MTL - The Sweet Little Fulang-Chapter 19

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It was still dark, and the mountains were foggy. If it wasn't for Shen Xuanqing and the dog, Lu Gu would not dare to go up the mountain at this time.

The thin dog barked twice from time to time, swinging away in the open forest.

The two of them are still at the periphery of the forest at the moment. There are often people here, and there are few beasts. There is no need to be afraid of bringing dogs. Those ferocious wolves, tigers and leopards are all in the deeper and farther mountains.

After walking the road for two quarters of an hour, to the forest with few people behind, the sun will come out, and the things that are running at night will retreat into their nests before the sun comes out, and there is no need to be afraid.

It's not impossible to travel during the day, but Shen Xuanqing was used to walking at this time. It was only half the morning when he arrived in the deep forest house, and the rest of the day was enough to do a lot of things.

But at this moment, he listened to Lu Gu's movement behind him, and he thought that next time, he would leave until the daytime. Now he doesn't have to work hard to pay off his debts.

"These chopped wooden stakes, keep walking forward, and there are a few trees in front of them. You can see the marks of axe on the trees. Just follow."

Hearing Shen Xuanqing's words, Lu Gu's eyes followed to look at the stake, and he took note of it carefully.

There was still some way to step on the front mountain, but it disappeared at the back. In order to make him see it more realistically, Shen Xuanqing also called him to the front, and walked all the way to identify the road signs.

The sky was getting bright, and the sun had not yet come out, but it was already bright in front of the eyes. It was hard to pull the scooter to the end, and when they saw the gentle boundary, the two stopped to rest, and by the way, they ate a steamed bun to cushion their stomachs.

Stop and go, Shen Xuanqing could get there in an hour and a half, but today it took nearly three hours to get there because of the scooter.

Lu Gu looked at the courtyard in front of him. Who would have thought that there is such a tall mud courtyard wall in the deep mountains and forests. It is higher than the wall of the house at the bottom of the mountain. Even the courtyard door is tall and strong.

Seeing his astonished eyes, Shen Xuanqing pushed the trolley in after opening the door, and explained the reason to him when unloading the things.

His master, that is, the old hunter, one evening a dozen years ago, lay down and rested early because of drinking wine. Before it was dark, he heard movement outside, but an old bear came from the deep old woods. Came out, broke into the kitchen outside and gave Huo Huo all the food.

The rice noodles were swallowed, the noodles bags were torn and scattered all over the ground, and the wild pumpkin and wild fruits were also eaten up. A litter of rabbits caught alive that they wanted to raise was bitten to death by the old bear.

Encountering a bear in the mountains is no trivial matter, especially this kind of bear that has lived for some years, just like it has become a fine, it can turn out any delicious food, and it looks terrifying.

The old hunter didn't dare to make a sound in the house. It kept wandering outside, trying to break into the house, and after wandering around a few times, it slammed the door suddenly. Fortunately, the old hunter covered the door with a thick tree trunk before going to bed. It didn't break open a few times, and then he walked to the window and smashed the wooden window with one paw.

The old hunter's bed was under the window. When he realized that the old bear was in front of the window, he quickly turned over and hid under the bed, but he didn't make any noise.

The window was small, so the old bear couldn't get in, and it didn't scratch anything when it put its claws in. Maybe it was too full to move, so it found a place outside to lie down and slept, snoring loudly all night, and told the old hunter to hide. She didn't dare to move under the bed, it was a night of torment.

It was not until dawn, when the old bear had eaten and slept enough, that the old hunter dared to come forward, and hurriedly descended the mountain while the sun was bright.

Afraid that the old bear knew that there was something to eat here, he would often come to look for it in the future. He called the whole family of more than a dozen people, as well as four or five young men in the village who would build walls with yellow mud and straw, and then led more than 20 dogs. Even the dog from the next village was borrowed, and a group of people armed with hatchets and bows and arrows entered the mountain mightily.

Being an hunter is dangerous, but it earns more money than the average farmer. The old hunter didn’t want to give up this craft, so he spent a lot of money to build such a high courtyard wall in the deep mountains to block the beasts wandering out of the old forest. question.

Not only the courtyard walls, but also the partially destroyed houses were repaired.

Now this house has been given to Shen Xuanqing when he came to the mountains, and it is still strong after more than ten years, not only the courtyard walls, but also the beams and wood. When building the hut, all the good wood is selected, otherwise the mountains will be windy and snowy, and people will go down the mountain in winter.

Lu Gu's eyes widened when he heard that an old bear was coming. He was obviously afraid. He knew that the mountains were dangerous, but he didn't expect an old bear to come to the place where they were going to live, but after Shen Xuanqing finished speaking, he looked at him. Seeing that the courtyard wall is so high, if something really came in, it couldn't break in, and the heart that was picked up fell back again.

He helped to move the dishes on the trolley to the kitchen. He glanced at it and saw that it was not very organized, but he didn't dare to speak. He narrowed his eyebrows and wanted to clean up after dinner.

The two walked on the road for three hours. The mountain road was not easy to walk. Shen Xuanqing was still pulling a scooter that weighed more than 200 kilograms. By this time, he was tired and hungry. Seeing that there was nothing he could move, Lu Gu went Rolled up his sleeves and got busy on the stove.

He brought a dozen steamed buns from home, and they were ready to eat as soon as they were hot. He picked up the well-cooked vegetables, washed them, and scrambled them, then scrambled a plate of eggs.

When he was at Lu's house, he didn't go into the kitchen very often. Du Hehua was afraid that he would steal it.

Eggs are precious, so when he scrambled eggs, he was on guard, and he was afraid of getting burnt. Who would have guessed that he was so cautious that the eggs were still burnt.

So frightened that Lu Gu hurriedly put the eggs out, his face was white, and he didn't dare to take the plate out for Shen Xuanqing to see.

He was hungry and wanted to see if the meal was good. Shen Xuanqing pursed his lips slightly and came in. This was the first time he had eaten with Lu Gu. It was different from being at home. Calm.

As soon as he came in, he saw Lu Gudai standing in front of the stove with a white face and nervousness, and then he looked at the plate of eggs that were a little mushy, and he knew the reason.

When someone's cooking was not mushy, even Wei Lanxiang used to dry the pot when cooking, and the rice in the pot became black and charred, so she couldn't bear to give it up, and she just gave it to the whole family, Shen Xuanqing still remembers it to this day. The bitter taste of that black burnt rice.

Although the eggs were scorched, not all of them, much better than his mother's time.

"Okay, let's eat." He took the egg plate and said to the steamed bun basket as he walked out.

Without being reprimanded, Lu Gu dared to breathe, took the chopsticks and the bowl of green vegetables and followed him out.

The sun was shining brightly, and it was already noon when the two of them arrived here. After eating, Shen Xuanqing didn't walk around in the mountains as before, rubbed his shoulders and entered the room. After rushing the whole morning, the sturdy people had to rest for a while. .

Lu Gu was washing dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen alone. In fact, he only had two pairs of chopsticks and two dishes, so it didn't take much effort.

It was different from the Shen family. It was just the two of them here. There was no longer Shen Yan and Ji Qiuyue who could talk to Ji Qiuyue, and because he scrambled the eggs, he felt empty in his heart. Clean up the kitchen.

Rao was so careful to avoid, after realizing that there were more figures in the kitchen door, Lu Gu, who was squatting down to collect firewood, looked up.

Shen Xuanqing took a porcelain bottle in his hand and held it tightly. After Lu Gu looked at it, he lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "I can't touch my back shoulder, so please help me with some medicine."

Lu Gu was stunned for a moment, then reacted and responded in a low voice. After getting up, he quickly said, "I wash my hands."

That being the case, Shen Xuanqing went back to the room first, and when Lu Gu came in, he hesitated and took off his shirt, looking calm on the face, but in fact he was a little cautious in his actions.

The young man in front of him was slender and sturdy, different from the short and stocky one. He was tall and strong, and he was indescribably good-looking.

Lu Gu didn't dare to look at it at will, lowered his head and walked behind Shen Xuanqing, took the porcelain bottle from the table, followed Shen Xuanqing's low voice, poured the red and sticky medicinal fat into the palm of his hand, and rubbed his hands slightly to warm them up. Put the palm of your hand on the place where the red marks on Shen Xuanqing's back shoulder were ground and rub it while rubbing, so as to dissipate the medicinal power.

It didn't take long for the medicine to be rubbed, but it was quite a long time for Lu Gu. Even if they slept together at night, they were both wearing underwear and had never seen the shirtless Shen Xuanqing.

He was the tall man he didn't dare to approach. After taking off his shirt, his bronze muscles showed a bit of wildness and aggression, which made him even more afraid, almost trembling.

Shen Xuanqing is only eighteen, and he has worked hard in the past few years to sharpen some muscles that cannot be underestimated, but he is still a young man, and even so, it is scary enough for Lu Gu.

"Okay." Lu Gu's voice was trembling, and he didn't dare to touch his hands.

Shen Xuanqing's Adam's apple twitched with his back to him, and his voice was slightly deep: "Well, I'll do the rest."

Not only the back shoulders, but also his shoulders were red and scuffed. Even though his little husband's hands were light and soft, he was a little overthinking and rubbed the wounds on his shoulders, but hearing Lu Gu's voice trembled slightly, it was obvious that Still afraid of him, I stopped thinking about it.

When I grow up, I often do some hard work. It is a common thing to apply medicine when injured. Sometimes I call others to help me when I can't reach it, but others are as meticulous and gentle as Lu Gu, only when they ask Shen Xuanqing to apply medicine by himself. The ears are slightly red after realizing it.

Lu Gu, who was able to escape, returned to the kitchen and walked the mountain road all morning. Naturally, his legs and feet were tired, so he sat on the small stool to rest while the fire was burning.

Others were terrified, but the palms of his hands were hot. Touching the flesh of a man made him panic. After a while, he realized that it was Shen Xuanqing, not another man. Speaking of, there is no need to shy away.

Even if this was the case, he was still a little at a loss. In the end, Shen Xuanqing was thinking about his tired legs and feet. After wiping the medicine and putting on his clothes, he called him into the room, as if they were at the foot of the mountain, and the two lay side by side on the bed.