MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 134

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Yang Lin was sluggish for a while before he reacted: "She, has she ever had a blind date with you?"

Han Cheng nodded, discussing what a person is or is not a gentleman behind his back. Han Cheng said that as soon as he clicked, "Brother, I personally suggest that you think carefully, she is not your good match."

Everyone knows Han Cheng's behavior, and there's nothing you can't understand after hearing him say this. It's not okay to specify character.

Dong Mingyue nodded: "Lin'er, although we don't mind her widow status, she still has to pass the test. It's not in harmony with our family, and it's annoying to marry her."

Yang Lin looked disappointed. It was the first time he had paid so much attention to a **** when he grew up. In fact, he had never met Liu Shuixian a few times, but every time she spoke softly to Wu Nong, looking at her with a gentle expression. The key to the way of understanding is to be able to speak to him, to be able to talk to him about the writers he likes, the poems he likes, although it is not to say that he can reach the realm of ideological resonance, but this is already very rare for him. It was difficult to find a **** who had a common topic with him. Later, I found out that she was a high school graduate and had been a teacher in elementary school for a while. Because of her husband's death, she was heartbroken and some other reasons, so she did not continue to be a teacher. , Since then, he has been observing the festival for the martyr's deceased husband, so he did not choose to remarry.

Not long ago, she didn't know what to talk about, and she suddenly shyly asked him what he thought of her. She thought that others were very good and suitable.

After that, he was stunned. He came back and figured it out for a long time and didn't know what she meant. Later, he asked Dong Mingyue to find out what she meant by wanting to be with him.

Dong Mingyue's meaning is to first understand the character before making a decision.

After that, Yang Lin came to Hancheng before he had the chance to see Liu Shuixian again, so he thought of asking Captain Su to ask about her character, but he didn't expect to get such an answer.

Yang Lin nodded gloomily: "Okay, I see."

Han Cheng didn't stay long before he went back. At this time, it was past seven o'clock, the sun was rising, and the sky was already bright. When he got to the door of his house, Han Cheng thought he had gone through the wrong door. What does man mean?

Han Cheng confirmed again and again that he did not go to the wrong door, so he had to say to the person blocking the door: "Please borrow it."

The member looked back to see Han Cheng, and shouted, "Ah, Director Han is back? Hurry up, make way for Director Han and let others in."

Han Cheng walked into the house in confusion. There were many people in the yard. Xiaodoubao and Xiaoroubao were playing with the little **** that Li Yufeng made for them. But I can't bear to wear a big padded jacket in winter, pay attention that if I don't turn my head or concentrate, my left foot will stumble and my right foot will lose balance, and I will sit on the ground with a "ton" of the ball I grabbed from my little brother.

Xiaoroudun neither cried, nor did he need his brother to support him. He could get up with his little meaty hands on the floor. He probably felt that he was very powerful. He squinted and patted the sand on Xiaorou's hands. Ball grab.

He didn't know whether it was Li Yufeng or Zhang Chunying's small gloves knitted for him by him.

The hair of a small dumpling like a porcelain doll with pink carving jade carving and porcelain dolls is only a little long, but Li Yufeng, who is ingenious, actually braided two neat little pigtails for her, Yaobao also woke up, he has just started to learn to walk, can do it by himself After walking a few steps, but it was not quite safe, I sat on the small bamboo chair and watched my brothers. The little girl bent her eyes and dipped the little pear vortex to play with her younger brother. Li Yufeng made a little chicken schoolbag for Xiaodoubao on the side.

Li Yufeng heard Su Xiaoxiao talk about Xiaodoubao's purchase of cloth, and praised Xiaodoubao for being smart, and wanted to reward him with three schoolbags, Xiaodoubao was very happy.

Seeing his father's return, Xiao Tangyuan reached out to his father softly and sweetly called "Baba", Han Cheng's heart was about to melt, he picked up the little girl and rubbed her forehead: "Where's mom?"

The little girl pointed to the room, and the little girl's voice was milky and sweet: "fang~fang already~~" The little girl's pronunciation is not standard, what she wants to say is the room.

"Xiaoxiao is reading in the room." Li Yufeng said.

The members talked a lot while watching the dragon and phoenix:

"Oh, dragon and phoenix fetuses are just different. Although they look different, they all look good in their own way."

"Well, look at the fleshy little meat buns, they are exactly the same as the doll in the New Year's picture wearing a small bellyband and holding a carp, right?"

"The little dumplings are good-looking, Xiaoxiao and Director Han are both good-looking, and the children born are also good-looking. I have never seen such a good-looking little girl, her face is like a shelled egg, and her eyes are big and round. Why is it so long? Oh."

"You didn't get the little dimple on Xiao Tangyuan's face, it's the same as a smile."

An older grandmother said: "Xiaoxiao looked like this when she was a child. At that time, she was the most beautiful girl doll in the village, and she was so beautiful."

"Look at the Xiaodoubao, it's also very beautiful."

"The small rice **** are also very good-looking and very spiritual."

"Which one is worse, Dabao, Xiaobao, Yaobao? Captain Su's children don't know how they grow, and they all look good."

"Yes, even the little pillar that came back last time, and the little fish are beautiful."

Whenever there is something new in the village, after a while, the whole village will know, faster than the broadcast, and everyone is familiar with the children of Captain Su's family.

Han Cheng finally understands that these people are here to "visit" the dragon and the phoenix. He thought that there was something wrong with his father calling everyone to come here.

Li Yufeng couldn't listen anymore: "If you want to see the children, come in and see. It's like being blocked at the door. It's cold outside, and the children have to enter the house after playing for a while, or you can go in and sit."

A group of members waved their hands: "No, no, so many people are afraid of scaring the children, and you can't sit in the house, we will just take a look and leave, Aunt Li and Captain Su are very lucky, the children in the family are all good-looking, and they will pay you back. All are nice."

"Yes, yes, we have never heard of anyone in the entire commune with twins. This is the first share of our commune. It's such a blessing."

"Okay, we should go back too, let's go, let's go."

Li Yufeng really can't do anything about these people, so he won't be afraid to scare the children by blocking the door? Fortunately, the children in the family are not afraid of life.

After everyone had dispersed, Li Yufeng got up and went to close the door, and said to Han Cheng, "There have been several waves of people this morning, and the door will not be closed after opening the door. I'm afraid it won't stop until it's warmer at noon. I'll just take the kids out and let them have a good look, so I don't have to block the door before dawn."

They are all members of the production team. They bow their heads and don't look up. If they want to take a look at the dragon and phoenix, it is not good to let them in.

Han Cheng doesn't know what to say anymore. As the New Year is approaching, everyone doesn't go to work very much. If there is something fun in the village, it is possible that the whole village will come to see the children.

"My daughter is not afraid. Everyone comes to see you when they like you. You can do whatever you need to do. Don't be afraid." Han Cheng gave her daughter a psychological construction.

This kind of thing has always been rare, everyone in the army will restrain a little, even if they are curious, they will not block his door, but when they see them outside, they will stop to watch them, or comment behind their backs.

Even after going to school, it is not impossible for everyone to run into the classroom to watch them. In fact, these will bring trouble to the children's growth, but there is no way. These days, there are very few twins, and there are even fewer twins. Hancheng can only do a good job of psychological construction for the children in advance.

After getting used to and getting used to this kind of gaze, it is not a problem if you don't take it seriously.

He wasn't worried about Xiaorou's foreskin, but he was a little worried that Jiaodidi's little girl wouldn't be able to adapt.

Xiao Tangyuan hugged Dad's neck and nodded hard: "Baba, don't be afraid~~"

It was still a little cold outside, Han Cheng carried his daughter into the house and rubbed her head: "It's awesome."

The brothers were playing chess, Han Cheng put the small rice **** in the arms of the small rice balls, and the small rice **** hugged his sister and kissed: "My little face is so cold, is it okay for my brother to teach the little rice **** to play chess?"

Of course, Xiao Tang Yuan couldn't understand chess, but it didn't prevent her from watching her brothers play. Xiao Rice Ball grabbed her hand and squeezed an "elephant", and dubbed it: "Tweet Tweet Tweet, let's fly elephants across the river, we will soon Win your little brother."

Xiao Tangyuan narrowed her eyes with joy.

Li Yufeng called Han Cheng outside: "Han Cheng, let's have breakfast first, the kitchen is hot."

Han Cheng looked back: "I know mother, come here."

Li Yufeng has already made a small chicken schoolbag, and Xiaodou has wrapped a lot of fabrics and colors, including some bright red. This time, she sewed a big rooster with a fiery red cockscomb for Xiaodou.

Li Yufeng called out Xiaodoubao, who was still playing ball with his brother: "Xiaodoubao, let's see if you like the new schoolbag that grandma sewed for you."

Xiaodoubao walked over with his brother, glanced at the big rooster and said "wow" excitedly: "Grandma, the noodles and rice have grown up, and they are no longer a little chicken, but a big cock, and Xiaodoubao's schoolbag is not a small bag either. Chicken schoolbag, it's a big rooster schoolbag!"

Xiaodoubao looks exactly like the big rooster at home. The noodles and rice have grown up, and the little chicken on his schoolbag has also grown up. Can Xiaodoubao be unhappy?

Li Yufeng hung the schoolbag on the Xiaodoubao. The size and length were just right. She looked very satisfied: "Xiaodoubao has grown up, and the little chick has also grown up. It's just right to carry it when I go to school."

Xiaodoubao narrowed his eyes and nodded: "Well! Grandma, can you be a grown-up Huahua? Huahua is already old, and Dad came back with another Xiaohuahua, but I still think of old Huahua occasionally."

Li Yufeng patted the child's head, the child was really emotional: "Okay, grandma sews a presbyopia for Xiaodou."

Xiaodoubao nodded vigorously: "Thank you, grandma."

Li Yufeng took the child into her arms and hugged: "I'm also polite to my grandma."

Su Xiaoxiao read the book for an hour, and came out to rest her eyes, just in time to hear the conversation between Xiaodoubao and Li Yufeng. She thought that the child was too forgetful, and had already forgotten about Hancheng's exchange of old hens for little hens. It turns out that Xiaodoubao still remembers it.

Xiaoroubao also likes Big Rooster's schoolbag. There are delicious things hidden in it. He held on to his little brother's schoolbag and didn't let go.

Li Yufeng asked him, "Xiaoroubao also wants a small schoolbag, right?"

"Where does he want a small schoolbag? The sugar and cakes that Xiaodoubao is reluctant to eat are stored in the small schoolbag, and they are all eaten by Xiaoroubao," Su Xiaoxiao squatted down and pulled Xiaoroubao's fleshy little hands : "Are you little rascal trying to tear up your little brother's schoolbag?"

Xiaoroubao didn't let go, and looked at his mother with wide eyes: "Mama, Ci~~"

Su Xiaoxiao was speechless: "This is a new schoolbag that my grandma sewed for my little brother. It doesn't have anything in it yet. Where can I eat it?"

"Mother, you can also sew a small schoolbag for Xiaoroubao. There are also small dumplings. Sew a few more laps for the Xiaoroubao. It has to be firmer, otherwise it will be torn by him all at once."

Li Yufeng nodded: "I also plan to sew one for them. Usually it's good to decorate small things. When the sewing is finished, is it okay for grandma to put candy in your little schoolbag?"

Xiaoroubao was happy when he heard the sugar, and nodded vigorously: "Okay~~"

Su Xiaoxiao pinched his face: "You little foodie, eating so much sugar will break your teeth."

Xiaoroubao opened his eyes wide and looked like "Mom, what are you talking about, why can't I understand"? He hugged his mother and kissed him. Su Xiaoxiao really couldn't help him.

There is no direct train to the capital in the county seat, so he has to go to the city for a transfer. Hancheng bought a train ticket for tomorrow afternoon. To be on the safe side, he had to pack up in the afternoon and go to the city for one night, so as to ensure that he would not Missed the train.

Su Xiaoxiao also wants to go to the city to ask about the driver's license test. There is no such thing as a private car these days. For example, Zhao Xianfeng's father is also qualified to own a car because of his outstanding contributions, so it is distributed to his personal name as a reward. , otherwise the old man leaves, the car has to be taken back, and Hancheng can't keep driving.

Almost no one took the driver's license test. They were all recommended by the name of the unit. For example, Han Cheng and Zhao Xianfeng were both recommended by the army. Even the tractor driver of the brigade was recommended by the brigade. Su Xiaoxiao is. I had a temporary intention. I didn’t go to the Propaganda Department to open a recommendation letter before I came back, and I didn’t know whether the recommendation letter from the brigade would work, so I had to ask first.

Han Cheng thought about it and denied her idea: "I will ask early tomorrow morning, and then I will go to the train station. Can you ask me to call the commune on time at eleven o'clock, you can just wait for my call when the time comes, there is no need run this way."

Su Xiaoxiao hugged Han Cheng and rubbed: "But I want you to go to the train station. We haven't been separated for so long."

Han Cheng put his arms around her shoulder and kissed her head: "Be obedient, I'll be back soon, I don't worry about you coming back from the city by car."

Su Xiaoxiao raised her head and looked at him: "But when I get my driver's license, I still have to go to the city alone? Are you planning to tell me no matter what the result is?"

Han Cheng's little plan was seen through by her, and he was not annoyed. He lowered his head and kissed her on the lips: "Can you take the test when you go back? You can take the test when you are in the army. I promise you to arrange a few days of rest at that time, and I will let you take the driver's license. Get it, okay?"

Su Xiaoxiao glared at him with apricot eyes, and reached out to beat Han Cheng: "Why didn't you say it earlier."

Han Cheng took her hand and put it in his own, rubbing it lightly, and sighed: "When did I go against your will? I can only say good to you."

Su Xiaoxiao bit her lip, as if it were true, Han Cheng had never said a half "no" to her.

Su Xiaoxiao's heart softened, and hugged him and rubbed: "Then I will listen to you, go back and test again."

Han Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed her head, and kissed her on the forehead: "Be good."