu, can not tell them unless they are regulars, otherwise there will be no 2 yuan villain, it is even more impossible to appear a character, the task is even more impossible.

Unfortunately, this cannot be said to others. Even Zhou Yi hinted several times, hoping to find a few chicken soups like the infatuated man and the garden. After filling a few bowls, the small amusement park has a chicken soup flavor from the inside out. Didn't see it? Recently, the model of the boutique is very good to sell, although it is not made by Zhou Yu personally.

The model that the Emperor personally made was hand-made, but now the Internet is fiery, and the big pieces like the Zen Mountain Villa are very high. In other words, it is not a shame to send out a sum of money in vain.

Zhou Wei is a businessman, still very competent.

It’s a pity that there are so many chicken soups. No, it can't be said. It should be said that the story of life and death happens outside every day, but it happens to be a frequent visitor to the amusement park, and this person happens to be seen by Zhou Yu, who is just hanging out. This probability is not high. It is.

Sure enough, Zhou Yu did not receive any good tasks in the next few days. There was even a child crying because he lost his beloved toy. As a result, Zhou Yu launched all the bird knights to go out and finally found it before he left.

The children laughed very happy, but Zhou Xiaoxiao was a little reluctant.

Your sister's fisherman, the cost is so great, the result is for a small toy? Give him a new one, can't you? A whole day's effort is wasted on such a small matter, it is a waste of greatness, and there is no point in the conscious of the big man of money.

The task, you can't pick and choose, you can do it.

Of course, the reward given by such a task can't be compared with the one of Fozhu Niang. It seems that the amount of emotional input determines the reward level of the task, but it does not improve the difficulty. From these few days, no matter whether it is a village task or a tourist mission, it is generally not difficult to take over the task, and there will be no miraculous tasks to save the world.

This is also good, do not grab Superman's business.

It’s been like this for a while, because nothing happened again, the heat of the chicken soup gradually began to go on. At this moment, Zhou Yu strangely found that he had received a task that should be considered quite content. Moreover, it is not from villagers or tourists, but a small snack shop frequented by Zhou Yu.

The food street of the amusement park has become quite famous, attracting many good businesses to enter. To this end, Zhou Hao has established very strict regulations, and once there is a crime, it will be driven out of the food street. This cycle for two years, under the survival of the fittest, can stand in the food street, all have a hand.

Among these shops, Zhou Yu likes a small shop called ‘people’. Every time before going fishing, he buys a bunch of snacks and then sits by the water and eats and fishes.

I like it here, not only the snacks are delicious, but the main thing is that the store is relatively simple, not like other places. Therefore, the guests are also less than other places. It should be that the boss does not quite understand the truth that the wine is also afraid of the alley.

What makes Zhou Yu happy most is that the little daughter of the store often helps in the shop, and eating the snacks made by Xiao Loli is also a kind of enjoyment.

However, just as I was preparing to buy today's ‘combat food,’ I found this cute little loli with an exclamation mark on her head.

Do you also have a mission?