MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 43

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The vehicle started and drove out of the city.

Lin Ling looked at the dozen or so women sitting on a truck behind, some old and some young, each face was full of numbness, without any extra expression. Although they were rescued, they didn't feel relieved.

A pang of sorrow welled up in her heart. In the last days, women without skills could easily be reduced to a cheap commodity, and they had no choice but to survive.

She didn't know how those women survived the painful years year after year. She admired their courage to survive. If it was her, she might have killed herself long ago.

Fortunately, the suffering has passed, and I hope they can start a new life after reaching the safe zone.

When the car drove away, Lin Ling looked away, and she sighed softly, "Let's go."

Seeing that Lin Ling was in a bad mood, Xia Mo took out some heavy pieces of gold from his pocket and handed them to her: "Here you are."

Lin Ling was stunned for a moment, "When did you get it?"

Xia Mo whispered, "I caught them when they took it."

"These are useless." After the end of the world, food is the hard currency, and these gold, silver and jewelry are worth less than two potatoes.

"It's beautiful." Xia Mo grabbed another handful of oversized diamonds and jade and handed them to Lin Ling: "You like these shiny things."

Lin Ling recalled the way she walked all the way: "Is there any?"

"You took a lot of shiny things in the morning." Xia Mo could see clearly, so he grabbed a lot of shining jewels and gave them to Lin Ling. He thought she would like them.

"Okay, then I'll keep it." Lin Ling would not refuse Xia Mo's kindness, "Thank you."

The starling who followed saw Lin Ling accepting the bright crystal from Xia Mo, "Beauty, beauty, I gave you so much, why didn't you take it? He gave you so little, but you took it?"

At the end of Xia, when he heard mynah's nagging, the corners of his mouth couldn't help turning up. He was very happy that Lin Ling only accepted what he gave.

"Why are you following me again?" Lin Ling looked helplessly at Mynah, "Hurry up and go back to your own home."

The starling jumped onto the armrest of the tricycle and confessed to Lin Ling: "Home is where you are!"

Lin Ling wanted to throw up, "Where did you learn these words?"

The starling said: "Those robbers taught me, I will learn more, let me tell you."

"Are you tired?" Mynah urged Lin Ling after finishing speaking, "Say you're not tired."

Of course Lin Ling wouldn't say it, it's not like she hasn't heard such old and earthy love words: "Don't say it."

The starling acted like a baby: "Dear beauty, what do you say, I can say the next thing after you say it."

"Don't bark." Lin Ling glanced at mynah with disgust, "Don't follow me anymore."

Xiaolu raised the leaf and slapped mynah in the face: "Bald-haired monster, don't pester us!" Believe it or not we will kill you!

The starling flew up to avoid Xiaolu: "Ugly, don't stop me from talking to the beauty."

Xiaolu trembled with anger: Come down for me if you have the ability!

The starling flew higher again: "I won't! I won't! Jump up and bite me if you have the ability!"

Brother Chou glanced at the noisy starling, opened his mouth and barked a few times at the starling, "Wow!"

"Oh my mother! Don't bite me!" The mynah fluttered its wings and flew a little higher. After turning around in front, it flew back again: "Beauty, where are you going? I'll take you there."

Lin Ling refused: "No need."

The starling continued: "I know every place in the whole city, and I can take you wherever you want."

Lin Ling raised her eyebrows and looked at the black starling, "Do you know every place?"

The starling nodded again and again: "I know where there is water, and I also know where to find food. In the past, I helped them find water when they were short of water."

"Then do you know where there is a car dealer?" Lin Ling described the general appearance of the 4S store: "Can you find it?"

The starling's two small eyes rolled around, "I'll take you there, you just let me follow you."

Little Green jumped up angrily: I disagree!

Lin Ling also felt that she could find it by herself.

Seeing that Lin Ling disagreed, the starling had no choice but to give up: "Then I'll take you there, or else you won't be able to find it tomorrow."

"Follow me." The starling turned a corner and flew towards the other direction of the city.

They followed the starling for an hour, and it was getting darker, but the starling kept saying that it was just ahead.

Lin Ling frowned and stopped: "How much longer?"

Starling pointed to the front: "It's right in front."

"You've said it twenty times before." Lin Ling felt that this starling was like a human trafficker luring underage girls into a den of thieves. No matter how you looked at it, it was not a good thing.

And are you stupid? Why are you still following it? Lin Ling lowered her face: "You want to play tricks on me?"

Mynah let out an ouch: "Heavenly conscience, I didn't lie to you!"

"Okay, I'll trust you again." Lin Ling narrowed his eyes, took out a pair of scissors and pointed at mynah: "If you dare to lie again, I'll cut off your wings?"

Mynah flew a little higher: "It's really ahead!"

Lin Ling continued to walk along the street for a few minutes. After turning a corner, he saw a row of 4S shops. The shops were basically destroyed, and the cars inside could be driven away.

Starling pointed to the front: "That's right here, the robbers and dogs often come here to drive."

Xia Mo and Brother Chou looked at the empty shop, and then turned to starling, where is the car?

Starling pointed to the shop behind him: "The car was driven away."

Xia Mo exchanged a look with Brother Chou, why don't you give him a good beating?

Brother Chou nodded, agreeing!

Xiaolu jumped on the ugly brother's head: count me in.

Starling was stared at by the three at the end of Xia, and a bad premonition surged in his heart: "What do you want to do?"

Xia Mo said coldly: "Smack you!"

After the words fell, the three little guys attacked in groups, and black feathers flew all over the sky for a while.

Mynah screamed for a while: "Help, don't pluck the hair, I'm going to run naked/run away..."

After searching in a row of 4S stores, Lin Ling finally found the pure electric car she wanted in an unassuming 4S store around the corner. Online, and the compartment is quite large and wide, and it should be able to hold a lot of things.

Lin Ling called Brother Chou and asked him to come in and help test whether the car could be used.

They ran in at the end of Xia, "Did you find it?"

Lin Ling hummed, and when he was about to speak, he saw a bald bird following him, "Where is the bald bird?"

The starling with only a fig leaf left said aggrievedly: "Beauty, it's me..."

"Hey, they beat me up and almost killed me..." Mynah cried and rubbed against Lin Ling, "They pulled out all my beautiful feathers, and I'm no longer the most beautiful little cutie ,Seek comfort…"

Lin Ling pushed the starling away in disgust, his eyes were too hot: "Your **** is leaking."

The starling who was begging for comfort immediately spread his wings to cover his buttocks: "Don't peek..."

Xiaolu leaned forward and backward with laughter: Hahahahaha, I laughed so hard!

Lin Ling pursed her lips, suppressed the raised corners of her mouth, turned around and walked to the side of the car, and called the ugly brother over: "This car is charging, you can try to see if it can be charged."

Ugly brother barked: how to try?

Lin Ling found the matching charging equipment from the car, plugged one end into the charging port of the car, and handed the other end to Brother Chou, "Try it."

Brother Chou took the charging port and started charging. After about ten minutes of charging, the electric car could start.

Hearing the sound of the car starting at the end of Xia Xia, he couldn't help getting excited: "Can it work?"

"It works." Lin Ling got out of the car and asked Brother Chou to continue charging. It took less than two hours for the car to be fully charged.

"Brother Ugly, you've worked hard, the battery is fully charged, and we can drive back directly tomorrow."

Brother Ugly barked, indicating that he was not working hard.

Lin Ling rubbed Brother Chou's head, "You helped a lot today, and tomorrow I will go back to stew dried rabbit meat to eat, and then I will share an extra piece with you."

Little Green jumped out: What about mine?

"You have it too." Lin Ling looked at Xia Mo: "You have it too."

At the end of Xia, she knew that she was always fair and would not favor one person over another.

Starling: "What about me?"

At the end of Xia, Brother Chou and Xiaolu all looked at Starling in unison: "Go away!"

The starling who has no place spreads his wings and hugs himself tightly, "No one hurts me, so I can only hug myself tightly."

Lin Ling: "..."

After nightfall, the city was silent, not even the sound of insects.

Because there are no other human beings in the city, everyone's spirits were not as tense as last night, and they spent the night with peace of mind.

At dawn, Lin Ling found a rope and tied the tricycle to the back of the car, "Get in the car, let's go."

Little Green was the first to rush to the front driver's seat, and it wanted to seize the best view position.

Xia Mo sat on the co-pilot, "I want to sit here."

Lin Ling hummed, "Yes."

Brother Chou claimed the seat by the window in the back row by himself.

After ten years of not driving, Lin Ling's hands were raw. She touched the steering wheel and thought nervously: This car should be equipped with an airbag, right?

"Everyone is seated, I'm driving." Lin Ling pressed the start button, then started to drive in gear, and the car slowly drove towards the outside of the store.

Lin Ling felt that her skills were not bad, "Hey, I can still drive."

Xiaolu was a little excited: Come on!

Xia Mo and Brother Chou were also very excited, this was their first time riding in a car.

As soon as Lin Ling drove the car out of the 4S store, there was an impatient voice from behind him: "Wait for me! I haven't gotten into the car yet!"

Xia Mo and Brother Chou glanced back at the starling who was catching up, and urged Lin Ling to drive faster: "Drive faster, don't let it catch up."

Lin Ling glanced at the rearview mirror, stepped on the switch, the car accelerated suddenly, and the ugly guy who was not wearing a seat belt in the back row went straight forward and fell into the gap between the seats.

After driving tens of meters away, Lin Ling finally grasped how hard to step on the switch. She turned to look at the ugly brother in the back row: "Chou brother, are you okay?"

The ugly brother who was stuck in the middle of the seat and couldn't get up groaned, it's not very good.

"What's wrong with you, Brother Chou?" Mo Xia turned to look at Brother Chou, and found that his body was stuck, "I'll help you."

Lin Ling stopped the car so that Xia Mo could go to the back row, but within ten seconds of stopping, the starling caught up, and it flapped its wings and got into the car: "I've caught up! "

Lin Ling looked helplessly at the starling: "I have nothing in my house. Everyone is hungry and eats dirt every day. Don't follow me."

The starling said "I can feed you."

Lin Ling lowered her face: "I don't need you to support me, just don't rely on me."

The mynah looked at Xia Mo, Chou Ge and Xiao Lu who were stalking tigers, and its thoughts turned quickly: "I can help you find seeds to feed you."

Lin Ling touched the lower molars with her tongue, "Seeds?"

The starling said: "I found all the seeds you took yesterday. If you like seeds, I can pick up a lot and give them to you."

Lin Ling didn't believe it: "You picked it up?"

The starling said: "The seeds you took away are my snacks. If you don't believe me, you can take a look. There are also my teeth marks on them."


Tooth marks?

Lin Ling took out the bag of seeds, and sure enough, when she came to the door, she found many marks of being pecked by mynah's mouth. She didn't know what to say for a while: "Why are the snacks in there?"

"I was afraid that others would steal my snacks, so I hid them in there." Mynah said it confidently, and didn't think there was any problem with putting its snacks together with a pile of gold, silver and jewelry.

Lin Ling gritted her teeth: "You found these seeds?"

Mynah's expression is of course mine: "So you want to take me?"