MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 282 Battle of life and death

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When Huayue Ling and Clan Dragon and Liu headed towards the opening of her side, a piece of gravel flew out, and her figure flew away. +++ Girls must go to the website Please search for (品% 书 ¥¥ 网) Look at the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

"She's running away! Stop her!" Canglong yelled when she saw her out of the hole, but she was blocked by the broken stone in front of Liu's door.

With a wave of Liu Zhangmen's sword, the figure also shot out, immediately following Huayue Ling.

Huayue Ling went straight to the opposite mountain wall, turned around, and deliberately left the stone in his hand and flew out to Liu Zhangmen's old face.

Liu Zhangmen suddenly covered his face with a long sword in fright, and Huayue Ling shot it straight with one palm. Liu Zhangmen was still in the air at the moment, and there was no place to stand. He was struck by Huayue Ling for two consecutive times, without mentioning, "Ah ! "Fell down.

Hua Yueling thought about the next action before doing each action, so once he took a shot, he already swept to the cave on one side.

The Canglong was secretly shocked. The woman was very careful, watching Liu Zhangmen fall into the valley and then rush out to the side. The old white face was suddenly a little cold.

Seeing that Huayue Ling had disappeared into the corner of the mountain, he took a deep breath, leap to the opposite side, and went down to wait for Liu's head to restore his expression.

"Canglong, this woman is too good." Liu Zhangmen was deeply afraid.

"How could Huayue Ling lose me so much if I was not so good, don't underestimate this woman." Canglong said coldly.

Liu Zhangmen nodded and looked at the newly restored comrades on the opposite mountain. One of them was Duan Jiagao, a non-verbal man, who was always behind him. He was in the middle just now, so he was buried under the snow. Fortunately, his internal force was strong and his air was so tight that he slowly used his internal force to blast out the deep snow with a thickness of one person above his head and jump up the cliff.

"Dan, how are you?" Cried Liu Zhangmen.

"Liu is in charge, there is no harm in the next step." Duan Wou-chi stood up, tall and big, with a Chinese character face, one size smaller than Tietong, but it was also mighty and must not be ignored.

"How many brothers are there?" Canglong asked.

"And," Duan Wou-Ki counted down and said, "There are 12 more people." After looking at the big pit below, there were at least 20 people in it, too cruel, can't help but hate Huayue Ling rise.

"Boss, brothers?" The assassin of the 9th killer of Canglong Regiment was extremely restless.

"Come on, we have to take revenge for our brethren. This time, we don't need any gold. There is no amnesty to kill!"

There was a silence on the hill opposite.

"In this snowy mountain, they have nowhere to run, Mo Wushuang has been injured, even if they are sleepy, they are trapped!" Canglong said fiercely.

"Yes! Everyone cheer up, we can't lose to a woman!" Liu Zhangmen also hated.

"Yes!" The thirteen people on the other side said in unison.

"Revenge for your brothers!" Someone shouted angrily.

Canglong said to Liu Zhang: "Follow their signs first, don't rush to attack, we must be intelligent. This woman's fighting ability is too strong, we will only lose more and more, so we can't be impulsive." On the cliff where it disappeared, the three of Huayue Ling went out from here, and there was the old forest of the deep mountain to see where they could go.

"Let's go this way!" With a wave of Liu's arm, a group of people began to follow Huayue Ling.

Because of the footprints on the snow, they quickly saw the direction.

At this moment, Huayue Ling has caught up with Nangong Ling and Mo Wushuang. In fact, they did not dare to be too far away from Huayue Ling. Mo Wushuang has been saying don't go too fast. In case of danger to Huayue Ling, Nangong Yu can go back and help.

Fortunately, Huayue Ling did not disappoint them, and soon appeared in their sights. After catching up with them, the three of them jumped into the mountains and forests.

At first, she hurried away and did not manage to mark her footprints. When Huayue Ling saw that they did not chase them immediately, she saw that the footprints were too obvious, and the sky was not snowing. She was frowning everywhere. I've lost my way, I don't know where in the mountains.

Huayue Ling looked around. In addition to white or white, Nangong Yan carrying Mo Wushuang on his back could not jump into the tree without falling snowflakes, so traces of exposure would be exposed, which made Huayue Ling frown.

"Master, it won't work like this, they'll be back soon." Hua Yueling ran to them and said, looking at Mo Wushuang, her lips were pale as paper, and her forehead was frozen with sweat, making her worry, "Wushuang, how are you doing?"

"I, I'm fine, okay." Mo Wushuang felt a little bleak in his heart, and a person was particularly vulnerable at this time.

"Don't worry, it will be all right." Huayue Ling was so anxious inside that she suddenly saw a big tree behind a dead tree covered by snow. She hurried over to look at it, and there was a cave behind, not careful outside. You can't see it.

"Come on!" Huayue Ling called them over, and there was some smell in the hole, but Huayue Ling couldn't control it anymore.

"Linger, it smells so bad!" Nangong was fainted at the entrance of the cave, and Mo Wushuang wrinkled his nose.

"This may be a cave for animals. Lord, we can't be fussy. They chase quickly. You and Wushuang must hide, I will lead them away." Huayue Ling frowned.

"No, Linger, don't go, I'll go!" Nangong Ai quickly hurriedly, looking at Huayue Ling's erect stomach, he was almost frightened.

"You?" Huayue Lingxin, but he confuses the enemy's ability in the snow and shook his head. "No, I must take them farther away. You are unparalleled, and I will be back soon." Go out.

"Linger, be careful!" Nangong Yan wanted to go with her, but he couldn't leave Mo Wushuang.

"Master Wang, follow me, I'll be fine." Mo Wushuang worried.

At this time, Huayue Ling had been covered with snow, so that the hidden hole could not be seen outside, and even his footprints were covered.

"No, Linger asked me to stay, I'll stay, or if you have an accident, she won't forgive me. What's wrong with your feet?" Nangong Yan gently put him down and turned to look It's dark inside, but it's smelly, "I'll go inside first."

Nangong Yan covered his nose and walked in slowly. There was no snow in it. It was all stones. Suddenly, when he stepped on something, he made a crisp sound, startled Nangong and stared down. It turned out to be a broken bowl.

"Someone's been here!" Nangong Yan surprised.

Mo Wushuang answered, leaning on the mountain wall and saying, "What did you find?"

Nan Gongxi took out the fire box in his arms, because he was afraid at the entrance of the cave, and he was afraid to be found outside, so he dared to light it up.

When the sight became clear, Nangong Yu saw a rotten animal carcass in one corner, and was immediately disgusting. The odor came from here, and when I looked at the others, I found a thick haystack with some stacks on it. The neat old quilt, and pots and crocks around it, surely someone lived there, it seems to be a hunter who went uphill for hunting.

Nangong Yu felt very grateful, and quickly rushed out the animal carcass, throwing it straight away at the entrance of the cave, and then filled the stinky place with snow in the basin, and fanned the odor with his coat. Get out.

I sorted it out and found it was pretty good. I put Mo Wushuang in it and put it on the haystack and said, "Wushuang, let's do it first. I'll boil some hot water and clean the wound for you. tank."

"Thank you." Mo Wushuang didn't know what to say, he could only say these two words, which he never wanted to say.

"You're welcome. Now we need to be united to live, and it's going to be dark soon. This snowy mountain will freeze to death. I'll go find some firewood, and I can warm up at night." Nangong Yu kept busy, putting snowflakes into the tiles. In the pot, get a little wood fire in the corner and ignite the snow.

"I don't know what happened to Linger?" Mo Wushuang worried.

"We have to believe in Linger, she is the hero in my heart, and she will be fine." Nangong Yu comforted Mo Wushuang and comforted herself.

"Yes, she said she would come back, she would definitely come back." Mo Wushuang nodded, and he comforted himself.

Nan Gongyu ignited the boiling water, and slowly pierced his head out of the hole. He could see from the middle of the thick dead snow that he happened to see a group of people chasing after him, and he was immediately nervous.

"Everyone hurry up, the footsteps here will continue, Huayue Ling will not run away, look! There are two people's footprints! The three kings carrying Mo Wushuang in front, Huayue Ling followed, everyone worked hard, they ran Not too far! "Canglong encouraged morale.

Nangong Yu was secretly surprised. There was only one person in Huayue Ling, so why did he make two footprints?

Where did he know that Huayue Ling was so meticulous that he had noticed that he was pulled away alone, his footprints would be suspected, and they might stop searching nearby. Then Nangong Yu and Mo Wushuang would be very dangerous, so she estimated when she created the fake photo I ran back and forth, tied a wooden stick to one foot, dragged snowflakes, and made the footprints bigger and smaller. Each time I stepped on one foot twice, it became the footprints of two different people, which went on and on.

Occasionally in some places, I would stop and make more footprints, confusing their judgment, Huayue Ling walked, and for half a hour, she didn't know how many roads she had taken, and after seeing a few hills, she suddenly saw A frozen river made her rejoice.

Opposite the frozen river, there were still forest trees. Huayue Ling deliberately broke through the ice with a beauty sword, and found that there was a fish below, and immediately poked with a beauty sword, and really gave her a big fish. This mountain No one fished in the river, so the fish were very fat, and she thought that she would eat at night.

She looked up to see that the sky was going to be dark, and her head turned and ran to the woods opposite, feeling that the distance was almost the same, and began to leap up and back.

I heard someone in the middle of the road, she immediately bypassed, waiting for them to chase frantically, and watched them go away, only to twitch the corners, go back, and wipe out all their footprints in the middle of the road. Fork roads, even if they turn around, it will not be the same road, and what is there, Huayue Ling does not know.

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