MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 26

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The dog's resilience is very strong. In Zhang Hang's quilt, Lu Chengye put on indoor shoes with great energy that night, clutching the sticky device to pack Zhang Hang's bed where he had slept. His hair is not long, even if he loses hair in different seasons, he really sleeps in the quilt, and there will be hair in the quilt.

Of course, Zhang Hang could not let a **** dog clean up the room by himself. He hit his hands ... The sticky hair device is tearable. Lu Chengye's mouth and claws could not tear off the used paper, so Zhang Hang He groped to tear the paper off and handed it to Dahei. After the second sheet of paper was used up, Dahei held it back and handed it to Zhang Hang. One person and one dog cooperated perfectly.

There is an aunt to help clean up the room and the two don't have to worry about it. The seven days of the Chinese New Year were quite troublesome, but Xiao Ren helped to clean it up before returning to his hometown. The two did not throw away the garbage casually. The ground was a little grey at most, and it would not be too dirty for seven days. Pack up the bed so that Zhang Hang sleeps at night, and one person and one dog are in front of the TV. Zhang Hang asks: "Yesterday's financial channel was not watched, I'll show you a day of finance today."

"Wang!" Dahei's voice was so energetic that he recovered well.

Zhang Hang couldn't help but touched the **** ears belly and nose. Fortunately, the temperature and humidity were the same as usual. Dahei really recovered. Zhang Hang couldn't bear it when he was in love, holding a **** neck and burying it in his short hair, it was smooth and smooth.

"Great ..." Zhang Hang's voice was choking, and Lu Chengye felt his hair was wet. "Dahei, you're fine, really good!"

Zhang Hang would only shed such silent and depressed tears when he was most sad and unbearable but had to force himself to bear them. Later, he stopped crying even at this time, but accepted indifferently. Everything the world gives him. And now, he was crying. This child who was always strong and never cry when he was completely blind was crying, holding big black, his shoulders were shaking, tears wet the **** hair, the hot temperature seemed to burn his fur.

Lu Chengye didn't move. He asked Zhang Hang to hug himself, and it was good to be able to cry. I can cry because I'm sad to see you cry, someone can comfort you because you cry, and I can know that you cry and feel distressed. Zhang Hang used to cry because he thought he was loved. Later, he stopped crying, knowing that even if he was crying, no one would care about him. Tears were just a proof of weakness, meaningless.

So is he crying now?

Lu Chengye put his mouth on Zhang Hang's shoulder, tried to raise his front paw, and patted his back.

It is very simple for humans to raise a hand and pat on the back while holding a neck and crying, but it is a bit difficult for dogs. The **** buttocks were sitting on the ground, struggling to raise their front paws, and patted on the back of Zhang Hang, acting like a grab.

His ridiculous movements made Zhang Hang cry and he couldn't cry. He loosened his **** neck, broke his tears and laughed, but his tears were still hanging on his face.

There was no way to wipe tears for Zhang Hang, Dahei stuck out his tongue and licked the tears that fell on Zhang Hang's face.

It doesn't matter, I can comfort you without comforting you, even if you don't cry, I will feel bad as long as you are sad. So in the future, if you want to cry, hold me, I will pat your back with my paws, and lick your tears with my tongue, you can cry with confidence, because there is at least one of me in this world Love you deeply, even if I'm just a dog.

Yeah, just a dog.

While Zhang Hang was going to wash his face, Lu Chengye bit his own front paw in a depressive manner, how could he be just a dog! Too few things a dog can do! To make Hanghang a blind person go to see a doctor on his back on a rainy day, if it is human, just call his own family doctor to come to the clinic; to let Hanghang leave the course to accompany him, there are too many people He is not rare to take care of him; if he is a human, he does not have to pat his tears and lick his tears. He can reach out and hug the boy tightly in his arms, and stretch out his hands to touch his soft hair and back. The soothing voice told him warmly: It's okay, but it's a small cold. Isn't this good? I will always be there.

But he couldn't do anything.

Lu Chengye was lying on the ground weakly, and he couldn't understand why he didn't want to be a man? How good it is to be a man. Even in his car accident, he just crosses into a big brother next door. He can give a helping hand when Zhang Hang is most sad, to protect the child and give him the gentlest in the world. Family.

Zhang Hang walked out of the bathroom, wiped his face, and the water droplets stuck to his hair, dripping gently. Lu Chengye raised his front paw to catch the drop of water, and the water splash splashed, and a drop quickly evaporated in the air, like his destiny.

The life span of a dog is at most 15 years, which is longevity. And Labrador, only 8-12 years, how will he accompany the voyage to the old. His life will probably be like the drop of water just now, trying hard to save himself, but will quickly dissipate in time, short and weak.

Lying quietly at the feet of Zhang Hang, the financial channel 8 years ago looked so boring, he just looked at it habitually.

"Dahei?" It seemed that he felt the negative of Lu Chengye, Zhang Hang touched his ears, claws, belly and nose again, and found nothing was happening, so he patted his head with confidence, "Where is Dahei uncomfortable? Should I contact Dr. Xiao? "

"Wang!" Lu Chengye raised his head and screamed with a trembling spirit, unable to hear the depression just now.

Zhang Hang then regained his hands and continued to listen to the financial channel with Lu Chengye.

The next day, Lu Chengye sent Zhang Hang to school as he did every day. The puppy would still be excited when he ran over the road, and he couldn't help rushing out. But the heart has completely calmed down. Even if the body is excited again, just take a look at Zhang Hang and become calm.

Hair / Emotions / Periods, etc. really don't matter. His dog life is only about 8-10 years, and during this time, he will do his best to protect this person. Until his death, this person can stand on his own, be strong, leave himself and live well.

It is his responsibility and mission to help this person become such a strong person. In the face of this mission and even faith, the so-called restlessness does not matter at all, and he does not have the power to appeal to this young man. All he can do is make a qualified guide dog.

So Hang Hang, if one day I really go, please do n’t be sad, take my blessing, and go on bravely and firmly. 2k novel reading network