MTL - The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus-Chapter 1829 Yudu

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Although the two can't fly, the speed is still fast.

In the end, the two stopped in front of a dark door, and the door was faintly revealing a sinister meaning. It seems that there is any horrible existence behind the door.


The two took a deep breath, adjusted their breathing, and they were afraid of color, biting their teeth, or pushing the black door.


The black door made a hoarse voice, slowly opened, and a smoldering wind blew out, chilling and chilling.

Tang Yan stood at the corner and took a panoramic view of this scene. His eyes flashed a doubt.

"Where is this? Why is the wind blowing, the yin is so strong?"


The black door closed, blocking the realization of Tang Yin, and even the yin also flashed away, as if it had never appeared.

Tang Hao stopped, this door is full of surprises, is there any connection here with the ghost world?

"That's what happened to him, go in and have a look, and soon everything is clear."

Tang Yi went straight to the Black Gate and was about to jump in, but found that the airflow around him was fluctuating. He fixed his eyes and found clues.

"It’s another battle."

This black door was actually laid out, and he almost touched the formation.

Tang Yan smiled indifferently: "How can I stop me?"


As soon as he pointed out, a force did not enter the underground in front of the black door, and the turbulent air flow stopped and completely calmed down.

The formation was broken.


Tang Yan jumped and jumped into the yard, quietly, but when he looked up, he was shocked.

There was nothing in this courtyard, just a ridiculous land, and the two stores had lost their sights.

However, the induction of the power of faith is still there, and Tang Yan also refused to expose his whereabouts, following this inductive catastrophe.

The shop Xiao Er walked in the wasteland, as if there was no end, they said with trepidation: "This place is too horrible, if I have to, I really don't want to come."

"This is already the boundary of the capital, the place where the dead come, and which living person will want to come."

"Oh, that day, the gods were hidden in the capital, I am afraid that no one thought of it. This is the place of ghosts, and no one dares to come here."

"Hey, be careful, there are ears in the wall, what are you doing? If the Protoss knows, can you block the Protoss? It’s not a little effort."

"Exactly, therefore, the Protoss must not be known. The Protoss has been pursuing the gods. If the Protoss are known, then they will be completely finished."

"Wrong! Not all of them are finished, but the capital city is finished. They can't change a new city owner. They don't manage everything."

"It makes sense."

"Hey, we will come here after we die. We are going to step on it and get familiar with it."

"Oh, we have brought the power of faith this time. The capital city will add life to us in the life and death book, and it will be so easy to die."

"Haha, yes, if we are not for Shouyuan, how can we take such a big risk and do this."

Tang Yan followed the two, heard their conversation, and was shocked. This message revealed too much information.

"This is not the same as the ghost world. It is the place where the ghosts are after the death of the people. The capital city is equivalent to the Jurassic. However, the city owner still has a life and death book, which can control the life of the people. This is even more Awe."

"The **** of heaven is in the hands of the Lord of the capital, then I will meet him and explore his truth."

But he can't reveal his identity either, because he is also controlled by the Protoss, and the city owner must be the protoss.

Only the city owner is quite ambitious, even dare to carry the Protoss to practice the gods, this is also not willing to succumb to the people, want to fight against the Protoss.

Going further and further, Tang Yan discovered a little clue. In the human world and the ghost world, the yin is extremely harmful to human beings, and people cannot walk freely in the yin.

Li Xiaotian is a coincidence to become a ghost world.

The repair of these two stores is not higher than that of Li Xiaotian, but they can move freely in the yin, which gradually caught the attention of Tang Yan.

His fingers went to the yin point, and the yin quickly gathered at his fingertips. He gradually found a little clue.

This yin is chilling, but it does not hurt the human body. It is like a part of the air. It travels around the body without any harm.

Tang Yuran realized that he had a deeper understanding of the shackles. Although he is also the home of ghosts after death, it is very different from the ghost world and cannot be regarded as equal.

Suddenly, the store’s second child stopped, and a behemoth blocked their way.

This is a ghost face, a horrible horror, in this ridiculous land as if it is a vast mountain, shocking.

The shop’s second child shivered and raised the wooden bottle and said: “The city owner, we brought the power of faith and asked the city owner to give us Shouyuan.”


A smoky wind rolled up the yuan wooden bottle and flew into the ghost face, disappearing.

Tang Yan quietly looked at this scene, and when the heart moved, the yuan wooden bottle disappeared into the face of the ghost, and he lost his sense.

There are only two possibilities.

First, the other party repaired him higher than him, suppressing the power of faith and cutting off the feelings between him.

Second, the yuan wooden bottle is too far away from him, beyond the scope of induction.

"This ghost face is the master of the capital city, and the capital city of the capital is looking for the power of faith. Naturally, it is not cultivated into a god, nor is it my opponent. The only distance is that there is a transmission array in the face of the ghost, and the yuan bottle is sent away. ""

After Tang Hao’s analysis, his mind was set.

The store said in a small World War II: "The city owner, what about our birthday?"


Two lights were shot from the two pupils of the ghost face, and they fell on the two. They disappeared. They smiled and bowed: "Thank you, the city owner."

A smoldering wind rose from the ground and rolled up two people, disappearing without a trace.

There is only one Tang Yin in this wasteland.

The ghost face did not find him, it was a little bit lighter and seemed to disappear.

Tang Hao can also let the ghost face slip away, if lightning, has reached the front of the ghost, a little finger, the mouth of the ghost face will automatically open.

Ghost face also saw Tang Yan, shocked and screamed: "Who are you?"

Tang Xiao smiled and said nothing, and fixed his eyes to the face of the ghost. He said, "It turns out that it is really a transmission array, but this transmission array is very different from the general array. Because this is not between the two places. Transfer, but the transfer between the two worlds."

Tang Hao had already had a deep understanding of the law and space. At first glance, he saw the clue. The ghost said with exclamation: "Who are you? How do you see it?"

"Oh, how can you live with me?"

Tang Xiao smiled, did not take it easy, and rushed straight to the depth of the mouth, a bright light appeared in the mouth of the mouth, more and more bright.

Tang Yan plunged into the light of this group, and countless horrible forces came to him, as if to crush him.

However, this is all in vain, he is safe and sound, and the light is gradually extinguished. His vision is changing, his feet are landing, and he has come to another world, the capital.