MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 15 You forced me

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Mo Wushuang's eyes were suddenly bright, full of brilliance and fascinating, looking at Hua Yueling's confident little face and saying: "Ms. Hua knows what is better than the price of losing?" For a long time no one came to buy from him Weapons are out. +++ Girls must go to the website

"Brother Mo, what do you have to say to this dead woman, she won't martial arts at all, buy any weapons, not at your own discretion!" Nangong Yan could not help but scold Hua Yueling.

"Nangong Aunt, you are so crooked again, be careful I tear your mouth, I have never seen a man like your eighth wife, it is good that the old lady does not seek revenge from you, don't make everyone too ugly in Beijing! "Huanyue Ling is really going crazy by this dead man.

"Hua Yueling, what are you talking about!" Nangong Yan's eyes burst out again.

"Say you, like a turtle man! This restaurant business has been driven away by you!" Huayue Ling looked at the deserted lobby and sneered, because people outside dared to come in, no one dared to come in, especially Nangong.脸 That face is darker than the bottom of the pot, and Huayue Ling is like a dominatrix, they are not dead, they may become punching bags, and they are too late to escape.

"Two, two ..." Mo Wushuang's head hurt, and he stood amid the two, spreading his arms. "Two, calm down, don't show jokes to outsiders, what shall we say when we enter the room?"

"Brother Mo, do you really believe this woman?" Nangong looked at him with gritted teeth.

"Brother Xi, I also do business." Mo Wushuang smiled bitterly, and Zhang Junyi's helpless face made Huayue Ling laugh.

"Wushuang son, why don't we go to the" Fengyue Tea House "opposite? What kind of person is really a bit shameful, he makes money by himself and doesn't let people eat." Huayue Ling smiled at Mo Wushuang gently and politely, Dig a bit more Nangong.

"Well, Miss Hua, please." Mo Wushuang saw that Nangong's eyes were larger than the eyes of the frog. He shook his head and smiled. He believed that the man could not get cheap on the tongue. He was also surprised that the maid of honor was so articulate and amazing.

"Brother Mo, you," Nangong Ai didn't expect that Mo Wushuang really wanted to negotiate business with Huayue Ling.

"Brother Xi, you have a meal first, we will talk about it later, you calm down and take care of your body." Mo Wushuang said with a faint smile, and walked out of Guihualou behind Huayue Ling.

"Dead woman!" Nangong Yan clenched his hands again, his nails clasped into his palms. Why is she so arrogant in front of him?

"Dark clouds and dark wind!" Nangong Yan shoved his sleeves into the inner room and yelled coldly.

"Subordinates are here!" Two young men in black appeared indifferently in front of Lord Three.

"Surveillance Huayue Ling! The king must know her every move!"

"Yes, my subordinates obey!" The two men left quickly, expressionless.

"Hua Yueling! You forced me!" Nangong Yan raised his fist in front of him and growled in a grudge.

Opposite the Guihua Tower is a very elegant two-story small building. The jujube exterior wall and the eaves of Feifeng, the hanging plaque reads the juanxiu 'Fengyue Tea House'. Attention.

This place was also a restaurant two years ago, because the advent of osmanthus floor has reduced their business a lot. Later, the shopkeeper changed people, renovated, and turned into a high-end restaurant.

Huayue Ling smelled a strong tea fragrance before entering the door. Looking up, the decoration here is mainly green vines, and the table and chairs made of bamboo are fresh and comfortable, which immediately calms down the mood.

"It's a good place." Huayue Ling looked around and smiled, and saw a **** and a woman who still had the charm to welcome her.

"Are you upstairs, please." Seeing that this woman should be dressed as the owner of this tea house, she is of medium looks, and she has smart eyes.

"Madam, the environment here is really good." Huayue Ling laughed upstairs with her.

"The flower girl has won the prize, and everyone is helping you." The boss lady has been here for two years, and it is a thunderous name for Huayue Ling, because this is a tea house.

"Now is the lunch market. Everyone is going to have lunch. It should be busy in the afternoon." Hua Yueling saw that the second floor was very spacious, but at the moment it was deserted.

"It's not bad, but the little girl is going back to Jiangnan. I'm afraid it won't last long. In a few days, Miss Hua may not drink the tea here." The boss lady smiled.

"Oh? The boss is no longer open? Who did you sell to?" Hua Yueling suddenly thought through her mind. Nangong's best thing was to make money. If he surpassed him in this respect, he would be hit hard.

"Don't hide Miss Hua, the little girl is preparing to sign the deed with the three kings on the opposite side." The boss lady looked slightly embarrassed.

"He? No! I bought this place, how much he made, how about I add another layer?" Huayue Ling had to start first.

At the back, Mo Wushuang and Ye You heard each other, surprised each other.

"Miss Hua, I'm afraid," said the boss.

"Ma'am, you are a business man, naturally it is based on interests. Now that you haven't signed a house deed with Three Kings, do you still have the right to choose? Three Kings are everywhere in restaurants, inns and brothels, and they must always be given to others. Ordinary people who open the shop have a way of life. Besides, everyone knows that the joke of the three kings and me, this man is too bullying a woman, you sell it to me, I will prove to him that a woman is not a bully, boss lady, you It's a woman, and women don't help women, but I despise you. "Huayue Ling's mouth was like a spring machine, and she said a lot in a breath.

Mo Wushuang looked at her phoenix eyes turning smartly, and some funny smiles evoked the corners of her mouth. If this woman bought this tea house, the three kings on the other side would really have a headache.

"This, Miss Hua, you first sit down to drink tea and have something to make the little girl think again." The boss lady sneered.

"Okay, I don't force you, I believe you are a smart businessman." Huayue Ling found a seat by the window and sat down, looking out of the window, diagonally opposite is the second floor of the Guihua Tower. When he got up, his head was moving, and there was a constant stream of pedestrians at the entrance. Huayue Ling's mouth was flattened, hum, the money was all made up by the dead man.