MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 140 Pain in the head of the head 26

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Three-grade medicinal herbs directly fried the furnace, Meng Changjin pushed back, mainly a control problem.

Against another word, he took out another alchemy furnace, and Meng Changjin began to refine the second-grade elixirs again.

Accumulation, she still needs accumulation.

So quickly refining a sixth-grade barrier-breaking pill is probably out of the question. Meng Changjin did the math. According to a conservative estimate, she may need a month or two to refine a sixth-grade barrier-breaking pill. .

This speed is actually fast enough, but Meng Changjin is now eager to upgrade to the seventh-rank realm.

Only when you reach the seventh-grade realm can you truly step into the high-grade realm.

Thinking of this, Meng Changjin suddenly thought of a question, a very important question.

Did she take back the pass token in Wu Shaoqi's hand?

After thinking about it carefully, and looking in the storage bag and Lingzhi space, Meng Changjin was sure that he did not take back the access token in Wu Shaoqi's hand.

This is not possible, the pass token is in Wu Shaoqi's hands, and he is not sure when he will go down the mountain.

As far as Wu Shaoqi is concerned, there is nothing good about going down the mountain.

So after Meng Changjin refined the first batch of second-grade medicinal herbs, he did not continue with the next batch. The consciousness spread and Wu Shaoqi was soon found.

Wu Shaoqi happened to bring a dozen of Wanchunfeng's new inner disciples into Wanchunfeng, and was summoned by Meng Changjin.

Hearing Meng Changjin's position, Wu Shaoqi silently calculated the distance, and then was full of admiration.

Sound transmission is actually a kind of spiritual sense. Wu Shaoqi can now transmit sound to people within two meters around him, but his master can give it to people who are within a half of Wan Chunfeng. He transmits sound.

The power of divine sense is simply appalling.

Meng Changjin didn't know what Wu Shaoqi was thinking, if he did, he might chuckle.

More than 300 meters is appalling, and when her consciousness is fully recovered, it is not even more appalling.

After all, if her consciousness is fully recovered, it will be about a kilometer.

Then she can run amok in this world?

After all, the human consciousness in this world is really weak.

Meng Changjin summoned, Wu Shaoqi handed Wan Chunfeng's new inner disciple to others to arrange, and he went to the small courtyard where Meng Changjin was staying.

On the way, Wu Shaoqi was still thinking about what the master asked him to do, shouldn't it be the matter of infiltrating the new disciples this time?

He can quibble about this, no, it can be explained.

He just wanted to walk the trial road. He heard that all the disciples of Wanhuang Sect had gone through it, but Wu Shaoqi had not gone through it. Naturally, Wu Shaoqi wanted to take a walk to prove that he had also gone through it. trial road.

As for those who are not ranked, the focus is on participation.

But when he saw Meng Changjin, Wu Shaoqi's mouth twitched unconsciously.

Looking at the disgraced master, and at the roof with a big hole, Wu Shaoqi wondered if Meng Changjin was secretly playing bombs in the yard.

Meng Changjin didn't feel anything wrong at all. She is a medicine refiner, isn't it normal for a fryer?

"You can practice now, so you don't need the pass token. As a disciple of Wanhuang Sect, you shouldn't favor one over the other as a teacher. You were weak before, but now you don't have to. That's the case. , then it should be treated equally." Meng Changjin stretched out his hand directly, asking for a pass token.

It doesn't matter what the client said when he gave it to Wu Shaoqi.

But she is not the client, and Wu Shaoqi is not the original Wu Shaoqi, so no matter what was said before, it is not counted now.

Besides, she didn't have a high-sounding speech, and treated them equally. Naturally, she couldn't give anyone too many privileges.

"Here." Wu Shaoqi took out a token carved like an ice cube from his storage bag and handed it to Meng Changjin with both hands, but he was not reluctant.

Meng Changjin raised his hand and took it over. The token looked like ice, but he started with a slight warmth.

The token is withdrawn, so there is no need to worry about Wu Shaoqi going down the mountain and encountering trouble.

Meng Changjin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Wu Shaoqi speak: "It just so happens that the token is not used by the disciple now, the disciple has been promoted to the second rank, the second rank can be used without the token Going down the mountain to practice, it doesn't make the master feel embarrassed."

Wu Shaoqi really doesn't want too many privileges, the more so, the worse it is for him.

Master is good to the original body, that is because of the previous generation.

And Wu Shaoqi believes that he is not the original body, that kind of excessive goodness, he can't bear it.

This is the best for him now.

The master does not favor him too much, at least on the surface, he treats him equally, and he will not be so stressed.

Meng Changjin felt that everyone was about to split, what did Wu Shaoqi say, the second-rank realm?

Can I go down the mountain without a token?

Then she took back the token and made a hammer!

Looking at the completely transparent token in his hand, Meng Changjin's whole person is not well.

"Cough cough, second-rank realm? When did you break through?" After a light cough, Meng Changjin asked "concerned".

Can only say that it is the son of luck, this speed is really a bit fast.

"It took nine days to break through in Baizongcheng, which is too slow." Wu Shaoqi frowned and said.

Meng Changjin:…

Meng Changjin squeezed the transparent token, feeling a little itchy in his fist, and wanted to punch someone.

"After the second-rank realm, the cultivation speed seems to be slower. I feel that it may take more than 20 days to reach the third-rank realm." Wu Shaoqi continued to frown, and his tone became more and more dissatisfied.

Meng Changjin:…

Boy, can't help it!

Meng Changjin threw the token into the storage bag, moved his fist, looked at Wu Shaoqi, and smiled harmlessly.

Wu Shaoqi suddenly felt a cool breeze blowing across his back, swallowed, and said nervously, "Master, master, what do you want?"

"Haha." Meng Changjin chuckled, and the next moment, his fist slammed directly into Wu Shaoqi's eye socket.

Wu Shaoqi's eye sockets quickly swelled and turned black, which was terrible for a while.

"Your promotion speed is too fast, and your foundation is unstable. Let me stabilize it for you." Meng Changjin smiled maliciously, and after he finished speaking, he kept waving his fists.

Wu Shaoqi's one eye was so swollen that he couldn't open it, but he didn't have only one eye.

Seeing the malicious smile on his master's face, Wu Shaoqi faintly felt that something was wrong, but he also felt that this master was so partial to the original body, unless he knew that he was not the original body, otherwise he would not be in any way. may harm him.

The possibility of noticing that he is not his original body is almost zero, so the other party may really think that his cultivation speed is too fast to stabilize him.

Do you have to use beating?