MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 249 , Manned Moon Landing 2

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   Chapter 249, Manned Moon Landing 2

   "Professor Zhu, the speed of Houyi is nearly 100 times the speed of sound. Isn't this speed too fast?"

   In the live broadcast room of the TV station, this manned moon landing is being broadcast in real time.

   The host also finds time and opportunity to ask questions to the invited experts and scholars during the boring time, so that everyone can better understand the whole process.

   "If this speed is put on the earth, it is really terrifying. At 100 times the speed of sound, it does not take a few minutes to go from our northernmost Mohe to our southernmost Nansha."

"However, in the interstellar universe, this speed can only be said to be a very slow speed. The speed of light is 880,000 times the speed of sound, but even if we fly at the speed of light, our Earth will reach the nearest other planetary system. , that is, the Centaurus galaxy also needs 4.3 light-years."

   "The distance between the Earth and the Moon is 380,000 kilometers, which is already the shortest and shortest distance in the universe, but even with the Houyi at the speed of 100 sound, it will take more than 3 hours to arrive."

   "From here we can also know the vastness of the universe."

   "Yes, what Professor Zhu said makes sense."

   "Houyi is a spaceship that is equipped with four super-large anti-gravity engines. Anti-gravity technology is the technology that scientists have identified as being used in the age of the interstellar universe."

"It's just beginning to come out now. In the future, it still has the possibility of infinite development. Maybe in the future, it is possible for our spacecraft to reach a thousand times the speed of sound, ten thousand times the speed of sound, and even calculate the speed at the speed of light in the future. , only when we reach a certain speed can we truly be qualified to look up at the stars and the universe."

   "But, at such a fast speed, can the astronauts, scientists, and engineers in Houyi bear it?"

   The host thought about it and asked.

"Actually, it is necessary to distinguish between the two concepts of speed and acceleration. The so-called acceleration refers to the change of speed in unit time, which causes huge pressure on astronauts. Speed ​​is not the key. The real key is acceleration, that is, in unit How much the speed suddenly increases or decreases in time will create a huge pressure."

"Although the speed of Houyi is very fast, it is very stable throughout the acceleration process, and its acceleration is not large, so it will not cause too much pressure on the passengers in Houyi, which is why Xinghai Technology The side can confidently bring a lot of scientists, engineers and news media reporters.”

   "Many people have never been to space and have not undergone any training. Liu Yuan, the boss of Xinghai Technology, is also on it. They have considered all aspects."

   "Okay, thank you Professor Zhu and Professor Li for answering some questions for us, let's connect with our reporter Li Jingya who is on the "Descendants"~"

   "Jingya, hello~"

   "Hello host~"

   With the successful connection, the TV screen also changed, and soon it was switched to the cabin of Houyi, where Li Jingya was.

   "Can you tell us about your current situation?"

   "Okay, host, I am now in the cabin of the Houyi. You can see that all around me are news reporters from various TV stations."

"At present, the Houyi is in a stage of orbiting the earth, and everyone can see the scenery outside the window around me. This is the scenery in space, we can see the earth, and now we are facing exactly the Eastern Hemisphere, from We can clearly see Asia from space."


   "How does it feel to be weightless?"

   "I think there was a little panic at first, just like the momentary feeling of weightlessness when we suddenly landed on a plane or a roller coaster."

"It's just in space, you can experience this feeling all the time, but when you get used to it, it's nothing, and in the sky you will feel very relaxed, and your body will not have that sense of gravity, I I think if a fat man came into space, it would definitely be very comfortable."

  Qian Xia is also experiencing the feeling of being in space while constantly answering questions from the audience in the live broadcast room.

The reason why    live broadcast is able to rise is entirely because it is highly interactive, you can see various comments from other people, you can express your own opinions, and you can also interact with the anchor.

The three foreigners, Katerina, Rogowski, and Bassong, are also conducting live broadcasts at this moment. They can also contact the ground in real time and send back their thoughts on the Houyi. .

   "Gentlemen and Ladies~"

   "Houyi is about to leave the Earth's orbit and fly to the moon. During the flight, Houyi will continue to accelerate for nearly half an hour."

   "During this process, please fasten your seat belts, and don't make any movements while sitting in your own position."

   "After the acceleration process is over, we will have about two hours for everyone to move freely."

"In two hours, we are about to arrive at the moon. Before arriving, we also need to go through a deceleration process that lasts for half an hour, so everyone needs to go back to their seats and fasten their seat belts. ensure your own safety.”

   Of course, everyone was talking non-stop, and when various live broadcasts were being carried out, the broadcast sounded, and all of these people hurriedly sat down on their seats and fastened their seat belts.



   Soon, with the sound of an alarm sounding, everyone only felt a vibration from the Houyi, and suddenly a strong back-push feeling came, pressing everyone on the air seat.

   In the driving and control cabins, Liu Yuan looked at the huge monitor, which clearly showed the relevant situation of Houyi. It was flying around the earth, and at the moment when it flew to the apogee farthest from the earth.

  The anti-gravity engine and rocket engine on the Houyi began to start, and the strong thrust pushed the Houyi to escape the earth's gravity and fly towards the moon.

   At the same time, you can see the speed display, the speed of Houyi began to soar rapidly, and everyone on the Houyi was pressed on the seat by this acceleration.

   However, this acceleration is actually not large, and normal human bodies can easily withstand it. Compared with the daily training of astronauts, it is simply pediatric.

  'Houyi' continued to accelerate, and it was getting farther and farther from the earth.

  30 times the speed of sound~

  40 times the speed of sound~

  70 times the speed of sound~

  100 times the speed of sound~

  120 times the speed of sound~

   During the half-hour acceleration process, the speed of the 'Houyi' was also fully opened, and finally stopped accelerating when it reached 120 times the speed of sound.

   "At predetermined speed, turn off the engine and enter coasting mode!"

  With the gradual shutdown of the engine on the Houyi, the Houyi still flew towards the moon at a terrifying speed of 120 times the speed of sound, and the vibration on the spacecraft disappeared all at once.

   "After the acceleration is over, Houyi enters inertial flight. You can freely move on Houyi for 2 hours. After 2 hours, please return to your seat."

   With the sound of the broadcast again, everyone on the Houyi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   The vibration and oppression generated when accelerating just now made everyone very uncomfortable. Now that the engine is turned off all of a sudden, there is no vibration anymore, and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

  The news media reporters in the cabin also started to be busy again, gushing about the feeling of the acceleration process, and at the same time, they did not forget to compare the moon and the earth.

   is closer to the moon and farther from the earth.

  The moon looks bigger in the field of view, and the earth looks smaller in the field of view.

   "Professor Zhu, what is inertial flight?"

   "Why does Houyi shut down the engine when it accelerates to 120 times the speed of sound, and then rely on inertial flight to go to the moon?"

   "Good host~"

   "The so-called inertial flight is a term exclusively used in astronomy. In theory, in a vacuum environment, the motion will always maintain the original state."

   "That is to say, after Houyi accelerates to 120 times the speed of sound, in theory, it can fly at this speed forever to the end of the universe."

   "This is completely different on Earth. Everything on Earth is affected by the Earth's gravity and air resistance, so the distance of inertial flight is very limited."

   "When any object is flying, as long as no force is applied to it, the speed of its entire flight is constantly decreasing, and the flight trajectory is constantly falling toward the ground."

   "But in space, because it is a vacuum environment and is not affected by any external force, it can fly by inertia."

   "When any spacecraft is flying in the universe, it will basically rely on inertia to fly, because relying on inertial flight, the energy it consumes is 0."

   "In addition, the reason why Houyi does not accelerate after reaching this speed is to save fuel. We all know Einstein's mass-energy formula. To achieve a faster speed, you need to consume more energy."

"When the speed is getting faster and faster, the energy it consumes will increase geometrically for each increase in speed, so in the process of flying, it is necessary to calculate a suitable speed, which not only ensures the speed but also can maximize the speed. Possible fuel savings, 120 times the speed of sound is the most suitable speed for Houyi!"

   "So it won't continue to accelerate. It consumes a lot of fuel, but the speed increase is very limited. In addition, when it is about to reach the moon, it needs to decelerate, which also consumes a lot of energy."


  PS: Cough, everyone, don't worry about this speed problem~

   (end of this chapter)

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