MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 215 , do not spend money to advertise (for the leader to sit and watch the situation

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   Chapter 215, Advertising without spending money

At this time, when countless people were excited or sleepless all night, Liu Yuan took three beauties to fly the Skywalker private anti-gravity aircraft soaring above the blue sky, fully enjoying the speed and convenience of the private anti-gravity aircraft. .

   "The following is the magic capital~"

   The speed of the private anti-gravity aircraft is very fast, and it took only ten minutes to reach the magic capital. This is because the acceleration process took a lot of time.

   Stepped and staged acceleration takes a lot of time. Of course, this is also to protect passengers and prevent problems from being too overloaded.

"so fast!"

  Li Jingya looked down at the earth below, and could see an extremely huge city on the vast earth. Looking at the long river to the north of the city and its outline, you could also know that it was indeed a magic capital.

   "It will take less than fifteen minutes to arrive at the magic capital. This speed is too fast."

  Lv Yan looked at the time, and she was amazed at the terrifying speed of Skywalker's private anti-gravity aircraft.

   "Oh, God, just arrived in the magic capital?"

  Catherine's Chinese is not bad, and when she heard the conversation of the three of them overlooking the earth in front of her, she immediately shouted out excitedly.

   "Three beauties, do you want to go shopping in the magic capital?"

   Liu Yuan smiled and then asked.

   "Boss Liu, do you pay for it?"

   When Lu Yan heard this, she immediately glanced at Liu Yuan and said.


   Liu Yuan readily agreed.


   When Lu Yan, Catherine, and Li Jingya heard this, they couldn't help cheering. Catherine couldn't help but kiss Liu Yuan, but she couldn't move because her seat belt was tied.

  This has the world's richest man to pay for it, it is definitely something worth cheering, just buy and buy.

  Liu Yuan drove the Skywalker private anti-gravity aircraft and slowly landed towards the most lively, most prosperous and most expensive pedestrian street in the city.

  The aircraft has not yet completely landed, and immediately attracted countless people to stop and watch.

Those who didn't know the truth even thought that aliens had come to earth, but luckily the aircraft landed and parked here in the parking lot soon, the hatch opened slowly, and the long legs of Li Jingya, Catherine, and Lu Yan stretched out. Immediately it attracted countless lights, and the onlookers who were eating melons frantically took pictures.

  When Liu Yuan finally came out, it was even more recognizable at once.

   "I'll go, Boss Liu Yuan is really good at playing, and he brought three beauties to go shopping at once."

   "It's really Liu Yuan~ You can't be wrong, no one can have such a perfect appearance except him."

   "Ah~husband, husband~"

   Some of Liu Yuan's female fans couldn't help screaming when they saw Liu Yuan, making Liu Yuan confused.

  The female fans stared at Liu Yuan, screaming constantly. As for the male compatriots, their eyes were naturally locked on the Skywalker's private anti-gravity aircraft.

   "I'm going, what the **** is this? It's so handsome, it's flying directly in the sky."

   "Look at this, and then look at the luxury cars next to you. Immediately, I feel that those luxury cars are just like turtles. They are really slag."

"I don't understand, this is the latest Skywalker private anti-gravity aircraft released by Xinghai Technology. One price is 200 million. I was watching the live broadcast just now. Liu Yuan was in Ningcheng ten minutes ago to hold a new product launch conference. , I took a few reporters for a test flight, but I didn't expect to fly directly here."

   "Skywalker Private Anti-Gravity Vehicle?"

   "The price is 200 million?"

When everyone around    heard it, they couldn't help exclaiming.

  Even though the people of Magic Capital have become accustomed to being intoxicated and accustomed to the life and sentiment of petty bourgeoisie, they were still very surprised when they heard the price of 200 million.

If you want to drive a 2 million car, it is an ordinary level here in the magic capital. Just look at the parking lot here and you will know that all of them are luxury cars, and none of them are less than one million. You can also know the magic capital. How rich are people.

   If you drive a 20 million car, then you are considered a rich person, and you are considered a scene.

   Now I just got a 200 million private anti-gravity aircraft and parked it in front of everyone. Immediately, many people lined up and started taking pictures frantically at the Skywalker private anti-gravity aircraft.

This one must be photographed, and then paired with 'Wei Shang's private anti-gravity aircraft of 200 million Skywalker in one month' or '200 million Skywalker, this is what a man should look like' Category.

   "I'll go, this Skywalker private aircraft is really handsome, full of technology, perfect curves, and cool shapes."

   "How much does this Skywalker cost?"

   "200 million~"

   "200 million is a bit expensive. It is really reluctant to sell a dozen houses to buy one."

"It's really too expensive. If it's 20 million, I'll buy one right away. It's really handsome. It takes off and lands directly, and flies at supersonic speeds. It only takes two to fly around the earth. It’s only an hour, with this Skywalker, it’s very convenient to go anywhere in the future.”

   "That's right, you can go to Antarctica anytime you want to see penguins. It's really cool."

Around the Skywalker's private anti-gravity aircraft, more and more people gathered, and there were even some disputes among the people who took pictures, but in the end, the people of the Magic City were still very qualified. After the final negotiation, everyone could only take pictures. 10 seconds.

   As for Liu Yuan, he was visiting the clothing store with three beauties.

   "Liu Yuan, do you look good?"

   Lu Yan was wearing a **** miniskirt, showing off her perfect body without a doubt. The key is to change in front of Liu Yuan, shake it deliberately, and ask Liu Yuan's opinion along the way.

   "Good-looking, it perfectly shows your graceful figure."

   Liu Yuan smiled and replied.

   "Liu Yuan, what do you think?"

   Here, Catherine also wore a skirt and came out in front of Liu Yuan and asked.

   "Not bad, not bad~"

   "Boss Liu, what about my clothes?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, Li Jingya also came out wearing a white skirt and asked in a circle.

   "It matches your temperament very well."

   Liu Yuan smiled and replied.

  The reason why I made a high-profile appearance here this time is not to pick up girls, but to show the world the speed, convenience and safety of Skywalker's private anti-gravity aircraft.

  Ten minutes ago, I held a new product launch conference in Ningcheng. After ten minutes, I went to the most prosperous pedestrian street in Modu to accompany the beauties to buy clothes.

  This speed, this way of life, this is what the future world will look like, and it is also a new page opened by private anti-gravity aircraft.

  There is nothing more convincing than driving a Skywalker to this prosperous place in person. After buying something and then driving back, this advertisement is appropriate.

   And you don’t need to spend a penny, the major news media will inevitably scramble to report it and promote it for you for free.

  Li Jingya, Catherine, and Lu Yan didn't go too far. They bought a set of clothes and stopped shopping. They all knew that they were still holding a new product launch conference, so they couldn't delay for too long.

   Even though he bought a set of clothes for one person, Liu Yuan was still shocked when he checked out. It cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for only three sets of women's clothes.

   "The consumption of this magic capital is really well-deserved. It's just a few sets of clothes, and the hundreds of thousands are gone. This money is too good to earn."

   It’s not that Liu Yuan is distressed about money. Now Liu Yuan has money, but Liu Yuan is lamenting the expensive price of luxury goods.

  There are only three sets of clothes, hundreds of thousands of them are gone. After all, this set of clothes will cost more than 200,000 yuan.

   Such an expensive price is undoubtedly a sky-high price for ordinary people. Countless people are busy all year and still can't earn a set of clothes, but let's take a look at the busy look in the store.

   "There are so many rich people!"

   "As expected of a magic capital!"

   Liu Yuan sighed and returned to his aircraft with the three of them.

   The place where Skywalker's private anti-gravity aircraft was parked was already crowded with people, and even attracted news media reporters who had nothing to do.

   "Let's go, let's go~"

  Liu Yuan walked forward very difficultly. The people around him were not willing to give way, but when they saw that it was Liu Yuan, everyone said: "Let's go, let's go, Liu Yuan is here, Liu Yuan is here~"

   As someone shouted, everyone around looked over, and some female fans of Liu Yuan even screamed.

   "So handsome~"

   "More handsome than in the video."

   "I thought it was made of makeup, but now it seems to be pure natural."

   "It's okay to be handsome, the key is to have more money and billions of dollars. The richest man in the world is worth several trillions~"

   "Liu Yuan, I love you~"

   "Husband, don't go, don't go~ I'm going to give you a baby dragon!"

  Liu Yuan listened to the voices one after another, and everyone was scared to death, so he hurried away. If he stayed, it would not be an advertisement, but he might be awarded points.


   Skywalker's aircraft key was pressed, the hatch slowly opened, and the people around were taking pictures frantically again.

   Several people also hurriedly sat up, Liu Yuan waved to everyone, and then closed the hatch, and soon after, the Skywalker aircraft flew into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.


   "It's so cool~"

   "It's so handsome."

   Seeing Liu Yuan driving the Skywalker private anti-gravity aircraft to take off and disappear into the sky, everyone at the scene couldn't help shouting.

   "This aircraft is really cool, full of technology."

   "What kind of broken car are we driving here? Compared with this Skywalker, it feels like the dirt is falling off."

   "How much does this Skywalker personal anti-gravity vehicle cost?"

   "The price is 200 million yuan. It was just released by Xinghai Technology. Now it's sold on the official website. It is necessary to place an order in advance."

   "200 million, it's really too expensive. I'll ask my dad for some points, and I'll buy one if I can."


   (end of this chapter)