MTL - The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou-Chapter 19

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When Tao Yunfeng left, Wu Hao led several doctors to rush in. These people are small and famous doctors in Jianzhou City, except for the Imperial City. The doctors of the past are the most highly respected.

These white-haired old people gathered around Su Shi, and used several methods to look at the information. After a while, they nodded and shook their heads for a while, and then they sneaked into the whispers. Su Shi looked interesting. Deliberately pulling their white beards from the chaos, playing a confused egg that does not know the world.

After a scent of fragrant incense, the few people discussed the results. One of the old men with a flower beard arched Wu Wuyan on the upper seat and said:

"Mrs., with the experience of many years of experience in the practice of the old man, the injury of the son is not a big problem. I can only have a few days to rest. As for the relatives, the temperament becomes natural and childish. This may be the head. The sequelae caused by this, there are similar records in the ancient books, there will be no life worry, some people will return to normal after three or five days, but some people are..."

When he said that he hesitated, Wu Xueyan said faintly: "Mr. but it does not matter."

When the person saw it, he bluntly said: "Some people are hard to return to normal in their lifetime, and the wife is still planning to do it early."

When he just finished, Wu Xueyan was suddenly stiff and secretly clenched his fists, but his face was still a cold look. "Maybe this is karma, what he made in the past, now the full report should be I’m on my head.”

Wu Yi quickly advised: "Mrs. Don't talk about anger, our son is a full-fledged person of Fu Lushou. It is a common thing for young people to commit sins. If the Buddha is compassionate, he will forgive." She turned to that again. The old man with a flower beard said: "Liang Dafu, since you said that this is a disease, you have to come up with a cure. The prescription for the symptom is always there."

Dr. Liang, however, lamented: "This disease has no cure. There are life gates in the limbs of the human body. Among them, the head is the most important thing, and the broken hand still has life, but the head on this item is It is impossible to damage, that is, the **** doctor will not dare to rashly heal, and I will wait for the quack, and my wife will please Gaoming."

Wu Xueyan gently closed his eyes and waved his hand. Wu Hao quickly went forward and led several doctors out.

When they left, Su Shi took Wu Xueyan's hand and curiously asked: "Who are they? Why do they want to go? What is a quack? They call your wife, are you called a wife?"

Why have you become a reality version of the 100,000 why, dressed very happy!

Wu Xueyan looked at him fixedly, and suddenly smiled for a long time. The sharp eyebrows softened instantly, but Su Shi was a little creepy.

I only listened to Wu Xueyan's secluded road: "This is a good thing," she touched Su Shi's head and slowly said: "If you don't understand anything, you won't be sad, you won't remember, it's your sister-in-law who took you personally. Push into the fire pit, if you are lucky enough to come back, the mother must teach you in the future, and will never let you take another step."

There was no reaction on Su Shi's face, but his heart was very hard. This is to calm down and send him to redemption? Is there really no room for negotiation?

Although Jing Hao is the target of this Raiders, the current situation is really unfavorable to him. If he is so stupid to enter the Wangfu, what is the difference between the sheep and the tiger, it will definitely be eaten with the bones, even the wool will not be left. One!

The only thigh he is now is Wu Xueyan. She is the only daughter of Wu Xingde. When Wu Xingde followed the emperor to fight the battlefield and lay down the mountains, he not only had a gold medal for death, but also tens of thousands of Yulin troops.

If there is anyone who can compete with Jingjing in the whole Da Ming, Wu Xingde, a general of the generals, is none other than.

However, this Wu Xingde is terrible. Wu Xueyan is inherited his temper. The father and the daughter are famous for their confession. If they are wrong, they are pro-sons or pro-grandchildren. If they are wrong, they will be punished.

Nowadays, Jing Hao is in their eyes, he is unwilling to take care of himself, and he is a great hero who is loyal to the country, and he is a villain who is betrayal of the country. Even if he is killed by Jing Hao, it is worth living.

Although he also feels that the original master is not kind, people are dying in the front line. Is it not good to be a fiancee? Even if it is installed, it must be so realistic. If people do not use the value, they will rush to open the relationship.

People are the sons of fate, how can it be so easy to bring a box lunch! This is good, it hurts people's hearts, how can you brush your feelings?

Wu Xueyan didn't know that his seemingly pure appearance was madly spitting, and he didn't dare to look at him again. He was afraid that he couldn't take care of this child's mind, such as a white paper son. She suddenly got up and walked outside the house, only Leave a word.

"Good health care for the son."

The rest did not say anything, but the people are clear that when the son is injured, I am afraid I will be tied to the Five Kings House to plead guilty.

The master of the book, who is a master of good fortune, is a long-time son. This is a complete planting.


On the following day, the soldiers of the Mobei campaign were still facing.

Whether it is the people of the entire Jianzhou City or the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, they are all looking happy. The Northern Towers have lived in the desert for generations. The men and men are brave and war-torn. In recent decades, many conflicts have been provoked in Mobei. It is a heart disease of Daming. From time to time, it will hurt a pain, and the people will not be bored.

Da Ming is a big country. Naturally, he is not allowed to be provocative. He has sent troops to the north several times, but he has repeatedly lost his troops and ended up in ruins.

When the scene was ordered to go out, everyone laughed at him. He was not self-sufficient in the past ten years. How many outstanding generals in the past decade have been damaged in Mobei. Can he be a pampered royalty?

Who can think of him not only returning alive, but also recovering the lost land in the north in just three years, expelling the Ta's people from the border and opening the door, making the barbarians feel sorrowful. It is really a big heart and shocks foreign enemies.

At this time, he rode a crimson BMW on the forefront of the team, a black and gold embroidered gold-rimmed robes, a beautiful face with condensation, and a bloodthirsty suffocating, which was tempered on the battlefield, a thousand A lot of days and nights of **** battles, only to consolidate the calm atmosphere.

I once laughed at him as a broken sleeve prince. The old cows who ate the young grass closed their mouths. Even when he saw him, he felt his legs tremble, let alone talk about him privately.

The show of the city was originally to meet the big hero, but did not want the hero to be a hero, but it was not the cold-faced prince three years ago, but became a **** of scent.

When the team gradually moved away, someone said:

"Hey, do you still remember the thing more than a year ago? Is it that Tao Jiagong’s unilaterally written about the Joshua and the escape from marriage, is there an impression?"

"I know that I know that Tao Zikai's son, the five princes, was very good at him. Who knows that he was so worried that he was so arrogant that when he was in the border, he immediately turned his face and didn't recognize people. It was a wolf."

"That is, in the past, he took advantage of the status of the five princes to make a fortune. When he saw the people falling, he couldn’t wait to clear the relationship, and there was no more shameless person than him."

In a piece of condemnation, only one voice is extraordinarily awkward.

I saw a beautiful man wearing a blue-blue robes and holding a gold-plated paper fan. He said, "Why, how do I remember that everyone praised him for doing well, and the five princes are not only old, but also Short sleeves, no harm to young people."

Those people are silent at all, and one of them bluntly argues: "You nonsense, everyone knows that this prince is the first Emperor Taizong to personally act as a medium. Tao Zikai is not only loyal, but also violates Tianwei, Wu Wangye. If there is a bad place, he should also be affected. How can he make his own claim?"

Everyone around you should be connected.

The blue man was a bright one, then he laughed and patted the fan and praised him: "Yes, that’s right, this is the medium that the emperor did, and there are bad places, and you can only suffer! Good insight!"

Then he turned away with the powdered noodles around him, leaving a dry man and so on, so he had to be sick.

The little donkey caught up and asked: "Too... cough, son, let's go back?"

The son shakes the fan and smiles: "Return! The folks really crouched, the father can't solve the problem, but it's just so simple, hahaha! We all forgot, the first thing to mention this is the grandfather, just Later, Wu Shu did care for Tao Zikai, and we almost forgot about it."

The face of the noodles was too small to listen to, and he had to silently speed up to keep up.


Su Shi is still being held in the room to recover from injuries. It is not so much a cure. In fact, it is just eating, drinking and listening to stories.

He sipped a sweet soup with a spoonful of scoop, and Agui spoke on the side of the scene to explain the grandeur of today's army back to the city. When talking about the extraordinary Wuwangye, he spoke a little unfavorable.

"The master, you are stupid, but it is a good thing. The former five princes want to kill you. It is as simple as pinching an ant. Now, he only needs to glance at you, and you will be scared to death!"

Su Shi: "..."

Not scary, you will die!

Agui continues to say: "You must not believe the master, Agui is so big, or the first time I saw such a terrible person, I feel cold in the back from the distance! When I was young, I heard my grandmother say, This is called suffocating, it is only when there are more people who kill!"

Su Shi’s leg almost fell from the chair, and the sweet soup sprinkled a table. Agui was shocked and quickly instructed the hoes to clean up.

Su Shi’s heart is full of thoughts. Nowadays Jingjing is very different from the original memory. He can’t sit still!

He pushed the cockroaches to help him change clothes. He opened the door and ran out. Now only the grandfather Wu Xingde can save him. The elderly people always care about their family and may seek refuge from him.

But he forgot that Tao Zikai was a son of a young man from a small jade, and his body was so weak that he had to take a few steps and walk a few more steps, let alone escape under the circumstance of so many nursing homes. .

He just fell out of the yard and fell to the ground. There is a kind of pain called: the speed of the body can not keep up with consciousness!

Then he was surrounded by a group of servants, and there was no seam left. Aguideng came in from the crowd and asked: "Master, don't you hurt?"

Su Shi looked at these people indifferently on the ground, and he was so wronged! This young master is a grade A physique, how can it hurt so easily!

He thinks so, but in fact the true Nima hurts! The legs have to be broken, okay!

"You are all gone! Don't surround me!" Su Shi screamed, "Agui, don't touch me!"

He can learn the true meaning of fine skin tender meat, but mildly scratched, want to cry out every minute, ah! He has to slow down first, so that he will not be embarrassed in front of so many people.

"Oh oh..." Agui consciously took a step back.

Others also consciously expanded the circle to a diameter, but still kept the state surrounded by the group, and the stupid behavior of the daddy who was afraid of being stupid.

Su Shi felt that she was almost relieved. "Who will help me."

Then he was caught by his wrist and picked up directly from the ground. He discovered that the prostitutes who had surrounded him before were all gone. Instead, Tao Yunfeng and Wu Xueyan’s reluctant smiles were replaced.

Su Shi blinked for a moment, then slowly turned his head and was colliding with someone's icy gaze.

Su Shi: "..."

I dare to ask this handsome handsome face with a cold look and a smothering smother. You won’t be the ex-husband who was abandoned before I passed the door.