MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 43

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At this time, Lu Chengye was really shameless, and his expression was stupid, so he almost put out his tongue to prove that "I am a dog". The visitors who were planning to rush out to protect the boss of Black at any time were dumbfounded. This kind of goods ... probably they didn't need to shoot.

Since Zhang Hei died, after experiencing a period of sadness that is difficult for others to understand, he has locked his feelings deep in his heart, and rarely has too many emotional fluctuations. In fact, he rarely even has anger. Whatever is irrelevant, it is worth his trouble. To say that he has a high emotional quotient, a good temper, and a gentle and warm personality, might as well say that he wears a gentle mask and treats all people equally, and it is difficult for others to enter his inner world. His tenderness towards everyone is actually a kind of indifference.

Today, his ancient well-beings finally have ripples. Despite his disgust, he also shows a different mood to Lu Chengye than others. And because this person he hated repeatedly mentioned Dahei shamelessly, his piercing feelings were loosened, and even though he was angry, his emotions also fluctuated.

And after hearing that "Wang", I don't know why, his heart seemed to be touched by this soft but disliked cry, and his heart was a little disturbed.

Lu Chengye's dog barking made the whole bar quiet, everyone was shocked by this "Wang". There are many people who come to Black silently like Zhang Hang, and there are many brave confessions, but they are so shameless.

This tranquility calmed Zhang Hang gradually. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. After the heartbeat returned to a stable level, Zhang Hang secretly laughed at himself and argued with this person. It ’s okay to be dark, except himself. Who knows. It is not necessary to argue about anything.

He stepped out of the bar and didn't plan to communicate with Lu Chengye any more, leaving around this person, but Lu Chengye stubbornly grabbed his hand again.

"Wang!" Lu Chengye screamed again, at this time he was completely shameless. What is the face, can it be eaten? Is navigation important? For five years as a dog, he has lived more freely than being a man. He doesn't need to care about others 'eyes or care about others' eyes. He only needs to sail! He just saw clearly that Hang Hang's expression changed because of his scream. If a "Wang" could get Hang Hang's heart, he would always be "Wang" without talking!

Five years as a dog also subtly changed Lu Chengye. He learned to live for his own heart even as a person. There is no need to be so tired. Although he is not blind, he only sees what he wants to see. The rest is all air.

Everyone in the bar who was "air": "..."

It wasn't enough to call, and now I called a second, really ... so shameless!

Zhang Hang took a deep breath, and the breath he exhaled was a little trembling. I don't know if he was angry or excited. He shook off Lu Chengye's hand for the third time, and calmed his voice firmly: "If Lu always doubts me, then check Until you find the real murderer, please don't harass me anymore, it will affect my life. "

After speaking, he picked up his cane and left mercilessly. People who saw the excitement around gave Zhang Hang a way. Zhang Hang probed the road with a cane and slowly left.

crutch! Zhang Hang actually used a walking stick to explore the road. Didn't he buy another guide dog? Has he done this a little bit over the years? Lu Chengye didn't know if he should be distressed or happy at this time. The guide dog could have him rushed out and wanted to lead the navigation, but because of the inconvenience of his legs and feet, he flew directly to the ground. Even in the shock, Yu didn't forget his job. He stepped forward to support Lu Chengye and did not let him fall.

Lu Chengye grabbed two crutches, and chased Zhang Hang's back in a daunting manner. After two steps, he was blocked. Black waiter and customer are protecting Zhang Hang. This is obviously a pervert. How can he bully his boss!

The waiter reached out and said, "Sir, you haven't checked out yet."

"Xiyu, checkout!" Lu Chengye angered.

Baixiyu quickly settled the bill, but in this column, when Lu Chengye chased out, Zhang Hang had already taken a taxi.

Hurrying to call Bai Xiyu to come out and drive, Lu Chengye sat in the back seat of the car and said, "Go to Zhang Hang's home!"

Baixiyu: "..."

He started the car and steadily transported Lu Chengye to the hospital.

Lu Chengye: "..."

Mr. Lu glared at Baixiyu, with "No Wages Wanted" in his eyes?

Baixiyu said indifferently: "I work with due diligence, so it is impossible for your character to not pay me, at most because you offend you less bonuses. But if you die because of a wound infection, or because your leg is not If you are well-supported, then I am most likely to lose my job. Compared to the two, I would better send you back to the hospital. "

Lu Chengye gritted his teeth and hammered his seat. He was helped by Bai Xiyu to return to the ward. The doctor on duty saw him come back, and the heart that he mentioned finally fell, and Lu Xincheng was immediately contacted.

As for Lu Chengye's escape from the hospital, Lu Xincheng was furious. He ran out all day long before the injury. If Lu Chengye returned after dinner at night, he wouldn't even have to. He actually ran to the bar? It was more than a night before I returned to the hospital. !!

Although Lu Xincheng is a subordinate of Lu Chengye, he is also a confidant. Many years of interaction have made them friends. Lu Chengye's parents are gone. He is the chairman in the shareholders and the president in the company. He is the leader everywhere. Even if he makes a mistake, no one dares to train him. Lu Xincheng did the same at the beginning, but in the past few years, the company has been on the right track, and Lu Chengye's mask has been removed a little. It also allows Lu Xincheng to understand that Lu Chengye is not really a cold person, and his personality is also good. become friends. Now that Lu Chengye has made such a willful move, only Lu Xincheng can talk about him.

"... You dragged a pair of residual legs, ran to the bar to go after the boss of the house, and in order to please people, you also learned dog barking in public?" When Lu Xincheng visited Lu Chengye the next morning, his face collapsed.

Lu Chengye froze and didn't speak.

"It seems true." Lu Xincheng hated Tiebuchenggang and said, "The one who wants to hurt you hasn't been found yet, so you are not afraid to run out and chase people ... you ... are you crazy? Or in fact, you are not Lu Chengye, and have been possessed by the soul after the car accident? Do not mess with me in the plot of this novel, and you are Lu Chengye, I still know you for so many years, until you learn how to bark, your behavior It's all normal. "

Lu Chengye still didn't speak.

"Can you tell me, what are you doing like this?" Lu Xincheng really couldn't understand Lu Chengye.

Lu Chengye said, "I like him. I like it very much."

"He's a man ... it doesn't matter if it's such a thing, the problem is, you probably saw him for the second time? Why suddenly ..."

Lu Chengye didn't answer, he just told Lu Xincheng with his eyes: I love Zhang Hang, don't care about me.

Lu Xincheng shut up. He didn't want to talk to Lu Chengye about this issue anymore. He just said, "Okay, I'll let you love him to the point of death at first sight. But even if you like him, you still have to come. Like it. It ’s very important to find a master who hurts you, or to heal yourself well. Only by keeping yourself safe can you like him? You like your fart even if you are dead! "

"You're right." Lu Chengye nodded, he thought of the dead black, if he was really injured or died, it would be better not to recognize him.

Lu Chengye finally took his mind to think about his car accident. He thought for a while and said, "Who will do it. I have a few candidates in my heart. There are only a few relatives in my family, and they have been held down. Now the company is still Someone else is in charge, and the only one who wants me to die is the one who can get shares after I die. "

"The relatives who have the right to inherit," Lu Xincheng nodded. "You have no spouse, parents, or children. The rest are siblings and relatives. Without a will, immediate family members can inherit your property in accordance with the law. The sidelines also have the right to compete, but there are some difficulties. So if the other party intentionally murders the immediate family members, they will not move the idea of ​​the will, and if they are sidelines, they will try to forge the will. "

Lu Chengye nodded and said, "Go check Lu Yuantao. When my father made his will, the notary was him. If I had an accident, I wanted to forge a will in addition to a lawyer and a notary. If not, I would probably also Lu Yuantao will be selected as a notary. Both my lawyer and Lu Yuantao will check it, focusing on Lu Yuantao's wife and children. "

Lu Yuantao is Lu Chengye's cousin, and he is very upright. He had a very good relationship with his father at that time. In fact, he should not be doubted. But people can change. A person has many weaknesses, some of which are fatal, and can make a person violate his own principles.

"If Lu Yuantao and the lawyer are all right?" Lu Xincheng frowned.

"..." Lu Chengye hesitated before saying, "I don't want to check and doubt them, after all, they have never intervened in the company's affairs in these years, but ... find someone to stare at it, and wait until the lawyer has a result Go check them. "

Lu Chengye has an older brother and a younger sister. His brother did not like family business by nature. When he was young, he faced his father. He didn't go to the draft in high school, and his father was so angry that he didn't recognize him. But Lu Chengye admired him very much. After he took over the company, he also had contact with his brother Lu Chengyan. He really loved the bright circle and had no interest in the family business. And his sister, 6 years younger than Lu Chengye, was only a junior high school student when his father died. Lu Chengye was always busy rectifying the company. She was taken care of by a nanny. Then she went abroad to study in college. She returned after nearly two years. She was not impressed.

In fact, he didn't want to doubt his fellow brothers and sisters. He didn't care about the mess of relatives at home all these years, but if it was from the blade of a loved one ... In fact, it was nothing, he couldn't be as strong as 16-year-old Hang Hang. 2k novel reading network