MTL - The Sweet Little Fulang-Chapter 219

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It is not difficult to follow the horse team to the north. Luo Biao said that he is not serious, and there are still some ways to talk and manage. He has a good relationship with Qiu Laosan, and the leader of the horse team is Qiu Laosan’s eldest brother Qiu Laozi.

After resting for a few days, the two drove the mule cart to Fenggu Town, and went to see Mr. Qiu for a drink and dinner. The matter was settled like this. After the fall of this year, they will go north together.

Because Shen Xuanqing borrowed the horse team to sell furs by himself, unlike Luo Biao, he naturally had to spend some money. He just thought that he hired a horse team to pull a carriage and brought him a carload of skins from the north.

It's easy to get into trouble on the road alone, and the road to Saibei is not very peaceful. As for buying a horse after returning, and whether selling fur can make a return, he actually doesn't care that much, and he also goes out to meet the world.

Unlike others, he is a hunter, he has the ability to shoot, he is taller than the other men escorted by the cavalry team, and he also has some punches, so that he will not become a burden, and he can even add prestige to the cavalry team.

Mr. Qiu is actually just the cousin of Mr. Qiu. He is not very skilled. Being able to go out with the cavalry team to make money is already a blessing in the family. Before meeting Shen Xuanqing, he heard that Luo Biao wanted to add people to the cavalry team. If you don't have the skills, you have to laugh and say good things when you look back at the big brother in the lobby, so you are not very willing.

Fortunately, Luo Biao attracted a tall man, looking at his body and skills, he was not an ordinary person.

The horse team is walking outside, not to mention the good bandits and bandits. Sometimes it is because of the large number of people that they will not be targeted by the robbers. There are a few more daring and high-level men. When he turned to talk to Boss Qiu, not only did he not know If you are scolded, you can still get two good words, so naturally you are willing.

A few days later, Luo Biao drove the mule cart back to Qingxi Village to pull the rabbits, and stopped by the third Qiu's house in Fenggu Town.

There was still some time left before the trip. After the decision was made, Lu Gu couldn't say what he felt in his heart. In Sifang, it is also a good thing to be a knowledgeable man, and you should be happy.

It's just that he was a little reluctant to part with it for a while.

It was quiet in the middle of the night, the door of the main room was open, and the wind blew the door panels and windows slightly. The good boy liked to sleep in the yard recently. It was spacious and cool. Occasionally, he could hear a few dogs barking from nearby people, which quickly calmed down.

Most of the children don't sleep very well. Brother Ling slept on the bed, his cheeks were red, and he sometimes rolled and kicked. Lu Gu put on a red apron for him, so even if he kicked the quilt, he was not afraid of catching a cold in his stomach.

Because of Shen Xuanqing's tall stature, this bed was made larger than usual. He and Lu Gu slept outside, so as to block the child and prevent them from rolling off the bed.

"It's finally peaceful." Lu Gu sighed softly, and covered Brother Ling's belly with a thin blanket by the moonlight.

Their little Shuanger is getting more and more beautiful, but Linger is not particularly gentle and quiet. Sometimes he likes to laugh and play. He laughs like a white and tender snow dumpling. Nothing bad.

Shen Xuanqing laughed when he heard it, and said, "If you grow up, you will be sensible."

He and Lu Gu were the only ones in town, and sometimes he helped look after the children, so Ling Geer's commotion naturally knew.

"Yeah." Lu Gu agreed, turned his body to face outside, and said, "It's settled, I'll tell my mother and them when I get home in a few days."

"Naturally." After Shen Xuanqing finished speaking, thinking that he was going to leave and would not see Lu Gu and the child for two or three months, he stretched out his arms and hugged the person beside him.

The night wind slowly came in from the window, and it gradually cooled down.

Lu Guwo was in the familiar and warm embrace, and he felt relieved for a while. He was reluctant to give up. He was happy that Shen Xuanqing was ambitious.

The familiar kiss fell on the eyebrows and cheeks, it was light and itchy, and he couldn't help bending the corners of his lips and smiled lightly.

Since he had Linger and opened a butcher's shop, the family was too busy. When he and Shen Xuanqing seldom had closeness and tenderness, they occasionally hugged and kissed while the child was asleep at night.

The kiss intensified and came to the lips to linger.

The figure flipped in the darkness, and Lu Gu's body sank. He liked being kissed, but because the window was open and a child was sleeping next to him, it was really embarrassing. He whispered in Shen Xuanqing's ear and prayed. The intimacy of the deep kiss gradually subsided.

Even so, in the early morning of the next day, Shen Xuanqing, who woke up early, still had the smile from last night in his eyes.

He is not a person who is greedy and greedy. When he was hunting in the mountains with Lu Gu two years ago, he was young and very energetic, and he had to be constantly pestered. Now that he even has children, Lu Gu is in front of him every day, and he feels in his heart. It is stable, not so anxious.

It was bright, and looking at the dazzling sun, it was another hot day.

Ling Geer woke up and was not very awake. He sat up and rubbed his big dark eyes and called Amu. Lu Gu took him off the bed and let him go to the courtyard to pee himself.

"Come on, wash your face."

Lu Gu scooped up the water and called for Linger, but Linger, who was playing with the good boy, didn't seem to hear him. He rubbed the dog's head and pinched the dog's ears with his little hands.

The good boy is always skinny, and sometimes he takes the child to run wild in the yard, but this time he just woke up, lying on the ground without moving, only occasionally rubbing the ground with his tail and shaking it, he also looked at Lu Gu, the big dog His eyes showed a bit of aggrieved and pitiful look, as if he was silently complaining.

When Lu Gu saw that look in his eyes, he immediately laughed. Brother Ling was quite good. He and Shen Xuanqing taught him not to pull hard when playing with the family dog. Brother Ling remembered that.

But the boy was frowning, but he still helped out the siege and said with a smile, "Come on, I'll take you out to buy peaches after washing."

Brother Ling pulled a bit of dog hair from the neck of the big dog, and was pinching it between his two little fingers to look carefully when he heard that he wanted to buy peaches to eat, and hurriedly threw away the dog hair in his hand, showing his little white teeth with a smile, and said: "peach."

"Yes, Taozi, I'll take you out to buy it after you wash it." Lu Gu said while pulling the child to squat beside the tub.

Shen Xuanqing and Luo Biao both went to the shop. After he packed up, he put a bamboo basket on his arm and locked the courtyard door. Linger standing next to him didn't want to walk, so he stretched out his hand for him to hug him. It wasn't too hot, so he had to pick up the child, and the boy followed them into the street.

Vendors carrying burdens and carrying bamboo baskets shouted along the street. In summer, all kinds of fruit drinks and medicine drinks came out, and there were also many fruit sellers.

He walked and watched all the way, wanting to pick a good peach to buy.

"Amu, peach, peach." Ling Ge'er stretched out his arm and pointed at the big red peach. Others were small but sharp-eyed, and the big red peach was the freshest and most eye-catching.

"Okay." Lu Gu smiled again: "How come your eyes and ears are so good when you encounter food, why can't you hear me when I tell you to wash your face, eh?"

Brother Ling didn't answer, he smiled and wrapped his arms around his neck to act like a spoiled child.

Really clever little devil.

Lu Gu couldn't help him, but the smiles in his brows continued.

Peaches are cheap now, but big peaches like this are two cents more expensive. He bought a bamboo basket and took the child to the butcher's shop first.

Linggeer wanted to eat peaches, but knowing that there were peach hairs on the peaches, he stretched out his little hand to touch the peaches, and after Lu Gu reminded him, he immediately retracted.

In the shop, a grandma came to buy old hens and said that it is good to eat old hens in summer. Shen Xuanqing chatted with her in the front, and Luo Biao was killing chickens in the backyard.

It's too hot to put meat. Whether rabbits or chickens and ducks, it's okay to live, but if you want meat, you can only slaughter them now.

When he came to see Dad, Ling Geer stopped Lu Gu from hugging him, and instead went to pester Shen Xuanqing.

There was no feverish little person in his arms, Lu Gu suddenly relaxed, carrying a basket to the back to wash the peaches, the good boy followed him all the way, and didn't even glance at Shen Xuanqing.

He didn't know what their big dog wanted to do, so he put the first peaches on the ground after washing.

It's summer, and even dogs love to eat fruit. A good boy can nibble quickly with his big mouth. In fact, even if he doesn't wash it, a dog is different from a person.

Lu Gu washed the other peaches and took a look at the one in its mouth. It seemed to be quite juicy and should be quite sweet.

The heat is hard to bear, but it’s good to eat fruit every day, and gradually get through this summer.

In order to come back in time for the early winter, so as not to get too cold on the road, before the autumn harvest, when the farm is busy, the horse team will greet you, let them pack up properly, and set off in two days.

Shen Xuanqing and Lu Gu went back to their hometown. As soon as he left, Shen Yaoqing went to the shop to watch. There were no men working at home, so he had to make plans.

There is Li Laiqing working in the field. During the autumn harvest, no matter their village or the neighboring village, it is good to hire a few more people.

Going out for a maximum of three months, Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing discussed, simply hire a day laborer to do the work here in the big house. Every day is just sweeping manure and feeding the livestock. Find a diligent and honest man, no matter how the man is, he is better than Wei Lan. A few people have strength.

Because the long-term worker was Li Laiqing, this hired a part-time worker, and feeding livestock was not a heavy task, so the two of them first thought of Ge Chunsheng.

Although he is a little older, he is a veteran at work, and he will not cheat and play tricks.

A long-term worker earns two thousand dollars a year, but only one hundred and sixty-six dollars a month. The wages of a short-term worker are higher, at two hundred dollars a month, which is two coins.

Shen Yaoqing knew that Ge Chunsheng wanted to help his son-in-law to plant that one mu of thin land, and hired a part-time worker for a month's wages. Naturally, he was a little hesitant to work at their house every day.

However, both Ge Chunsheng and Li Laiqing were honest people with good hearts.

Ge Chunsheng was poor, his wife was ill, and he had no son, so he looked pitiful and anxious, Wei Lanxiang asked them to go to Ge's house to ask, how much money could be earned on that acre of thin land, six coins for three months, As long as you are frugal, you can get through this winter well.

After asking the question, he quickly got the right answer. Ge Chunsheng would not be willing to make money.

They can hire an honest person, Ge Chunsheng can make money, everyone benefits, and everyone is happy.

With Ge Chunsheng as a part-time worker, no matter Wei Lanxiang, Shen Yan or Ji Qiuyue, there is no need to work more, just take care of the family and take care of the children.

Especially Wei Lanxiang, she is old, and she has been busy at home for the past two years, so she can't even take a break. She is farming and serving livestock, so she should take a break.

Lu Gu can't get involved in these things. He has been cooking in different ways these days, trying to make Shen Xuanqing eat better before he leaves. Those who dine in the wind and sleep on the road can only eat dry food if they can't reach the inn.

After a busy few days, it was the day when the horse team left.