MTL - The Strongest System-Chapter 1067 嗑 磕 磕 addicted (second more)

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Lin Fan left.

Lingjun breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't think that Qingxuan would encounter such an enemy. The fear from the depths of her heart made her horrified, but fortunately, everything has been solved, although she lost her 'yong night. Magic disk', but it's all worth it.

Looking at my niece, the spirit sighed, and there was a hint of pain in the eyes, why did it become like this.


This moment is between the heavens and the earth.

The deputy lord of the Kunlun Shenzong, the red fire **** face is ugly, and their three deputy lords did not even leave Qin Shengjun.

"Qin Shengjun got the treasure of the Three Emperors. If you let it develop, the consequences may not be conceived." Red Fire said.

"Now it is no longer controllable. Qin Shengjun’s cultivation has reached such a level. The three of us joined forces and even wounded him and let him run. This is a heart-wrenching, insidious, and will never stop. We are now returning to the Zongmen and reporting this matter to the sovereign." Another deputy lord said.

"it is good……."

And when the three people returned to their original places, they looked changed when they looked at the three bodies floating in the void.

"How could it be." Red Fire God couldn't believe that the bodies of the three disciples of Zongmen's candidate disciples floated there, and they all lost their vitality. Those who are already dead can no longer die.

"Who is who, in the end, dare to start with the candidate of the Kunlun Emperor Sect."

"Oh, it is awful."

They trembled in their hearts, as if they could not bear the general. These disciples were all the support of the Kunlun Emperor. They cultivated a disciple and how much resources they needed to consume, but now they are being killed.

A deputy lord, a big hand, and the supernatural powers of the gods, directly control the body of Jiu Lizuxian in his hands.


This is a retrospective, mapping the scenes seen by the deceased during his lifetime.

The three deputy masters saw the face and suddenly became shocked. "It turned out to be him."

In the picture, it is the face of Lin Fan, the heaven and earth Zong Linfan, the abominable guy.

One knife, two knives...

The three deputy masters looked at the picture, and their hearts were angry and burned. They did not expect this son to be so despicable. At the same time, they were so daring and dare to kill the Kunlun gods.

"Do not kill this son, Kunlun Shenzong face no matter what?" Red Fire God said.

"Go back, everything is decided by the lord, and Tiandi Zong is declaring war on the Kunlun gods."

"This time I killed four of my ancestors as a candidate disciple. Could it be that I would not kill all the candidate disciples of my class? Cut off the Taoist system of Kunlun."


Lin Fan didn't know at the moment what kind of things he had caused.

If you only kill one, it won't be such a big thing, but now killing three people in a row, this is actually pushing the Kunlun Emperor.

But for Lin Fan, these don't matter, because he has more important things to do now, and what he got in the Three Emperors' treasury is almost ready to let Lin Fan fly.

Endless medicinal herbs, enough for yourself to smash.

Break the dimension and break into the endless void.

Lin Fan directly took out the melting pot of the heavens and the earth and looked at the 'Danjie' in the melting pot of the heavens and earth. His heart was fierce.


Now this situation can only be refining. Although the word 'Dan' is a secret treasure, it is also a seal. If you do not break this seal, you will not be able to get the inside.

When the three emperors were dying, they already had the idea that in addition to refining the entire three emperors, they would never be able to open them.


This ‘Dan’ word is indifferent, and Lin Fan wants everything in front of him.

“Hey, refining and chemical success.”

The word '丹' was directly turned into a group of medicinal herbs by Lin Fanlian. Lin Fan had a large hand and directly reached into the melting pot of the heavens and earth, then grabbed it in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Hey, congratulations on taking the ‘Dan’ word.”

"Oh, the experience has increased..."

“Hey, I’m going to upgrade.”

"Repaired: the middle of the ancestors."

Lin Fan naturally reluctant to refine the ‘Dan’ word, but there is no way. If you don’t break this seal, you can’t get any of the medicinal herbs here.

The seal under the arrangement of Xian Wang is simply impossible to break open based on his current strength.

"Haha... we are out of trouble."

"The seal of the Emperor King is gone, we can also swim between the heavens and the earth, cultivate ourselves and become the **** of heaven and earth."

"Where is this, how can we get out?"

"Let us go out, we are the king of medicinal herbs, the medicinal herbs, you are not worth taking us."

At this time, after the seal was not sealed, these medicinal herbs were ruthlessly let go, which surprised me.

"It’s too arrogant."

Suddenly, among the melting pots of the heavens and the earth, all the suppression of the elixir was suppressed.

"Give me all the truth." Lin Fan grabbed it, and he had dozens of elixir in his hand, and then swallowed all the entrances.

Crisp, tastes good, full mouth is the law of immortality.



The power is integrated into the weight, and the law of immortality is transformed into experience.

"Hey, congratulations to swallow the next product."

"Hey, congratulations to swallow the Chinese fairy."

“Hey, congratulations on swallowing the top grade.”


These elixirs are all ejected from the word '丹'. The three emperors do not know how many years have passed. The immortality of the word 'Dan' is like a massive amount and cannot be estimated.

Now, for Lin Fan, these medicinal herbs are all sweets, and they are free to lick.

Lin Fan hovered in the dimension, and regardless of anything, he swallowed the drug.

One is dozens of elixir, those Danling struggled in the palm of their hands, but in the twinkling of an eye, they were swallowed into the belly and turned into experience.

With systematic help, naturally there will not be too much remedy, and the situation of self-explosion will be directly transformed into experience and become the experience of improving cultivation.

Day after day!

Lin Fan followed the magic, his hands infiltrated into the melting pot of the heavens and earth, grab a large number, directly regardless of the magical effect of these medicinal herbs, all swallowed into the abdomen.

Even if it is a poisonous Dan, it doesn't matter, and Lin Fan can't play any role.

The experience is growing wildly, and the cultivation is constantly improving.

Xiu has gone to the high level of the ancestors.

The experience that Lin Fan needs now can be said to be massive. There is certainly no improvement in the status of a medicinal herb. But now the number of these elixir is huge, and all of them are squatting down, and they do not know what kind of realm will be promoted.

When Lin Fan is so chic.

The lord of the Kunlun gods, directly to the heavenly ancestor.

They want a saying that the four master disciples are killed. This is a joke for Kunlun Shenzong if you don't come out.
