MTL - The Science Fiction World of Xueba-Chapter 18 Tao Zhexuan

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At this time, Da Shi took the front road: "Brother Pang, it's almost time, Zhuang Yan needs to rest now, let's go first!"

Xi Pang Xuelin turned to Li Yao and said, "Sister, I'm not very convenient to stay in the hospital all the time. I will work hard for you and Brother Wang for the next two days."

Li Yao said: "Relax, I will take good care of Zhuang Yan!"

Xi Pang Xuelin nodded, turned around and left the hospital with Shi Qiang.

As soon as she reached the gate of the hospital, she saw a heavy red flag bullet-proof car parked at the gate.

He Pang Xuelin froze for a moment, Shi Qiang said, "Brother Pang, this is here to pick you up, get in the car."

Xi Pang Xuelin looked around. In addition to this red flag, there were several black off-road vehicles that looked particularly thick.

In addition, several police cars were parked at the intersection ahead of them, and traffic police were diverting traffic.

Xi Pang Xuelin followed the history and got into the car. Soon, the car started and drove towards the west of Beijing.

Several other cars also quickly followed, guarding Pang Xuelin's red flag one after the other.

Pang Xuelin curiously said, "Da Shi, where is my new residence?"

Da Shi Dao: "Xishan Villa, the security over there is very tight, ETO is difficult to penetrate. In addition, if you want to go to the hospital to see Zhuang Yan, we will transfer her to the special care ward of 301 hospital, when it is convenient Visit. "

Xi Pang Xuelin nodded, a bitter smile appeared on his face, and his treatment was almost equivalent to that of a national leader.

The responsibility to resist on my shoulders is not too small.

The Xishan Villa area is very quiet, and there are full-time nanny and guards inside and outside the villa, responsible for taking care of Pang Xuelin's living and security.

After eating, in the bedroom of Xishan Villa, Pang Xuelin took a bath, then lay on the bed, and said, "System, return!"

The next second, Pang Xuelin opened his eyes again. What appeared to him was his teacher's apartment at Jiangcheng University.

Pang Xuelin turned over and looked at his mobile phone. At 00:15 on September 6, he remembered that he entered the three-body world at about zero on September 5. That is to say, he had spent nearly four months in the three-body world. Only fifteen minutes passed.


Xi Pang Xuelin thought about it and quickly stretched out his right collar, there were no scars left by gunshot wounds.

If Pang Xuelin is thinking, does this mean that when he crosses the major planes, even if he is seriously injured and dying, he will not have any impact on himself in reality.

系统 "System, I want to look at the flying blade material!"

The next second, an alloy box appeared in the living room out of thin air.

Xi Pang Xuelin got down from the bed and opened the alloy box. What appeared in his eyes were two silver-white flakes. There was no trace of filamentous flying blade material in the middle of the flakes.

Pang Xuelin froze slightly, wondering, "System, is there no filamentous flying blade material?"

System said: "The filamentary flying blade material is only one tenth of the thickness of the hair silk, which is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. It can only be connected to the sheet-shaped flying blade material. Between the two pieces of flying blade material is a 30-meter-long filament. The host can try to illuminate it with light and observe carefully. "

Pang Xuelin quickly picked up the mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and then picked up one of the flying blade materials, and found that there was a small bump on the lower end of the material.

"This should be the place to connect the filamentary flying blade material!"

Xu Pang Xuelin illuminated the light, and a faint reflection appeared in the air. This kind of reflection was very weak, and it seemed to the naked eye to look past.

Xi Pang Xuelin carefully stretched his hand over, and felt a slight itchiness in his palm.

"This stuff is too dangerous, so put it away first!"

Xi Pang Xuelin retracted his hand, pondered for a moment, put the flying blade material back into the alloy box, closed the lock, and then retracted the system space.

For a while and a half, there was no drowsiness. Pang Xuelin thought about it. He sat in front of the computer, opened a blank Word document, and wrote a line of title: "A Method to Prove the BSD Conjecture."

As soon as he entered the working state, Pang Xuelin lost the concept of time.

In the three-month world of the three-body world, Pang Xuelin has thoroughly researched the proof process of the BSD conjecture, and can close it with a closed eye.

Therefore, it took just over five hours for Pang Xuelin to enter more than sixty pages of certification process.

Then, he checked it again, converted the word document into a PDF document, uploaded the preprint, and sent another copy to Tao Zhexuan.

Then he posted the manuscript directly to the mailbox of the Annalsf Mathematics.

Although it doesn't matter which one of the four top journals in the mathematical world is, but I have previously published a paper on BSD conjecture in the "Mathematics Annual", this paper is naturally more appropriate in the "Mathematics Annual".

As for whether it can be successfully published, Pang Xuelin didn't even consider it that much.

If it is a glory for a mathematician to publish a paper in the top four journals of the mathematics world, then publishing a proof paper on the seven major problems of the Millennium is also a glory for the top four journals.

If the top four journals know that the BSD conjecture has been proved by Pang Xuelin, I'm afraid they will quarrel over which journal to put on.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin has no psychological burden.

After finishing these things, Pang Xuelin yawned and went straight to bed.

Even if this level of conjecture has been proven, it will take a short time to test its correctness.

So, wait patiently.

Uh ...

大学 University of California, Los Angeles.

In Zhe's office, Tao Zhexuan just posted a new blog, preparing to shut down the computer and go home from work to pick up the children.

Ding 咚 ——

The system reminded him that he had a new email, and the sender was his proud student Pang Xuelin.

Tao Zhexuan was a little surprised, he was very impressed with his student.

读 During her undergraduate studies, she was almost no less inferior to her in her talents or efforts.

Tao Tao Zhexuan even asserted that as long as Pang Xuelin continued to do so, there was an 80% chance that he would win the Fields Award before the age of thirty.

The only problem is that this child has a bad temper and admits death.

At first Pang Xuelin became obsessed with BSD conjecture, and bet on himself, saying that BSD conjecture should be solved within three years.

Then he plunged into the big pit of BSD guessing.

One year after Dr. Wu graduated, Pang Xuelin published an "Polarized Abelian André-Oort Conjecture Proof" in Annalsf Mathematics, but there is still a long way to go to overcome the BSD conjecture in the true sense.

He originally wanted to find time to persuade Pang Xuelin. He could consider focusing on other topics, but before he could say that, Pang Xuelin chose to return to China.

"Pang e-mailed me at this time, what are you doing?"

Tao Zhexuan frowned and opened his mailbox.

The moment he saw the header of the message, Tao Zhexuan subconsciously looked at the date on the mobile phone and muttered to himself: "Today is not April Fool's Day, what kid is this kid!"

Tao Tao Xuan Xuan is very clear about the difficulty of proving the BSD conjecture. When he was chatting with Pang Xuelin three months ago, he already felt that Pang Xuelin had come to an end in the issue of the proof of the BSD conjecture.

Want to prove the BSD conjecture, unless you create a brand new mathematical tool, or change your course.

No matter which one you choose, it means that you have spent countless hours and energy. If you succeed, you will become the great master of the founding school. If you fail, it will mean years of hard work.

不管 But anyway, solving the BSD conjecture in three months is a fool's day joke!

Hesitated for a moment, Tao Zhexuan still downloaded the PDF file in the email, opened it and looked at it carefully.

After all, Pang Xuelin is his own student. If he proves that there is a problem, he must help him point it out.

As soon as I opened the PDF file and looked at it for a while, Tao Zhexuan's brows frowned tightly: "The congruence problem?"

This boy actually adopted a completely different proof of thought from the current popular mathematical world!


Tao Zhexuan continued to watch.

Time passed minute by minute, Tao Zhexuan kept sliding the mouse.

First page, no problem ...

The second page, no problem ...

Page 3, Page 4 ~ ~ Page 5 ...

I don't know how long, the phone ringing suddenly, Tao Zhexuan subconsciously picked up the phone and pressed the answer button. The voice of his wife Laura came from the other side of the phone: "Tao, did you forget to pick up the child?"

Tao Tao Zhexuan was startled, looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, and before he knew it, he watched it for more than two hours.

He quickly said, "Dear, I'm sorry I forgot. There is something temporary at school today. You may pick up the children and I may go home later."

"Okay, dear, remember not to be too late, I will leave you a meal!"

"Okay, let's do that, bye."


I hung up the phone, Tao Zhexuan looked at the number of pages of the thesis, and he had already read more than thirty pages. Of these thirty pages, Tao Zhexuan did not feel that there was any problem.

I want to know that Tao Zhexuan has always been good at mental arithmetic and quick calculation. He has a natural intuition for mathematical problems. If he sees that there is no problem, then this article is probably not a big problem.

Moreover, the proof of thought in this article has a different path. After Tao Zhexuan read it, there was a faint feeling.

"Did this guy really solve the BSD conjecture?"

Tao Tao Xuan Xuan is a bit incredible.

Next, Tao Zhexuan spent nearly three more hours reading the BSD conjecture proof.

Afterwards, he breathed a long sigh of relief. This thesis gave him a clear and cheerful feeling on the BSD conjecture.

感觉 This feeling can only occur if a proposition is correct.

Tao Zhexuan pondered for a moment, pulled out his cell phone, and called another Princeton god: "Pierre, I think the problem of BSD conjecture may have consequences!"