MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 12 , to focus on learning

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   Chapter 12, focus on learning

  In the classroom of Class 4 of Senior Three, Liu Yuan explained the questions on the test paper, and also smelled the fragrance emanating from Li Dan's body.

   Looking at the traces of admiration in her eyes, she was naturally overjoyed.

   In the past, Li Dan didn't take a second look at himself, but now he took the initiative to come to him and ask himself for a math problem, which seems to be a good feeling.

   "As expected, grades are justice!"

   Liu Yuan also sighed in his heart. In the age of high school, being handsome is not necessarily useful, but if you can read and get good grades, it must be more useful.

   Li Dan on the side listened carefully to Liu Yuan's explanation of the math problem, his fair face flushed slightly, and then he looked at the classmates around him and the teacher sitting at the front, and lowered his head even more.

Listening to Liu Yuan's explanation, looking at Liu Yuan's handsome and handsome face from the corner of his eyes, and carefully feeling the breath emanating from the other party's invisible, the whole person's heart is beating fiercely, and there seems to be an invisible force. The magic power makes people unable to help but want to stay by each other's side all the time, there is an inexplicable urge.

   "This feeling is amazing~"

Li Dan's mind was no longer on the math test questions. Her whole body was a little messed up, her face turned red, and she felt a little hot, so that she could only lower her head deeply. Fortunately, there were thick books on the desk. Blocked with the test paper.

   Never paid attention to Liu Yuan before. Her goal was to compare with the top students in the key class. She didn't expect to be surpassed by Liu Yuan this time, so she immediately remembered Liu Yuan.

   "That's about it. The main test point is the flexible use of functions, and the related deformation questions are actually based on this knowledge point."

  Liu Yuan finally finished his lecture. Looking at the time, the time for one class would have passed before he knew it.

   "Just like that one class is gone?"

   "I'm going to learn English, I'm not doing anything, I'm just talking math."

   "Women are really troublesome!"

  Liu Yuan is distressed about time, his study plan was disrupted like this, and he did nothing during a class, and the time passed.

   "Jingle Bell~Jingling Bell~"

   Soon, the bell rang for the end of the get out of class, and woke up Li Dan, who was a little dazed. Only then did she realize that her face was hot and scary.

   "Thank you, I'm leaving, I'll ask you again when I have time."

Li Dan blushed, left a sentence, lowered his head and flew back to his position. Once he got back to his position, he immediately covered his face with a book, for fear of being seen his red and hot face .

  Hu Huirong returned to his position with an extremely complicated expression. When he looked at Liu Yuan, his eyes seemed to be capable of killing people.

   "We're not friends anymore!"

  Hu Huirong wanted to cry without tears, the goddess in his heart had just returned with a blushing face, he could see clearly, this heartbreak was smashed.


   Liu Yuan was speechless and didn't know how to comfort him. He didn't seem to have done anything wrong.

   "Student Hu Huirong, can we change positions in this class? I have a few physics questions that I want to ask Liu Yuan."

  Hu Huirong returned to his position and was heartbroken. Before he could calm down, Qiu Tingting came over again to discuss with him about changing positions.


  Liu Yuan seemed to hear the sound of someone being critically injured all of a sudden.

   "No problem~"

  Hu Huirong stood up, continued to pick up his books and exam papers, and left his seat silently.

   Never felt that this position was so popular that day, and there were people scrambling to change positions with him.

   At this moment, I feel like a wanderer away from home, one class per class, no fixed place, no fixed place, and the whole classroom is home.

  Look at his goddess Li Dan, who is still covering her face with a book at this moment, her heart is even more hurt and cold, and her heart is broken.

   "Liu Yuan, this physics problem is very difficult, can you tell me about it?"

   As soon as Hu Huirong walked away, Qiu Tingting immediately sat down, next to Liu Yuan, took out the test paper and asked.

   "Oh, good~"

   Liu Yuan was also dumbfounded. He also wanted to learn. The previous class had already delayed his time. Now, do you want to study again?

   But looking at Qiu Tingting next to her, it seems that she can't find a reason to refuse again.

   "You can't go on like this. Studying is important, but you can't delay your study because of such things."

   "Hurry up and finish."

  Liu Yuan picked up the topic and read it quickly, and soon began to explain it.

   Liu Yuan was very serious and detailed, but Qiu Tingting, who was on the side, was not thinking about studying. She looked at Liu Yuan, as if she was fascinated, and people unconsciously got closer and closer to Liu Yuan.

   "I finished this question, do you understand?"

   Soon, after a topic was finished, Liu Yuan looked at Qiu Tingting who was in a daze and asked.

   "Oh, oh, I understand, I understand~"

   "Tell me about this question again, I don't know it either."

   Qiu Tingting came back to her senses, her face turned red all of a sudden, and then she asked another question.

   "I won't know this question either~"

   Liu Yuan was immediately dumbfounded, this relationship is endless, and this class is estimated to be ruined again.

   "Women are really troublesome~"

   I sighed helplessly in my heart, so I could only continue to explain it to her.

   Soon, one question was finished, just as Liu Yuan expected, Qiu Tingting found another question. Although she said she was asking Liu Yuan for the question, her mind was not on the question at all.

   The time for one class passed quickly. With the ringing of the bell, Qiu Tingting returned to her seat with a blushing face, and Hu Huirong returned to her seat extremely unhappy.

   The buttocks were not even hot, and immediately a female classmate came over to look for Hu Huirong to change positions.

   "It's endless!"

   Liu Yuan and Hu Huirong felt the same sigh at the same time.

   "I have to find a teacher to change positions, otherwise I will have to change positions with others in every class in the future, and the world is my home!"

  Hu Huirong silently picked up his textbook and exam paper.

   As for Liu Yuan, he was covering his head, annoyed, there is no way to study hard now.

   "Liu Yuan, come out and get down~"

   When it was the last night of self-study, the head teacher Lu Xiao called Liu Yuan out to talk.

   "Mr. Lu~"

   Outside the classroom, Liu Yuan looked at his head teacher and didn't know why he called him out.

   "Liu Yuan, the third year of high school is the most important period of high school. We must do our best to impact the high school in our hearts and prepare for next year's college entrance examination."

   "Your grades are very good now, but now is not the time to be happy. You still have to hurry up and go all out to improve yourself. With your grades, as long as you make further progress, there is a chance to hit the best schools."

   Looking at Liu Yuan in front of him, Lu Xiao also warned earnestly.

  The scene of the evening self-study, he saw it all.

   Liu Yuan, who was not noticed before, has now become a sweet potato. The most important thing is that the girls are all rushing towards him, which makes Lu Xiao very worried that Liu Yuan will forget to study.

  Look at Liu Yuan again, he is tall, handsome, and has good grades. He has been teaching in high school for many years. He knows too well that such a boy is definitely an idol in the hearts of countless girls, and there are definitely many girls actively pursuing him.

   He was afraid that Liu Yuan would not be able to hold it all of a sudden. Once he fell in love and did not focus on his studies, his grades would drop rapidly.

   He also watched a lot of things like this. Some people in the key class had good grades, but once they fell in love with each other, their grades quickly dropped, so in high school, teachers basically emphasized that it is strictly forbidden to fall in love.

  Lu Xiao knew the situation in Liu Yuan's house, and he was very pleased to see that his grades improved by leaps and bounds. He didn't want Liu Yuan to fail to get into the ideal university because of such a thing.

   "Teacher, I know, I have always known that reading is the most important thing, and I have always insisted on it."

   Liu Yuan solemnly replied.

   "Well, that's fine~"

   "How are your grandparents' health?"

  Lu Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and asked about Liu Yuan's grandparents again. He was the head teacher, and he knew the situation of every student in the class.

   "I've gotten a lot better. The reason why my grades have improved by leaps and bounds is also because my grandparents' illness has improved a lot. I don't need to worry about it anymore, I can devote myself to my studies."

   "Well, that would be great, study hard."

   "I know your family's situation. The only way to get ahead is to study. Your English grades are not very good. In the future, you can focus on English and improve your English grades. You are very hopeful to hit the top universities."

   "Teacher, I am studying English with all my strength now, and I feel that I have improved a lot."

   "That's good, go back and study hard!"

"Thank you, teacher!"

  PS: Ask for collections, ask for tickets, ask for comments~

   (end of this chapter)