MTL - The Rise Of The Tamer Family-v2 Chapter 331 war begins

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"I've already made a breakthrough, what are you still doing in retreat?" Shen Daokong looked at Chen Yang with a smile.

Although the tone of this speech was flat, the content inside was quite frightening.

I have broken through successfully.

What can be broken through? It is nothing more than breaking the shackles of the sky and becoming a king of the sky!

In the Fluctuating Light Realm, every Skybreaker King is a mighty existence.

If you don't count the Saint Race, the Void Breaker King of the Fluctuating Light Realm will definitely not exceed one hundred.

Even if you add the emperor and the saint, there is no more than one hundred.

In other words, Shen Daokong had already become one of the top 100 powerhouses in the fluctuating light world, not counting the saints.

After hearing what Shen Daokong said, Chen Yang also stood up from his chair in shock, "Really! But Patriarch Daokong, why did you break through so quickly?"

It stands to reason that it will take at least a few decades to break through from Daokong to breaking through the sky, let alone a hundred years of retreat.

But Shen Daokong, it only took a year to break through successfully.

Hearing this, Shen Daokong smiled and said, "You only saw it. It took me a year to break through to the sky."

"But you don't know how many years I have polished at the peak of Daoyuan."

"After so many years of polishing, coupled with the inheritance of Lord Yusheng, I am far from the rank of the King of Breaking the Sky, and I am left with the shackles of my blood."

"Now that you have your hundred-colored lotus flower, you can break through to the king of breaking the sky, but it's a matter of course."

"Okay, let's not talk about that.

I am here today to deliver a message. I don't know if you've heard of this demonic disaster? "

"heard about it."

Chen Yang nodded, then sat back in his chair: "King Xuan Bing has already told me about this, and Patriarch Daokong is here today to announce the transfer order to my Chen family."

"That's right."

Shen Daokong took out a booklet from his arms and handed it to Chen Yang, "The order is written in it. It says that your Chen family should take out at least half of the strong people to support the No. 18 city."

Chen Yang took the booklet, glanced at it briefly, and then immediately looked at Shen Daokong, "Ancestor Daokong, when are you going?"

"I'll take you there in a day."

Hearing this, Chen Yang nodded, "Okay, then ask Daokong Patriarch to spend a day in City No. 32, and I'll arrange it right away."

After that, Chen Yang put the booklet on the table, and then went to mobilize the strong men of the Chen family.

This has been prepared, mobilized, there is not too much trouble.

A day later, the Chen family assembled on time.

Above the city wall, looking at the Chen family and generals gathered below, Chen Yang asked, "Patriarch Daokong, are you going to take my imperial beast this time, or yours?"

"Time is urgent, take my ride."

After saying that, Shen Daokong released a spirit beast of the late stage of Spiritual Venerable from the imperial beast bag.

After the spirit beast adjusted its body to its maximum size, Shen Daokong jumped off the spirit beast and shouted to Chen Yang, "Yang'er, lead the strongest in your clan to come up."

Hearing this, Chen Yang nodded, and then shouted at the Chen family and family generals under the city wall: "Follow me!"

Immediately, the crowd went to the back of the spirit beast, and the spirit beast fluttered and flew towards the eighteenth city.

The rest, under the leadership of Chen Xuan, guarded the city, waiting for Chen Yang's triumphant return.

City No. 18 was originally an ordinary city guarded by the fifth-rank forces in the land of demons.

But a few days ago, this No. 18 city was not so ordinary.

The reason is that the Daomen informed that the next disaster of the devil will unfold in the territory of the eighteenth city.

This shocked the fifth-rank forces guarding the eighteenth city.

That is the plague of demons!

A careless handling, waiting for the eighteenth city, is a disaster!

Fortunately, Daomen sent a strong man to take over the No. 18 city in time, so that the No. 18 city was not rioted.

After Daomen took over the No. 18 city, batches of strong men came from the various cities in the land of demons.

For a time, the No. 18 city actually showed a prosperous situation.

City No. 18, inside the City Lord's Mansion.

King Fen Mie sat on the main seat, looking at a Venerable Daoyuan below, "Sir Sha, how many people are still not here?"

When Venerable Sha heard the words, he took out a booklet from his arms. After reading it carefully, he handed it to King Xuanbing.

"Back to King Xuanbing, at present, there are still thirteen cities that have not come. This is their list."

King Xuanbing took the booklet, Jian Du glanced at it, and then placed the booklet on the table beside him, "These cities are far away, so it's normal for them to come later."

"But we can't affect our arrangement because of them."

"Forget it, leave them alone, order them to go down, arrange a large formation and set up ballistas according to the order."

"Yes!" Venerable Sha nodded, then turned and left.

After Venerable Sha left, Burning King took up the tea cup beside him. Just as he was about to take a sip, his complexion suddenly changed and he suddenly looked towards the east.

Immediately, the figure of the Burning King disappeared.

Only the tea cup fell to the ground, and finally fell to pieces.

When the Burning King reappeared, he was already in front of a spirit beast in the east.

Looking at the crowd on the spirit beasts, Burning King smiled and said, "Hahaha, Venerable Huo. No, it should be called Fire King now."

When Shen Daokong heard the words, he looked at King Fen Mie with some surprise, "King Fen Mie, I never disclosed it. How did you know the news of my breakthrough?"

"Hahaha, I'm afraid the Fire King forgot, my bloodline is magical." Fen Mie Wang said with a smile.

After Fen Miewang's reminder, Shen Daokong suddenly realized, "Yes, yes, I forgot about this."

"You burn the blood of the king, but you can sense the cultivation of the surrounding warriors, even the emperor, you can sense some depths."

"I remember one time, when the holy clan suffered a demonic disaster, they even invited you over to help find the emperor's demons."

"This time, the Taoist sect sent you to be the commander-in-chief, and you should also value this. With the leadership of King Fen Mie, this evil disaster will definitely be easily resolved."

"Where is it." Fen Mie Wang waved his hand modestly, and then said to Shen Daokong: "Huo Wang, this is not the place to talk, please also ask Huo Wang and Venerable Illusion, come with me."

After that, the King of Burning Destruction disappeared again.

When Chen Yang saw this, he looked at Shen Daokong, "Ancestor Daokong, what does this mean?"

"What else do you mean, seeing that I have broken through to the sky, I plan to maintain the relationship." Shen Daokong laughed.

Immediately, Shen Daokong brought everyone from the Chen family into the city.

After settling down the Chen family, Shen Daokong and Chen Yang came to the reception hall of the City Lord's Mansion together.

In the reception hall, Fen Mie Wang looked at Shen Daokong with great interest, "Huo Wang, please forgive me for talking.

As far as I know, you were a venerable one a year ago, why did you become a king after not seeing you for a year? "

"Thanks to Yang'er for this." Shen Daokong couldn't help but look at Chen Yang with gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you, Venerable Unreal?"

King Fen Mie looked at Chen Yang in astonishment, "Why, does this matter have anything to do with Venerable Illusion?"

"Of course it does."

Shen Daokong said eloquently, "You should know that I have been immersed in the peak of Daoyuan for a long time, and the difference between the king and the king is just a little bit of talent."

"And just a year ago, Yang'er gave me a treasure, a treasure of a hundred-colored lotus."

"With the Baicai Lotus, my bloodline has been promoted to the top grade of the spiritual vein. Without the shackles, breaking through the king is just a matter of course."

"Hundred-colored lotus!"

Fen Mie Wang stood up in shock and looked at Chen Yang in disbelief.

This hundred-color lotus flower has a great name in the fluctuating light world. Even if the emperor encounters it, he will have a greedy heart and want to take it for himself.

This shows how precious this hundred-colored lotus is.

And such a precious treasure was actually found by Chen Yang!

Of course, it is normal to be found by Chen Yang. After all, the saint of heaven once said that Chen Yang is the hope of the fluctuating light world.

As hope, a little luck is normal.

But what King Fen Mie didn't expect was that Chen Yang actually handed this hundred-color lotus to Shen Daokong?

Is it because Chen Yang has the blood of the Shen family in his body?

Burn out the king's acid.

The Burning King was dying of acid.

Why don't I have such a good junior? Among my juniors, why is there no such evildoer?

How come they don't know how to honor me with a hundred-colored lotus?

Burn off the descendants of the king: ? ? ?

Some envy, and some jealous glances at Shen Daokong, King Fen Mie sat back again, "Since the King of Fire has broken through to the King of Breaking the Sky, then he has more confidence in resisting the evil devil this time."

Shen Daokong also took over the words: "How much time is left until the demon disaster begins?"

"The exact time is not clear, but it is coming soon."

King Fen Mie sighed, "According to the news from the Array God, the opening above has already allowed the King Demon to pass through."

"I guess it should be soon. After all, the land of demons here is a relatively small land of demons. If the emperor's demons are put here, it will be a bit unworthy."

"Of course, I'm not sure. Maybe this demon will make a surprise attack and send the emperor demon."

"In short, Lord Mu Huang and other emperors are ready. If the demon dares to send an emperor, then we will definitely keep this emperor and demon!"

"By the way, Lord Formation God said that he has mined a batch of **** stones this time, and intends to use them as a reward for this demonic disaster."

"But it can only be exchanged for special merits."

"God stone!" Shen Daokong stood up suddenly, and said incredulously: "Master Zhenshen actually took out the **** stone, it's true!"

King Fen Mie glanced at Shen Daokong, "This is still fake, the first batch of divine stones has already been delivered."

Hearing this, Shen Daokong sat down in astonishment, and after the astonishment disappeared, it was replaced by a look of ecstasy.

Unexpectedly, there is a **** stone!

Seeing this, Chen Yang on the side asked doubtfully, "Patriarch Daokong, King Burning Mie, what is this divine stone?"

"God stone, that's a good thing."

Burning King explained: "When a warrior breaks through to a god, his holy aura will evolve again, and it will become a more intense and higher-quality aura."

"And this spiritual energy is called spirit energy."

"As for the divine stone, it is a spiritual stone that exists in the universe and contains aura. You can think of it as the spiritual crystal of a god."

"Is it effective? It's similar to Lingjing's stage. If we use God Stone to cultivate, then the cultivation speed will be at least ten times faster."

Shen Daokong, who was on the side, also took over the words, "You don't keep talking about why there is no holy stone. Although there is no holy stone, it is okay to have a divine stone."

Chen Yang nodded, "Well, it's okay."

Shen Daokong: …

Burning King:…

Although he said it was okay, but in his heart, Chen Yang had long been interested in this divine stone.

If there is a divine stone, coupled with Yusheng's inheritance, as long as he understands the Dao relatively smoothly, wouldn't the future show a trend of smoothness?

Immediately, Chen Yang looked at King Fen Mie, "King Fen Mie, what is this special merit?"

"Special merits refer to the merits after beheading the king's demons. Among them, the demons who kill the king's first layer are given ten extra special merits in addition to the original merits."

"The second floor of the king is 20 points. Every time you increase a small realm, you will get 10 more special merits."

"As for the emperor and demon, the starting point is 100. Similarly, every time you increase a realm, you will get 100 more special merits."

"This special merit is very useful. Generally speaking, if you want to exchange for treasures worth more than 100 million merits, you will need some special merits."

"As for the divine stone, a ten-point special merit is considered quite conscientious."

A special merit at ten o'clock!

Chen Yang's heart sank, that is to say, if he wants to obtain the divine stone, he must at least kill a king demon.

But now, how could Chen Yang be able to kill the king demon?

Shen Daokong on the side also comforted: "Yang'er, it's okay, I will help you kill a king demon and help you exchange a divine stone."

In Shen Daokong's view, it would be a bit reluctant to let the current Chen Yang deal with the evil king.

Listening to Shen Daokong's words, Chen Yang nodded, "Let's talk about it later, maybe I can fish in troubled waters and kill a king demon."

For the next time, the three chatted for a while.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Shen Daokong left the City Lord's Mansion together and came to City No. 18, where the Chen family lived.

Now, just waiting for the arrival of the evil demon.

In this way, City No. 18 passed quietly for half a month.

Half a month later, a dark red suddenly appeared in the sky above City No. 18.

Immediately afterwards, the sky seemed to be torn open, and one by one light spots fell from the sky.

At the moment when the light spot was produced, a loud shout came from the city lord's mansion.

"The demon has come, everyone, respond to the enemy!"

With the sound of King Burning Mie shouting, a strong man above the Daoyuan flew over the city wall, staring sternly at the dense light spots in the air.

In the city, the warriors of all forces stood quietly in the city, waiting for the orders of King Burning Mie.

On the city wall, King Fen Mie roughly counted the light spots, and then looked at the kings above the city wall.

"Everyone, according to the order of Lord Formation God, the opening can already allow the emperor and demon to pass through."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you pass or not. Even if you pass, we will have the emperor to deal with it."

"For the emperor, you don't need to worry."

"But there is one thing, that is, the scale of this demonic disaster is estimated to be far greater than the past, and there will definitely be a lot of king demons descending."

"This time, we're going to focus on defense."

"In addition to defending, these demons must be trapped near the eighteenth city, and they will not be allowed to intrude on other demons."

"So, please do your best."

After that, Burning Dynasty bowed to everyone.

When everyone saw this, they all said, "King Fen Mie is too polite, just tell me if you have any orders."

"That's right, we'll definitely give it our all."

Upon seeing this, King Fen Mie nodded, then looked at Shen Daokong, "King Huo, I want your Shen family to guard the east side to ensure that the demons won't break through from the east side, you can do it."

"No problem." Shen Daokong nodded with a smile.

"Fire King?"

Listening to King Fen Mie's address to Shen Daokong, everyone looked at Shen Daokong, "Honorable Huo, have you broken through?"

"That's right, I broke through by luck." Immediately, Shen Daokong flaunted, and told everyone what he had told King Fen Mie before.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Shen Daokong with envy and jealousy.

Good you guy, luck is so good, how come I don't have such a monstrous junior.

But envy is envy, Shen Daokong has broken through to the king, it must be good for them.

At the very least, the confidence in resisting this demonic disaster has increased a lot.

After instructing Shen Daokong, King Fen Mie looked at King Xuanbing, "King Xuanbing, you lead the three-story warriors in the city to guard the west side, and don't let them flee to the west side."

"No problem." King Xuan Bing nodded.

Next, King Fen Mie looked at Chen Yang, "Patriarch Chen, I want you to guard the north side, can you do it?"

Before Chen Yang could answer, Shen Daokong took the lead and said, "No way!"

"Fen Miewang, Chen Yang is not on the seventh floor of Daoyuan, how can he compete with so many demons, you treat him as the king's envoy, don't you force him to die?"

"Yeah, King Fen Mie, it's not like you don't know the particularity of Clan Master Chen. Why should you send Clan Head Chen for such a dangerous task?"

Not only Shen Daokong didn't understand, but all the kings of Daomen also didn't understand the decision made by King Fen Mie.

Chen Yang is a monster that is valued by the saints. If something goes wrong here, it will be more sinful than letting the evil spirits spread.

To put it badly, even the land of demons here is not as important as Chen Yang in the eyes of the saints.

So, why let Chen Yang undertake such a dangerous task?

Hearing this, Fen Mie Wang smiled bitterly and said, "I don't want it either, but you all know the news. This time, the evil demon's disaster is far greater than before."

"I can call out two kings, which is already very reluctant. If I call another king out, it is estimated that the demon can break through from the front."

"That doesn't work either. There is no need to say much about the importance of Patriarch Chen. Even if we take the risk of being broken through, we can't let Patriarch Chen be in danger."

"Several kings, listen to me."

Just when these kings were about to quarrel again, Chen Yang stepped forward and said, "It's no problem for me to guard the north. I want to know how much support Daomen can give me."

Hearing this, King Burning pointed to the Vermillion Bird Crossbow beside him, "This is a second-rank Vermillion Bird Crossbow, which can burst out the energy equivalent to a blow from the emperor."

"There are two in total here. If Patriarch Chen is willing to guard the north, I can transfer this crossbow to Patriarch Chen."

"In addition, my Taoist sect is also willing to give Chen Patriarch the spiritual crystal needed to drive the Vermillion Bird Crossbow once."

"Patriarch Chen, I don't have many spiritual crystals in the Taoist sect. At most, I can activate it three times. I will transfer it to you once, which is already the limit."

Hearing this, Chen Yang looked at the Vermillion Bird Crossbow and nodded, "Okay, I'll take over this mission!"

"What?" Shen Daokong heard the words, his face changed greatly: "Yang'er, don't be brave, although there is Suzaku crossbow to help, it is not so easy to defend the north!"

"Ancestor Daokong, don't worry, I have my own measure." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Hearing this, King Fen Mie patted Chen Yang on the shoulder, "Patriarch Chen, don't worry, no matter whether this mission is successful or not, I will report to the emperor and reward you with ten divine stones and a thousand avenues of crystals."

"If the warehouse of the crystal of the avenue is not enough, I will help you condense the crystal of the avenue!"

Listening to the words of King Fen Mie, Chen Yang smiled and said, "In this way, I have more confidence in defending the north."

Seeing that Chen Yang had made up his mind, Shen Daokong could only sigh, "Yang'er, if you can't stand it, don't force it, and notify me in time."

"I understand, I won't force it." Chen Yang said.

In the next time, everyone started to act according to the instructions of King Burning Extinguishing.

Chen Yang also led 30% of the warriors in the city to the north of the city on the 18th, waiting for the arrival of the demon.

In fact, the northern terrain is relatively easy to defend, but it is a small mountain range.

Relying on the mountains, although Daoyuan and the demons of the king cannot be stopped, the demons under Daoyuan are still relatively easy to stop.

Standing on the top of the mountain, watching the spots of light gradually increase and finally landed slowly, Chen Yang took a deep breath and shouted: "Everyone! Be prepared, no matter what, we cannot let the demons break through our defense line!"

Following Chen Yang's loud shout, a group of warriors on the mountain responded, "Keep the line of defense! Never let the demons step on one soldier and one soldier!"

Within a hundred miles of City No. 18, dots of light fell to the ground, turning into demons that exuded an evil aura.

The moment these demons appeared, they roared wantonly, their eyes filled with bloodthirsty rays of light, and some demons even gave out a sinister sneer.

All of these manifestations convey a meaning, they are going to swallow the human race here.

At the moment when the demon fell to the ground, Fen Mie Wang shouted, "Activate the formation!"

The words of King Burning Extinguisher were left behind, and on the east, west, south, and south sides of the eighteenth city of UU reading, a large array of killing formations suddenly rose up to protect the city.

Under the urging of this killing formation, all the demons who landed near the city died in it.

The remaining demons all fled to the north of the eighteenth city.

Among those demons, a demon with a terrifying aura saw this and said with a sneer, "Do you want to trap us? It also depends on whether you have the ability."

After that, under the mobilization of the demon leader, the demons slowly withdrew from the city gate, leaving a large part of the area.

Afterwards, some demons came forward and began to fight with the strong men of the human race.

Of course, both sides understand that the current battle is just a small fight, and the real battle is still to come.



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