MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 38 Second watch

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After a busy day, it's evening again.

All the cabbage left before had been eaten up, and the potatoes in the field could not be dug, so Lin Ling pulled out three big radishes from the field, washed them clean, and cultivated them directly.

The radish is big and round, full of water, and it tastes sweet when you bite it down, quenching your thirst and filling you.

At the end of summer, it was the first time I ate crispy, tender and sweet radishes. I thought it was delicious. "This is delicious, so sweet and full of water!"

"It's delicious, right?" Lin Ling smiled, "Be careful of bedwetting."

At the end of summer, he forgot to bite the radish: "Wetting the bed?"

"Radish can digest food and reduce phlegm, quench thirst, help digestion, and diuretic." Lin Ling looked at Xia Mo: "Be careful when you go to bed at night, if you wet the quilt, you have to guard against the smell in the future Go to sleep."

At the end of the summer, I started to eat the radish, I don't know if I should continue to eat the radish, it would be a pity not to eat it, "I'm not a child of one or two years old anymore, should I?"

Lin Ling shrugged her shoulders: "That's not certain."

Xia looked at the remaining half of a radish in his hand, how about saving it for tomorrow?

The ugly brother on the side barked: I am not afraid of bedwetting, I can help you eat.

Mo Xia rubbed his half-full stomach, opened his mouth and took a bite of the radish: "Thank you, Brother Chou, for your kindness, I think I'd better eat it by myself."

Brother Chou barked, and reminded viciously: Be careful of bedwetting.

At the end of Xia, he looked down at the radish. The more he ate the radish, the less delicious it was!

After dinner, the small evening class officially started.

Lin Ling glanced at Dahei, who would rather reveal his secrets than squeeze into a bucket to watch TV in class. It’s hard for a fish to be so motivated: "Today, a transfer student Dahei came to our class, everyone welcome!"

Xiaolu patted the leaves symbolically: welcome brother.

Dahei's fishy smell was a bit strong, and Xia Mo moved to the bench next to him in disgust. In order to resist the urge not to take a bite of the fish head, Brother Chou also leaned towards Xia Mo.

Lin Ling looked at the four little guys who had been automatically divided into two tables, "The little green and **** will be at the same table from now on, and **** didn't learn numbers before, so you can teach it how to count and write in private. I have an exam in a few days."

Little Green is reluctant: Why should I teach it?

"Aren't you its big brother? Isn't it natural for a big brother to help a little brother?" Lin Ling also knew that teaching is a thankless task, so he gave him a bait: "If you can teach it until it passes the exam, you can teach it until it passes the exam. I'll share an extra piece of dried rabbit meat with you."

Xia Mo and Chou Ge raised their heads one after another, saying that they could teach Dahei.

When Xiaolu heard that someone was competing with him for teaching Dahei, he jumped up and said: You are not allowed to compete with me. Dahei is my younger brother, and only I can teach him!

After speaking, Xiaolu patted the bench: That's it.

"Okay, then you remember to teach it, we will have an exam in a few days." Lin Ling started the class, reviewed the 12345678/90 taught yesterday, and then began to teach new words: 口, Day, eye, white, self.

The following words are more complicated. Instead of ten words, five words are taught every day. It is still the same way as yesterday. I teach how to pronounce it, and then start to explain the meaning, and then form words after the explanation.

The **** fish in class for the first time couldn't keep up with the progress, but Lin Ling didn't stop to wait for it. Who made it self-taught and became a veteran in the workplace!

Even though its ability has been upgraded, it still pretends that nothing has changed, and slowly sprays water every day to perfuse her!

Let's abuse it dozens of times first!

After one class, Dahei was really abused to the point where he thought he was the smartest cub in the reservoir, but later he moved to the pond, where his elder brother and Lin Ling were smarter than him, so he ranked third clever.

But now it looks aggrieved at the big gray dog ​​that just arrived, it is even stupider than a dog!

It didn't have to be sad for too long, though, because it started watching TV right away.

The **** fish, who watched TV for the first time, was full of curiosity about everything, and asked a few questions from time to time, especially when it saw exciting places, it was so excited that it couldn't help patting its wet body with its fish tail: "Brother Monkey is amazing!"

The excited Dahei forgot that he put the bottom half of the fish in the bucket to keep the fish moist, so when he lifted his tail, he overturned the bucket.

With a bang, the bucket fell to the ground, and all the water in the bucket fell to the ground.

Lin Ling silently looked at the pile of water accumulated on the ground, she knew it would be like this.

Xia Mo and Brother Chou looked at the water, their eyebrows couldn't help but twitch, the **** fish was too stupid.

Dahei looked blankly at the puddle of water on the ground: I didn't mean it.

"Clean it up yourself." Lin Ling said in a deep voice, "Don't watch TV if you can't clean it up."

In order to watch TV, Dahei exposed all the hidden secrets. How could he be willing not to watch TV in the future? So he immediately thumped on the ground, trying to wrap the water on the ground clean.

Lin Ling looked at the **** fish that kept rolling on the ground, and sighed. Sure enough, it was a wrong choice to let it in.

After the **** fish rolled the ground clean, it flopped and jumped to the side of the bucket, wanting to spray some water to soak its tail.

"Don't spray water anymore." Lin Ling was afraid that it would overturn the water again, "Just sit and watch like this, and go back to the pond by yourself if you can't stand it."

Poor Dahei had no choice but to lie on his stomach against the wooden bench. In order to keep his body moist, he sprayed some water on his body while watching TV. It was very pitiful.

Lin Ling also had a headache watching it!

Fortunately, one episode was finished in a while, and the **** fish went straight back to the pond after watching it.

Lin Ling was relieved to see off the **** fish, but he finally left!

Looking at the wet ground at the end of Xia, he secretly thought in his heart: I wish Dahei couldn't finish writing tomorrow!

The next day, Lin Ling took Xia Mo to continue digging.

"This time, we will reclaim all the flat land around the village that can be planted, and then turn it into a paddy field to grow rice." Lin Ling glanced at the flat land around the village, which was almost hundreds of acres. It used to be all land, but Now the age is long, the soil has become hard, and it must be completely recultivated.

Now Xia Mo is more and more proficient in using the soil ability, and it is easier to dig the ground than before. "I will finish it as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, it will take a month or two for the rice in the field to mature. Take your time." Lin Ling glanced at the rice field not far away. The sparse rice seedlings had grown to a height of more than a foot, and it was estimated that they would soon Heading.

Heading is a critical period, which is related to this year's harvest.

However, Lin Ling didn't have much hope in his heart. After all, there were few plants, so it would be good if the rice produced was enough.

Lin Ling said to Xia Mo: "When the rice is harvested, I will make some rice for you to try."

At the end of Xia, he had never eaten rice, and there was a look of anticipation in his eyes, but he thought that since the rice was planted, they had been waiting for it to bear fruit and to plant another crop. If they used the rice to make rice, wouldn’t it be No more seeds: "Don't you want to keep the seeds?"

"I want to keep it, but it's okay to take out a little rice and make it into rice to taste. It's a reward for our busy months." Counting it, Lin Ling hasn't eaten rice in ten years, so regardless of the seeds harvested Whether it is more or less, she has to make it once to eat.

At the end of Xia, he had been longing for rice for a long time, so he didn't worry too much, "Then let's grow some more."

"Okay." Lin Ling knew in her heart that as long as they planted one crop after another, when it was the third or fourth time they planted, they would be able to realize the freedom of rice!

Just like potatoes.

The potatoes in the field now are the second batch of potatoes planted by Lin Ling after he came here to settle down. In another month, all the potatoes will be harvested, and the seeds will be enough to fill the 20 mu of land that was plowed a few days ago.

After the next crop of potatoes is harvested, Lin Ling and the others should not have to worry about the staple food.

Thinking of having a meal of rice after harvesting the rice, Lin Ling and Xia Mo were very motivated, working hard to plow the ground, sweating heartily.

After a busy day, the two of them dragged their tired bodies and walked home. As soon as they reached the gate of the courtyard, they heard Xiaolu's irritable voice: Why did you forget again!

How many times have I taught you? How can you forget!

Lin Ling entered the hospital and saw that Xiaolu was tutoring Dahei with his homework, but because Dahei's memory was not very good and he kept making mistakes, Xiaolu had already lost his temper.

"Xiaolu, be patient." Lin Ling reminded Xiaolu.

Little Green wrapped her arms around Lin Ling's wrist, and began to complain: Big Black is too stupid, after teaching him for a few minutes, he forgot again!

Little Green's patience was exhausted, if it wasn't for the air-dried rabbit meat, it would definitely beat up Little Green.

Lin Ling glanced at Dahei, and Dahei lowered his head guiltily, he didn't know how he could be so stupid.

"It is rumored that Yu's memory is only seven seconds. It is normal for Dahei to have a bad memory. You have to be more patient." Lin Ling asked Xiaolu to teach Dahei. Green's temperament, I want it to be more patient and more friendly to its companions.

Little Green shook the leaves impatiently: But it is so stupid.

Lin Ling said, "Then I'll let Xia Mo teach it, and then I'll share the meat with him."

Xiaolu just doesn’t want to teach Dahei, she still wants meat, after thinking about it for a while, she pretended to be reluctant and shook the leaves: Forget it, forget it, I’ll teach it again, who made it my little brother!

Lin Ling snorted: "Then go for it!"

In order to eat an extra piece of meat, Xiaolu teaches very seriously every day.

In order to watch TV, Dahei also studied hard.

As the old saying goes, hard work can make up for clumsiness, stupid birds fly first, Dahei spends his time studying except for spraying water every day, so when he took the test later, he passed the test successfully, but these are all things for later.

Dahei finished his homework under Xiaolu's urging, and watched TV together after class.

Tonight, on Journey to the West, I played the Qujing Daughter Country, and saw that Tang Seng Bajie got pregnant by mistakenly drinking the mother-child river, which made Xia Mo laugh from ear to ear.

There are few people who conceive and have children in the last days, but it is not impossible. Xia Mo is a child born in the last days. Looking at Bajie's big belly, he couldn't help guessing: "Will he give birth to a little piglet?"

Brother Ugly barked, he thought that Bajie was so greedy, after giving birth to piglets, he would definitely roast them and eat them, right?

Hearing the word "little piglet", Lin Ling swallowed greedily. When will she be able to raise the big fat pig she wants to raise?

But there was no grass growing for dozens of miles, and there was nowhere to hide wild boars and chickens. It seemed that her plan to raise pigs had to be slowed down. Lin Ling sighed, she should continue watching TV.

There was a scene of Monkey King playing with Bajie on the TV, which made Xia Mo and the others laugh out loud, and Xiaolu even laughed unsteadily.

Dahei was no exception. It was so excited that it started to spray water. The uncontrolled water flowed like a column, and it sprayed on the TV and the plug beside it all at once.

At this moment, sparks flew everywhere, and a strong burning smell rushed over!

The author has something to say: the comment area is too deserted~~

Feeling at the North Pole,,,

Red envelopes for comments in this chapter~~ Let’s have fun,,,