MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 768 Ten years (1)

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According to this progress, Ye Lang believes that his own estimates may be wrong. This time is much closer than he imagined, mainly because of the existence of people like Sharan.

Ye Lang had previously estimated the level of the Xiangkong Alchemist, and also estimated it with a slightly higher level, but he was still wrong. Sometimes, the appearance of a person may change the whole level.

There are some peerless days in the world. Even if you can't do the height of Yelang, it may not be far behind, and Sharan seems to be such a person.

Even if you have a Sharan, you can change the whole situation. If there are other people, then you don't have to say it.

Perhaps, only three or five years, Xiangkong can have a large-scale alchemy weapon, and in fact, the former alchemy weapon is a representative.

Ye Lang may have forgotten that Zhao Yarou, who is by his side, is also a very perverted alchemist, but she has never revealed it.

"Hong XIII less..."..."

"Oh, yes, it’s thirteen!!"

"Where, where,"...

When Ye Lang entered this ancient ruins, someone saw his presence in the corner of his eye. In this way, the scene began to become confused.

Many people have left their own things and rushed toward Ye Lang.

"??" Ye Lang stayed for a while, then found that these alchemists, as if they have seen themselves, are the royal alchemists of Xiangkong.

Ye Lang’s reputation in these royal alchemists is very high, and his arrival will naturally cause a sensation and arouse everyone’s onlookers.

Of course, these people still want to ask Ye Lang some questions, some of the problems they encountered, they believe that Ye Lang will know, they can answer these questions for them.

"Hello, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Ye Lang is ceremonial to everyone. This may be one of the reasons why he is liked by everyone. He is polite to the average person and makes people feel very close.

Even for Zhao Yarou, he is actually very polite, and he has never really married her, unless he is a person he hates, otherwise it will be the same.

"Thirteen, when did you come?" someone asked.

"Just, your empress invited me to come over..." Ye Lang said with a smile, and at the same time looked at Zhao Yarou on the side, Zhao Yarou did not overdo it, pretending to know nothing.

"Thank you for the emperor, we are having a headache now, there are many problems, we don't know." The alchemists are very grateful to see Zhao Yarou, they do not think much.

When Ye Lang was invited by Zhao Yarou, they would not think. "They only know that Ye Lang has appeared. They have the object to ask."

Although Sharan has to surpass these many people, she can't teach others, and she can't solve the problems of most people. This is the big difference between her and Ye Lang.

Ye Lang's knowledge is so rich that people feel incredible, even if it is a colder thing, he is also involved in the same, so he can answer most people's questions, and those who he does not know, almost no one knows.

"Don't thank me" I want to thank you for being so lucky and contributing to the empire! "Zhao Yarou said.

"This is what we should do!" The alchemists immediately said, a little flattered.

Ye Lang thinks this seems to be the leader to visit, but think about it, Zhao Yarou is not the leader, the leader of a country.

"These problems............" Ye Lang endured forbearance" said: "I can't answer these for the time being!" ”

"Everyone, Ye Lang, he just came, a little tired." If you have any questions, please ask tomorrow, and now everyone will return to their respective positions! "Zhao Yarou said with a smile" and took Ye Lang away. She didn't want Ye Lang to say that she was caught and would not answer any of your questions.

However, Zhao Yarou saw from the situation just now that Ye Lang is still very interested in these things. She believes that if Ye Lang stays here for a while, he will not be able to study it himself sooner or later, and by then, he Anything can be said.

Therefore, Zhao Yarou is not worried about this. She knows that Ye Lang is an alchemist, an alchemist who has no position on politics. He will not favor anyone. He will only study his alchemy.

If Ye Lang knows that Zhao Yarou thinks about himself, then he will be very depressed. Why does this perverted woman know herself so much?

Yes, Ye Lang is such a person. In his opinion, if the alchemy technique is buried for politics, it is unforgivable. This will hinder the progress of society. As an alchemist, it is absolutely not Will agree.

In exchange for the idea of ​​the earth, this is the issue of technology and politics. This is also a question that has been discussed for a long time and will continue.

"Zhao Yarou, are you very busy? Why are you not in the palace, what are you playing here?" Ye Lang felt a bit strange at this time.

"I am doing things here. The things in the palace are not like that. I can handle them here." Zhao Yarou said that if something like a memorial can be sent here, then she is not the same here. There is no difference.

As for the Shang Dynasty, this can let the ministers solve the problem themselves, let them discuss things themselves, notify her after the decision, and then let her approve.

"Then you really want to stay here?" Ye Lang said.

"What's wrong, what's the problem, we have been here for ten days, what are you afraid of?" Zhao Yarou said.

"Nothing, just ask, can't you?" Ye Lang said casually.

"Yes, of course!" Zhao Yarou took Ye Lang's hand. "Brother, let's go to the last place."

"What do you call me?" Ye Lang asked dully.

"Sister husband, is it wrong?" Zhao Yarou asked curiously.

"..." That's right... Only Ye Lang nodded. "It's just a little unaccustomed."

"Actually, I feel that Xiao Yan and his brother-in-law are together, this feeling is a little exciting,"...


"Ha ha..."

In this way, Zhao Yarou took Ye Lang away...

"Hey, we are not mistaken, how the relationship between the emperor and the thirteenth is so close, the emperor still laughed." An alchemist asked, apparently he did not know the legend about Ye Lang and Zhao Yarou.

And he generally only saw the indifference of Zhao Yarou, I heard that Zhao Yarou's horror, absolutely never thought that Zhao Yarou would have such a side.

"It's normal. The emperor seems to be very different from the thirteen. I heard that there is an ulterior relationship between them."

"what relationship?"

"Of course it is the relationship between the abnormal brother-in-law and Xiao Yan."

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