MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 210 Tinder does not go out 15

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Meng Changjin asked everyone to keep the yam seeds for her, and took several pieces of yam to roast.

Meng Changjin doesn't know how roasted yam tastes, but she has eaten steamed yam, fried yam and boiled yam.

The taste is good. It is said that different yam tastes different. The yam that Meng Changjin has eaten has a crunchy taste, which is quite good.

Roasting the yam is very simple, just throw the yam into the firewood, and leave the rest to the time.

Although I think it's ridiculous to eat something that itches when you touch it, but now everyone in the tribe knows Meng Changjin's special.


What an honor this is.

It is precisely because of this that the people of the Yan tribe now treat Meng Changjin, second only to the great witch, and more respectful than the three leaders.

The three leaders didn't care about this either.

The meaning of the existence of the three leaders is to make the tribe eat enough and not freeze to death.

The leader of the tribe is not a symbol of status and power, but a bearer of responsibility and burden.

Someone wants to build a tribe, to make the tribe better, they can't ask for it.

And what's wrong with being honored when someone does this?


Not only others respect Meng Changjin, but so do the three leaders.

Meng Changjin's current ability is already worthy of them.

Waiting for the yam to be roasted, Meng Changjin collected all the yam seeds.

The seeds of yam are actually those oblong little bumps behind the yam leaves.

What kind of soil is needed for yam cultivation, Meng Changjin knows nothing.

She has never studied this, so she can only solve most of the problems by warming the seeds to make them more tenacious and easier to survive.

Cultivation is not as simple as you think.

It looks like a seed was thrown into the soil, but is it really so?

Of course not.

But Meng Changjin didn't study these things. All she could do was to add some spiritual power to the seeds, and then plant them casually.

If you can live, you can only find ready-made ones.

There are many good things in the mountains and forests, but the people in the tribe don't know it and dare not try it.

Like the first person to eat crabs, who knows that crabs can be eaten without the first person to eat crabs?

Meng Changjin is now letting everyone know more about what to eat, instead of relying entirely on hunting.

Infused the yam seeds with spiritual power for a while to ensure that each seed was full of spiritual power, Meng Changjin sniffed and smelled a hint of fragrance.

It was the yam she threw into the fire!

Meng Changjin walked over a few steps, found a stick and pulled out a few yam in the fire, patted the ashes, and peeled off the burnt shell, a smell of roasted yam The aroma spreads out.

There are quite a lot of people who turned the ground, but the amount of yam is very small, so each person is only divided into a small piece.

The same is true for Meng Changjin, only a small piece of roasted yam remains.

A small piece of roasted yam, Meng Changjin has never tasted it, but everyone in the Yan tribe is very supportive of Meng Changjin's proposal to grow yam.

The yam was planted on the land where the yam was found. After all, I don’t know how to choose the right land, so choose the right place to grow!

Turning the ground, farming, these are all hard work.

But the most important thing for tribal people is strength. It took five days to plant the rice that Meng Changjin "brought" and the yam that he found.

These two things are food that can be stored for a long time. If they can survive, then in the long winter, at least people will not starve to death because of the shortage of food.

After five days of farming, everyone was free.

Of course, for the tribesmen, there is no free time. After the land is planted, they have to go out hunting.

Hunting is the main source of food for tribesmen.

If the members of the hunting team want to go out hunting, they must prepare stone tools in advance.

After five days of preparing the stone tools, the hunting team members of the second echelon are about to set off to hunt in the mountains.

This time there are fewer hunting team members. The first hunting in spring is the most dangerous, so there are the most people.

There are not so many people in daily hunting.

The people who went out hunting this time were the ones who couldn’t go out last time.

Those who went out last time will not go out this time.

Except Meng Changjin.

People don't go out, that's because it takes a lot of time to build stone tools.

Don't look at the fact that everyone in the second echelon only spent five days, but this is actually five days spent this time, which does not mean that all of them only spent five days.

When the first echelon went out hunting, they were already fighting. These five days are just a finishing process.

Meng Changjin wants to go out hunting again, many people actually strongly disagree.

Meng Changjin's status is increasing day by day, and it is second only to the great witch.

If the sorcerer goes out to hunt, everyone will also disapprove.

But the problem is that Meng Changjin is not a witch, and the witch agrees to Meng Changjin to go hunting, so the others can only worry, and at the same time, tell the hunting team members who go out hunting together , We must protect Meng Changjin's personal safety.

For this point, the first echelon, the people who hunted with Meng Changjin did not say anything, and each patted their familiar friends on the shoulders, and meaningfully told them to protect Meng Changjin.

Why is it meaningful? After these hunting team members hunted with Meng Changjin once, they will naturally know.

In the Yan tribe, every time a hunting team goes out hunting, there will be a ceremony of being spread by fire.

Meng Changjin already knew the function of this ceremony, so every dance before the ceremony... she still had to dance with her.

One day after the hunting team followed by Meng Changjin set off, they stayed in the tribe, and the remaining hunting team members divided half and took their prey to the Jing tribe to exchange salt. .

The first echelon of the Yan tribe this year is really powerful. They hunted a lot of prey, and everyone also divided more. will be bad.

Salt will slow down the rate of damage.

Anyway, everyone has a lot of food, so they don’t mind taking some out for salt.

The people of the crystal tribe are not very good at hunting, but their tribe has salt that everyone needs, so the crystal tribe has become a barter trading center.

People from the surrounding tribes will choose to go to the crystal tribe to exchange salt.

The importance of salt in primitive tribes goes without saying.

In the early days, there were quite a few ideas for the crystal tribe.

If you can have so much salt, then you don't have to go hunting in the mountains.

But it turns out to think too much.

If the salt of the crystal tribe is extracted through salt wells or salt lakes, then attack the lower crystal tribe and obtain the process of extracting salt, and they can also pass the salt production process.

But the fact is, the salt of the crystal tribe is born from the fire of the crystal tribe. If you attack the crystal tribe, not only will you not be able to have unlimited salt, but even the salt will be lost.

This time, all the tribes who attacked the crystal tribe stopped thinking about attacking the crystal tribe.

But attacking is not enough, what about control? !

Control the people of the crystal tribe, let their fire produce salt, and then exchange the salt for food, isn't it a joy? !

I don't know if it's beautiful or not, but I'm sure if I want to fart.

In order for the fire to produce salt, the great witch of the crystal tribe must perform some rituals.

If you want to control the crystal tribe to produce salt for other tribes, it is a fool's dream.

It is impossible for the people of the crystal tribe to agree, and as long as the people of the crystal tribe do not agree, others will not want to take a single salt from the crystal tribe.

Threats to destroy the tribe, and everyone in the crystal tribe is not afraid at all.

Are they really not afraid of death or the destruction of the tribe?


But they know that salt is very important to all tribes. As long as they don't nod or bow their heads, other tribes will not watch their tribes be destroyed.

After all, if the Crystal Tribe were destroyed, how would other tribes save their winter prey? !

This is indeed the case, the crystal tribe is too important, and its safety must be ensured.

The tribe that tried to control the crystal tribe for its salt production was finally beaten by several tribes.

With the previous incident, no tribe will do the same stupid things as the previous tribe.

The crystal tribe is actually everyone's salt storehouse, but at least on the bright side, it is more dignified.

Meng Changjin naturally doesn't understand these things. If she knew there was such a fire, she would definitely be very interested.

It can produce salt! This really broke through Meng Changjin's imagination of Tinder.

At the same time, if Meng Changjin knew that salt could be exchanged like this, he would definitely lead everyone to hunt more, change salt, and make smoked bacon.

Of course, Meng Changjin doesn't know now, but she will know soon.

After entering the forest, the hunters of the second echelon finally understood why the hunters of the first echelon patted them on the shoulders before they set off and told them to protect Chang Meng Jin, what do you mean?

Because Meng Changjin doesn't need their protection at all.

On the contrary, sometimes Meng Changjin is protecting them.

Is it a shame?

It's a shame.

After all, according to age, how old is Meng Changjin?

How old are they?

That feeling is like going out hunting, they should be protecting the newcomer, but the newcomer protects them in turn.

The second echelon of the hunting team was full of sour feelings.

This hunting process is much easier than before, and the harvest is more than the previous hunting.

However, the ease of the body is no match for the sourness of the heart.

While their hearts were sour, they also knew how powerful Meng Changjin was.

This time, they completely understood why the first-tier hunting team members would so sincerely advocate Meng Changjin after returning.

A hunt ended so easily.

When they returned with their prey, they were both happy and a little sad.

tribal people, recognize the strength of others, but also hope that they are as strong.

If it is only a little bit stronger, then everyone will definitely try to surpass it with great energy, but it is too strong, no matter how you think it can’t be surpassed, it will naturally be depressed.

When I came back from hunting in the forest, the people who went to the crystal tribe to exchange salt had not returned.

The hunting with Meng Changjin ended too soon.

The journey from the Yan tribe to the Crystal tribe is quite long.

When I came back, I found that there were fewer people, and only when I asked did I know that it was to change the salt.

Meng Changjin asked about changing the salt by the way.

Meng Changjin was shocked by this inquiry.

Salt is actually produced by fire, which is a bit subversive of Meng Changjin's three views.

Although she doesn't have any three views.

However, it really refreshed Meng Changjin's understanding of fire.

Originally she thought that fire can increase the strength of people, the toughness of weapons, and the ability to destroy corpses and traces, it is already very strange.

But although these are strange, in the eyes of Meng Changjin, a cultivator, they are still understandable.

But this salt-producing fire made Meng Changjin realize that she still underestimated fire.

Unfortunately, the fire of primitive tribes is very important to every tribe.

It is impossible for outsiders to see, otherwise Meng Changjin really wants to travel all over this land to see the fire of each tribe.

Of course, Meng Changjin thinks so.

At this critical juncture, of course, the task is the first, and the rest can be a little later.

When the task is completed, maybe she can go out for a walk. Whether she can see the fire of each tribe depends on luck.

If you are lucky enough to meet a tribe that is willing to show her, then you can watch it.

Unfortunately, she came across a tribe that she didn't want to show her, and Meng Changjin couldn't do anything about destroying the tribe in order to see a spark.

The hunting team of the second echelon came back from hunting, and everyone divided the prey again.

Those who go out to exchange salt are either collected by their family members, and those who do not have family members stay at the boss's place, and when they return, go to the boss's place to get it.

The two hunts of the Yan tribe were very fruitful, and the third hunt was not in a hurry.

Because there is a lot of animal meat in the tribe now, there is no salt for pickling, and it cannot be stored for too long.

How much salt the team that went to exchange for salt can get back, Meng Changjin doesn't know.

Because there is no hunting team to go out to hunt, Meng Changjin wants to go out hunting alone, the witch and the leader are absolutely impossible to agree.

Meng Changjin was not ready to go out hunting alone.

She is also preparing to wait for the people from the salt change team to come back and see the situation of the salt change.

If you change too much salt, then Meng Changjin thinks it is necessary to arrange the smoked bacon!
