MTL - The Science Fiction World of Xueba-Chapter 22 Public opinion storm

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Pang Xuelin talked about this history. The classroom was quiet and audible. Everyone was attracted by the stories of Abel and Galois, and he also became interested in group theory.

"I thought Pang Shen's lectures would be boring. I didn't expect it to be so interesting."

"Pang Shen really flickers. After listening to the achievements of Galois and Abel, it suddenly awakened my desire to learn mathematics. It was terrible ... fortunately, reason helped me to contain this. Evil thoughts. "

"Galoi and Abel are really good. You said that I am now studying hard. Is it possible to be like them?"

"Hum, just you, think too much, the one on the podium is almost the same!"

Uh ...

From time to time, there was a slight sound of discussion. Unconsciously, more than an hour passed.

Pang Xuelin looked at the time and said, "Well, today I told the history of next algebra, the origin of group theory, and the stories of two great mathematicians, Abel and Galois, about how Galois and Abel passed group theory. The thought proves that there is no root solution for the quintic equation, and we will formally explain it in the next lesson. The reason why I have talked with you so much, I hope that everyone can always maintain a true heart in the way of learning mathematics. Everyone present here can also appear as masters of mathematics such as Galois and Abel who can fundamentally promote the progress of human civilization! There are still 20 minutes below. Any questions you can ask at any time. "

There was a buzzing sound in the classroom, and soon, each arm was raised high like a forest.

"This classmate, yes, the one in glasses and a plaid shirt!"

Xi Pang Xuelin pointed to a boy sitting in the back row.

Soon, a guy with thick glasses and a look of muffler got up and said, "Professor Pang, I had previewed the concepts of abstract algebra before class, but it was very difficult to understand. I want to ask if it is appropriate. Is your reference book recommended? "

Pang Xuelin laughed and said: "Let ’s go, I recommend a few books to you, the first one is" The Basics of Abstract Algebra "by Mr. Qiu Weisheng. The book is clear in description and the content is appropriate. The second book is FieldandGaloistheory. This book is characterized by gradual progress, each theorem is clearly proved. In addition, I especially recommend Lederman's Introduction to Group Theory, which is a beginner's book. Zhibao, we should have it in our school library. You can compare this book with Mr. Qiu Weisheng's "Abstract Algebra Basics". The content of the two books is the same, and the proof methods are similar, but different people use different ones. The way of narration will make you feel completely different, and it will also give you a deeper understanding of some basic concepts of abstract algebra. "

谢谢 "Thank you Pang! I will collect the books you recommended as soon as possible."

The glasses boy sat down, and Pang Xuelin pointed to a tall and thin boy and said, "This classmate, do you have any questions?"

Gao Shou, a boy, said, "Professor Pang, I would like to ask. Recently, you have proven the BSD conjecture on online streaming legends. Is this news true?"

The words of the crickets dropped, and the classroom was quiet and audible. All the students focused on Pang Xuelin.

Although the BSD conjecture has not been officially disclosed, there have been many rumors on the Internet and in schools. Most of the people here understand the importance of the BSD conjecture, so they want to hear what Pang Xuelin said.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "I did write a proof paper on the BSD conjecture, but this paper is still in the peer review stage, so I can't tell you whether I have proven the BSD conjecture. This requires colleagues in the mathematical field. They give the answer, but I don't think it will be too long on this day! "

The boy again said, "Mr. Pang, how much do you think the proof is correct?"

Pang Xuelin said: "As far as I am concerned, since I submitted the paper, that is 100% certainty, but we still have to wait and see if it can be recognized by colleagues in the mathematical field!"

谢谢 "Thank you Pang!"

Tall and thin man sit down.

At this time, a female voice suddenly came out in the classroom: "Mr. Pang, you just named the boy a question just now, should it be our girl's turn?"

Xuan Pang Xuelin looked around and found that it was the beautiful mixed-race girl she had seen in the morning.

Xi Pang Xuelin laughed: "Well, this classmate, do you have any questions?"

Mixed-race girl stood up with a sly smile on her face and said, "Teacher Pang, do you want to have a girlfriend?"

Buzzing, the original serious classroom suddenly became lively.


My classmates laughed, and many boys whistled.

The mulatto girl squeezed her lips tightly, and looked at Pang Xuelin with a pair of big eyes blinking. Pang Xuelin said helplessly: "Not yet!"

"Have you ever been in a relationship before?"

Pang Xuelin said: "This is a personal question, can I refuse to answer it?"

The girl smiled and said with a smile: "Yes, then I change another question, Teacher Pang, do you have a favorite girl now?"

Xi Pang Xuelin patted his head. Is it so fierce now after 9:00?

After a while, he replied, "No!"

The mixed-race girl nodded with satisfaction, and smiled, "Teacher Pang, thank you, I have no more questions!"

Fortunately, after the girl asked the question, the bell rang on time.

Xi Pang Xuelin could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said quickly: "Well, today this class will be here first, and now it is over!"


不少 Many people in the classroom gave out a sigh, it seemed a little disappointed that they could no longer see the scenes of the Department of Mathematics's flower tricks.

Xi Pang Xuelin packed the notebook into a computer bag, packed his things, and carried the computer bag to follow the flow of people out of the classroom.

Before I walked two steps, a call came from behind me.

"Ms. Pang, Mr. Pang!"

Pang Xuelin stopped, and saw that the tall, mixed-race girl hurriedly came to him in front of him, and was close, but the girl was gone without the generosity and exquisite cheeks slightly reddish , Tiantian smiled: "Mr. Pang, I'm sorry just now. I was a little excited when I saw the idol, so the questions are more sensitive. By the way, if I apply for your graduate student in the future, you won't brush me down. Right? "

Pang Xuelin had a headache and said, "Then you have to work hard, but my requirements for students are very high!"

Mixed-race girl clenched her fist: "Teacher Pang, rest assured that I can meet your requirements. By the way, my name is Ai Ai, you must remember!"

Pang Xuelin said for a moment: "Ai Ai?"

Ai Ai smiled, "My dad is Chinese, his surname is Ai, Ai Cao, and my mother is British, called Alice, so they named me Ai Ai."

"OK, I remember!"

"Teacher Pang, then I won't bother you, bye!"


Xi Pang Xuelin looked at Ai Ai's bouncing back and could not help but smile and shook his head.

在 At this moment, his cell phone ring suddenly.

Pang Xuelin froze slightly. Picking up the phone and pressing the answer button, Liu Tingbo's hearty laughter came from the phone: "Xiao Pang, Tao Zhexuan has just published a blog, and formally acknowledged your proof of BSD conjecture, but The world's first heavyweight mathematician to publicly acknowledge your achievements, and then it may trigger a storm of public opinion, so be prepared for it! "

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Dean Liu, rest assured, I have something in mind!"

Soon, Pang Xuelin returned to the apartment, turned on the computer, and posted on Tao Zhexuan's blog.

In the blog, Tao Zhexuan comprehensively analyzed Pang Xuelin's proof of the BSD conjecture, and made such an evaluation: "The correctness of a mathematical proposition depends on whether its conclusion is concise and powerful. Pang completed a great job. A new path has been taken on the BSD conjecture, starting with the congruence problem and finally completing the entire process of proving the conjecture. This is another masterpiece after Perelman completed the Poincaré conjecture proof in 2002. "

Pang Xuelin couldn't help but be a little moved. He was just an unknown mathematician in the world. Before uploading the BSD conjecture to arXiv, it only caused a certain response in the mathematical world, and the major media were still on the sidelines.

Tao Taoxuan made such a statement now, while pushing himself to the forefront, he also gained his academic reputation.

However, to a certain extent, it also illustrates Tao Zhexuan's confidence in this thesis.

Tao Zhexuan ’s influence is extraordinary. Half an hour after his blog was published, CNN took the lead in reporting relevant news: "Not long ago, Chinese mathematician Pang Xuelin's proof of the BSD conjecture on arXiv was recently awarded the Fields Prize. The winner, Professor Tao Zhexuan of the University of California, Los Angeles, publicly acknowledged that our reporter interviewed a Raymond researcher at the Clay Institute of Mathematics in the United States. Raymond stated that ~ ~ At present, the Clay Institute has organized relevant experts to Results verified! "

As soon as CNN finished reporting, major media around the world followed suit.

The Associated Press: "Chinese mathematicians overcome the seven major problems of the millennium, and they are expected to win the million dollar prize!"

BBC: "The seven math problems in the millennium are another city. The 23-year-old math prodigy in China shows extraordinary talent."

Reuters: "Chinese mathematician Pang Xuelin claims to complete the BSD conjecture proof and wins the Fields Prize winner Tao Zhexuan!"

Xinhua News Agency: "Professor Pang Xuelin, a Chinese mathematician, recently published a 63-page BSD conjecture proof paper on a preprinted platform of internationally renowned papers arXiv, which has attracted widespread attention in the mathematical community. According to Professor Qiu Chengtong, an internationally renowned mathematician and the first Chinese Fields Prize winner, Pang Xuelin It proves the establishment of the scheme and has been widely optimistic about the academic community, and the results are currently being further verified. "

Uh ...

The major media around the world have reported the news that the BSD conjecture has been proved, and Pang Xuelin has also fallen into a storm of public opinion.

In less than half a day, Pang Xuelin received more than 100 calls from major media around the world.

Yuntian knows how these reporters got their personal mobile phone numbers.

Except for two sentences at the beginning, Pang Xuelin simply set the phone to mute, except for a few calls, all other calls were refused.

On the Internet, the discussion about Pang Xuelin and the BSD conjecture also quickly spread from the niche forum to the entire network.

On the Sina Weibo hot search list, the hot search with Pang Xuelin as the key word ranked first, the second place was the BSD conjecture, and the third place was the million dollar prize ...

At the same time, Pang Xuelin's childhood photos and related resumes were also picked up and posted on the Internet.