MTL - The Sweet Little Fulang-Chapter 18

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Since it was decided that Lu Gu would follow him into the mountain, he had to pack his things today, and just hurry up in the morning. If nothing else, at least he had enough food.

After the meal, Shen Yan dug up the onion, ginger, and garlic in the courtyard and pulled out some vegetables. Wei Lanxiang called Ji Qiuyue and Lu Gu to prepare rice noodles in the kitchen.

There are the most miscellaneous noodles in the family, and it can carry about 100 pounds. The fine white noodles that were exchanged for the previous marriage still have a small half-cylinder that has not been moved, so I put them in a cloth bag and put them in 20 to 30 pounds.

Now it’s not as good as before, Shen Xuanqing doesn’t have to work as a part-time worker to carry a large bag, and Lu Gu doesn’t have to change his dressings. He will stay in the mountains for a longer time. For two people to eat, take more to save the trip.

The Shen family eats old rice. Last year, after the paddy rice in the paddy fields was ripe, they sold all the new rice while the price was good. They bought cheap old rice to eat. Now there is not much left, and only three pockets of rice are left. .

There are many people in the family, so I have to eat a lot of food a day, especially there are two young men, and the appetite is even greater. Whether it is a rice vat or a noodle vat, every time I cook a few big bowls, it will be better. When the new rice is cooked this year, there will be more. For the past two months, Wei Lanxiang originally thought of adding more water to eat porridge, but at least she had to last until the new rice was beaten.

Now that's it, if you have money in your hand, you won't be afraid of not eating. She directly called Shen Xuanqing to go to the hut where the grain was stored and carried a bag. One hundred catties can feed them for at least a month or two. Besides, there are more face.

"When the rice is ready, we will eat new rice this year, and it won't sell out. I will bring you two hundred catties. If you want to eat steamed dry rice, you can eat it as much as you want, and you don't feel bad." Wei Lanxiang smiled at Lu Gu. Say.

Lu Gu hurriedly nodded to agree with her, tying the cloth bag containing the white flour tightly in his hands, and looked up from the window to see Shen Xuanqing in the courtyard.

Shen Xuanqing carried the rice out and put it on the ground, and then put down the two-wheeled trolley from the corner of the courtyard. Rice noodles are no problem.

At the front of the car are two sturdy wooden wheels, on the side of the handle, on the left and right sides, there are sticks upright, which are enough to support the ground after being lowered.

After Shen Xuanqing put the scooter in place, he put all the rice and noodles on it, fearing that the mountain road would be difficult to walk, so he tied it with hemp rope a few times.

"Brother Erqing, is this enough for the two of you." Shen Yan was still squatting in the vegetable field in the courtyard, pointing to the pile of things she dug up.

Lu Gu came over with a cloth bag containing white noodles and wanted to put it in the car. Hearing that, he also looked over. There were ginger, green onions, green beans, and two large pumpkins. There was enough to eat for several days.

"Enough." Shen Xuanqing said, he took the cloth bag from Lu Gu's hand, almost thirty pounds was not too light.

"Bring another braid of garlic." Wei Lanxiang pulled a braid from the garlic braid hanging under the eaves, she remembered something, and said, "You don't even have a jar of pickles there, why don't you bring a jar of pickles up there? Eat bread in the morning."

Shen Xuanqing thought it would be troublesome to bring more and more things, but when he looked up and saw Lu Gu, he remembered that he would not be eating alone in the future, so it would be better to bring more food. Once it's done, marinate it for a long time.

"Where's the meat?" Wei Lanxiang called to him again.

Shen Xuanqing said: "No need, you guys keep it and eat it, I'll beat more when I get there."

The meat was talking about the hares and pheasants that he brought back this time. They were not sold out, so they kept one each and let the family kill them for meat.

Wei Lanxiang saw that there were a lot of things on the scooter, but she couldn't take it easy, and asked him again, "Where's the egg, you like to eat this, and bring all the money you have saved these days with you."

After she finished speaking, she saw Ji Qiuyue and felt that she was a little biased in saying this, and quickly said to Ji Qiuyue: "We eat duck eggs at home, there are a lot of them, and they will not sell them recently, so I will make up for you and Daqing. ."

Although Shen Xuanqing got a lot of silver money, it was handed over to her. Ji Qiuyue didn't see a penny, and she couldn't get it. Shen Yaoqing would hand it over to her whether it was from selling crops or doing part-time jobs in slack farming. Some of them are paid for. If the eggs are all divided into Lugu, it will always make people feel unhappy.

Ji Qiuyue has been married for three years, and she has lived so hard without causing trouble with her family. She takes Shen Yan to dig wild vegetables and pick fruits to fill the family's rations. How can she make her eldest daughter-in-law feel cold.

Sure enough, when Ji Qiuyue heard this, her originally pursed lips relaxed, and she smiled again. In fact, it was enough for her to have meat to eat. It was beaten by Shen Xuanqing, and it was left to them. It would not be a big problem to get some eggs.

But if the mother-in-law can take care of her in her words, she will be impartial and take her to heart, otherwise she will be at ease.

The trolley was full, and the eggs were fragile, so I could only pack it in a bamboo basket and make a thick pad with straw. When I left in the morning tomorrow, Lu Gu could just carry it.

After finishing this, Wei Lanxiang remembered that Lu Gu went to bring clothes, but before the second pair of shoes was ready, she hurriedly went to the house to get a sewing basket. Before she came out, she shouted to the outside: "Qiuyue, You pack some beans, exchange some tofu with Shen Yan, and let's mix it with tofu."

"I know mother." Ji Qiuyue also shouted.

Although today is not a festival, but because the debt was paid off and the money left over, everyone in the family was happy, and it was the first time that Lu Gu went into the mountains with Shen Xuanqing, so he should eat something special.

Wei Lanxiang and Lu Gu were doing needlework under the eaves. Seeing that Shen Xuanqing had nothing to do, he found a job for him, and while holding the soles of his shoes, he said, "Go to soak a bowl of fungus, and then kill that pheasant, and you're done. The third uncle's house picks up a gourd, and today we have a stewed chicken with a gourd."

They were busy separately, and when the sunset was dusk and the orange-red sunset glowed across the sky, they gathered around the table and ate happily.

Stir-fried black fungus with garlic slices, mixed with tofu and a pot of stewed chicken, these three are quite rich. The amount of home cooking is large, and there are steamed buns, enough for six people.

Lu Gu was no longer as cramped and cautious as before, and he dared to stretch out his chopsticks to order food.

The chicken soup was very fresh. After the chicken was fished out, Ji Qiuyue brought a few bowls over and drank the rest of the soup, otherwise it would be a pity.

The family had a full meal, and it was getting late after finishing the cleaning. The farmers followed the rule of rising and resting. They didn't even need to light the lights, and went back to their houses to rest.

Wei Lanxiang couldn't sleep yet, so she came to help Lu Gu pack up before it was completely dark.

"It's cold in the mountains, especially at night, when it's very cold, remember to cover with quilts." She saw that Lu Gu only had three clothes and two pairs of shoes, and after a while, she said, "Your clothes are too thin to hold up, so I'll take my The jacket has been changed and brought to you."

"Mother." Lu Gu's eyes were timid, but when he heard her words, he didn't know what to say, so he only whispered to mother in the end.

Seeing that he was so good, Wei Lanxiang couldn't close her mouth with laughter, and hurriedly said, "I'll light the lamp for you to change it, and bring it with you in the morning."

But before going out, she said to Shen Xuanqing again, "I went to town to buy some cotton and thick cloth these days, and I went back and made two thick clothes for him, dressed warmly."

"Mother, buy these and make more quilts." Shen Xuanqing knew what she meant and took out a few pieces of silver from his arms.

The door was open, and the two of them didn't deliberately suppress anyone when they spoke, and the rest of the family heard it.

Wei Lanxiang took it with a smile. This is to make clothes for Lu Gu, and she can talk about it when Erqing pays the boss.

When Shen Yan heard her talk about changing her jacket, she lit a lamp in the room. The dim yellow candlelight reflected on the half-opened window and swayed gently in the breeze.

Wei Lanxiang took out the jacket she had washed before from the bottom of the box, and was a little thinner compared to Lu Gu's figure. It's cold in the mountains, but you can't wear this to keep out the cold. She's actually not that thick. It's better than having cotton pads on the front and back, even both sleeves, so she's not afraid of freezing her arms.

Shen Yan didn't even ask Shen Yan about making thick clothes. She had been to the deep mountains once, and it was cold at night, especially in autumn, and it would get colder with more rain in the future. Lu Gu went to cook and do laundry. Brother Erqing can eat hot meals, and hunting will be more vigorous, right?

Even she knew it, how could Ji Qiuyue not know that she had to make the clothes that should be made, and she would have to endure some hardships in the mountains, and she would have to walk for a long time just to travel, so she naturally didn't care.

In the room, Lu Gu was holding the sack, and Shen Xuanqing stuffed the new bed in the dowry box. He had covered the two quilts in the mountain for a long time. Not to mention the old ones, he couldn't let Lu Gu leave them dirty. The new bed can be taken apart and washed.

He was busy hunting, and he didn't know how to remove and wash the quilt.

Fortunately, the scooter was big enough, and Shen Xuanqing was young and strong. He was only eighteen years old. When he was strong, it was not a problem to pull two or three hundred kilograms. It was just that he put more effort on the road than usual.

In the dead of night, the lights went out, the noise gradually subsided, and the moon gradually moved westward in the sky.

A few sparse stars flickered, and it was almost half the hour. Lu Gu, who had not slept very well, woke up after sensing that Shen Xuanqing was moving.

All the things that should have been cleaned up last night were cleaned up. The two of them got up and washed their faces with cold water, and gargled their mouths with green salt hastily. When they were resting on the road, they could eat the steamed buns directly, without having to think about the cleanliness of their mouths.

"Er Qing, Gu Zi, are you leaving now?" Wei Lanxiang shouted through the window, thinking about it and then saying, "I'll send you two off."

Shen Xuanqing said: "Mother, no need, big brother is out. It's cold outside, you just need to sleep. We won't delay, let's go now."

Da Hui and the others had been released. After Shen Xuanqing finished speaking, seeing Lu Gu carrying a bag and carrying an egg basket, he pushed the scooter and went out together.

Shen Yaoqing sent them out, Lu Gu walked for a while and then turned back, there was no one at the door, and under the night, it seemed as if he and Shen Xuanqing were the only ones left.

The scooter squeaked softly, and Da Hui followed Lu Gu. The two small dogs were **** in the backyard for the past few days. As soon as they let go, they ran forward, sniffing everywhere, and only stopped when they were far away. He turned his head and waited for Shen Xuanqing to catch up.

Gradually reaching the uphill slope, Shen Xuanqing turned the scooter upside down, the wheels came to the back, and then slapped the cloth rope scooter between the two handlebars on his shoulders, and he could use his strength to pull the scooter up. When it’s time to exert strength, just keep walking forward, otherwise it will be difficult to push up the **** with both hands.

Lu Gu was guarding the back of the scooter, because he was carrying the egg basket in his hand, and he couldn't help to push it for fear of breaking it. He just looked at the things, and nothing fell.

Shen Xuanqing was used to doing heavy work with all his strength, and he could pull it without his help, so the two of them went up the mountain like this.