MTL - The Supernatural Skill System of the Emperor Engine-Chapter 16

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His face was handsome, but his eyes were full of cynicism.

At this moment, the cell phone he was carrying with him rang.

"Really, that unfeeling guy called at this time."

The man took out his mobile phone and was about to hang up. He glanced at the phone number of the incoming call. It was the organizer of the Wushu Association. He hesitated for a while, but pressed the answer button.

"Hey, I've said it a few times. I haven't planned to participate in the martial arts conference in the past few years. Now I have enough money. I may consider participating next year..."

"...Banggu will be the guest this time? But I'm still not very interested..."

"...What inside information?"

"...King will be there too? Is that guy a hero?"

The man's expression changed, from being impatient at first to being very interested,

"Then I can think about it."

The man put down the phone, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

He stood up from his seat, moved his body, and there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

"Are you going, Water Dragon?"

Looking at the man who stood up and was about to leave, the women who had surrounded him said reluctantly.


With a smile on Shui Long's face, his eyes are projected into the distance.

"It seems that I can find a lot of fun this time."


The news that king will be a guest of this martial arts conference has not been announced yet, only the organizers of the martial arts conference and a few specially invited players know about it.

But it was only after Banggu announced that he would serve as a guest judge for the competition, and the attention of the conference had skyrocketed unprecedentedly.

Banggu is not only a superhero, but also a master in the martial arts world. He has a very high popularity. After he announced his participation, the martial arts conference can be said to be hard to get a ticket, and the price of a martial art has doubled dozens of times.

And this is not necessarily something you can buy with money, you must have a certain relationship to have the opportunity to get tickets.

The organizer of the martial arts conference did not expect this situation at all, and had to temporarily expand the scale of the venue, and contacted the Heroes Association to recruit some heroes to help them maintain order on the scene.

A week later, the martial arts conference opened as scheduled.

It is now in the morning, and the bright sun is pouring outside the competition venue. The crowd is full of people outside.

Many heroes had to go to the venue to maintain order.

This venue, which can carry tens of thousands of people, was directly filled, and even many people could only stand in the aisle to watch, and the security personnel on the scene had to ask some people to leave the venue.

Because the martial arts conference is a feast for fighters all over the world, not to mention that they heard that Banggu decided to be the guest of this martial arts conference temporarily.

"Silver Fang Banggu unexpectedly decided to come back as a guest!"

"Since he joined the Hero Association, he has rarely been involved in the martial arts world. It's a real profit to be able to invite him back this time!"

"Why do you think Silver Fang chose to come back suddenly this time? Could it be that some amazing guy wants to participate in this martial arts conference!"

Chapter 27: Opening ceremony, special guests present

Because the martial arts conference is a feast for fighters all over the world, not to mention that they heard that Banggu decided to be the guest of this martial arts conference temporarily.

"Silver Fang Banggu unexpectedly decided to come back as a guest!"

"Since he joined the Hero Association, he has rarely been involved in the martial arts world. It's a real profit to be able to invite him back this time!"

"Why do you think Silver Fang chose to come back suddenly this time? Could it be that some amazing guy wants to participate in this martial arts conference!"

"I heard that Shui Long, who won several championships before, has also returned. In recent years, his whereabouts are unknown, and no one knows what he is doing, but he suddenly came back this year."

"There are rumors that there will be mysterious heroes as guests of this competition."

"Really? There are other heroes?!"

All the audience were talking and speculating about this martial arts conference.


In a lounge, a man in a wolf hood is doing his final warm-up.

He is also a werewolf in this competition, and his strength is not bad. The wolf-shaped hood is his symbol.

He is going to use this hood as a gimmick to increase his popularity. Even if he doesn't get good results in the martial arts conference, he can get enough exposure after the game.

Just when the werewolf began to imagine that he could get enough spotlights in the future, he suddenly felt a cold breath coming from behind him.

"Your hood is pretty good."

"Let me use it."

The werewolf turned his head sharply. He didn't notice that there was a person in the room before.

He fought back immediately, but the uninvited guest's jab was even faster, knocking him out.

In a trance, the werewolf saw the other's white and sharp-edged hair, as well as the fierce eyes of the hungry wolf.

However, before he could say a word, he completely lost consciousness.


"Hello, viewers!"

"The 21st Wushu Conference is about to begin!"

In the middle of the venue is a huge arena, and the host with a microphone is enthusiastically preaching the opening ceremony speech.

Following the host's impassioned words, the audience inside the venue was also ignited and shouted enthusiastically.

This competition is really compelling because of Banggu's participation, the return of the water dragon, and rumors of a mysterious figure in attendance.

In the last few days before the opening, the ticket price has been directly increased by about ten times, which is not something that ordinary people can buy. You must have a certain relationship to buy tickets.

"First of all, the list of contestants will be announced!"

The host's voice echoed in the venue, and all the audience cast their eyes into the channel of the contestants, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

"Next, the contestants are invited to enter!"

As the host introduced the martial arts and identities of the players, the corresponding players walked out of the channel.

"...Next is the werewolf player who uses the wolf fist."

A man wearing a wolf hood slowly walked into the arena. Compared with other players, his popularity can be said to be the lowest. The only thing people can remember him is the werewolf mask on his head.

At this time, the werewolf didn't say a word, and didn't make any other movements. He silently walked to the center of the venue, giving him an extremely cold aura, like a hungry wolf that had been lurking for a long time.

"...What comes next is the [Dark Hell Killing Technique] that won the championship with an absolute crushing advantage in the past two years!"

A burly man with thick hair walked into the venue, and his body exuded a terrifying murderous aura, forcing the other players to retreat.

He is exactly the one who once won the championship. Originally, he was not planning to participate in this year's competition, but after hearing from the organizers of the martial arts conference about the return of the water dragon and the appearance of a powerful hero in the competition, Resolutely chose to return to the field.

"If I kill the water dragon, the strongest title will belong to me."

There was a smile on Bakugan's full face.

"Finally, it's the young legendary Mingquan Shuilong who has won four consecutive championships!"

After the host revealed the identity of Shui Long, the audience was boiling.

"Water dragon water dragon!"

As a young player who has won the championship for four consecutive years, Shui Long's achievements can be said to be unprecedented. Coupled with his handsome appearance and cynical personality, he has a large number of fans.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Shui Long walked out with a look of enjoyment and waved to the audience.

Soon Shui Long came to the team in the stadium. After his arrival, he immediately felt the terrifying murderous aura coming from behind him.

Not just one.

The water dragon turned his head slightly, one of them was from the champion of the previous two years, and the other was from the guy with the wolf hood.

Although Shuilong didn't take Burst Mountain to heart, his intuition told Shuilong that this werewolf was not an easy-going person.

"It seems that this game is a bit interesting. It is indeed the right choice to come back early."

Shui Long casually folded his hands on his chest, with a confident smile on his face.

"Now we have invited our referee guests to enter!"

As the host's voice sounded, several very serious old men entered the venue, all of them were influential figures in the martial arts world.

But now they are only a foil after all.

"Next, Mr. Silver Fang Banggu is invited to enter!"

At the same time, the whole venue erupted into an earth-shattering cheer, and during this cheer, Bang Gu slowly walked out, waved to the audience, and then sat down in his seat.

As the pinnacle of the martial arts world, it can be said that this martial arts conference is far more popular than before, and one of the reasons is because of the arrival of Banggu.

Banggu is not only a master in the martial arts world, but also an S-class superhero, with a very high popularity.

The cheers from the audience lasted for nearly a minute before gradually getting smaller, so that the host had to temporarily stop the introduction.

When the audience thought that the host had finished introducing the guests and was about to start introducing the contestants, the host smiled slightly:

"We also have a few special guests present today. You must have no idea who they are."

After hearing the host's words, all the audience's curiosity was raised again.

And a mystery guest?

Who is it?

Just when everyone was puzzled, the host finally revealed the answer:

"Welcome to Atomic Samurai and Sweet Mask from the Hero Association!"

Chapter 28: The king who appeared in the finale, detonated the audience

All the people were dumbfounded, and for a while they suspected that they had heard it wrong. None of them thought that these two heroes would come to the scene.

If the atomic warrior who uses swordsmanship is related to the martial arts world, then Sweetheart Mask is not related to the martial arts world at all. Apart from heroic activities, he is basically the same as an artist star, and he has concerts every day. and filming.

But Sweet Mask is indeed the most popular existence in the entire Hero Association. Whether it is as a hero or a star, he has captured a large number of fans.

But why did Sweetheart Mask come to this place that is completely inconsistent with his style of painting?

At this time, Sweetheart Mask and Atomic Samurai walked side by side. The former was like participating in an award ceremony, with the perfect smile of an artist on his face, which was impeccable from all angles, while Atomic Samurai was indifferently holding a bamboo in his mouth. Sign, not caring about the eyes of the audience around.

The distance between the two is far away, and it seems that the relationship is not good. In fact, because of the extreme character of Sweetheart Mask, there are not many people in the Hero Association who can become friends with him, and no one can make friends with him. , I don't know what he was thinking under the mask.

Sweet Mask and Atomic Samurai are quickly seated next to Bang-gu.

"Silver Fang, why is this guy here too?"

At this time, the Atomic Warrior was sitting in the seat a little awkwardly, looking at Sweetheart Mask from the corner of his eye, and there was a trace of unhappiness in his eyes.

Sweet Mask's character is extreme and strong, and he has extremely high standards for S-class heroes. He often quarrels with other S-class heroes, which is why he is very popular in the Hero Association.

"Sweet Mask also contacted the old man and wanted to participate in this martial arts conference as a guest."

Banggu said with a smile,

"Presumably Sweet Mask is also willing to attend because of Mr. King's reasons."

For Banggu, although the hero ranking of Sweetheart Mask is much lower than his own, his fame and influence are definitely no less than his own. Maybe he can use the influence of Sweetheart Mask to further develop the martial arts circle. So they agreed to attend the other party.

At this time, Sweetheart Mask kept a smile, as if he was usually in the Hero Association headquarters, he had already had a conflict with the Atomic Warrior, but now it is a public place, he is very careful about his image, just slightly sideways He turned his head and gave the Atomic Warrior a vicious look.

Banggu and Atomic Samurai wanted to witness the heroic appearance of King's battle again, so was Sweetheart Mask, but the expectation in his eyes was stronger than that of Atomic Samurai and others.

"I postponed the concert to come here."

"king, will you be the successor of [Perfect Hero]?"

Sweetheart Mask muttered to himself, although he is only an A-level hero, he definitely possesses the strength of an S-level hero, and has a very large influence within the Hero Association.

He has a deep obsession with heroes and hopes to create an absolutely perfect hero.

And king is the most suitable candidate.