MTL - The Strongest Sect of All Times (Eternal Strongest Sect)-Chapter 1960 10 spirits gathered, my king returned!

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The strength of the red-haired man is too horrible, so Ye Xingchen is locked, and the result is only one, that is death.

Can't bear it, can't hide it.

However, at the precarious moment, Xiao Guiji suddenly stood in front of him, inspiring all his energy and power to construct a line of defense for him.

In fact, the distance between the two is closer, which stems from the tacit understanding of training together in the early years.

Offense and defense.

Complement each other, passionate.

And when Xiao Guiji stood in front of himself, the strong sense of crisis that Ye Xingchen had lifted lifted, which meant that the dead situation was cracked, and it also meant...

No one can contend with the power of the hot flame!


Time does not allow Ye Xingchen to think too much, because Ying Yu Xiang Yu blows him out with a punch, and in the process of getting out of the dangerous area of ​​repression, he witnessed Xiao Guiji being swallowed by flames!

This is the most distressing!

"Do not!!"

The night emperor's roar shattered his heart, resounding in the broken void.

I would like to use this residual body.

Thunder for you.

This is what Xiao Xiao said before his death. He said that he entered the valley of life and death in his early years, and he also put it into action.

From the day he focused on the physical refinement, he defined himself as a meat shield, no matter what the situation, no matter how dangerous, he would stand at the forefront of the same door.

This is the life of the front-row tank. It has nothing to do with the milk of the nurse, but that the other party is too scary to be directly killed.

"Night Brother!"

Su Xiaomo and Li Fei shouted in pain!

Anger broke out in their bodies and poured into their weapons, madly obliterating the surrounding Demon Emperor soldiers.

The same door is deeply emotional and does not need much explanation.

At this moment, all he can do is to turn grief and anger into power to wipe out the enemy, to comfort the night spirit of the night master!

"Many frost!"

At this moment, Snow God Tengliu appeared on the battlefield. She looked up and her hands spread naturally, and her mouth was full of words, and the whole body appeared cold as if from a frozen hell, to destroy the decay and spread the vast area.



In frost-covered areas, enemy soldiers are transformed into ice sculptures.


"You must die!"

The bare-chested demon king of purple, holding a pink boxing glove, carrying all his murderous intent, just like a professional boxer, wandering in front of the frozen soldier, left and right hooks, horizontal and side kicks.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ——————"

The corpse cracked and blood splattered.

After the death of Wang Xiaozong and his disciples, the senior officials and disciples have inspired the potential to fight with the enemy in a crazy manner.

Especially invincible.

I blame myself for not being able to arrive in the first time!


The power of Xianyin gradually gathered in the double fist, and his eyes turned to the intense murderous opportunity rare in his life.

In the land of eternal life, He Wudi is always very cautious, and even tries to pretend to be a little transparent, and there is almost no hard fight with the enemy.


Sin sins for himself.

He is willing to kill himself!

The entire Van Gogh Zong was exploded, and all defense was abandoned, fighting against the enemy with a mentality that either you died or I died.

The disciples, who were already terrified, had a huge surge in fighting power at the moment.

The red-haired man smiled and said: "A deep sense of fellowship."


He shook his head and said: "In front of absolute strength, we are as weak as ants."


Raising his fingers lightly, the hot flame gathered again, and when he was about to throw it out, he suddenly stopped and looked at the Van Gogh disciple who had been blown out by the English soul with surprise.


Time went back to the moment before Xiao Guiji was killed, and everyone was furious.

Ye Xingchen was still flying back and forth, tears sliding down the grim and painful face, swaying in the universe sky.

Slowly, a huge black hole appeared behind him, and the whole body fell into it.

Dark and silent.

Ye Xingchen seemed to have lost her soul, and she was floating alone.

I don't know how long after that, light appeared in front of my eyes, dispelling all darkness, showing a blue sky, and the warm sunlight poured on my body.

This is... Starfall Continent!

The night stars lightly fell on the mountain, where there was a red lacquered gate, and the plaque hung on the gate was engraved with the words "Iron Bone Zheng School".

Starfall Continent is long gone.

Iron Bone School has become history.

Could the night star return from the black hole?

"Night Brother."

In the iron-bone school, familiar voices came, only to see Xiao Guiji coming out with a smile.

Although his eyes look mature, he still has a hard time concealing his youth, and he seems to be able to see that this should be the beginning stage of Van Gojong, which was a few decades ago.

Ye Xingchen was stunned for a moment, and his heart suddenly burst into ecstasy.

not dead.

Brother Xiao is not dead!

"Brush!" At this moment, Xiao Guiji strode out and walked through Ye Xingchen's body, which made the former stand still.

Raised his hand hard, and found his arm blurred.


The joy on Ye Xingchen's face was soon replaced by pain.

He turned slowly and looked at Xiao Guiji, who had left, his emotions could not be controlled anymore, and his tears could not stop flowing.

"Brother Night Master, hurry up!"

Xiao Guiji stopped in front of the stairs and shouted at the gate.

Ye Xingchen closed her eyes in tears, recognizing the sea and recalling the past, and finally concluded that she should come out.


A person walked out of the red painted door.

The skin is wheat-colored, looking at the face without looking, it looks unpretentious.


Pei Niu.

To be precise, at this moment, the body is temporarily controlled by the soul of Ye Di.

Ye Xingchen is like the air, witnessing Xiao Guiji and his own descending one after another, the pain is deeper in his heart.

What is presented now is the picture of the first rebirth of the strongman and the genius turned into waste materials to form a team to go out to practice.

Although the age is a bit old, it makes Ye Di always unforgettable, and will never forget the next experience with him in the wild, and...

"call out!"

Suddenly, the picture jumped.

The night stars appeared on a high slope.

He saw himself sitting on the stone, and Xiao Xiaoji lying on the ground.

If you remember correctly, it should be Lingquan Mountain, the ruins of Lingquan Sect below, or Jun Changxiao, who is in charge, is confronting the three Wu Zong of Shengquan Sect with his disciples.

At that time, he thought that Xiao Guiji was particularly stupid, and he deliberately operated Tai Xuan Zhen Jing to help him cover his breath, so as not to be discovered by the people below.


The screen jumps again and again.

It's all happenings in the past, all in touch with Xiao Guiji.

Very warm picture.

However, when Ye Xingchen looked at the playback clips like passing passengers again and again, the pain in his heart became more and more intense, and the force that was always blocked in the depths of the soul gradually created a gap.

Until the memory node arrived just now, when he came to be suppressed by the power of the flame, Xiao Guiji rescued himself for justice, and finally reached the critical point!


Ye Xingchen shook his head and shouted.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

All of a sudden, the chain sealed in the depths of the soul collapsed, and a breath of terror spread throughout the body.


The red-haired man who was preparing to continue to look at the red-haired man who was the killer of the disciples of Van Gogh stunned him.

"this is……"

Feng Wanli and others saw it, and they were silly.

"What... what's going on!"

When the night stars roared, Gu Zhaoxi's spirit of reincarnation was completely out of control and was detached from Dantian, and could not be stopped at all!

"call out---------"

In the end, the spirits sprang out, flying towards the night stars.

"Boo! Boo!"

At the same time, two streamers also flew extremely quickly in the torch ruling.

This is the spirit of evil spirit and the spirit of fire soul, and they pass from the left and right ears of the red-haired man.

Liu Sinan, Gongsun Hou, who is fighting with the enemy, and even the spirit species in Li Qingyang, are also out of control!

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Seven streamers of different colors flew to Yexingchen.

They respectively represent the spirit of evil, the spirit of fire, the spirit of space, the spirit of reincarnation, the spirit of five thunders, the spirit of gravel, and the spirit of time and space emerging from Zhang San's body!

Obviously, UU reading was all controlled by the Night King!


There are still three.

"咻咻咻————" Suddenly, three streamer holes flew through the void, and then arranged in tacit agreement with the other seven spirit species, constantly rotating clockwise above the night star.

"The Spirit of Purgatory, the Spirit of Frost, and the Spirit of Time and Space!" Feng Wanli couldn't hide his excitement, saying: "The ten spirits are gathered, and my king is back!"



At this moment, the rotating streamers quickly flew into the night stars, making the whole person shrouded in some kind of terror.


The redhead frowned.

A strong sense of danger filled my heart instantly!