MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 9 legend

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Chapter 9 Legend (This chapter is free)

"Oh... what?! Your son has been in the brothel for three days? Hey, he is only five years old, and he is developing too fast." This sentence is in the mouth of a king of the country, when the emperor knows this After the incident, I couldn’t help but spray it.

Even the king of a country is still the same, not to mention other people, now the entire emperor knows the glorious achievements of the thirteen sons, and went to the brothel at the age of five. This is absolutely unprecedented.

Now the whole emperor, and even the people of the entire empire, are talking about this after a meal, about how the thirteen little sons go to Fenghuayuelou to drink flowers and wine, how to buy a little slave girl with a price.

After this incident, the thirteen young sons had a little girl next to him, the little tiger girl who was bought by him. Originally, Long Anqi also wanted to find a cockroach that was similar to the age of the thirteen princes and could take care of him. At the same time, you can also play with him.

This little tiger girl seems to understand the facts well. She knows that she can avoid being abused. She also relies on this stupid 13-headed son. Although she also knows that the 13-handed son is not really helping her, in fact he really helped. Self, save yourself from the fire pit.

As a person of the tiger race, the graciousness of the newspaper is a tradition. Even if they get a little favor, they will all report in the spring. Of course, if someone offends them, they will definitely report it.

Therefore, although the little tiger girl likes to take care of the thirteen young sons in the future, she has no good feelings for other ethnic groups. After all, the Terran has captured her.

Since then, Ye Jia has added a little tiger girl, and the thirteen sons have a playmate who grew up in childhood.

Many years later, it is wise for Long Anqi to show off her own decision.

However, at that time, the 13-handed son did not agree with this. He said that he would send the little tiger girl home, so that he would be completely defeated, and Long Anqi gave him a finger.

It’s not that Long Anqi can’t give up 50,000 gold coins. This is not a big deal for her. Besides, this is the pocket money of the thirteen sons. She just feels that this little tiger girl may be a godly arrangement, that is, to accompany her son. .

The thirteen young sons would not say anything about this. He had no opinion on anything, and he didn’t know anything. At the same time, he had a playmate who accompanied him. He was also very happy.

By the way, I forgot to introduce the name of the little tiger girl. She is called Atayal. As for the family, she didn’t say anything, and no one went to delve into it.

In fact, even if she said her name, it is the same for the 13-headed son, because he has only one name for Atayal - Hu Niu.

Another point is that Hu Niu is about one year older than the 13-headed son. Her body shape is a little petite, so it looks like she is about the same size as the 13-headed son. It is estimated that after growing up, it will be better than the thirteen sons. A lot smaller.

Don't think that the tiger people are the bears of the tigers. The women of the tigers also have a very small part. Of course, they are extremely rare, and Hu Niu is just one of them.

"Brother, Fenghua Xueyuelou is really so fun, let's go together later." Xiao Lanyu was very excited, quietly talking to the thirteen sons.

"Well, it's fun, can't go, my mother said no." The thirteen little son nodded and shook his head again.

"We sneak away, don't let my mother know." Xiao Lanyu whispered.

"?? Is it OK? I will ask my mother." Thirteen young sons went to ask Long Anqi with doubts, and Xiao Lanyu saw this situation and could not stop it. He decided to run away immediately.

"Ye Lanyu! You stand for me!!" Long Anqi's roaring sounds throughout the world.

"Mom, I am joking. Ye Lang, you little bastard, don't play with you next time."

In the next few months, the thirteen young sons went out and lost one after another. Of course, I asked Long Anqi to ask for a little pocket money, and Long Anqi said that every time, but every time Give some pocket money.

It was forbidden to go out to the thirteen young sons, but then Long Anqi decided to let him go out and no longer banned. The reason for this was not that she suddenly figured it out, but there was no way.

Since the first disappearance, although the 13 small sons were explicitly forbidden to go out, and the entire Ye Zhai was also vigilant about the recurrence of the incident, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible for the thirteen sons to go out again.

But the strange thing is that here, the thirteen little son is still playing a game that suddenly disappears, and still in the case that everyone knows that he wants to disappear, he uses some very interesting methods to go out.

These methods are ignored by normal people, perhaps only from his point of view can be thought of, after he told Long Anqi, only Long Anqi is a big mouth, surprised.

Later, Long Anqi was no longer surprised. It was just strange. How could he have so many ways, even if he had a peerless wisdom, it would be difficult to have so many tricks, and how could he have a child with a flaw in intelligence? So many ways?

This is not only to make Long Anqi feel strange, the whole Ye family people feel strange, they even suspect that the thirteen little son is in the madness to sell silly, but in fact impossible.

He has been like this since he was a child. If you want to say it, you will start loading it from an early age. Is this possible? is it necessary?

Also, there are things that can't be installed at all. For a moment, even if you have a peerless acting, even if you have a peerless city, you can't have no loopholes, even your parents can't detect it.

The only explanation is that the thirteen sons are only intellectually flawed in some places, and in some respects they must surpass ordinary people. If he can grow like a normal person, then he will become like the legend. The true Son of God becomes a legend.

This incident, let Ye Zhai's bodyguards greatly complain, and my heart began to hate the thirteen little sons, because he let them be reprimanded every other day.

However, this incident also made them become elites, so that their vigilance reached an unprecedented height, so that later, Ye Zhai's defense ability is beyond everyone's imagination, even the palace is also to be defeated.

There used to be a secret agent, a legendary secret agent, a secret agent who came and went between various countries. He had never been traced. Even the palaces of the three empires were as simple as going home. He could be said to be a secret agent. A myth of the world.

However, he eventually fell into the hands of Ye Jia. When he was espionage in Ye Zhai, he was caught by a guard. At that time, he also believed that this guard must be an elite among the elites. Otherwise, how could he grasp himself, but The result made him very depressed. This guard is just a very ordinary guard in Ye Zhai.

What is more depressing is that when he asked the guard how he found himself, the answer from the guard was: You used our thirteen less when you were young, and you are too tender.

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