MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 194

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A week later, Wu Tong's family moved out as promised. Before leaving, he apologized and thanked Su Xiaoxiao's family again and again. Wu Tong had been reading the review materials Su Xiaoxiao gave him this week. Now he simply admires Su Xiaoxiao's family. All five bodies were thrown into the ground, and she repeatedly promised to work hard to get into the university, otherwise she would be sorry for her information, and she would definitely return it on time when the college entrance examination was over.

Su Xiaoxiao told him not to stress too much, relax his mind, and do his best.

The decoration of the yard is still the same as Su Xiaoxiao's house. Even the murals in the yard are painted the same. Xiaodoubao also painted a self-portrait of a dragon and a phoenix on the kang of the pillar, except for his sister's long hair. A little bit, a bigger smile, and the rest is like re-copying and pasting an identical yard.

Life in the capital is still dull day after day, but it is also busy day after day, and the two families have not been together for a long time.

On this day, the owner of "Three Meals and Four Seasons" Youxi closed for one day, and everyone went to Zhuzi's house to warm up the house.

When Su Xiaoxiao's family arrived, the old man called Su Xiaoxiao and Han Cheng into the room with a strange look.

"You may have to be mentally prepared," the old man said.

Su Xiaoxiao and Han Cheng looked at each other, what psychological preparation?

The old man didn't beat around the bush, and said directly: "Recently, a **** in her forties and fifties is always in and out of your old house. I suspect that your uncle may be planning to remarry."

Su Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, neither she nor Han Cheng had thought about this issue.

The old man said again: "I asked him to come over together, and when it arrives, why don't you ask about the situation?"

The old man sighed: "When you're old, you're always alone, and it's okay to find a company. If you don't think it's easy to talk to your elders, I can talk about it. It's best to investigate the background of lesbians. Let's see if she is really looking for a partner to live with, or if she has other goals, if nothing else, your courtyard house is enough to catch the eye, and there are many coveted people these years."

Su Xiaoxiao thought to herself, if others knew that there was still gold buried under the pond, there would be more coveted people.

But the old man didn't have a chance to ask, because Han Songbai brought people over directly.

The so-called three-day admiration, compared with the state when Han Songbai first returned to China, can be described as a spring breeze and horseshoe disease. In just a few months, the whole person looks like a few years younger.

"Xiaoxiao Hancheng, let me introduce to you. This is your uncle Jiang Qiulan and Qiulan. This is my nephew Hancheng and my nephew Su Xiaoxiao. They are all top students of Capital University and have a bright future."

Su Xiaoxiao blinked, auntie? Is this already proven?

Han Cheng said blankly, "I'm not yet."

Han Songbai touched his nose: "Isn't it about to start the postgraduate exam, the uncle has confidence in you, it will be soon."

Han Songbai shifted the topic to the cubs, introduced them one by one, and kept bragging about them. I am proud to introduce myself to my grandson.

Jiang Qiulan lives up to her name, and her temperament is as light as orchid. No matter what Han Songbai says, she always listens with a low eyebrow and a gentle face. Sometimes she nods her head, sometimes she responds with a sentence or two. Su Xiaoxiao even understands why Han Songbai Marry her, seek a virtuous wife, and at the age of Han Songbai, it is normal for people to meet such a docile and good-looking lesbian.

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Why didn't the uncle ask us to have a drink or two to congratulate us on such a big event? When did it happen? Why haven't I heard you talk about it?"

Han Songbai's face was full of spring, and he lightly patted the back of Jiang Qiulan's hand: "Qiulan is the distant cousin of Uncle Jiang's family in Hancheng. A few days ago, his Uncle Jiang invited me to play chess, and Qiulan was there. After chatting a few words, he found us It was too late to meet her, and it happened that she was alone, so she wanted to form a partner to support each other, and under the testimony of his Uncle Jiang, we had to argue, we are not going to make extravagance even when we are old, we just wanted to find a day to call Come and have a light meal with his Uncle Jiang's family, it's a bright road."

Su Xiaoxiao didn't expect Uncle Han to engage in flash marriage even at his age, but who is Uncle Han Chengjiang?

Su smiled and glanced at Han Cheng.

Han Cheng said: "Jiang Xue and her father Jiang Huai, our two families are technically family friends, but later they lived in different places and didn't have much contact."

Su Xiaoxiao understood, and suddenly remembered that Jiang Xue had been chasing Han Cheng to Qingfeng Town, and had to wait for several years.

The Nuan Zhai Rice was prepared by two chefs, Bai Lan and Uncle Lao Yang, and Zhao Xinmei also came to help, basically according to the specifications of Su Xiaoxiao's last housewarming. The reunion was round and round, especially for the occasion. The adults had three rounds of wine, Yali and Su Xiaoxiao had a lot of self-talk, Xiaodoubao took two cubs and Tiantian to eat, and there were only two rice **** and pillars. The voice that talent can hear bites his ears: "Zhuzi, don't you think my auntie is weird?"

Zhuzi glanced over there calmly and shook his head: "I don't think so, what's so weird?"

Onigiri said: "Anyway, I find it strange that she is always staring at my mother."

Zhuzi said, "Auntie Su is beautiful. Isn't it normal to see her? I also like to see Aunt Su."

The rice ball said: "..."

Xiaoroubao bit off the nose of the roast suckling pig, and his mouth was full of oil: "Big brother, brother Zhuzi, what are you talking about in a whisper that Xiaoroubao can't listen to?"

The rice ball wiped his mouth in disgust: "Big brother and Zhuzi are discussing how to take a bite of your roast pork."

The little hand wrapped in meat quickly covered the pig's nose and pointed to the roast pork on the table: "I only have a little bit, there's a lot there, you can eat that."

The small meat buns have a strange taste. He loves meat, and he likes to eat all kinds of strange leftovers, especially pig ears, nose and tails.

The rice ball pinched his brother's face in disgust: "I won't eat your saliva."

Xiaoroubao was interrupted, and the rice ball did not continue on this topic. This meal was eaten with different thoughts.

The old man is naturally the happiest one to live with his grandson for a long time. Zhang Hongtu and Yali have to leave after staying for one night. The couple is very guilty of Zhuzi. He missed his growth for so many years when he was a child, and now he will continue to be absent.

Zhuzi said: "Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry about me, Aunt Su often said that we can have our own space when we grow up. You have wasted so many years in your career before, it's right to be busy now, and I will take care of myself. , and will take good care of grandpa, don't worry."

Yali hugged her son and said, "Your Aunt Su's family is here, you can go to 'Three Meals and Four Seasons' to eat when you are hungry. I'm not worried that you can't take care of yourself well, but Mom and Dad feel guilty for spending too little time with you. "

Zhuzi said: "Mom and Dad, you really don't have to feel guilty. Even if you are at home, I go to school during the day and review my homework at night, and I don't have time to accompany you."

The son of Zhuzi is really the best gift from God to him and Zhang Hongtu. They are very content and grateful.

After the old man moved in, the whole person became more refreshed. He went to "three meals and four seasons" to stay if he had something to do. He ate there three times a day, and the stove at home was not overheated. However, as long as the old man is happy, he can save up the meal expenses and buy something for him during the New Year and the festival.

When the shop is busy, the old man will help greet customers, and he will mention a few words on the side of the children's murals when he is idle. Every day, he can see his grandson and a few cute children, and young people are spending more time together. He felt himself getting younger too.

When I went to Huai Shutou to play chess with others, I was a little bit more eye-catching. I always came back humming a little song after winning, and I didn't know how pleasant my life was.

Mu Xiaocao's "Halal Restaurant" is located next to "Three Meals and Four Seasons". When the yard was rented out, Mu Xiaocao, who was squatting every day, saw it. This girl is also a tiger. Tan directly signed a three-year contract and got it.

When she took the rental contract in front of Su Xiaoxiao, Su Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say.

At that time, there were not so many Muslims in the capital, but the halal beef noodle restaurant also received ordinary customers, but the beef noodles in the store were halal, so it did not violate the taboos of the Hui nationality. , it is definitely not possible to buy beef noodles alone. Su Xiaoxiao suggested selling beef noodles in winter. In summer, you can add some mung bean soup, and sugar water such as Tremella, lotus seed and lily.

Both of them are action-oriented people who want to do what they say. A few cubs are used to free labor, and they are familiar with their work. The design of "Halal Restaurant" is similar to "Three Meals and Four Seasons", and they are all lifelike. With all kinds of creativity and inspiration, Cub's painting skills are getting better and better, and he seems to have improved a lot in just a few months.

On this day, "Three Meals and Four Seasons" came to a few strange customers. They came every day to check out the leaks. The decor and the murals on the walls are of great interest.

A gentle **** man wearing glasses asked Uncle Yang while he was serving food, "May I ask who designed your shop?"

Uncle Yang didn't need to look at him a lot, and replied, "The children of the master can draw whatever they want."

The **** man wearing glasses said in surprise, "It was really drawn by children? How old are the children?"

Uncle Yang didn't say anything, just stared at him so quietly.

The **** man with glasses also knew that it was abrupt, and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, it's like this, we heard that the decoration of your store is very special. We are compatriots who have returned from overseas Chinese, and the state supports us to invest in opening a shopping mall. , is the kind of large shopping mall with several floors high, department store, shopping and dining, can we meet your owner or the children who painted these murals?"

Uncle Yang now relies on lip language to communicate, as if he has never heard the words before, and doesn't quite understand what he means.

At this time, the children who were waiting to be fed came back from school, and the already hungry little meat buns rushed in like a small steel gun, touching their belly: "Old Uncle Yang, I'm hungry, I want to eat three meals today. !"

The old guests are already familiar with the appetite of Xiaoroubao, especially Zhou Qilin, who patronizes every day. He is very familiar with the cubs. He teased him and said, "Didn't Xiaoroubao only eat a little today?"

Xiaoroubao shook his head: "I won't eat a little today, I will eat a lot today!"

Zhuzi came in panting and carrying his sister on his back: "Xiaoroubao, go slower next time, we almost can't catch up with you."

Xiaoroubao definitely has the potential to be a sprinter. Since exercising with them, he can run so fast that he can run without a trace.

Onigiri was holding his collar from behind: "Next time you run so fast, big brother will spank your ass!"

Xiaoroubao was strangled, he pulled his collar with both hands and wrinkled his little nose, and said, "Big brother, let me go, I'm really hungry today."

The rice ball loosened him and ruffled his hair: "It's not an example."

Xiaodoubao is the most gentle, he led Tiantian, and helped Xiaoroubao to carry the schoolbag and naturally walked at the end, when he came back, he put the schoolbag into Xiaoroubao's arms: "If you run around again, little brother will not help you endorse the book next time. Packed."

Xiaoroubao listened to his little brother the most, and held his hand to be cute: "little brother, you are a good man, you will forgive me, right? I will hold my little brother's hand like Tiantian next time and don't run around."

Xiaodoubao stretched out his hand to help him straighten out the messed up hair of the rice ball, and said angrily, "You will forget it when you wake up later."

Xiaoroubao jumped up and down: "Don't forget, don't forget."

Uncle Yang brought over the food prepared in the morning, the cubs washed their hands one by one and came back, and ate around the table in an orderly manner, even the little meat buns that had been shattered just now did not gobble up, he ate very deliciously, But very disciplined.

Gay men with glasses don't need to ask, the table is reserved, and the other tables are full of people, except for this one in the corner where everyone has a tacit understanding and no one sits. If the murals on the wall are from the hands of children, take a look It is one or more of these children.

"Little classmate, did you draw those murals on the wall?"

When Xiaoroubao eats seriously, it usually automatically blocks the sound of the outside world. The rice ball pillar and Xiaodoubao look at each other in pairs, and follow the source of the sound.

"Uncle, why are you asking this?" Onigiri asked.

Comrade Spectacles straightened his glasses, got up with a smile and walked towards them.