MTL - The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus-Chapter 1860 God's truth

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One person flew out of the temple, went straight to the sky, stood in front of Tang Yan and Yu Zhitian, and looked at them with red face.

"Yu Zhitian, it is you!" The other party recognized Yu Zhitian and was angry.

Yu Zhitian has been stunned by the earth-shattering war. This is the only way to go back and dance. "The Taoist, not what you think."

Tang Yan looked at him with a smile and said: "You are the Taoist Taoist."

The Taoist looked up and down Tang Yan, and his eyelids jumped and said, "Exactly, who are you, dare to come to my oracle to teach wild?"

"No, I heard that Shinto spread the will of God. I deliberately came to listen to what the so-called God's will is."

The Taoist brows a pick, incredulously said: "You don't believe in God?"

Tang Hao nodded slowly: "I believe in myself."

"You are actually a person without faith. Do you know how serious this is? Without faith, after all, it is a rootless duckweed that can't go far on the road of spiritual practice..."

Tang Yan listened quietly and praised: "Your eloquence is really excellent. It is no wonder that it can spread the will of God and become the Taoist Taoist. However, I am not without faith, but I do not believe in the so-called God. I believe in myself."

The Taoist sneered and laughed: "Do you believe in yourself? Hahaha, you dare to say, who are you, can you compare with God?"

"What's the matter?" Tang Yan asked, and the Taoist eyes widened.


On the other peaks, there were also flying gods, and the waters of Tang Yiwei were unreasonable. After listening to his words, they looked at him like a monster.

Yu Zhitian secretly complained, and he wanted to let the Taoist God spread the will of God and let him become a believer.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yan’s shot was too sharp, and he almost ruined the sword. He even made a big slogan in front of the Taoist.

But the man brought him back. He was responsible for Tang Yan. Seeing the needles on both sides of the line, he hurriedly snorted and said, "The Taoist, don’t misunderstand, Don Juan is not a bad person, he is just confused, as long as we He spread the will of God and he will sincerely believe in God."

The Taoist looked badly at Yu Zhitian, and Yu Zhitian’s heart burst into a trepidation, and his heart was swaying, and he was so overwhelmed that he could not breathe.

Tang Yan pointed a finger, and the pressure on Yu Zhitian suddenly disappeared. He maintained: "He is the Shinto god, why should you be embarrassed? Moreover, his intention is not bad, but for your Shintoism."

The Taoist snorted and said, "I teach my own people, you don't have to point your finger."

"I just don't want him to be accidentally injured."

Yu Zhitian gratefully looked at Tang Yan.

The Taoist apparently did not listen to Tang Yin, and looked at Yu Zhitian with a bad eye. He stared at Tang Yin and said: "You have no **** in your heart. We are not all the way to us. We don't welcome you."

The Taoist is a wise man. Tang Zhen’s strength is so powerful that he has no way to let him believe in God and directly under the order.

Tang Yan turned a deaf ear to the front of the mountain, and the temple on the top of the mountain circled a lot of faith.

This is the power of faith belonging to the Protoss.

This Shinto is the place to spread the will of the Protoss, and the power of the faith is also the most.

The power of faith is just about to move, and it goes straight to the nine miles and disappears without a trace.

The power of this belief is too much, and it continues to flow.

The Taoist sees Tang’s silent voice, looking down his eyes, and his pupils shrink, and his heart says that he sees what clues?

The power of faith is invisible to the naked eye.

Because the Taoist Lord is blessed by the Protoss, he can see the power of faith. Naturally, he knows that above the temple, the power of faith goes straight to the Nine.

"What are you looking at?" the Taoist asked alertly.

Tang Yan said with a smile: "There is so much power in this place. You really don't deserve to be God. It is the most devout Protoss believer, and it has more power than other temples."

"What?" The Taoist screamed in horror.

Tang Hao’s direct point broke all of this and greatly exceeded the expectations of the Taoist.

“How do you know the power of faith?” the Taoist asked, and his face became sharp.

Others are confused, and they look at Tang Yin and the Taoist singer. Obviously, they do not know the existence of the power of faith.

Tang Yan looked in his eyes and understood it. He said: "I understand, huh, huh, for your gods, I know it, I don’t know why."

Yu Zhitian curiously asked: "What is the answer?"

The Taoist wrath: "Yu Zhitian, what do you ask him to do? This person is a sinister person who is ignorant and disturbs people's hearts. God's Taoism can't listen to his nonsense."

Everyone nodded and believed in the words of the Taoist.

Yu Zhitian is young and full of enthusiasm. He is full of appetite for everything. He can't help but say: "The Taoist, I think it is better to let him make it clear. The truth is more and more clear, and God never fears others to question."

The Taoist guilty said: "What is the difference, are you confused? You brought him back, are you really with him?"

Yu Zhitian denied it and said wrongly: "I just figured out the truth."

Tang Xiao smiled and praised: "The blind man can teach, do not blindly follow the authority and the words of others. You are the gods, you spread the will of God wholeheartedly. Now it seems that you are all in the dark, even the most fundamental problems are I don't know. God's Taoism is only known to the Taoist, but he deliberately does not tell you, huh, his mind is clear."

The Taoist was furious: "You dare to defile me."

"If you are guilty, your words are true or false. You know it well. Since you are holding everyone, then I will uncover the truth for everyone."

"Shut up!" The Taoist took the sword and seemed to be hands-on.

Tang Yan glanced at him and asked, "Are you sure you want to do it?"

The Taoist hesitated, he has already learned the power of Tang Yan, he is not an opponent, and he can only do it himself.

Tang Yan saw the thoughts of the Taoist and said to himself: "The God you believe in is actually a Protoss, living in the realm of God, not omnipotent. You believe in them, may not bring you any practical benefits. But you have brought real benefits to God and they have benefited a lot."

Believers bring real benefits to God?

This completely subverts their perception.

They used to think that God blessed them to bring them benefits, but now they have come back over and they have benefited God.

"How could this be?" Yu Zhitian asked dully.

"This is the truth." Tang said: "You believe in God, and then you will have the power of faith. The Protoss needs the power of faith. This is the source of their strength. They need the power of faith to cultivate and enhance the realm."

The crowd seems to have thrown in a bomb, completely boiling, and there are many discussions.