MTL - The Silver Hamster’s Daily Life-Chapter 7

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During lunch, Yang Qingwei met a few new classmates and had dinner with them.

Yang Qingwei's emotional intelligence is very high, and it only took a little while to chat with the female classmates who were sitting together.

On the other hand, Ruan Yingyin was eating alone. After the meal, she glanced back and forth, left and right, chose a place with the best view, and sat down to eat.

She was sitting in this position, and she could see all the people walking towards her. If Jiang Xing Yuan came and his minions came, she would be able to see it as soon as possible and leave quickly.

However, I don't know what Jiang Xingyuan is busy with today, and he didn't show up.

Walking towards her was Yang Qingwei with a bit of anger on her face.

If it was Yang Qingwei, Ruan Yingyin would not hide. After all, Yang Qingwei is not as perverted as Jiang Xingyuan.

Ruan Yingyin was sitting at a table by himself, and there were no people around. Everyone was afraid that they would get close to Ruan Yingyin, and Jiang Xingyuan would take revenge.

Yang Qingwei sat opposite Ruan Yingyin and asked directly, "Why do you tell everyone about your relationship with me?"

Ruan Yingyin was stunned for a moment, and her chewing speed slowed down, "What do you mean?"

Yang Qingwei sneered, and folded his arms, "My mother and I moved into Ruan's house today, didn't you tell me, do you know what everyone is saying about me now? You said that I was able to enter Qinzhong only by relying on my mother's lover. "But she is obviously relying on her own ability.

Yang Qingwei lowered the volume of her voice, her expression on her face was still soft, but she looked at Ruan Yingyin with anger in her eyes, "My mother and Uncle Ruan are now husband and wife, don't you think those people are talking too much? Ruan Yingyin talking nonsense with them, you have to know that you are moving to the school yourself, not Uncle Ruan who drove you out, nor did my mother ask Uncle Ruan to do it."

Ruan Yingyin had a white rice grain on her lips, she subconsciously stuck out her tongue, rolled the white rice grain into her mouth, and then said, "I didn't say it."

Yang Qingwei shook his head and sneered, "It's not what you said, who else knows about your relationship with me besides you?"

In the flash of lightning, Ruan Yingyin thought of Jiang Xingyuan.

She sighed softly and looked at Yang Qingwei, "When I was in class early in the morning, I was at the same table and asked me how my father and I ate last night, and I told the truth at the same table with me, and also mentioned you guys. Maybe it was me at the same table. Table accidentally mentioned a few words to the other students, and then the other students should think more about it."

As the villain, Jiang Xingyuan, in addition to resenting the cannon fodder female partner Ruan Yingyin, naturally has no good feelings for the male and female protagonists Yang Qingwei and Liang Yuan. In order to make Yang Qingwei have a hard time at school, it is also possible for him to reveal the news to add fuel to it.

Yang Qing's hands trembled slightly, almost angrily trying to throw the food he was holding onto Ruan Yingyin, "Ruan Yingyin, don't go too far."

Ruan Yingyin bit her chopsticks and quietly looked at Yang Qingwei who was angry, "But classmate Yang, what I said is the truth. Your mother and my father have already obtained the certificates, and your identity will be known sooner or later, and there will still be many people by then. Nonsense. As long as you wait for the monthly test and the results come out, everyone will know your strength."

Yang Qingwei: "Ruan Yingyin, you'd better be clear about one thing, don't provoke me, otherwise it won't do you any good"

After speaking, Yang Qingwei left with the food.

When he returned to the classroom after lunch, Jiang Xingyuan had already returned.

Ruan Yingyin took a small soft white pillow and put it on the table to sleep in the morning.

Jiang Xingyuan was leaning on the back of the chair, with his head down and typing on his mobile phone.

Aware of Ruan Yingyin's movements, he raised his head and glanced, then stretched out his hand, held the corner of the pillow, pulled the pillow out, shoved it behind him, and leaned on it comfortably.

Ruan Yingyin's head banged on the table, she let out a soft cry in pain, rubbed her forehead and looked at Jiang Xingyuan.

Jiang Xingyuan's face was cold and he glanced at her lightly.

Ruan Yingyin pursed her lips, lowered her head, and took out an identical small pillow from her schoolbag.

Jiang Xingyuan narrowed his eyes.

A headband was taken away, and she still had the exact same one. Step on her a piece of chocolate, and she has exactly the same.

I got her a pillow now, and she still has the exact same one

Jiang Xingyuan stretched out his hand with his palm facing up, reaching in front of Ruan Yingyin, and said solemnly, "Bring it here."

Ruan Yingyin hugged the little pillow tightly, her eyebrows were wrinkled together, and resistance was written all over her body.

She looked at Jiang Xingyuan's palm, "Classmate Jiang, I can't sleep without a pillow."

"Isn't that right?" Jiang Xingyuan's lips curled slightly, and there were a few traces of unusual interest in his eyes, "Don't let me say it again, or you won't be able to bear the consequences."

Ruan Yingyin lowered her beautiful eyebrows and reluctantly put the small pillow in Jiang Xingyuan's hand.

Jiang Xingyuan grabbed his fingers, grabbed the pillow directly, and stuffed another one behind him.

The four legs of the chair, the first two were suspended in the air, and his feet were on the bar under the table, leaning on his body, looking precarious.

Ruan Yingyin warned herself many times in her heart before she could resist the urge not to kick.

She pinned the hair on her forehead to the back of her head, and simply took out the math workbook and started to do her homework.

Jiang Xingyuan looked at her, a bit of gloom flashed in his eyes, and felt that Ruan Yingyin seemed to be completely different from what he remembered in his previous life.

He suddenly asked, "Ruan Yingyin, I heard that your aunt is in S city"

Ruan Yingyin's hand holding the pen paused, and she instantly became nervous.

This tension is even more intense than when I have a nightmare.

In the nightmare, even if Jiang Xingyuan imprisoned her, enslaved her, and abused her, it was still a dream. Although afraid, Ruan Yingyin knew that these things would not happen for the time being.

If she can change the follow-up direction, it should never happen in her life.

But the question of Jiang Xingyuan really scared Ruan Yingyin.

She thought that no one would feel strange about her wearing a book. At least now, Ruan Xudong didn't notice it, and Wu Ma didn't notice it.

These classmates have never seen her before, and they can't talk about discovering her.

But Jiang Xingyuan asked this sentence, and instantly sounded the alarm to Ruan Yingyin.

She pretended to be surprised and looked at Jiang Xingyuan, "I don't have an aunt."

Jiang Xingyuan nodded dispensably, "Really?" A chilling smile was hidden in his eyes.

This picture fell into Yang Qingwei's eyes, and it seemed very ambiguous.

Yang Qingwei hadn't touched the school forum for a while, so she didn't know the bad relationship between Ruan Yingyin and Jiang Xingyuan. She thought the two were flirting.

She didn't believe what Ruan Yingyin had just said in the cafeteria. Ruan Yingyin couldn't get any better when Li Da treated her mother so viciously.

It must have been Ruan Yingyin who added fuel to her words. Her tablemate listened to her words and came forward on her behalf, and those rumors spread.

How could her mother be her father's mistress Mingming Ruan Yingyin's mother is the mistress

This Ruan Yingyin table is a raccoon dog, and she will one day trample these people under her feet

Feeling a malicious gaze, Jiang Xingyuan raised his eyes and looked over, just landing on Yang Qingwei.

Yang Qingwei's expression was not hidden for a while, and he stiffened.

Jiang Xingyuan's eyes seemed to be mixed with poison, and he looked back at Yang Qingwei with disgust.

It's true that he hates Ruan Yingyin, but he is even more disgusted by women other than Ruan Yingyin, especially this scheming and vicious Yang Qingwei.

So in the evening, when Ruan Yingyin sorted out her things, lay on the bed in the dormitory, and opened the school forum, she read another post.

As usual, Brother Yuan had something to say, but this time the protagonists became Ruan Yingyin and Yang Qingwei.

In the plot of the original book, Jiang Xingyuan did the same, but it accelerated the relationship between Liang Yuan and Yang Qingwei.

Jiang Xingyuan asked people to persecute Yang Qingwei, and Liang Yuan protected Yang Qingwei.

In the book, Ruan Yingyin was forgotten and was retaliated by Jiang Xingyuan, but no one helped.

Thinking about it this way, Ruan Yingyin was really miserable.

She quickly quit the forum and opened the logistics information.

The things she bought are sent by the fastest express, and they will arrive tomorrow.

Sure enough, in the afternoon of the next day, Ruan Yingyin received a message that it was couriered to the school's mail room when she was in class.

After the school bell rang, she went to the mail room and picked up the courier, two in total.

These two things are the raw materials for her fortune.

One box is a glass jar, the weight is not bad, Ruan Yingyin can lift it.

The other box was mineral water, which was too heavy for her.

But now in the school, due to Jiang Xingyuan's notoriety, no one dared to help Ruan Yingyin.

Ruan Yingyin then picked up the lighter glass jar box and planned to move it to the dormitory first, and then borrow a small cart from the dormitory aunt to push the mineral water back.

At this moment, Jiang Xingyuan, who hadn't come to class for a day, carried a suitcase and walked slowly towards Ruan Yingyin, with a slight smile on his lips, but his eyes were cloudy and his vision was extremely bad. An error occurred, please refresh and try again