MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 31 The crack is hard to clear

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Nezha was not entangled with mixed heavens, nor was he hung in the Qiankun circle. He just held a fire-pointed gun and stood gloomily at the gate of the happy Buddha's cave. If there was a dark fire in his eyes, the flames of hatred and impulse burned, but he hid Lingering hesitation and struggle.

Seeing him, the cow devil quietly breathed a sigh of relief and snorted and said:

"I know you have a deep relationship with Taiyi Reality, but his death can't be blamed on his head. It is mainly a stagnation that cannot be broken, and Yanshou Pill has been tried again. The heavy damage of this time cannot change this fact, at most it will allow him to live an extra hundred years. "

"Do you see that Su Tianzun did not try to resurrect him?"

Fortunately, this matter, if the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva directly gave itself to the Emperor, the consequences would be unimaginable, and even the chance of reviving the demon emperor may not be available!

Nezha had complicated emotions and a whirlpool in his heart, but his feet were difficult but he took a firm step forward and stepped into Dongfu, as if following some instinct.

Seeing this situation, the bullish king's optimism suddenly disappeared, his face became heavy, and he was a little bit more afraid:

"Well, you have to think clearly. Even if there is a change in the emperor's cover at present, it is not possible to conceal the queen lady and Su Tianzun all the time. Whatever you do, then they will reverse the time and resurrect the old cow. You What you do is not only useless, you take responsibility! "

He was not afraid of Nezha's hands, he was afraid that there would be inexplicable changes in his backwardness, making resurrection an extravagant hope.

The happy Buddha covered her mouth and chuckled, as if she was mocking the hero Wushuang, who was talking on the mouth of the ox demon king, but she was still greedy for life and fear of death. At the same time, she quickly quit the Dongfu, entered the Xinghai, and disappeared without a trace.

The dark fire in Nezhan's eyes became deeper and harder, almost frozen, and the sharp gun in his hand trembled, slowly stepping forward, the sound was hollow, as if from heaven:

"I know it doesn't make sense."

"I also know that the main cause of Master ’s complete fall is not with you, but in the past I accidentally killed Shijimen and cramped the third prince of the East China Sea Dragon King. When I acted arrogantly, Master ’s protection was meaningless, and it would not change my death. With the help of Chaos Youth The end to the resurrection of lotus seeds, but he still did. Today, let me look at the sight of the guy who has severely damaged him, which indirectly led to his death, just because there is no point in giving up revenge? "

"Is it possible to change history without doing anything? Why can't the spirit in my heart be calmed?"

In his mind, scenes from the year of Fengshen flashed through, and his biological father looked as if he was stubborn. He wished to let himself be completely dead. Only the master kept guarding him.

"Anyway, I've always been jerk, big deal!"

Nezha gave a low sigh, the fire sharp gun trembled, pierced the heart of the bull demon king, determined and determined, without hesitation.

"You ..." The cow demon spit out a word, and felt the tingling of his brows, which is pain and fear that has never been experienced since ancient times.

His sight quickly darkened, his body erupted into an invisible flame, and turned into an inch of flying ash. Fear and despair at the end of his life were deeply planted in his heart, and then everything went to nothing, no thought, no feeling.

Nezha withdrew the fire pistol, Qingxiu's face had two lines of tears hanging on her face, and she leapt forward to Yuxu Palace to plead guilty to Zhangzun.


A day ago, the demon king was thinking about how to go to Wenrou Township after the ceremony, and suddenly saw the fox green hills setting up the incense wind and descending on his doorstep.

"Niangniang has an order, calling the Pingtian Dasheng to go to the Hall of the Demon Emperor." Qingqiu Han smiled.

She had a charming appearance with a smile, as if it were natural, even if she didn't have any thoughts, she was still confusing when she raised her hands and could not help but swallow her mouth and couldn't help swallowing her mouth.

Entering the inner hall, he watched his eyes and nose, and his heart, respectfully, and said respectfully, "What's the matter, my mother-in-law, to tell the old cow?"

"You have robbed, and sit here for a day to resolve." The demon emperor's voice came from behind the curtains, not angry.

Robbery? The demon king was startled, knowing that the queen queen lady would not deceive herself in this kind of thing, sat down hurriedly, and did not even dare to move the slightest, staying until the current node.

At this time, another piece of history turned into a memory in his mind. The fear, the despair, and the pain were vivid.

"Damn God! Damn rejoicing! Damn hell!" He lost his normality and cursed his teeth.

Fortunately, there is a mother to protect her, otherwise you will not have a chance to come back!

Thinking of this festival, the bull devil suddenly stood up and whispered:

"Mother-in-law, you have to decide for the old cow!"

The emperor is a big man on the other side. Without preparation and preparation, the demon empress did not dare to direct the trouble. She was glad that the bodhisattva sheltered him and had to wait for the opportunity. Punish it?

"Heavenly act is Yang Mo, don't jump into the trap by yourself." The curtain moved slightly, and the demon emperor said faintly.

The Demon King was unwilling, but when he saw that the demon emperor had decided, he didn't dare to say more, bowing and saluting:

"Then hope that Su Tianzun punished fairly."

He resigned and left the Hall of the Demon Emperor. Things never happened, but whenever he remembered the pain and despair and darkness before his death, he shuddered and gritted his teeth.

At this moment, all the demon sages are aware of this matter, their looks are different, but they all pay attention to the Yuxu Palace, waiting for the disposal there.


In the Yuxu Palace, Nezha kneeled in the center of the hall.

"Please uncle Zhang disciples," he said calmly.

Under the round light, the figure was blurred, and Meng Qi looked at him and said:

"Punishment? What is the crime?"

"Don't our Yuxu Palace allow revenge for the division?"

Nezha was surprised at first, and then his heart was hot, his eyes were red, and he choked and said, "The disciples are afraid of breaking the teacher's affairs."

Meng Qiwei smiled: "Poor Tao treats demons and human races equally, but it does not mean that they must interfere with private grievances. Even within the human race, conflicts cannot be prohibited unless they have entered the Buddha land or vacuum hometown. Act as long as you don't break your heart, and then try your best to build on this basis. "

Nezha grinned suddenly:

"At the beginning, when I saw the uncle Zhang ’s sword cut to Jin Huang, I admired it."

When he safely left Yuxu Palace and returned to his cave house, a strong demonic man with a sullen expression on his face.

Meng Qi sat still in the chaos and sighed suddenly.


Within the nine you, the dark peak.

Devil Ananda looked at the distance with a smile, and looked at Han Guang hiding somewhere, and said, "Su Mengcheng was born of his heart, naturally it will be limited by this. We don't want to stir the situation immediately, but just The pustules are ripped apart and cracks are buried, and they will definitely work at critical times. "

"And after this incident, the ox devil's heart was unbearable, and his fear was unforgettable, and I have the confidence to secretly lead him to fall."

The most important thing in this action is to focus the eyes of other people on the dark passages between themselves and the emperor, plus the tacit understanding between the golden emperor and the emperor on the matter of sealing the **** list, which is enough to cover up other things. Explained to Han Guang.

Han Guang heard it thoughtfully and said with emotion: "It is worthy to be the first demon in the world. No wonder the emperor is willing to temporarily abandon his former suspicion."

"But he is likely to fight back at critical moments," the devil laughed, "so I stay with you and cultivate you just to hold him back in the future."

He frankly said that he didn't seem to worry about Han Guang's betrayal at all.

Han Guang thought for a while, and suddenly said, "There is one more thing to ask next."

"What's the matter?" The devil smiled slightly.

"Jin Huangyan, after the last year of ancient antiquity, is played by him, and his feet are suppressed in the middle ages. There is a triple treasure treasure seal under the Bodhi tree. Is this really the Yuanshi Tianzun or gold? The emperor pretended, how did he cross the Buddha Bodhi tree? "Han Guang was extremely impressed with the incident.

The demon Buddha was silent for a moment, and suddenly hey:

"Of course it is the real Yuanshi Tianzun!"

"And besides the Buddha who first defeated me at the time, the subsequent Wuzhishan Seal, Sambo Ruyi and Bodhi Wonder Tree were all done by Yuanshi Tianzun!" (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network