MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 37 one more

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The night was as black as ink, mixed with the smell of soot.

After Lin Ling entered the room, he quickly closed the door to prevent the black mist from pouring in. After entering the room, he took off his coat, sat cross-legged on the bed in unlined clothing, and took out his mobile phone from under the pillow.

I clicked into the information center and took a look, and there was a hint that a new batch of survivors went to the allocated land to plant the land.

Thinking of the woman she met today, Lin Ling hesitantly clicked into the report and consultation section, asked about the land distribution around No. 00001 area, and raised her own concerns.

After submitting the information, Lin Ling turned off her phone and took a rest. When she woke up the next day, she received a reply. It was not an automatic reply, but a reply from the staff in the safe area: "We understand your concerns, but for the sake of privacy and safety. , we are temporarily unable to inform you about the allocation of land around your area and information on land use certificates."

"In addition, the southern area is an important place for disaster/post-disaster/reconstruction/reconstruction, and more people will go to cultivate the land one after another. The safety zone government/government has considered safety issues and has researched and developed new location monitoring equipment. It will be launched in the near future, please keep an eye on our information center."

What's the use of new equipment coming online? Can you guard against villains? Lin Ling put away her mobile phone dissatisfied, lying on the bed and looking out the dark window, when will it rain heavily? Only a piece of heavy rainfall can disperse the black mist, moisten the land, and bring the whole world back to life.

If it doesn't wait for rain, it can only hope that the **** in the pond will spray more water.

But Dahei's ability is limited, the water in the pond must first cover the rice fields and potato fields, and the saplings on the nearby mountains have not been watered for almost a month, and the leaves are slightly withered and yellow.

It must be watered all over again today, Lin Ling sighed, got up to work and water. When I went downstairs, I saw that Xia Mo was doing homework with Brother Chou and Xiaolu.

Recently, at the end of summer, I took Brother Chou and Xiaolu to do homework together every morning, and sometimes helped them make up lessons.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ling was very relieved. They were both classmates and companions, and companions wanted to help each other and improve each other. If he left his companions and became a lone ranger, he would not be welcome here.

At the end of Xia, he didn't notice that Lin Ling was going downstairs. He wrote carefully, stroke by stroke. After writing a line, he turned his head to look at Brother Chou and Xiaolu's homework, checked the progress, and urged: "You guys Write quickly, I will go out to work later."

Xiaolu has resistance written all over her body: It's so difficult to write, obviously 1~10 are easy to write, why is it so difficult to turn it into Chinese characters?

"Write even if it's difficult." Mo Xia reminded Xiaolu sinisterly: "Do you want to make up your homework after class at night?"

Xiaolu was so frightened that she trembled, picked up the pencil and continued to write in tears: These words are really difficult!

"These are very simple." Xia Mo thought of the words he saw in the dictionary yesterday, thinking that these are difficult? Those characters will be more difficult to write: "What will you do if you encounter more difficult characters in the future? Don't you write them?"

Is there a more difficult word? Xiaolu's whole body is not well!

Brother Chou barked and cheered up Xiaolu: You can do it.

Xiaolu collapsed on the homework book, Ye Zi hooked the homework book and rolled it lightly, and hid it in the homework book: Hey, I don’t want to go to school anymore! There's no point in going to school! I want to quit school!

"You want to quit school?" Lin Ling asked.

Before Xiaolu could react, she hummed casually.

After it was over, Little Green realized that it was not Xia Mo who was talking to it. It arched its body and poked out a small part of its head from the homework book. After confirming that it was really Lin Ling, it immediately shrank back, pretending die!

"What are you pretending? Come out!" Lin Ling patted the table, "Don't want to do homework? Want to drop out of school?"

Little Green got annoyed by her homework recently, she stood up straight up, with her hips on her hips: Yes! I want to quit school!

"Want to drop out? There's no way!" Lin Ling snorted, thinking who would I blame if you dropped out?

Xiaolu was so angry that she jumped: I don't study anymore, can't I drop out?

Lin Ling hummed: "You can't drop out of school! Once you sign up, you have a tenure system, and you can't drop out of school for the rest of your life. If you want to drop out, you have to die!"

Little green humming, it's so pitiful, if it can live for two hundred years, wouldn't it have to learn for two hundred years?

Lin Ling poked the rolling little green: "Do you really want to drop out of school?"

Xiaolu nodded quickly: It's too difficult.

"You didn't watch TV after you dropped out of school." Seeing Xiaolu nodding her head, Lin Ling sneered. She couldn't figure out what Xiaolu was up to? After a short pause, he continued: "You can't hide in the house and watch, and they won't tell you what's on TV at the end of summer, and you won't have the air-dried rabbit meat I cook in two days."

Xiaolu, who originally had the idea of ​​peeking at the TV, was like a concubine, like a squib, and couldn't make any noise anymore.

Lin Ling pursed her lips and smiled, "One last question, do you still want to drop out?"

The person who is deeply knowledgeable about current affairs moved Wei Junjie's little green step to Lin Ling's wrist, and wrapped it around: I won't drop out of school! I love learning!

Xia Mo glanced at the corner of his mouth, the domineering little green's weakness is too low-level, every time it threatens it with a TV series, it dare not speak out.

Probably sensing the ridicule from Xia Mo, Xiaolu turned her head and bared her teeth at Xia Mo, warning him.

Xia Mo withdrew her gaze, and said, "Dare you be fierce to her?"

Lin Ling didn't bother to pay attention to the undercurrent between Xia Mo and Xiaolu, and went straight to work.

In addition to the first batch of cabbage, robbies, and leeks, there are still some vegetable seedlings in the vegetable field, and other vegetables are growing lushly, among which cucumbers, loofahs, and cowpeas have already grown vines.

Lin Ling went back to the kitchen and found a few pine branches that were one person tall, and inserted them into the soil next to the vines, then rolled the vines around the pine branches twice with his hands, fixed them, and replaced them with another cucumber seedling.

After the trunk shelf was built, Brother Chou's homework was finished.

She asked Shang Chou to generate electricity and water, and pumped water to water every sapling on the mountain. By the way, she also sprinkled a ladle of water on the weeds that grew by herself, "You have to fight hard, if you can win These saplings will do just fine."

The weeds seemed to understand, shook the leaves gently, worked harder to absorb water, and worked harder to grow.

After watering, Lin Ling went to collect the water pump and water pipes.

When I arrived at the pond, I saw Xiaolu lying on the water plants and complaining to Dahei: Let me tell you, homework is really too difficult! I want to quit school! But she won't let me back!

The **** fish didn't understand and asked: Why?

Xiaolu shook the leaves: She must be reluctant to part with me!

Lin Ling:? ? ? ?

Xiaolu had a slightly showy tone: You don't even know how much she likes me, if you don't sleep with me every day, she will definitely not be able to sleep.

Dahei waggled his tail gossipingly: Does she like you so much?

Xiaolu replied proudly and without guilt: I am her favorite little baby.

Dahei let out a wow, extremely envious: I really hope she likes it so much.

Xiaolu's possessiveness is at work: She only likes me, she won't like you.

Dahei took a sip of water in disappointment: Why does she only like you?

Xiaolu shook the leaves triumphantly: Because I have been with her for a long, long time, she likes me the most.

But sometimes liking me too much is also a burden. For example, if I insist on doing my homework, she will be sad if I don't write it, so no matter how difficult it is to write, I will continue to write.

Lin Ling:? ? ? ? ?

How come she doesn't know the plot of Xiaolu's story?

She only likes Xiaolu, vomit! Novel dare not write like this!

Lin Ling couldn't listen anymore, and walked over to interrupt Xiaolu's imagination: "Xiaolu."

Xiaolu, who was bragging, fell into the water suddenly in fright, and the water splashed everywhere.

Dahei saw his eldest brother fell into the water, and quickly fished him out.

The little green that was fished out waved the leaf towards Lin Ling: Hi?

Hi fart!

Lin Ling said with a straight face: "Have you finished your homework? Go to work after you finish."

Xiaolu shook the water on the leaves: I have finished writing, I was going to patrol the rice fields to find bugs, but Dahei wanted to chat with me, so I will chat with him for a while.

Dahei looked at his eldest brother innocently, and asked him to chat with him?

Seeing Dahei's blank face, Lin Ling knew that Xiaolu had turned black and white: "What did you say?"

Knowing that Lin Ling was angry, Little Green immediately changed the subject and said, "Da Hei said that he also wants to do his homework and watch TV, so sign him up for school!"

Lin Ling frowned, "You won't hurt your little brother if you don't want to do homework, right?"

Little Green pointed at Dahei angrily: I am not lying, if you don’t believe me you ask him, Dahei nodded his bulky head: Master, I also want to do my homework and watch TV.

Lin Ling looked at the silly Dahei: "Do you want to do your homework? Or do you want to watch TV?"

Dahei said: You can only watch TV after you do your homework. I want to do my homework and I want to watch TV.

Lin Ling guessed that the causal relationship between watching TV after doing homework was instilled in Dahei by Xiaolu. Big Heiyu is an idiot! After being sold, he helped count the money with a smile.

Xiaolu finally became a conscience vine this time, and chimed in beside him: Let Dahei go see it too, it's pitiful enough for him to be a fish in the water! I'm still an illiterate, I don't even know what 1+1 equals, it's too embarrassing for me.

Dahei, who really didn't know the answer, dived into the water feeling ashamed: Hey, hey...

"Let me think about it." Lin Ling felt a headache looking at the dumbfounded **** fish. The **** fish was two meters long and had to stay in the water all the time. What's going on?

Moreover, Lin Ling identified the **** fish as a "hardworking water sprayer", and the water sprayer didn't spray water honestly, and even went to watch TV. How could the treatment be so good?

Xiaolu climbed onto Lin Ling's shoulders and arched her chin: You let it go, we want to study together! improve together!

Lin Ling didn't believe Xiaolu's words, she felt that Xiaolu clearly wanted Dahei to suffer with it.

"Dahei, studying and watching dramas will waste a lot of time. This will cause the water you spray out is not enough for us to irrigate the land, and we can't live without water to irrigate the land."

The **** fish came out of the water: I can spray a lot of water, and it won't affect your watering.

Lin Ling narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean?"

The **** fish hadn't realized that he had slipped his tongue, and was trying his best to show his loyalty: I can spray more water, and the water will rise in a while.

If the water sprayed by Dahei is usually a trickle, then the water sprayed now is the water pipe with the gate open, spraying out continuously.

Lin Ling looked at the water sprayed out by Dahei one after another, and for a moment didn't know whether to call it smart or stupid.

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